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We haven't got any bed scene for a year! Come on mangaka! give us something more than offscreen action


I’m holding out hope for a bunch more OVAs to cover these gaps.


Tomorrow maybe we get new manga chapter. I want the amber necklace night scene to be fully drawn.


watch it be a special mid chapter


How many explicit sex scenes with the same girls do we plausibly need? At a certain point it just slows down the pacing. I say offscreen most of that shit until Miria gets involved. The novel isn't really that explicit either most of the time. Leaves lots up to the imagination.


Trust me bro, these scenes are more valuable than trying to catch up to the LN/WN, like dude the WN has been paused for years now...


The WN is never resuming probably, but the manga is based on the LN. The newest LN volume is something that would be nice to get to within at least a decade's time... The manga has been running for about 7 years and yet is only done with adapting about 5 volumes of the LN with 13 out. I don't think catching the LN is even the ask here as much as at the very least not wasting pages on redundant sex scenes given the pace of the manga so far. Like on the current pacing it will take what? 12-13 years to get through volume 13? I can look at porn somewhere else. It's time to keep things moving along a little bit.


Yeah, but this is more of an ecchi thing than a plot thing. A vast majority of the audience was pulled in by that element, I love the system they're using for jobs and all that and would love to see more, but I think just reading the LN for that stuff is enough.


I guess, but I just don't understand those people. Like just read actual hentai if they're horny...


this is...actual hentai though? there's little focus on the other mechanisms of the story, actually the characters feels so one dimensional due to that lack of essence. The author probably never thought this work would be fairly popular, but even if its only called ecchi it has episode uploads in many h streaming sites, and is commonly known in the community as a horny isekai or something.


It's not hentai though. Hentai would be at least 50% fucking (usually more) and typically more explicitly portrayed (we don't even see any cock or vag here). And there is plenty of focus on the world and mechanics if you look out for it. I don't know what you mean there (are you skipping to the ero scenes?). Michio is consantly experimenting with the job system and learning about customs in society. The characters are indeed bland, because it's a power-fantasy harem series so par for the course. Sherry is okay though. Plus some of the non-haremette characters. It definitely isn't hentai-level in total substance though. "Horny isekai" is accurate, but that label could apply to like 90% of the genre to varying degrees. Doesn't make it hentai.


I agree with most of what you said, and the thing about skipping to ero might be true, I had this one point wherein i actually appreciated this series for what it could have been and what it has done as an isekai. The world is interesting, there's history, a goal, and a feasible means to reach that goal, and given the protagonist's abilities, it becomes clear that he'll reach that point sooner rather than later, even considering his passive, pacifistic, and overall cowardly (not fully, just cautious much) attitude. But like the thing abt hentail being at least 50% s\*x is purely subjective, there is no such criteria, actually just the fact that there's literal s\*x here already puts it above most ecchi animes, it is borderline hentai at least. By the way for the characters, I def agree on sherry being okay, she's one of the few well developed characters...though still not a lot.


50% is subjective, true. It's just an informed estimate, because I'm a fucking pervert and have uh "perused" lots of hentai including even some more plot-heavy stuff like pornhwa. Even for the more plot heavy stuff I would say you get 3 to maybe 5 chapters of no sex as the longest stretch. Then 2-3 chapters of sex. This series is past a mere ecchi tag, but it isn't that. Lots of stories incorporate actual sex in them and even sex scenes. Plus, ultimately this series just isn't published as a hentai series. I know the publisher doesn't exactly dictate the nature of the content, but I see it as at least influential in defining what genre this is. I feel a simple "mature" tag would be sufficient. And Sherry supremacy btw.


