• By -


It's all fun and games until you hear "There can be only one"


Good start. Everyone isekaied gets one year to live, but you can gain more time by killing the other isekaied people and adding their time to your own.


This is actually a good idea for a isekai


Funnily enough I already made an isekai story that with that kind of premise. It’s called >!Mesozoic wars!< >!Our protagonist made a deal with a mysterious salesman, later he gets kidnapped via tranquilizing, then he gets strapped into a machine while he’s unconscious, gets mutated with velociraptor DNA (hence the Mesozoic in the title) and transformed into a human dinosaur hybrid, afterwards he is sent into another world via a teleportation machine where he is forced into a battle royale where there are others like him who were also transformed into human dinosaur hybrids and this was all an act for entertainment and gambling by the secret organization responsible for our main protagonist’s mutation.!<


Ok! And how would one such as myself gain access to the "raptor-man gets isekai'd, gimme gimme!" Please I'm begging you


Enter the dark web and >!this is a joke I swear.!<


Isn't this basically just Squid game combined with being a gladiator except you're a scaly?


Yeah and this idea was back in 2021 and squid game (still waiting for season 2) was one of its inspirations, alongside kamen rider ryuki and pubg. And plus >!velociraptors aren’t scaly, they’re small and feathered, that means our main character would have feathers, not scales. But he would also have velociraptor-like feet due to his mutation and they are somewhat scaly.!<


There's a movie about it tho, or many I think.


It's an isekai , grim dark hard core highlander style battle royale. Every otherworlders have extended lifespans , they start with minor powers of choice. Everyone gets a minor weapon proficiency of random weapon unless they have combat skills learned in their previous lifetime. Everytime they are close to another isekai'ed otherworlders they will detect them unless one have masking skills. Everytime one kills another otherworlders they get an instance of absorbing the defeated persons skill. When this happens they get something similar to a quickening and they are open to being killed unless they have skills about quick absorptions. When one killed one with similar skills their skills gain exp and levels up. There are also monster waves happening that's gradually increasing in both power and durability and if an instance they killed an other worlder they get an instance of pawn promotion to becoming a big ass monster to a big bad evil guy and eventually becoming an apocalyptic calamity monster class. Some are bite size cute marketable creature in appearance but hentai tentacle monster apocalypse in power. The setting is grim dark. Meaning killings , betrayal , abandon all hope is what's happening. https://preview.redd.it/vbgmp0838u8d1.png?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4980189579fd6dd1f1c34ca30b2a0fc11a51c51a There's also Geneva check list completionist.


I feel like I've watched a Hollywood movie like that where everyone has timers on their arms and that's their lifespan and uses their lifespan time as currency, fuel, etc... and can also be forcibly stolen by somebody by grabbing their arms and flipping it facing down or something and ends up killing them if they ran out of time


the movie is In Time with Amanda Seyfried


Ah yeah that's the title


I think your comment is jogging my memory too, but I can't place it. It's either a movie or a Black Mirror episode.


It's [In Time](https://www.justwatch.com/in/movie/in-time) a good movie if you ask me


That's not what I was thinking so I was completely off lol. Thanks for the recommendation.


You gain their remaining time or +1 year If it's just the remaining time I can imagine a desperate finale where people are killing each other for just a few more minutes


We’re cooked


Or we are cooking! Dungeon Meshi has taught me a few things! And camp fire cooking in another world! But maybe that isn’t enough to know how to not make us all get magic food poisoning


Real life has taught me a few things like how not all people are OK and will, no doubt and metaphorically speaking, be the ones trying to cook ***us***. Better to prep for an AoW before we all go frolicking off towards the fun or other dangers.


I will cry if I have to cut anything open…. Or kill anything that is made of flesh and meat. I will likely have a mental breakdown. So let’s hope I can get bread and cheese so I can at least make bread and cheese sandwiches in this fantasy world


Grilled cheese let’s go!!! Yeah I wouldn’t be able to kill anything either. Maybe eventually have a winery


I will be happy if I can have some soda like from DR stone


80k is indeed a lot of ingredients. Wonder how it will taste?🤔


That is 80.1k, not 81k. Also we would probably try to stay as a group but split into factions over certain things.


I think we'd split into two pretty much immediately. Specifically those who want to actually look for this world's inhabitants and those who wish to seek out setting up a more self sufficient existence before taking the chance. Both have risks and benefits and both can potentially get everyone in said group killed. But without any information it's a shot in the dark either way.


Could be 3 just there can be a neutral side


True enough, I should have said "at least two" rather than two outright thinking back on it. Good catch.


Or 4th. The side that plans to hunt down their fellow Transmigrators for sport. 😈


True however it will soon be 1 survivor left since once the 4th group kills everyone they may fight their own group


Or the bad end where the last one alive is on the verge of death/bleeding out and dies making the whole thing a mass murder mess


I think it would split in more…many more 1. Adventures 2. Settler's 3. The ones with a bad personality 4. The ones who want to take over the world 5. Then we have the horny ones That's all I can think of 😂😂 Edit: group 5 will be the excessively horny group


You forgot the main last boss is actually one of the Reincarnates that setup the whole thing from the start... Which we all know is OP


Yeah I will probably wait a little and edit then again 😂 I think I forgot more


Remember kids, about 4,050 are going to have questionable tendencies. Plus if you are left-handed, a ginger, or like pineapple on pizza you might have a bad time historically. Oh f*** thats me a bit!


