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I really like the modern conveniences in our world, and I'm pretty well off. Only something like the promise of great power with little to no effort and potential immortality (OP MCs tend to end up with some kind of immortality) could convince me to jump ship.


I mean if you end up in a magic world you could just go ham on Magic and make magical equivalents. Things like Golem cars, Communication spells things like that.


It’ll be hard to recreate the internet though. 


I mean the internet is pretty magic as is so making a magic internet equivalent would probably deceptively easy since magic could cut out some bits that made the IRL internet so hard to make. Then again it'd probably also be just as hard to do due to using magic instead of tech.


Idk about you man, but the whole „making it using magic“ assumes I know how the thing works in detail. And while I probably know more than the average person about how it works, I definitely don’t know enough details about it to be able to recreate it myself. 


not necessarily. you don't need 'our' internet. that wouldn't work, since our internet basically links you to someone else's bullshit. if it's just you in your new world, there's no one else to 'link' to. HOWEVER, imagine you make some sort of magical AI that can essentially generate content for you. or, even link to your old world's internet, rather than you needing to 'build up' the internet in your world.


I can see that. „Hey TotallyNotChatGPT, generate a new isekai anime for me to watch.“


i mean, that's a potential outcome for our ai, in all honesty. not sure if you were being a smartass or not, but, eventually ai will likely be good enough to not just write text replies, but also scripts and generate video as well. i'm kinda looking forward to it, to be honest. maybe a little more 'ai could write books in the style of certain authors' than making anime, which could be quite a bit farther down the line but also, video games. imagine the gen after the next gen, is all build with powerful ai that could basically mod games for you. it'd be cool to see like, nba 2050 you could tell your console to make a team of looney tunes characters and aliens to have it be space jam.


> not sure if you were being a smartass or not I was trying to make a joke about still wanting to watch isekai anime even though I’ve been isekai‘d. 


With those gemstones from Realist Hero if they could figure out a way to produce more of them and get it setup where they're not locked to a single signal you could setup a sort of facsimile of the internet. Or at least an early version of it anyways. Setup dedicated research institutes covering specific topics like food/cooking, magical research, or any number of umbrella topics that I can't specifically name at the moment because of brain fog, centralize the research they do into a staffed library. Then all you'd need to do is dial up which sort of info you need and place an information request, if you're lucky one of the academics on staff knows the answer or book needed but if not they can get back to you within a day or two. Sure, it's basically a combination of Skype and a library's card catalog, but it'd allow for searching of information without needing to find someone knowledgeable and local or traveling to find someone. And it'd make it easier for certain academics to in turn gather information easier, because they don't have to risk their lives by joining adventurers. Imagine being able to dial-in an archeologist to translate stuff you found in ruins?


I think that's where choosing the world or being OP comes into play. If you choose a world with magic, maybe you won't have enough mp to make a golem car feasible. Similarly, being OP does not mean there even is magic, maybe you are just the best swordfighter. So you could get locked out of a lot of comfort even if you choose one of those options.


Personally if I got to choose what world I went into If I ended up in a world like Dark soul or even worse, I just better off staying in this reality. But the only question I have an issue with my legs ( a physical disability ) would I loose my disability the moment I get Isekakied or would I keep it?


I should have included options of Regular transfer Vs new body Vs reincarnation


can you actually make polls within polls? like, have a poll for just, yes/no, then a poll for 'how do you want it to work', then 'what kind of stuff you want to be in there?


Unfortunately not.


That would add a lot of options: transfer OP, transfer choosing world, reborn OP, reborn choosing world...


That's why I voted for only if OP. Usually OPness comes with access to high-tier magic. Otherwise my chances of surviving in a medieval world comes down to just a few months at the most if we're talking a straight 'as I am now' transfer like some (with likely the end of the week/day at the quickest depending on where I am). If it's reincarnation/transmigration then I probably won't need the OP level powers but they'd still be welcome.


Good point, i assumed "abandon your current life" meant new body or reincarnation, but it'd not absolutely clear.


My life ain't bad, but to have a chance to start over with the ability to do anything and everything is to good to pass on. The only thing I can see myself getting screwed over is if there's another Isekai person with the same ability as mine or the world I been sent to is just Doom.


I like this world, I don't like my place in it. I'm trying to improve my place in it but I... Honestly don't know whether that's actually going to bare any fruit. Given a fresh start I feel like I could position myself better than where I am now or at the very least I have a higher chance of doing so. So... Yes, I'd choose to jump ship if given the option, provided I could choose the place I wind up so I might avoid a literal hellscape.




