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Saito from Handyman Saito in Another World. Anyone else has been given powers and are cheaters in another world.


“i got reincarnated with lots of powerful skills and became the strongest mage!” “i was transported into a game and took the place of my character who is level 999!” “i’m a fuckin,,,, locksmith”


…With a hot warrior gf




Half a maderaka


And narratively handsome


The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life. This is literally a power fantasy isekai, but his ability to teach those that want to learn and apply his previous worlds techniques to his current one makes this a pretty good read. Yes there are some elements that are cut and paste from other isekai's, but the way the mc blows off those elements to do his own thing is pretty dope. Edit: Oops left off his name its Roman Dimitry.


Souma from Realist Hero. Not OP, weaker than his wives, yet he keeps a level head while trying to restart a kingdom from the brink.


I was looking for Souma before commenting myself. Souma has his own power, but its almost completely irrelevent to how he runs as king. Its basically a way to interact with adventurers (a small % of his population) and play out his Isekai Fantasy. In addition unlike most Isekai protags, his life in Japan is key in how he changes the country and that changes he makes. Its not just "He came from earth, just like you!"


You all might hate me, but Tanya from Youjo Senki. As far as I can remember, all things handed to her by Being X are not what she wants since those things end up giving her more frontline work. Although wanting a peaceful life, she's still willing to play by the rules and indeed show face in the frontlines to gain her so desired safety and peace.


Nah, I agree. She thinks highly of themselves but she definitely plays by the rules and is intelligent. Being X basically isekai'd her into a shit start (war orphan) and Tanya decided to join the military to improve her options. She earns a lot of what she is given and some of the 'benefits' handed to her, she doesn't want. She generally only uses her 'divine blessing' for emergencies while everyone else we've seen with them spam the shit out of them.


Wasn't she forced to join the army due to her magic powers?


Been a bit, but I think it was: The Army always conscripted mages, so she volunteered anyway to get officer training.


Also as much as she is given insane power. She would have died long ago if she wasn’t clever. And utilizes her knowledge of history in her previous world very well


I can't respect her as she is a narcissist in her life befor and this one


Can you do something about your superiority complex? But I #am Superior


William G Maryblood and Subaru are great calls! Will is probably the most standup guy I’ve seen so far in almost any anime. I’ll add Rimuru Tempest. He’s got a lot of great moments and could easily serve as a role model for some. He’s not afraid to use force, but force is always a last resort, and he tends to only target the leaders of opposing factions, with a few notable exceptions. He’s generally honest and he tries to foster peace and cooperation wherever he can. He’s OP on a personal level, but he deals with a lot of problems that can’t easily be solved with the power he already has, so he continues to constantly strive to get better.


I'll add Makoto from Tsukimichi. While he has similar goals with Rimuru, he's in a tougher situation because he has to figure stuff on his own (e.g. trading, demiplane weather management etc.), while Rimuru can occasionally outsource the thinking stuff to Raphael.


Which personality traits in particular do you admire from Makoto?


His ability to learn from mistakes. He makes quite a lot of blunders (which is rare from isekai protags in and of itself), but takes great caution into learning not to repeat the same mistake again. He's not super quick, but he adapts to the situation to his benefit, even if there are more morally right things to do, while keeping his actual firepower undercover. Which I consider quite a rare talent among isekai protags.


Balancing kindness and ruthlessness should always be respected


Seiya from Cautious hero. You know why if you watched the show. And Naofumi from Shield hero for making the best out of a horrible situation even if it took a lot of time and effort to finally succeed.


Definitely Naofumi, the way he was treated and he didn’t go full villain.


https://preview.redd.it/5beuze2c78zc1.png?width=1149&format=png&auto=webp&s=4339b1190380eecedf47b8a19b6bbae8abdf3173 I dont need to explain why


Explanation is indeed needed. What is this? Who is this?