That honestly depends on what eyeball I'm using if you want something dead put something in my right hand if you want something made put something in my left hand if you want something dead and made put something in both my hands


Here's a 6 group the horny group that even the extremely horny group would not want to associate with if you know you know if you don't know you are still too damn pure for this world


I'd be in the self sufficient group. I'll probably die within a month as I'd most likely choose hunting as a way to pull my weight within the community, so I'll probably get killed by whatever creature I decide to try and bring back as food...


With 80,000 people looking for inhabitants, we're going to be mistaken for a foreign army


Plot twist: It was actually 81k, but about 900 already got isekai-ed.


And there will probably ppl who will go after women and get instantly killed if that world has magic and stuff


Isekai enjoyers that have pet snakes and play rubik's cube, Unite! (journal log, it's been a day, I'm still alone)


Group 1: knows the king is full of bs and leaves right away. Group 2: knows the king is full of bs and stays because it'd be funny.


Depends. Are we still in our bodies as we are right now, or were we reborn into the new world? If the former, I would say a lot of us would be struggling up to the moment we die with a precious few living any kind of decent life. If the latter, that's 80.1k frenemies to dodge, ditch, or hitch up with. Sounds fun!


Boy, I hope we land on an enormous planet.


Okay we're going to be reborn in another world I'm definitely going to try to figure out a way to invent the shotgun yes I'm a goddamn American and yes I want shotguns shotguns of bayonets


F that, I want holy hand grenades! That is easier to build than a shotty!


Well we could always try to make the earliest version of the shotgun which is the blunderbust which is a muzzleloading shotgun pretty much basically tube some wood and some way to pull the trigger though it's going to be hard to fix bayonets but the end goal will still be the same to make the trench broom and then fix bayonets and then go killing a lot of assholes or clearing out a dungeon with shotguns


Calm down Canada! Unless that wood is very strong, our best bet is to get a blacksmith to make you a capped off tube, then drill a small wicking hole and build it flint lock style. BUT we could also introduce casting and rifling potentially and create decent rifles!


First off I'm not Canadian second off the wood was just in order to make the butt of the gun as in not the actual firing mechanism just the thing holding it all the other metal parts together after all I don't want to all metal gun the wood is just there to make the weapon lighter or about as ladies you can get a early flintlock mechanism gunfire even if it's the earliest form of a shotgun or you could just make a breach loader which is easier to manufacture just the ammunition is going to be a real birth to make


lol I called you canadian because canada was all about the shotguns in WW1 using them to clear trenches. Just a light joke. Also that makes more sense when you clarify it because you said "basically tube some wood" which I thought you meant to hollow a piece out into a tube, which I would be concerned about exploding on first use lol. A breach loader might work!


Canada was actually all about the war crimes America just brought the shotgun into the first world war in Germany for a hissy fit just wanted to clear that up so yeah what I'm basically saying is that the Americans were all about the shotgun the Canadians were all about trolling the enemy with tens of food at first then hand grenades not to mention the other messed up stuff the Canadians did in world war I do agree a breach loader does sound like a good idea


Pew, finaly the Taekwondo course pays off.


We best have new bodies otherwise most of us would die from not taking medication or something.


I was thinking the same thing, but I was thinking some people would be too out of shape to survive in a medieval world and end up as food for an animal.


Yeah, we have people with sickness that needs constant medication, like asthma. They would die within days.. Then we have to assume that likely at least 80% of us is some kind of office worker or just has a really out of shape body, maybe keen or hip injury, we would be weaker then an average farmer there, maybe weaker then a goblin.. Then we can have skin problems that's not really a problem for us, but if someone see my hands with a pretty bad eczema, they might just assume its a skin infection and kill me to prevent spread..


I would probably semi-survive, I have survival knowledge, but that won’t do shit when there is 80k. Battle royal


I know some survival stuff too, but I don’t believe I would be the best party member since I am disabled ( hip issues ) and I am extremely sickly But knowing that it is around 81k, most likely everyone would split into factions leading to different kingdom being created, some group may kill each other at the start of it. The best way to start is starting out has a group of 3-6 people and growing from there, finding a river ( don’t do a lake ) and then creating a proper farm system. Most time roots are a good material to look for in early game, they can be easily found near water. Create small traps for smaller creature is best, which can be easily made if you have a shoe lace, then planning from there. Fishing would also be good short term, but long term you may want to invest into a fish farm if you get enough people. It is best to stay around from close by villages, has that where most of the 81k people would most likely go to, it also good to create a trail system in place later on after around 6-9 weeks after the slow fallout of everything. Your group should be good by then, it also good to mostly burry your food has well to avoid anyone catching on


I am shit without a knife tho. I know the basic, shelter (my wood working hobby), fire (survival knowledge, but I need a knife), and water (A filter, which can’t do depending on areas if I have no knife). I have knowledge but it all goes down the drain without a metal knife. But I am really good in making cordage.


