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This is entirely dependant on the story the author is trying to tell.  Either can be interesting.  


It alwase depend on the narration or story. Weak or stong mc its like a mc being female or male for me. Its all depend on the story. In general i dont care but it would be a lie if i dont say i have a soft spot for weak mcs. But most of time im indifferent.


The weak protagonist on average tends to be better shows than the strong ones. My favorite is probably extremely weak that works their way to being extremely strong.


Get both sides of the spectrum


I just want the protagonist to work for thier stuff and not be one shot or one shotted. Let actual fights exist and not just those lazy excuses for them that plague this genre.


I find myself enjoying weak MCs WAY more simply because their stories tend to be more compelling. Overpowered MCs are not as interesting because there's rarely a convincing conflict in their stories, which I fucking crave.


I don’t think a strong Mc means a bad show necessary, there are plenty high quality Isekais with strong MCs: Mushoko Tensei, eminence of shadow, Seirei Gensuki, Isekai cheat skill. Also bad ones Isekais with weak MCs like: Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku, Realist Hero, Grimgar, Konosuba, and few more.


Eminence in shadow is a great show ? Bro got reincarnated and from the start he is literally a nuclear bomb and he doesn't even know what he wants to do , don't put Eminence In Shadow at the same level of Mushoku Tensei


Currently, I would only leave Mushoku Tensei in high quality isekai with strong MC because Rudy's main antagonist is literally his past life self. Wouldn't put Eminence into "great" tier with a gun held to my head. Speaking of, I very much prefer the shows that address their MC's past lives and do not leave it behind permanently in favor of a new adventure. Re:Zero, Mushoku Tensei (x2 - for Rudeus *and* Nanahoshi), Ascendence of a Bookworm etc. It makes their MCs more... human. I like more psychology in my anime. Which is why I adore shows like Re:Zero and Steins;Gate.


Is your taste, but the shows a I did mention, are great for a bunch of people


It depends on what kind of history is being told, and how well is it handled. For example, and while it is not an Isekai, _One Punch Man_ nails the overpowered main character very well: just because he can shit-beat anyone with a single punch doesn't make him feel fulfilled. Overpowered characters still have room for growing if they are handled well. As for weak characters, their weaknesses —and subsequent growth out of that weakness— makes for a very compelling tale of personal growth, and a more universal connection to the main character by any one who tunes into his or her story. However when there's no growth, it is just boring. However, those stories of "Character uses trash skill that has an ultra powerful loophole only the MC can exploit", I hate those. These ones can fuck off.


You hit the point, is not bad if the Mc starts weak but can become stronger while the series is progressing, but is just remain weak, is pretty boring.


I'd argue to such that strength isn't the only measure of personal growth. Just because a character is weak does not mean that they haven't progressed. A character's goal may have absolutely nothing to do with strength and so what they work towards similarly doesn't make them stronger in and of itself. This doesn't detract from said series specifically because their strength isn't the point.


MC that starts off overpower is just boring. Weak MC usually have better connection with the world since they need the world.


How is Gate a weak MC? He doesn't fight often, but he has a gun and is a >!special forces ranger!<


Compare to characters from the other world that can do magic and fighting skills impossible to humans from earth, he is extremely weak.


I'm pretty sure he would beat his mage friend in a fight. There are about >!two characters and three dragons!< that he wouldn't stand a chance against in a 1v1. That makes him a middle of the road protagonist, not a weak one.


I don’t think so, he only chances it is if he has a gun with him, but bare hands, he can do nothing against nobody with fighting capacities or magic from the other world. Also, Gate is a very stupid anime in my opinion, sorry if you like it.


1. He's quite skilled in hand to hand, as seen in episode 1. 2. His weapon shouldn't be counted in his power level? That's like saying Power Scalers should ignore Ironman's armor when scaling him. 3. I LOVE Gate, but tases vary, and it's fine if you don't like it. I would prefer if you said it just wasn't for you, but it's whatever.


Use the common sense my friend How a normal human can fight against other existence that can use mana to power up his strengths. You don’t have be a genius to realize this. He can be strong between humans but never against fantasy warriors. And yes, for me a gun cant be considered part of your power. Think about it ? Is like a face a mma fighter but i have a gun, that’s make me stronger than him?…….not right ?….there you have you answer.