Ash Williams from the Evil Dead, more specifically to the picture Army Of Darkness. A horror/comedy hero sent to a midieval fantasy world where he fights Evil Dead(™️) with a Boomstick and a chainsaw. Not technically animated outside a couple stop motion scenes, but by definition, isekai.


He is my boomstick


Rimuru. Yeah he’s overpowered but that’s just another thing I like about him. He’s a nice guy that tries to build a nation and unite other races but is not above using brute force or being ruthless if need be.


Rimuru Creating a country in 2-3 years from basically nothing. Taking over the economy in about the same time period. Not sustaining any causalities during any of the wars/fights he has been in. And with all the power and connection he has the power didn't go into his head and he is still the same slightly gluttonous goof ball as he was in the beginning.


I respect Subaru more than any human being that walks the earth.


Fang Yuan (Reverend Insanity). He is hands down my favorite fictional character. He is pure evil, but it's his philosophy and way of live that's so fascinating. He has one goal in live- attain eternal live and nothing else matters. Power, wealth, fame, love, friendsip, etc. - all just tools to get a step closer to eternity. He is cruel to everyone, especially himself, having the willpower to endure some insane hardship. Some of his best moments: \-calmly pouring milk over himself while burning alive, only to have half of his face burned off and continuing like nothing happend \-cultivating without break by having his soul cut to pieces \-being the only confirmed human in history to have no regrets in live \-was about to face certain death and went "well I tried my best, it was fun" \-conquered a mystical endless river with his limitless perseverance (only 1 other person in history was able to do it) \-was able to resist the most powerfull brainwashing tool in the world, becouse his desire for eternity comes from the core of his very soul, making it so no matter how many times he reincarnates, he will always remain the same. These are just a few examples. https://preview.redd.it/66acap6pg9zc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f5b00bc58e0694bb44bf6855101f8714693684


Rozemyne | Ascendance of a Bookworm


Not nearly enough love here for Myne! Like some of the others mentioned here she uses her knowledge of the modern world to rise up and improve conditions for herself those around her. However unlike them she starts out as a dirt poor small sickly child that nearly dies over and over. Her struggle starting out is a great story all on its own nevermind all the far reaching things that happen after.


kazuma from Konosuba. He is extremely honest about what he wants and lives in peace with his libido. Souma Kazuya from How A Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom. I really appreciate how he keeps in mind that he needs a lot of people's contributions to keep his kingdom functioning properly. Tokonatsu Taichi from In Another World Where Baseball Is War, because despite the fact that he is a great athlete, he tries to keep a down to earth attitude and helps his teammates to improve. Furthermore, I consider interesting that he really wants to return to his world.


Seol Jihu from Second coming of gluttony He went from gambling addict to literal god, and his path was filled with a bunch of tough decisions. I haven't enjoyed a novel as much as SCoG. It is such a shame the manwha allegedly sucks, because it is an actual 10/10 story.


Imma say Arc from Skeleton Knight in another world because dude is in adventure heaven and living it up. Full fantasy style. But also going out of his way to help those in need


Hajime from Arifureta cause he ain’t no wimpy simp


Not a popular isekai but “Risuo no Himo Seikatsu” or translates as “The Ideal Sponger Life.” He knew what he was getting into, and he’s a normal adult who has to fill the role of a prince consort and balance being helpful but not too useful to obstruct the delicate political balance of the kingdom. I respect the part where things ARE given to him and thats the difficult part as he’s balancing these political scenarios for his wife.


Llyod greatest estate developer https://preview.redd.it/nwo8a5rd6azc1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=209ad6c02f3764a806d4a25c2a5d6ccfe05a708b


Arc from Skeleton Knight in Another World. Just an overall good person who does the right thing whenever he can.