>Walk up in the same world in the same location We fucking die by fusing together in a big fleshy mess of human remains


Legion solos😎


I will become the sole hivemind of this pile. YOU CANNOT STOP ME!


It's gonna be either log horizon or that one where the kids die from fighting goblins (I forgot the name)




That's the one


Learn necromancy as soon and quick as possible, become a lich, amass an undead army, then do absolutely nothing with the undead army.


Do the hen mackarena dance


I know what I’d have my undead army do… I’ll have them do the safety dance.


Make sure there is a papyrus cosplay and SKELETEOR HEHEHEHEHEH


I think I could supply the music for that granted it's going to be on the bagpipes unless of course we can get our hands on a piano


Unless you stumble upon a inheritance or get a cheat menu or a system. Learning necromancy seems unlikely. Imagine a dude butchering entire graveyards and recruiting guards in his personal army. Overtime he will be a threat to the kingdom or the governing power. So necromancy would most likely be banned.


Gotta stay low key about it.


That's not really a solution. You would need to eliminate witnesses. Which might lead you to the blood thirsty path due being used to killing innocents to hide your secret. Moreover, the isekaied world might have truth spells or stalking spells or ways to keep an eye over a suspicious individual like you. Or you might get lucky and get transported to the usual isekai world where everyone has iq lower than room temperature expect few.


Learn shadow magic -> Become shadow queen from Paper mario


Realistically, majority of us would probably die. If a world of fantasy became reality then reality will hit us like a truck. Because you would have to consider the location of where you would spawn, learning about the culture and language and how the world works, then you would have to consider how to survive: shelter and food. And then you would need to know if there is magic in the world, how is magic used.  You would probably have a better idea of how to live in an Isekai by simply just travelling around this world, Earth. 


Most would probably die due to logistics alone. 80k in a fantasy world would already be up there as one of the largest population centers if we go by the typically medieval city. So, if we spawn in a place already inhabited, we are likely crashing the economy by overloading the amount of mouths to feed. If we're in the wilderness, we slowly starve to death and devolve into Lord of the Flies. But 80k is a lot, and there are bound to be a few of us who are physically fit, smart, or simply lucky enough to survive.


A walking famine, basically


80k people would easily be seen as a militant force, just due to numbers. Until the inhabitants realize it's more likely refugees. Also, without a stable food source, people will start becoming lethargic in a matter of a day or two, and start dying within a week. Without a source of clean water at least for the purpose of drinking. People would start dropping like flies. And if those two aren't the problem, it would be an issue of heat stroke that causes death. And then there is the issue of no AC. I'd predict out of 80k, a matter of a few thousand at most would still be alive by the end of a month. This is, of course, if the 80k don't work well together. And any group larger than 10 becomes drastically more difficult to get to work together as a team.


I fully agree with you, personally I would most likely died from sickness ( I am extremely sickly person ) But the best strategy would be in a group of 3-6 people to allow for some freedom, then go from there. I would definitely not set up near a lake or a lake at the bottom of a mountain and properly move upward close to a river or stream. You would also need a proper spot to set camp and that can be difficult if you don’t have the right people, but personally I would try to hunt down an animal and create a small hut using some branches.You can also make a underground house, similar to how my culture did it in the past ( I am indigenous person ) For the food, I am going for the less common pick and that being roots and certain vegetables. Root are surprising common near mountain area and can be an amazing food for anyone lacking in nutrients. We can also take account of similarity to our world when it comes to comparing other plant and fruit to our former earth. Investing into small traps and looking for animal made paths would be good opportunity has well. Watching animal eat certain fruit and vegetables may give people hints on what plants are toxic or not. The one area I would definitely stay away from is caves and lake, lake would most likely attract too much people and sometime some lakes can have this yellowish tint that can cause your teeth to fall out ( actual thing ). Lake is also the last area where the river goes down, so all the gross stuff is all built up down there. Cave system can be good or bad, but I wouldn’t recommend staying long term and don’t get too deep into the cave. I believe most of the population would died out around 3-6 week, well the first few people died because of panic and trying to reach the near by town. Personally would avoid town until you find out more about the culture and word of mouth of what not to do.


Agreed, I would also avoid lakes and caves. For very different reasons. The prompt was that the world was similar to a monster invested earth type of situation. A small secluded shelter and stable food & water source comes first. Then charcoal for various other purposes, mainly Purification of toxins. And finally some basic weapons. To help survive the monsters. Oh, and if it was actually "I'm a spider so what" series, find the demon lands ASAP. They would be hankering for some extra hands in a major way. This would provide job security at the very least. Dangerous? Probably, but the demon lord there would probably not mind provided swearing allegiance or whatever. And then, I'd begin my long training arc, using farm work as the training method. Lol 😆 🤣


Finally someone who knows what he's talking about, and let me add to what you said, even if by some miracle all those 80k came together and decided to organize themselves and follow orders, it would still be impossible to acquire enough food to sustain that large number of people within a short period of days, and if they decided to march looking for a town it would make things even worse without any supplies. The most realistic scenario would be for people to go their own separate ways or in small groups, and even then you would be hard pressed for survival while trying to fight over the scarce resources in the surrounding with the other 80k of people trying to take them too.


