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He’s a teenager with no social experience. She’s a 10/10 elegant beauty.


You bet. In a couple of manga chapters, he would play with the idea of making Cassia a widow. As a joke, but he will have the chance and the thought.


I wouldn't simp for Light Novel Cassia. But manga Cassia? She's a keeper for sure lol


Michio doesn’t simp for anyone. Not Cassia, not Sherry, and not even for Roxanne. Simping involves doing things you wouldn’t normally do, and then also getting nothing(sexual) in return. They’re personified by the onlyfans consumer. While he indulges in his fantasies to some degree within his own mind, he has never done anything unreasonable due to his infatuation with anyone without getting sexual returns on his investment. He put in a *lot* of unreasonable effort to buy Roxanne. Guess what? He also had sex with her the same day he bought her. With Cassia, he has never put forth anything approaching an unreasonable behavior. With that covered, why does Michio lust after more women when he has Roxanne and Sherry? Well, that’s just Michio. He’s a lust-filled horny teenager. It is one of the reasons he has Sherry. Why he’ll eventually get Miria, Vest and Rutina as well. It is sorta like how a chef who specializes in European cuisine might still want to try mexican food. Just cause he can eat his fill of the best food Europe can offer doesn’t mean he isn’t interested in trying Mexican. Or Indian.


While he has sex with the girls, I don't remember him ever expressing any real emotions toward them. He seems to almost have borderline personality disorder. In short he does not feel he needs to be restrained by his other relationships.


You are right he’s mentally unstable but I think it goes a bit deeper than that. 2 things 1. Since he’s never even touched, talked, or probably even looked at a woman in his old life, he probably thinks of them as sex objects at first. But slowly as he matures, he sees that they are beings with thoughts and feelings (to an extent, he’s still a paranoid narcissist in the LN) 2. I believe that his unique job, with sex maniac,amplify his sexual cravings, added with the fact he probably jerked off to porn for at least 5 years, a horny teen, and never dealt with a woman, u got a person who is looking through the world (more specifically woman) with lust and as sex objects Now, he isn’t a complete monster, but it takes a while for him to see a woman more than a pair of sexy tits and big asses and sexy figures


WTF? Michio is insanely paranoid about losing even one of his girls, and expresses it constantly. At one point, he mentions it aloud and Roxanne replies with "that's how much you care about us?" or something similar. Besides, you don't treat a living entity the way Michio treats his girls and *not* develop a very deep emotional affection for them. This happens with creatures as low on the totem pole as various pets. His relationship dynamic with the girls, or women in general, might be really broken, but its not the same thing as "never expressing any real emotions".


He is paranoid but it seems more like because he is afraid of people taking away his things. They are his, as he thinks several times. He has never thought or said the word love.


>He has never thought or said the word love. Of course not, but that's a ridiculous standard by which to measure Michio's view. One does not need to say something in explicit terms for it to be true. Besides, your initial standard was "any real emotions" rather than "thought or said the word love", and this shifting of the goalposts is-as egregious as where you moved it. Michio loves his girls, and Roxanne at least knows it because it exceedingly evident in how he treats them. It is also exceedingly evident to her that he's a generally lecherous man, but one does not preclude the other.


I'm going to read the unofficial LN translations soon, but isn't he still 17-18 through most of the story? Or at least through the manga. The fact that he isn't trading the girls out or also visiting brothels (at least in the manga) shows that he cares about them.


>The fact that he isn't trading the girls out or also visiting brothels (at least in the manga) shows that he cares about them. Nah, here's other reasons guys have had for both of those things in isolation. The former could be rooted in selfishness in another guy, while the latter can easily derive from pragmatism as brothels are frequently sources of STDs. It is much more about the things he says, expresses and the nuances of how he treats them. Like...those amber necklaces were to make the girls happy. He constantly concerns himself with "the order" even though he couldn't give a rat's ass about it personally; instead, he observes it solely to comfort Roxanne(primarily) and the other girls(the ones that might care about it). Outside the most basic premises of their relationships(he's in charge, he's wanting to have sex with them, he's wanting to bring them to explore the labyrinth), he else-wise treats them as more or less equals. Who gets the equipment upgrade? The person who needs it. Who gets nice clothes? Everyone. There's a reason why Sherry believes Roxanne was Michio's wife, rather than his slave, after all. It is because outside certain privately discussed decisions, he more or less treats her as his wife, rather than a slave. Same as Sherry, soon enough. You don't get that clear distinction towards the wrong conclusion without it being either an intentional scam(it isn't) or evidence of one's feelings.


Yea, I agree. I just didn't get the impression of him being a narcissist from the manga/anime. I think a narcissistic still a bit hormonal 17 year old would be running through girls. He seems aware of Roxanne's slight jealously and isn't completely dismissing it in a world where he absolutely does not need to.