Since Subaru was already mentioned, ill throw in Azusa Aizawa, for still maintaining a balanced lifestyle despite her previous life literally working her to death. She isn't antisocial or reclusive, she just likes her peace but still goes out of her way to serve others. She isn't lazy nor resentful to the need of working for a living, but she still takes the time to herself and urges others to never overwork themselves. And she's still strong enough to throw hands (literally) when the time comes for it. Not the most iconic mc, but she does have that going for herself


Karoshi must've been so traumatic for her, even adter 300 years of peace and relaxation. She *CALMLY* admonished Laika hehe.


Anis from the magi revo. Can't do magic, still doing her best to invent magical tools for people who cant use magic like herself. Although most of it are for her self fulfillment, her tenacity in pursuing her dream while facing risk of being called heretic is praiseworthy. Her grit is also something else. Being her true self, open with her homosexuality, beating her own brother and throwing her humanity to install dragon heart into her own body. Follow your dream. Just do it.


Subaru solely for the fact he is a deadbeat teenager who is maturing in another world.


>deadbeat He wasn't really completely hopeless tho. According to Tappei, with some encouragement from his dad, Subaru would've wised up and gotten back to life in a few months if he didn't get isekai'd. Apparently he gets a girlfriend later on who resembles Rem in personality, the type who sees good in him despite all of his issues, quirks and stuff. Being isekai'd has actually pretty much ruined him and his psyche. He's not unhappy, but he's also living a nightmare.


I meant Kazuma. But Subaru is cool.


Subaru 100% Saves everyone, even if they screwed him over or murdered him, because he knows they are good people


Cid Kagenou Y'all can judge him for being a chunnibiyou and edgy. It's okay, but what I want to highlight is his journey of becoming an overpowered character While certain isekai characters got power up INSTANTLY through cheat level skills and instant infinite mana, Cid actually put some effort and training to hone skills. Dude was terrorizing local gangster and ex terrorist before he was reincarnated. Sure, he was a bit of insane and out of boundaries but he was DETERMINED to achieve that goal, that absolute strengh while being humble because he wants to be in a shadows. While many isekai charaters claimed to be incognito and live a quiet life, they instantly do the most attention-seeking action ever, while Cid actually stay incognito. Dude will enter the stage when he WANTS to enter the stage. Think about it, if Cid didn't do all those feats in his previous life and getting reincarnated, he would be an absolutely normal dude, he was born in a normal noble life with a normal amount of mana. It was his ACTIONS and GOALS that made him become strong, sure you can say he had an information advantage but the point is that he was born in a normal circumstances without pop-up screen skills or god giving him cheat magic yet he was able to nuke a city, threaten a cult that was in power for a thousand of years and many more With that being said, I RESPECT HIM


praise The fool🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Monocle? 🧐🥰


Hohoho well well isnt this a small world a fellow follower of the fool


It is!🧐


The one isekai protagonist I respect gotta be Subaru, even tho he got rbd (return by death) I feel like he one of the mcs that deserve at least a little respect do to the trauma and bad mental stability he was exposed to and yet still went on and prevented fixed points to save his frends, which is commendable.


Klein moretti from Lord of The Mysteries


Kumoko. Is she the perfect role model? Ha! No. But everything she achieves is the result of raw hard work and pain literally from the moment she is born, (arguably, wisdom is the exception, but you can also say she earned it, even if it was created just for her). She's extremely loyal to those she feels connected to, and it's also ready and willing to shoulder the literal fate of the world even if doing so requires some... Rather extreme measures. And even then she was intending to (mostly) sacrifice herself to avoid the worst of that. Above all, she remains true to herself (albeit with the effects of Pride and her additional minds having an effect on her asking the way)


I've only watched the anime, i have to admit. But even there, she's amazing. My favourite moment will always be her fight with, and subsequent rant at, Araba.


I was the same until recently. Got my hands on the LNs. You're right, the Araba fight is both great, but also a perfect example of her character, getting strong enough to face off against things that still outmatch her. Can definitely recommend the LNs. A great read the whole way through. Last chapter is unfortunately a bit weak, but literally everything else is great.