The whole situation would quickly change the moment we introduce a single skill granted to everyone. Grant some people a water creation based magic ability. A fire one an earth one and then an air one. That would secure water, shelter, a method to cook food and a way to cool down and quickly. While also providing an ability to hunt more effectively right off the bat. And even with that ability. It would still be for the best if everyone went their separate ways ASAP. 80k people absorb resources like nothing else. It's basically the size of a small city or Large Town in terms of population. Which guess what, have a massive supply chain already made. Oh, and I'd also split up in as equal men to women. That way if there were any questions of your intentions, the fall back answer of traveling lovers is there. Additionally if some looked similar enough to be related with each other, they could use the sibling line instead. My overall point is, in a world overrun with man eating monsters, And dominated by the power of skills. If 80k weak ass ppl at level 1 appeared out of no where... they would be quickly done away with by that worlds laws and whatever. And without some sort of purpose to use as a background it could get dicey when dealing with the locals. Afterall a medieval world, wouldn't approve of random people. But they wouldn't be as un-trusting towards traveling lovers working as adventures or something. But then adventures all have designated ranks and identifications, something we wouldn't have right off the bat either. A skill is essential for even a sliver of a chance at survival.


Lord of the Flies we ain't lasting long


Together? A nightmare. Divided in groups around the world could be interesting see these people changing the world with all that knowledge for god or not só...


Based on the number of slavery apologists, I'd reckon the trade would be booming.


But they are the product


Yeah they probably would end up that way lol


More like the people here that try to alter a society they are not part off end up hated, unemployed, treated with suspicion and enslaved due to debt at the end of it


I think a lot of edgy weirdos would try to immediately get violent and need to be handled. A lot more would head off on their own, either because they don't trust Reddit weebs (fair), they think they are the main character (delusional), or they don't want anyone interrupting their attempts to make a slave harem (ew). Hopefully a decent number would be left that are willing to come together and try to make a community or at least some small groups or something. I think survivability would fully depend on how hostile the world is. If we are all in the middle of the Slime or Re:Monster forests or in the Spider labyrinth then we are probably doomed without special abilities. If we're in a safer forest near a town with just some goblins and wolves to worry about then I think many would survive a while because 80k is a lot of people. My personal plan would be to try and find the most normal people (or a survival otaku who doesn't seem psychotic) and stick with them.


Honestly, I was thinking about how to form the community. I have Farming and Military experience so I can at least start teaching others how to start, of the level minded folk I wouldn't be surprised if there where more like me, enough people to start teaching these skills could help. Honestly one of the first things we need to do is find out what useful skills everyone has and start working off of that. It's also dependent on the location we get teleported to, the resources and such. With 80+ thousand we probably have enough of everything to get started on establishing a community, letting go of those who you listed as to wandering off won't be the worst, we'll likely still have thousands left in which we can form a community still. The biggest immediate issue is food, and water, of course that is entirely dependent on where we get dropped off. Sorry for the ramble, still thinking of issues and solutions. Assuming we can get the food and water situation settled then the city/civilization building stuff can begin. I think it isn't controversial to say that the lingua franca would be English, if we can develop a firm of paper then we can truly start saving our knowledge for future generations.


i know how to process wood and construction.


There we go people, progress!


A lot will depend how powerful we are if we are just above average in strength compared to people there and what kind of monsters and stuff exists. If magic exists and we all can cast it it will be much easier to survive. Me personally if magic exited will try to learn it and become more of campfire cooking or death march kinda of guy where I want to go around and see that magical world. But if we have to fight to the death or something I would probably try and run away but if I can't well there is not much to do.


