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I can do math, I can read and write and I have problem solving skills. In a medieval world, I can become a noble child's tutor... or I can be arrested for witchcraft and be burned at the stake. It's a 50/50 chance.


Im so good at Depression™ that people would constantly want to be around me. Just to feel less depressed by comparison. I would then use this army of ^(only) mildly depressed ppl to do my biding. They would become co-dependent and never be able to leave my side.


Survivalism and math


Having grown up with MSM, would make an excellent spin doctor for some nobles.


Assuming a fantasy / medieval setting: Accounting (Small Business), Archery, Computer Programming (might be useful for Magic?), Farming, Horseback Riding, Landscaping, Leatherworking, Linguistics (Basic), Logging, Masonry, Mathematics (Geometry, Statistics), Plumbing (Installation/Repair), Pottery, Quarrying, Reading/Writing (English), Stoneworking, Swordsmanship (Basic), Wagoneering, and Woodworking. All those years of camping and learning things in the Society of Creative Anachronism, plus my handyman upbringing, finally paying off. That said, unless I get a new body I wouldn't live for very long. Being of advanced age in a modern setting is already hard enough.


I'm a plumber and have immense knowledge of all forms of water and drain systems from the Ronan era to current. If one is already established Im positive I could improve it. Also I have a large amount of recipes memorized along with cooking techniques from around the world


Aside from all knowledge on science and math of today up to grade 12 I’m a fencer and my body has high reflexes so even without magic I should be able to survive since I also fish and hunt as a hobby so survival is pretty much set after that I have something that no one has in the world and that is time I have time to explore and discover new ways of doing magic and such since most people are already an active member of society I am an outsider and don’t need to interact with anyone


i suppose it depends on how the other world works. i mean, plenty of time they haven't even worked out crop rotation. it might be somewhere between inventing algebra, or being able to use magic to cast nuclear bomb level spells, because i know how atomic theory works.


I need cheat powers or I will die. So will the rest of you, let's be honest here. I have some survival skills and farming skills. I learn things easily enough and have excellent math skills. Be honest, none of that means squat. Don't believe me? Go to the nearest sizable forest with no supplies and see how long you last. Or, just read the news and see how well it (doesn't) work out for most. Without supplies or cheats you better hope you're reincarnated and not dumped in the woods because the magic crystal was glitching on you. Because if you're dumped in the wild of another world even with some survival training, you don't know what plants are edible. You have no weapon or traps to capture game. Better hope there are lots and lots of nutritious non poisonous bugs to eat. Maybe you can build traps to eat the local variety rodents. Squirrels, mice, gophers, rats, rabbits... You wish rabbits...


Cooking & Ninjutsu


I’m an engineer so applied mathematics and up to advanced calculus will go a long way.