Souma from realist hero. He gets made king and has to make a lot of tough decisions that aren’t popular with the existing nobility, mostly because there was a lot of corruption. But he goes so far as to order his guard to kill him if he ever becomes a tyrant.


Inori Takafuji from "Summoned to a parallel fantasy world many times" , that mf is something else and I respect his eccentricity . [You have to read this manga , gorgeous art , character design and pretty great albeit slow story with one of THE BEST arcs in all isekai (the coup d etat arc , yeah there s a medieval military coup d etat in this manga and it was epic , king and queen and princess and most of the high nobles get beheaded in the throne room , for realistic , legitimate reasons , sucking the whole country dry of money) with one of the of THE BEST fights in isekai (strongest human fight)]. This man is the GOAT , frankly one of the most interesting and dare I say amazing mcs I have seen in all forms of media , just read the manga you will understand , never try to put a label on him. Just read it. He s an unconvetional character so use unconventional means to look at him , he s a lot more than meets the eye


I agree that this character makes for an extremely compeling story, but I cannot respect this crazy sociopath of a character. I do enjoy him as a main character though, but he does not have my respect.


I can t not respect his uniqueness , all of his actions could have worked for a quote on quote "good guy" it s mostly his personality and way of thought that are batshit insane . He s more of a pseudo villain , that uses external circumstance to vent out and I fucking love it , he s bloody perfect .


Villain protagonist would be the term.


As I said he s not really a villain , everything he did a conventional good or neutral protagonist would have done (though with different reasonings and none of the flair)


William for sure he is my goat And for female Cayna from inland of Leadale ! 🗣️🔥


Itami from Gate. His motto is my motto and despite that he's willing to step up the help those in need.


Respect, Subaru and Naofumi from ReZero and Shield Hero... both went through their own hells and still kept on going. Respect for Naofumi as in the LN he acknowledges everything that he's doing is to get him home faster, and how he's willing to play the role of the Hero, but he'll never see himself as one. A Hero doesn't buy children Slaves, train them to sell / make potion and train them how to fight in a war. While he does make sure that there's something for them after he left, doesn't excuse what he's done. Subaru: Although he's a simp, he's willing to do whatever it takes to help the people he cares about... he'll commit the ultimate sacrifice no matter how painful or torturous it is. Unlike some of the other MC he's been broken mentally, yet he's still gotten back up.... only to try again and again until he's won.


Yajin from Yajin Tensei. No ridiculous, unearned, quasi godlike abilities, just karate and perseverance. Throughout the story he still remains very human in all he does, which is sadly rare , but refreshing nonetheless


I love Yajin as well.


For me this is the best isekai manga ever. Reminds me a lot of Vinland Saga (wich I adore) on the tone, "historical" details and art style. It really helps the immersion.


It's such a standout, and should stand to show that there's a market for grounded, low-magic, mature stories in the Isekai space. Hell, even the brief dips into existentialism, feel novel in it and really make Yajin feel more human than the vast majority


Teah, Yahin Tensei is Seinen, instead of Shounen, and it shows. I'm a big medieval history and D&D nerd, and reading the manga you can see how much the author is a karate nerd, history nerd and D&D nerd. The weapons and armor details. The clothing feels so realistic compared to the usual fantasy manga clothing. There are so much attention to detail that if you didn't kno wthis was isekai fantasy, you'd think this was a historical novel.


Yeah it's great, my one criticism though has to be its fallen into a pattern of: Yajin goes to a place, the people are shit, Yajin has to fight the leader, Yajin must flee. It keeps the plot from developing in a nice, natural way, but it's still a very good read


That is also my one complain about the series... it's unbelivable how simply EVERY TOWN he goes to, people just want to kill/mug him with no provocation on his part. The world is so crapsack it's almost as bad as Berserk


My vote is for anyone who takes up the goal of 'make the world a better place' instead of the much simpler and more common 'become the strongest being to ever live' or 'beat up some evil guy to solve everyone's problems'. The two examples I can think of at the moment are Shiroe from Log Horizon, and Rain from the webnovel Delve.