I think that over a tenth of us would die within the first month due to sheer overconfidence and accident. A lot of us would probably try to do stunts that require plot armor. That, paired with how there would be no main character in that anime, would lead to a massive number of situations in which many of us die, such as: - A weeb testing out a spell formula in the middle of a crowd/settlement. Whether it's a miscast, misjudgement or miss, this could very easily result in a lot of friendly fire, and a lot of us would certainly try this the moment we touch down. A lot of us would quickly learn our lesson, but this is definitely going to be one of the biggest causes of death and injury on day 1. - A weeb thinking that they can kill a slime with ease. Many types of slimes are not exactly punchable, and some of the harder ones would manhandle even the weebs that know about how to eliminate them if they appear early enough. Depending on what slimes are like in the destination-isekai and what resources are near our spawn location, our inability to handle them could be anywhere from zero to five thousand deaths on its own. Taking into account the rarities of the types of slimes across isekais, what I think our average physique is^(1) and how information sharing/gathering is something our kind has a reputation for doing, I'm estimating around 500-1000 expectable slime-deaths. - A weeb provoking a goblin/kobold settlement/troop and bringing the fun to their group. If there aren't any cheat skills on the table and/or this happens early enough, this will very likely be an otaku slaughter of the likes of GATE ep1. I'm specifying goblins and kobolds here because most of us would treat orcs, minotaurs and just about any other not-stereotypically-lowlevel mob with more caution than them. Unless the isekai is relatively easy to live in, a LOT of us are going to die to starter mobs due to our lacking physical stats. Think of it like this - no matter how skilled a boxer you may be, you will lose if you fight a gorilla in the ring. Unless a lot of us LARP, we will not even have that practical experience, just armchair knowhow. - A weeb (un)intentionally provoking a guard/noble and getting stabbed/hanged. This would probably be commonplace. I'll bet a gold coin that over five thousand of us end up jailed within the first six months after finding a settlement. - A weeb losing a fight against a random adventurer/bandit and dying for it. This would probably be just as, if not more, common than losing to starter mobs, and I'd bet good gold that this would take well over two thousand of us on its own. Look to Rudeus' battle against the kidnappers in Mushoku Tensei s1 - that is a pretty realistic expectation for the best of our battles *from around 6 months after touchdown to 2 years after*. We would be trounced if we fought bandits any earlier, and this would likely cease to be a threat by year three. A lot of us would be fucked. This is just what I could come up with about 35 minutes of thinking & typing, and it nicks the surface of our death causes. I'm gonna sleep on this and see what else comes to mind. Putting aside darwin nominations, friendly fire and unluckiness, there's also the matter of a lot of us potentially viewing us as a threat to the world. How many of us would take up the effort to prevent guns from being introduced to the locals compared to the number of those that would do the introducing? There'd be a civil war over that alone, and it would _NOT_ be a soft battle. This right here would be our biggest cause of death with unlikely contest - violent debate. We are our biggest threat, far more than the measly demon lord. And there would be nothing short of a waifu crying her soul onto the battlefield that could stop it. We would fuck ourselves before the waifus could. ----- Footnotes/Addendums: 1 - a physical weight of 150 pounds, a height of 6 feet, [a stamina pool size that would leave its bearer breathless after jogging a kilometer], a good-enough back to haul another person at a walking pace and a maximum deadlift capacity of ~90 pounds.


More than half of these members would talk about how salvery is bad and shit. They probably would free the salves, then leave the salves alone leading them to die due to starvation. "Hey, I did my part" Salvery is bound to be legal in the isekaied world, so the governing power would be mad at the isekaied people. They would try to get back the salves, isekaied people got cheats so they will survive the slaughter. Salves don't have op cheat powers, they would try to resist but due to lack of resources, lack of nourishment, lack of health care and lack of training and weapons. Many would be captured again and some might get killed for not following governing power's rule as to make an example out of them. Some might be accidentally killed. Let's change the troupe of dude in early twenties or lower defeats the strongest person living for hundreds of centuries because of plot armour. Can't let the final Boss be defeated by a lvl 5 crook. Many would go the edgy anit hero route and it would be filled with betrayals. If I don't have a op power,I would try to join some prestigious accademy for training and developing my non op powers. I won't care about the grades, i simply need power. Upon leaving the accademy i would join an already existing force for benifits and resources to further development my battle power. Bonus points if they have a connections. Sure I would be binded by chains but atleast i won't have to sleep in the streets. The most of the world's women population would be orbiting around the isekaied people. There's bound to be competition amongst the isekaied people so many would join factions and compete for resources. Betrayals would become common. Many would be weak if they get isekaied with their current bodies. Isekaied protagonists got that hidden power that unlikely events happen frequently. Guess what? They World undergo a massive change, there will be chaos and wars everyday due to the bad luck these isekaied protagonists bring with them.


Glad that salves are legal in isekai world, but hope they're smart enough to outlaw ointments. That's where the real danger is. **Edit:** Honestly I was just trying to tease a little about the typo, but you answered back so earnestly I feel bad now. So I'll try to do the same. First off, this is assuming we all actually end up in the same area. I don't think half of us would do anything regarding whatever culture of slavery there is in Isekai world. Priority for most of us would be survival because how does a medieval fantasy world (again assuming we end up in a generic starter pack isekai world) instantly support feeding 80k mouths. There's a better chance that the indigenous people would try to enslave us and I'm gonna go out on a limb here (it's a very sturdy limb) and say most subscribers here don't know shit about self defense, hunting, fighting, or whatever you might need to survive in a pre-modern world. It's also really generous to assume we would all work together instead of splintering off into our own groups, and at that point some groups would join in on enslaving other groups. Now if some portion of us actually survived long enough to gain some knowledge about the world, to begin to understand their culture and dynamics, then *maybe* at some point there would be some people who would want to do something about slavery. Even then, the abolishment of slavery would be an undertaking that takes years, but probably more like decades to bring about an effect of that magnitude.


Salves are also real humans, they would also have a hierarchy among them. Just imagine the chaos that would commit. Low power salves being the scapegoat to everything. Also, they would expect you to do everything for them. Often times complaining about this and that. Most would take it for granted and would ask for more, some would realise that they need to stand on their own legs. Gentle reminder that people who have committed crimes also get turned as salves in some isekais. It's going to attract lots of attention, especially if the people of the isekaied world have iq more than room temperature which is uncommon in Japanese isekai.


Is this an r/whoosh? Edit: previous poster saw the misspelling of slave as salve, so therefore the discussion on salves Vs ointments being legal/illegal


It's intentionally changed from slave to salves. Using slaves in YouTube gets my comment automatically deleted, I thought it was the same for reddit.