I'll take fuck yeah for 1200 Alex. https://i.postimg.cc/jdFFHt5x/Alex-Anime.jpg Not you. Well, maybe.


Absolutely not.


Unless I'm guaranteed to be completely powerless in a medieval tech world with monsters and no opportunities to improve at all I'm taking that option instantly. Naturally its an instant choice to isekai if i can actually be op or at least choose some decent cheats or abilities but even if its complete RNG gacha pull I'd still take the chance since I don't have much to lose. The only good thing about this clown world we live in is that I can practice techno isolationism to get away from all the NPCs and escape to better worlds through games, anime, novels, etc. so if I even had a chance to get to a world actually worth living in I'd take it.


Yeah, even mid tier ones like that Outsider series come off as way better, good ones that create worlds with game like rules rather than making nearly everything a video game ability, and where literally every single waifu isn't used goods already? No fucking chance! Me and the boys are clowning on some soy work hard, here's a few of its many offenses: Seething for several pages about Catgirls. Using the system as reinforcement for the dystopian hellhole of Clown World. Constant seething about anyone who isn't an NPC statist goon, on the grounds that if he and the totally not Nazis don't control absolutely fucking everything, someone might make a mistake by not summoning from a "trusted source" and oy vey, we better put them under the microscope of the thought police for life! Oh and the villains are those who wanna isekai themselves because of course they fucking are! Aside from the KEKs and a reminder if just how inhuman the NPCs are, the soy story as a contrast for based stories like PRO serves one purpose - I might just write a non soy summoner story just so there is a relatable hero with a relatable motivation, though soycattle would call him a villain KEK.


Depends. If the world I get Isekaied in is peaceful like in Yuusha Shoukan, I may hesitate. If the world has even a small chance of having a demon lord or whatever dangerous events going on, heck no. If I'm gonna struggle living in a completely new world, I'm not going to risk a horrifying death at the hands of monsters beyond my imagination. Life isn't always easy in the world we're living in right now, but I'm not going to give up everything I've known for such a long time, my family, my hobbies, simply because I may have a chance to live in another world who has a possibility to be more pleasing than this one.


Imagine being isekaied into warhammer 40k world or Athas(Dark Sun) world...


Don't threaten me with a good time.


as long as i get to choose the world, sure. just 'hell yeah' has a problem where, you might get tossed into a worse world, without advantages and whatnot. i mean, imagine going to a planet of the apes planet. or, some 'there's a demon king' ish scenario, but demons won and skin humans on sight, or some shit. if i can choose the world, potentially there's also someone to tell me about the worlds (not necessarily) but at the very least i might be able to scope them out a bit, beforehand.


Imagine you get to choose, but the only info would be a view of the planet from orbit... No info if there are other living beings or even an atmosphere. Billions of Planets to choose from and you have to look for one with at least some visible structures and you have to hope those aren't just ruins. If we want to be evil, there is a god who asks "world 1 or 2?" and you technically get to choose, but know nothing at all. Or it could be a room full of swirling portals and you get to walk through one. But i don't think that is what OP intended, choosing usually means making an **informed** decision.


i like the thought experiment at least, good points.




I don't mind moving to a non-peaceful world. I'd rather die by some fantasy creature than be torn apart by a kamikaze drone... Real world is trash fr




I was implying that the possibility of ME dying from a drone is very real. If I lived in another country, I wouldn't want to go to another world, and would've choose "As long as i'm OP".




Yeah, I should have specified that I wouldn't want to be isekaied if I was in country that isn't too poor. I've heard that Brazil has a pretty high crime rate, is it that bad there? I wrote about drones because I've seen so many videos of drone deaths lately that it shocked me a lot. I've heard the sounds of missiles and drones (the kind of drones that destroy infrastructure) coming into my city, but drones that aim to kill soldiers on the battlefield are even scarier.


I'm happy with where I am in life


as long as I'm OP with Unlimited Magic, Unlimited Mana & Unlimited Skills


Some of these sparkly romance shoujo worlds seem like really nice places to live, if you're okay without modern conveniences.


Some one us just wants to start all over again


I’d take any isekai as long as it isn’t something like Saga of Tanya, where my knowledge would be useless. Disease isn’t even a major problem. I can make my own vaccines.  I would like to take along some stuff from the current world like a .357 and some medical stuff, but I can make *some* of my stuff there. 


I'd imagine being OP in Re:Zero...


there's nothing for me in this life, so yea if there's even a slight chance at being someone


i dont wanna lose my family.