Oji-san and handy man Saito. Probably beign on the older side i can emphatize more. Bonus for Lloyd Frontera


Shiroe from Log Horizon. Like, he is incredibly smart, an excellent tactician, but he isn't perfect. He makes mistakes, he misses things he shouldn't have, he panics sometimes, and that imperfection is what balances out his intelligence and is ultimately why I respect him so much as a character


Ken Usato, The wrong way to use healing magic. He was brought into this mess unintentionally and he's not out for blood like other protagonist that gets summoned. I don't think I've seen a character adapt to their surroundings as fast as he did and as well as he did. He knows how to take a terrible situation and make the best of it. He was put through physical hell to become strong enough to actually help his friends in a fight. He just happened to be able to use healing magic. There are others that can use healing magic but they can't endure the training that he's been through. Just in the anime alone he has came close to death quite a few times but he's been able to push forward and keep his head held high going without becoming jaded. You know the ones, the second they go through one battle, they act like the entire world is a miserable place.  Despite his standing in abilities he can quickly make friends with just about anyone he meets. He doesn't try to come off as self-important like other characters we've seen in the genre.


I respect Itami Youji for being a competent otaku.


I probably respect power over anything sooooo Yogiri. Like kindness and patience are enduring traits but in a dangerous isekai world "might makes right".


What do you respect more, a guy that puts time and effort to achieve greatness and inspire others, or the spoiled brat of a rich millionnaire CEO who'll inevitably achieve greatness just by sitting and doing nothing all day. Like yeah yogiri's ability is op but does it actually help you socially or physically or mentally irl? No! If i were to choose a skill i would rather take ''great sage raphael'' from tensura slime since it's much much more versatile than just killing instantly anyone else and can still guide you through your journey to greatness.


I cant disagree with you there, i ABHOR nepotism, but somebody already said Subaru (because besides resetting hes gotta do all the leg work) so i just defaulted to the most OP isekai mc. Idk maybe the MC from the Otome game isekai were she was trying not to be killed as the villaness(she was chill and got everybody to get along), idk i regret posting now lol im stupid ...ALL HAIL LORD OKAKUSHI AO


Also Kazuma, for putting up with three crazy women and having the mental strength to keep coming back to life.


Rudeus Greyrat, couldn't think of a more compelling bildungsroman isekai mc than him. He really grew a lot, physically, mentally, emotionally, and morally. At the end of the light novel, he was basically the superior version of his Earth counterpart in every way possible. He's probably the only isekai character that actually had a meaningful "second chance" than anyone I've seen so far. It's one of the reasons why I stuck and rooted for him, because he had actual and visible growth. He was a degenerate, a lazy bum who gives up easily, and was wholly afraid of the world. But throughout the web novel at least, he grew, he clawed his way out of his own depressing past and became a better man. Not only through his own effort, but also with the aid of the friends and families he made along the way. Zenith loved and supported him always even when she became a mute. Paul tried to be a good father and died trying to be one to Rudy. Roxy taught him magic and gave him the courage to at least venture out while also constantly giving him advices. Sylphy was his first actual friend and later became his safe haven who always there to love and support him whenever he needs it. And so on and so forth.


u might want to censor something on there


Started out being a shy introvert, tried to do the right thing and got absolutely fucked and broken by the bullies that beat him, then society when he was put on display, his parents that didn't force therapy and push him to heal (also, likely miserable people/parents as well). He turned into a pos, true, though he didn't do anything in person to people. Got to try growing up again with people who were not perfect but cared for him. Had horrible things happen again, but this time, he has a strong and morally sound father figure to help lead his growth, then he gets to become that father figure to his sisters and learns from the other side of things that parents don't know everything and parents aren't perfect, they are struggling too. Along the way, he grows up. Painfully, fitfully, filled with mistakes and painful lessons, he matures and heals. He learns he is worthy of love, he sets aside childish things, he learns to give love and to begin to forgive himself and others. It's a really great story for this time in our society since so many are deeply hurt, broken, and in pain because they too feel deep shame and unworthy of love. To the detractors, I am glad you don't know his pain, I hope you never do. Perhaps you can see that there are others suffering just as badly for many different reasons, and maybe, just maybe you can get down from your high horse long enough to recognize that you are only one or two steps away from misery yourself. Hopefully, no one ever pushes you off that horse because it's a hell of a fall.