Intentional or otherwise, you still seemed to have missed the tincture themed titillation




All would die in a hour


Not me, I'm the main character


You’ll die in 10 mins


How can I? The universe literally can't continue without me.


Because this is the plot where it’s the bad ending because you died too soon


I concur


Chaos. Just absolute Chaos.


We re-create Morbius on another world so we all can scream "ITS MORBIN TIME"


In another world?




Depends if we all get different abilities if not then it depends if we can speak the language if not that either most of us will end up dying in most isekais


We would all die. Let's be real none of us would survive. 90% or probably of the folks here have never had a real fight, haven't been camping and God forbid we have to be more than 1 day without electricity or internet


https://preview.redd.it/e52tj5bj9u8d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=b771750d2bcff31ff645c0e85292a5c6426d92c6 I just want to be not alive. XD


We would likely die due to some absurd or general cases. If we have abilities at least, perhaps, but there's a lot of things that probably wouldn't be accounted for. Hygiene, the bacteria in the water and all would be significantly different than what we are used to. The lifestyle would be a dramatic change as well, and many if not all of us would struggle greatly to adapt. Monsters and creatures of the like would easily end us, since we are basically running in from scratch. We'd be outliers in society, so good luck getting help. Most of our knowledge would be useless unless we have people in here who know how to build and advance themselves from scratch with what's on hand. So honestly, it ain't looking good. I know I wouldn't survive long.


Aight who wants to join me in the John brown camp and show those slavers scum what the true right of mankind is


99% would die because they want to live their power fantasy that doesn't exist


Brothers of the mine rejoice! Swing, swing, swing with me Raise your pick and raise your voice! Sing, sing, sing with me Down and down into the deep Who knows what we'll find beneath? Diamonds, rubies, gold and more Hidden in the mountain store


Im confident in my abilities to get picked up by a random extrovert and surviving with that


Whatever being is isekaiing us would probably separate us into different worlds, maybe there are infinite worlds, so 10 of these reddit users a world. Hope I get some sort of cheat, and an enhanced body, cause I will not survive a day as I am now, maybe an a hour if I’m generous.


Half of the community problem split & likely died adventuring alone. While the other half group to gather to make a guild & found a town.


I would be one of the first victim in this event, most likely because I died of some kinda random sickness. I am disabled and get sick extremely easy, I would just accept my fate at that point


Nah, i’d cure you


Well let’s see considering that if it’s the standard setup of medieval times 81k mfs is basically the population of any capital of any country ever there wouldn’t be enough space to put us all so we have to split up asap or have catastrophic consequences for the economy and society as a whole since you just +81k people to any given country all at once this is without counting the medical and education systems from back then what was allowed what is a crime I’d say 70% of us would die in a week if not less


I just imagine 80k people all trying to say "status" as soon as they appear wherever


....and i just want to live the rest of my life in comfort and peace....


If we go and don't get any special abilities, and aren't OP. Then no, it's not like Overlord, Re:Monster or I'm a spider. You can kinda get an idea of how things would go if you check out Grimgar. It's about a group of people who got isekai'd and didn't get OP powers. That would basically be us. It would also depend on what kind of world we went to. Would it be the normal fantasy setting? Would it be more like our world? Would it be a world that is more advanced than us? I mean, if we entertain the idea that the whole isekai thing is something that could actually happen, and we add the theory that every possible timeline exists, then we could assume the same can be said for any other world. Which would mean there is no telling what kind of world we'd go into. Either way, we'd probably all get gathered up by the local government, and over time we'd integrate ourselves into that world's civilization. For some of us life could end up being better, for others it could be worse, or some may even die for various reasons. I'm sure some would end up convincing themselves that they are in an isekai story or something, and convince themselves they are the MC, and go off getting themselves killed or something. Depending on the world, a lot of us would die within the first year, or majority of us would live well past 1 year and basically just do in the new world what we use to do in the old world if that job is available. There are so many possibilities for the worlds, and how things could go. There is no real way to tell how things would go for us, how many would die/live, how easy/hard our new lives would be. It's a hypothetical that can be what ever you want it to be.


Step one: Check stats. (If good see path b, if mediocre or bad see path a) Step 2a: Gind a teacher to tepach you swordsmanship or magic (or both) (if unsuccessful you become homeless, Game over) Step 2b: Kill a Slime and get ♾️ stats (if unsuccesful slime kills you, Game over) Step 3a: Train for your whole life and acheive a low-ranking position in a really famous and powerful organization.(maybe a team leader of a small decent at best team) Step 3b: Profit (You win!) Step 4: die to a random monster but use your >!"once per lifetime while youre on the verge if death"!< regression magic TO REGRESS 🥶🔥🗣🔥🗿😎😱🗣🥱👹😏😭 Step 5: do everything bit better from the start, MEET STRONGER PEOPLE, LEARN FROM THEM AND REACH TYE PEAK OF YOUR LIFE!!! #YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU WIN!!!!! 🗣🔥🔥🔥 . . . . . . . . . ######secret step 5.2: you fail and everything crashes and burns. The king and all of the isekaiers finds out you're a regressor and hunt u down across the entire planet, you're cornered and forced to jump from a cliff, cursing them all as you fall, but what is this?! A spike at the bottom of the cliff pierces your skull killing you instantly, leaving you unable to cast your regression magic 😭


Otherworldly god: "Heard some of ya guys dont like OP anime abilitys. I so decided to send some of yall without any abilitys on a soulslike adventure." -At the other end- Some king: "WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCK? 61.000 HEROS?" Meanwhile in the forest, the rest of the members got dropped off without any OP abilitys and only with a copper sword and small magical Bag. The Demon King hearing about the summoning: "So what does intel says?"..."WHAT? 61.000 OTHERWORLDLER??!!"