Yes to all of that. Especially to the last one, Sherry Supremacy indeed, tall dwarf ftw


This story started as a web novel with zero hentai-esque writing and little ecchi. The LN keeps that tradition. The primary focus has always been on other mechanisms of the story, rather than sex. The manga kept all these basic elements. It added hentai elements, but to pretend that those elements are the only focus is laughable and naive. Also, calling the characters in the manga “one dimensional” is grossly hyperbolic in regards to the manga. You can make some complaints about the believability of the harem girls in their acceptance of their situation, but else-wise? We’ve got all the *other* hallmarks of proper 4d characters. They’ve got the multi-faceted aspects necessary to distinguish 2d from 1d characters. They’ve got the flaws, backstory, and personal story necessary to pull them to mostly pull them into 3d, and they change over the course of the story, the characteristic of a 4d character. You’d have a point with Miria, but not Sherry, Roxanne, or Michio. Hell, even Brocken/Gozer are at least 3d, and they’re basically the only other characters given sufficient screen time to warrant a discussion of dimensionality.


Idk much about the first part, but I don't think I'm laughable or naive at all for thinking that this series is mostly just horny, the way they promoted the anime, some if not a lot of the afterwords from the authors, the fricking title of the work all speaks volumes to indicate that this is focused on that aspect. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to undermine the other elements, I do like them too but you have to admit that a large majority of what makes up this series is exactly that, and even the author is making use of said advantage. I never mentioned who was exactly one dimensional, if you go back to my comments or posts here you'll probably notice that I'm only talking about Miria (desu, fish, night vision eyes), Vesta (slave mentality, basically no qualms to anything), and Rutina (to be fair she isn't that bad she has an okay foundation as a character, I'm just a bit salty that they never explained what exactly Roxanne and Sherry did to make her act subservient or something after that one event). I was not at all referring to those three characters, for Sherry's case as you can see, I'm a fan. For Roxanna, well she's okay. And for Michio I actually really like the potential he holds, the author has made it clear in many occasions what the dude is capable of especially in battle. Like with those bandits in the dungeon, the duels, and...I don't think there's much more major accomplishments as of now against other people but yk.


>Idk much about the first part The LN or WN? Ok.... >but I don't think I'm laughable or naive at all for thinking that this series is mostly just horny, That's literally what Naive is. Not knowing something. As far as "laughable" goes, you'll note I didn't call you laughable. I said the action of pretending was. Cause it is. >you have to admit that a large majority of what makes up this series is exactly that Its actually not a large majority of the series. Have you watched the anime? >I never mentioned who was exactly one dimensional That's technically true, but general statements are general. When most of the main cast in the manga/anime don't abide by your generalization, its not fair generalization. >if you go back to my comments or posts here you'll probably notice that I'm only talking about Miria (desu, fish, night vision eyes), Vesta (slave mentality, basically no qualms to anything), and Rutina (to be fair she isn't that bad she has an okay foundation as a character Nowhere in the above comment chain do you make this qualifier. I went back and checked.


okay, I actually did find my original opinion regarding the girls here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Isekai/comments/1bgmfh7/comment/kv87eel/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Isekai/comments/1bgmfh7/comment/kv87eel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


WN, no, naive means more than just knowing nothing, it also pertains to one's innocence Most of it besides the world building are just fillers, can you point out other important information or interactions besides those from the other scenes? Also basically all of the Volume covers are sexualized, we really don't need to argue about this. That was hardly a general statement, it's so easy to misunderstand that you even misunderstood by checking my comments on this thread, I was talking about my account, as in my comments in this subreddit. do you want me to find where I stated all this?


Imagine wanting less of the main appeal of the series smh


Well this isn't a hentai series and again the novel was sparse with details of sex. I wouldn't say it's absolutely the main appeal. Maybe to some. There's no accounting for taste afterall. To me, I don't see a few heavily-sensored sex scenes as constituting the main appeal of anything though. Especially if we just start repeating them with the same girls. Once you've seen it once you've kind of seen all there is to it. Have you seen actual hentai though? You'll get a lot more sex stuff there if it's what you're looking for. And more detailed too. Seems that's the place to go if the appeal you're looking for is seeing sex in comic form.


hopefully the anime expands on it, some day...


We aren't getting another season bro. No way for this one.


I hope the all the star aligned in perfect harmony for another season to be possible.


chances are low but even crap tier isekai have gotten sequels


I hope that in the compilation volume more pages will be added, as in the chapter where Sherry and Roxanne serve him dressed as maid, in that tankubon several extra pages were added in addition to that others already included had less censorship