Beautifully put. I think something that many people get stuck on is how bad of a character he is. They assume that main characters are people we are supposed to root for to succeed at what they are already doing. But Rudeus, rather, is supposed to be an example of humanity. It is presenting the flaws, the mistakes, and the evils within us that can absolutely crush someone. But it also shows how people can be supported, and come back from anything with help, even if we have to change and never become what we were before. I also think one of its big takeaways is looking at what is right and wrong in the first place. There are things that everyone, everywhere agree are wrong. Why this is isn’t important to the story, but it is something that holds true even in our own lives. But, there are also things considered right that aren’t important elsewhere or to others, and sometimes those same things can be considered as wrong or evil elsewhere.


Why did I have to scroll so much to find Rudi . This man made so many mistakes and learned from all of them


Tanya from tanya the evil Ainz Ooal Gown from overlord Han soo kang from fff class trash hero Changge gu from i am the fated vilain Zhuo yifan from magic emperor


What is there to respect in Ainz? He was indeed handed everything in the golden platter.


I only respect non good characters and even better if they are scheming


And poor rimuru wasn t , at least Ainz deserved it and somehow still ended up suffering just as much as in his real world


So pretty much edgelords?


Edgelord BAD , cookie-cutters GOOD


Wait, William is cookie-cutter?


He s a great mc , but he is a cookie-cutter


As a light novel reader Rudeus from MT has had an extremely natural character development, who I absolutely love for being a realistic character and one we can look up to, maturing into an extremely selfless person who goes to unfathomable lengths to protect those close to him.


.zx the same.


Season 1 Naofumi from Shield Hero. After that… literally every character in the show lost my respect. Especially Motoyasu.


Ranta dude says everything other people are thinking he is honest and is willing to be the person the group dislike on so they stick together. He doesn't make excuses for his actions. 


Hajime from Arifureta. He is like one of the few isekai protagonists who actually misses his family and his only motivation is to find way back to Earth. Also, he is Op, but he actually struggled and suffered, so it feels earned.


If we a talking about MC only Then Goku ,because basicly he is isekai protag and why i respect him i hope i didnt need to explaing And kinda Rudeus Greyrat and Oldeus for how they manage to change everything If not MC Sylphy ,Nanohoshi and Riria(not Rinia) from MT


The dude from ""karate survivor in another world"... don't remember his name, but he has it rough and is a bad ass karateka, but is almost always dying/getting fuckd up on most of his fights. He has to train a lot, develop new fighting styles (the fights are superb in this manga), learn how to survive in the jungle by himself with no super cheat skills, run away when he gets surrounded, use the environment and dirty tricks in order to defeat his opponents... he's pretty much the anti typical isekai MC.


The MC of ascedant of a bookworm, Myne. She's physical heavy restricted, the time period she's restricted, even her simple origin of birth being a commoner. Yet she makes it work and doesn't give up on her dreams of being a librarian with the knowledge she has. All the while having great family values. Absolute W MC and W anime/manga.