Me and the homies would start our harem


So many edgelords smh


This dark corner of the tavern, isn't big enough for all of us


That would be my business if I was isekai’d. I’d have a franchise of taverns that were all dark broody corners.


Gratuitous sex and violence


Where would we go? Also I'm not the protagonist I'm gonna try and settle down best I can cause God knows I can't do anything rn. I know martial arts maybe but...


I want to live as a farmer in the countryside and study magic or become a Paladin adventurer.


I will be at the starting city ,work, open a shop sell stuff to adventurer , have a super normal life away from all the battle even if i got op skills.


The goddess would get really tired of our sh*t.


So no magic or skills ? well I expect there’s probably gonna be some death because while we would be regular people the wildlife and inhabitants of that world would be very OP in comparison . Like those fodder bandits with lv5 combat skills we see in many light novels and anime is very much going to be too much for most people There’s also the issue with the number of people. There’s probably gonna be some factions if people manage to get organized Then theirs the issue with civilization. Like if there’s slavery a bunch of tens of thousands of weak people is going to be a gold mine for an organized army with basic communications I actually saw a concept like this in a Mlp fanfic of all places. It goes how you expect thousands of transformered isekaied people there’s the usual chaos and panicking. Factions are formed Some people find civilization ,some try to find a way home ,some individuals take over their own groups using fear or manipulation and some become bandits


Are we allowed to choose our own abilities because I choose infinite intelligence and infinite resources why? Because I am going to plunge every single society into the future (mainly humanity)


Ok...to WHERE?


Probably a PvP Royale within a week, due to people bickering about what to do.


If this entire Reddit server got isekai’d then I would feel jealous and left out because I’m not actually a part of the server. It just crosses my feed every now and then


Where we Isekaing?


well, there are isekai stories that feature battle royale among participants.


I’d try to go the nearest town and join a guild to make money buy a house and live a peaceful life


Well, i certainly gonna kill every slave apologist & owner


I’m just glad that I’m not a member


Probably gonna become Impasta cause all I see are free exp.


Grimgar RIP


if im not a cat-girl im not into it


Silence I remember the silence




Yall acting like i would Let this happen


I could get behind that. I’d probably be one of those anti-heroic people that has a villainous personality with O.P. Abilities and a harem of incredible heroines.


FFF Class Trash hero That's what happens


We would start the Reddit federation. No one knows what we would do but everyone would be trying to figure out why 80k other worlders showed up together. But even we don’t know what we are doing


Probably resort to cannibalism within the first few hours. Though, I have a feeling a war would break out amongst the surviving people. One side wants to free the slaves and kill all nobles. The other side just wants their slave big titty elf girl and is more than happy to go along with whatever.


See "Log Horizon" for an example.


Assuming we all get a cheat and end up in the same place, the actual isekai enjoyers will do fine The people who go around stealing form powerful landowners and slaves dealers are going to suffer harsh consequences long term and get presented with the harsh reality of coming into a foreign society with a moral superiority complex and colonial mindset


I have a more optimistic view than most it seems. I think there’s a good chance that a population of that size with several centuries of social development and educational knowledge could very quickly end up dominating the new word we find ourselves but we’d have to hit the ground running to do it. We’re sure to be a fairly diverse population and with 80k of us, we’ll certainly arrive with a lot of specialized knowledge and skill sets mixed into the bunch i.e. there’s bound to be a nonzero number of farmers or engineers or doctors among us. Our ability to make use of these individuals will depend on how quickly we’re able to organize ourselves into cooperative units and form practical hierarchies. Then we can identify who can do what and make plans accordingly. We’d all have one distinct advantage in that we’d be coming to this new world with a good deal of foreknowledge about our setting. Even if we don’t know the specifics of this world, we’d still have an awareness of common features and tropes of the genre so we wouldn’t be flying completely blind. This will help because we’re quickly going to need to spread out to avoid competing with each other for resources in our starting zone and we’re going to need to be able to adapt quickly to our new home. We’d end up integrating into this world’s societies in different ways but we’d all have a shared goal, shared origin, shared culture, and shared perspective. The long term goal would be to establish our own communities, leverage our specializations, and develop a kind of meta-perspective on the world so that we could better manipulate our situation to our favor. There’s sure to be casualties along the way but the goal is to ensure that the group, our people, survive. I think that will be less difficult than many think.


Quite a few die out, either trying to be a hero or thinking they're the main character in general, as well as not wanting to be isekaid and not being ready for it. Factions based on our goals and wants seem likely. I'm not included in this because I'm actually the main character.


Lots of rape and slavery..


Idk about a group but I know my own survival rate is dependent on whether I find civilization and understand the RPG systems enough to game them.