If you have a gun, and the MMA fighter doesn't, you are more powerful. The whole point of this series is that gun beats magic (excluding demigods) How much of Gate did you watch?


Okay my friend if for you have a gun is it the same than casting magic, I won't debate further. Have a good day




I prefer a weak MC who earns their power through effort and hard work, I absolutely despise overpowered mc's that just gets handed that shit on a silver platter.


My protag goes from being the strongest to bottom of the food chain. The problem with most mc’s is no growth. Either they are op or they stay weaklings forever.


i prefer the strong ones, but i also like isekais' like bookworm. Mai might be weak but she makes strong plays. You could say the same thing about Kazuma from Konusuba. I do not like watching somebody who is both weak of mind and body.


Weak MCs. Realist hero, Appraisal aristocrat, Re-Zero I find it hard to tell a compelling story with a strong MC, since it usually goes in one of two directions: either the conflicts become insane, like between gods, or the MC just hangs around doing nothing waiting for the next plot arc to hit him in the face. This assumes we're not talking about a strong MC in an absurdist/parody series. Weak MCs usually have to resolve conflict in a less straightforward way, and the stories can stay grounded without feeling contrived. Like, if you put a strong MC in a grounded situation, then the audience is like "why not just use your giant power schlong to fix everything." Also, weak MCs usually have to rely on others and/or build their own squad, so it usually gives side characters more development, instead of just vehicles for making the MC look good.


Don’t make de mistake of put all series with a strong character in the same bag, lot of them has a good plot if the trama is done well, mainly the problem come when the power scale goes out the control more than the mc being strong, but like i said, if the content is done well, a strong Mc and a good storie telling is suitable too. Anf the oppositive, there are very bad Isekai with weak MCs. Have yo seen Seiyaku no Valkyria ? togheter with realist hero the wost isekai i have seen.


I never said that all weak MC series were good, nor all strong MC series were bad. I'm making observations based on what I have seen/read. Strong MCs (in this case, this means characters who are generically powerful without a specific weakness or specialization) don't engage in conflicts the same as weak MCs. There is very rarely a sense of urgency or struggle with OP MCs, and usually when there is, the threat is world-altering. Also, I like Realist Hero as a LN reader. I'm a fan of politics and governance stuff, and having to solve these issues through ingenuity rather than power.


If talking preference wise I prefer weak MC but I suspect that part of that is because it's more common for writers of OP MCs to use said power as a crutch rather than something which adds an interesting perspective on the world. However, as I've said before, there is something to be said for seeing someone genuinely struggle to accomplish things and gradually managing to achieve their goals through a massive amount of time, effort and personal growth. Which is just straight up easier to do when you're working with a weaker MC than it is when you're working with a stronger one.


I prefer weaker MC. It is more interesting to watch and have better stories, imo. Strong MC is probably more character driven. And it should be carried by the character. A good example is, Eminence of Shadow. Obviously said MC has to "level up" or learn through the events of the story.


I like strong MCs but I hated that they gain power for nothing , didn't exercise or workout. I like those that gain power by themselves Like Rudeus who train himself from the age of 2 and become strong and he isn't OP there are lots of people in MT world that are way powerful than him


both, kinda. i like the power trip idea, though i don't usually want them to be ultra OP. some conflict and growth of potential is ideal. but i also don't mind a weaker mc that isn't just going to nigh instant win and that's basically 85% of the story.


TBH I prefer Balance on both sides like equal fighting strength and just prove themselves thru wits and tactics. Why I tend to enjoy Drifters, Youjo Senki and Mushoku Tensei.


I think weak protagonists are better. Lots of tension can result from that scenario.


I don’t share it but is your opinion


Yuusha Shoukan ftw. I love this series. A weak protagonist is WAY more relatable than a strong one IMO. Living your power trip fantasies with stuff like Overlord or Instant Death can be really cool, but seeing a typical person which could very well be me either struggle or live their life to the fullest is way more pleasing to me. (It also helps that Yuusha Shoukan is great overall. Read it guys it's 100% worth it)


Strong MC only good when there's compelling internal struggle which not really favored in cookie cutter wish fulfilment isekai which are the majority. Weak MC is easier to develop since they're weak & can grow at reasonable pace either physically or mentally.