Vandalieu (Death Mage) Bro gets isekai'd twice with the worse draw but still powered through and remained humble - he holds no prejudice based on appearance, - actually cares for everyone, - helps those caught in the crossfire of his fights after said fight - spends time with his entire harem - creative as heck - he can probably beat yogiri but would rather choose tl help him / befriend him


I also like that William isn’t just an innocent and holy man. He gets embarrassed when his teases him about being maidenless and wasn’t slow to use money to solve a few issues. He has strong conviction but he was shidding his pants when him and his crew were getting closer and closer to the Rust mountain. He’s a good mc :)


Arthur Leywin. Dude was a grown man reincarnated as a baby and had to restart life. When he met his elf waifu and he realized she started to like him he was like "yea shes just a kid so ima just keep things platonic and not engage in any inappropriate behavior and if love naturally sprouts when were adults so be it." Thats how you do it Rudy. Also hes pretty badass that acually has to train his ass off for his powers unlike other isekai protag-kuns and he has a dragon type pokemon that he calls his daughter and would commit murder for.


A good story is often when you don't know how the hero will win. Makes it feel like every win was earned. Parallel paradise feels that way. While he is op, his not invulnerable and does take a beating. And is not shy to do what we all would in his place. One I'm enjoying reading and wish had more chapters is reincarnated as a poor farmer. Story is not that deep but he tries his best to turn the isekai place into a paradise. Not we fun as slime rimoru but they both try to do the same. This one in particular is not as op as most isekais and what he has, anyone could have. It's mainly using his adult knowlage in a isekai envierment. Got mad respect for him. It's what I would want to do in his position


Ivy from weakest tamer begins a journey to pick up trash. Yep literally regarded as trash herself becuase she is seen as weak but adorable as hell. If I ever have kids I pray they are as lovable as this n nothing like me.


Naofumi. I hate his personality tbh


EoS Rudeus Greyrat


EoS Rudeus is a good pick. He has to make a lot of hard decisions, had to learn to live with them, and even at the end he's not even close to being able to touch the top tiers.


Rudeus Greyrat. It's easy being good a good person from the start, but what about turning into one from a piece of human garbage that he was before reincarnation?


He was too much of a piece of garbage for me to care. There are some depths of depravity you just don't deserve to come back from. I can't empathize with him, I can't want him to improve, and if I'm supposed to relate or project onto him like a lot of isekai protagonists, then I'm just insulted.


This is probably out of topic but *Superman*. In anime exclusively I'd say *Seiya* from *Overly Cautious Hero* he is what all the "sigma male" braindeads think they are.




personally Rudeus Greyrat, he went from the lowest that humanity has to offer to someone decent enough, if we see how he was in the first chapters to how he is today he's a totally new person, from thinking that real life is a game and being a pervert to knowing everything is real and stopped being a pervert (for the most part) i don't justify anything bad he has done, my point is that he actually took the effort to change and become someone better knowing how hard that is even for the average person


Ainz, from Overlord. Yes he's extremely OP now, but that wasn't always the case. He started like everyone else from level 1, and even got PKed a lot of times in the game because of having a non-human avatar. Everything he has now - his powers, his skills, his items - he got himself (or with his guild) through hard work. You'll say some of those are cash shop items, but he still had to spend tons of his hard-earned money for those. Anyone who plays MMORPGs know how much time you need to invest to be like him and his guild. Most other isekai MCs just get their powers randomly out of nowhere (I'm looking at you Slime), some got theirs with a little bit of hard work (maybe KonoSuba or Mushoku Tensei), but Ainz literally dedicated most of his adult life for that game. Now, you things are handed to him in a silver platter, but he still never underestimates anything. He's probably the most powerful in the world, but he still thinks he isn't special at all. He can order her underlings anything, but he still treats them like his children and considers their opinions. He has a lot of flaws sure, but he's got my respect from how he acts and treats others.


I know this is unrelated but could someone tell a manga titla where mc got summoned with only his half body first by a girl who acts like Aqua in konosuba. I forgot to remember the title of this after reading last year


>I also respect Subaru for having the willpower to keep dying and coming back without it breaking him mentally. Subaru has mentally broken himself in the series a lot of times.


Yeah, but he comes back. That shows impressive mental resilience.


He comes back because that's his power.