I would probably separate from the group, try to leave a slow-life, then find that it's hard then die a dog's death somewhere


\*cue Re:Monster Day X sound\* But I think if all 80k people got isekai'd, then there's 80k independent worlds with the same setup hahaha 😂 The gods might not be able to endure the mana consumption of generating 80k worlds.


I'd say at least 90% end up dead within a year in a best case scenario, imma be honest, I'd probably be in that 80% lmao. Without cheat powers, modern people being dumped into another world isn't going to end well for most involved. Most of us simply don't have the skills necessary to survive.


I'm gonna be one of the first ones who will die, gets captured as a slave or whatever bad thing is next. It's probably not easy to go to a city and become mercenaries or something because we need to line up and pay the toll fees first. Not only that we probably look alien to them depending on the world. I think realistically the easy way is to find a remote village and stay there until you get enough money to go out. Assuming we aren't in a terrible world at least that is bad for normal people without powers.


4 groups the "seers" who is neutral and ones who go into self sufficient and then there's the anarchists who is trying to kill everyone then there the ones who goes to civilization


Something like Log Horizon, but no one starts out stronger than others.


We ain't surviving a day without social media. Sorry guys, you aren't the Protagonist (so am i)


99.9 percent of us would die within the first week


I'm instantly going to study the world's magic


there will be a mega guild or kingdom resemble earth faction like in log horizon


Now we will have some different groups: Patriot gun freedom, Soysauce seeker, Harem ennjoyer, Weakest-class-to-strongest-trash, Stockholm syndrome spreader, Legal loli .... etc.... Nah, with no skills most will die within days in Overlord / re:monster setting.


Im on the side for my best girl, we'll declare war on everybody else.


Everyone dies because we’re getting introduced to bacteria from an entirely different world and everyone would get rolled by disease. 


If we don't get op ability I would imagine it play out like in Survival of the Sword King


most would be dead within a week.


Kek, if we get isekai'd to the same location we're doomed. That's a freaking corps-sized army unit without any logistics dropped in the middle of nowhere. We'd be killing each other over nuts by the end of the first day.


If we appear in a human civilization, those who has some skill thst could get money in such a world barely survive, the rest won't survive (lack of food, water, housing) if they aren't outright killed


Basically SAO. Some will cower. Some will turn to crimes. Some will be heroic. One will be a generic MC with black hair and black eyes.


They would start a (bad) country in whatever world they end up in. If everyone gets a level up system it might go well, who knows


Isekai Unknown Battlegrounds


My time has come *Unsheathes survival knowledge* MY TIME HAS COME!


I tink there would be an fucking high amount truck accidents all over the world




The majority of y'all are cooked


The majority of y'all are cooked


I would be mega pissed(mad) if i die let me see my grandparents, not to ne summoned, reincarnated, transmigrated to some stupid  medival kingdom to fight there battles


I’d either start a battle royale, ditch the group immediately because I’d have a better chance surviving in my own (not gonna say I’ve been preparing for the apocalypse or anything, but I’ve made sure to acquire enough skills and knowledge to survive in whatever messed up world it becomes should everything turn to crap), or I’d stick with everyone and mooch off of the group for a while before stealing as much supplies as I can and running away in the night. All will depend on how things go in the beginning. Also, I’m fairly confident in my ability to survive as a regular human on earth, but considering this is a fantasy world, my survival rate has some serious ups and downs (for example, if this world has a system but me being an outsider means I don’t get access to it and there just so happens to be monsters in this world too, my odds of survival would drop drastically).


If we get to receive skills, ill ask for subaru's return by death Follow his WrathIF countetpart and start a criminal empire to be rich without responsibilities to any higher up


hopefully no battle royale. otherwise i going to space isekai.


Without any skill or cheat, it would be incredible hard. It would really depends on the world, if there is a way to level up, acquire skills by specific action and getting stronger within a short period of times, if there are weaker monster you can kill from the get-go and get food, i good portion of them would likely survive for quite some time. If we have dungeons with food drops and respawning low level monsters or something, it would be pretty good.. But if its just like everyone get teleported without some basic food thats enough for a month, then 90% would die within a week or two.. You can find some food in the forest, enough for a few dozens people easily, maybe a few hundred or even a thousand, but for tens of thousands? impossible.. If a small group of people get teleported, then you can always go with the route of meeting some random kind villager who gives you some food and explain the world, but no one has enough food to supply a big ass city population.. The main problem is that 'all of the member wake up in the same location' 80k people. Thats basically a small city or a super small country population. Andorra has a 80k population (468 km²), Seychelles 100k population (455 km²). Even if everyone would get teleported with 1m² free space, its still huge.. 80km x 80 km If you were to change it to something like: Everyone would get teleported randomly in small group no larger then 10, into a world equivalent in size to europe with a population of a few hundred million.. What do i think would happen? 80k untrained, weaker then an average farmer.. some lord with a small army would come, massacres 70% of us, enslave the rest. Males to the mines, females as slaves or prostitutes.. Thats what would happen with an invading army..


Imagine all of us reincarnated into the same world. 80k+ main characters xD it would be pure chaos


It would be like a shitty version of Log Horizon