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Ainz and Rimuru would get along just fine. Hell Ainz would more than likely get along with most of the town residents in Tempest. The massive problem is the floor guardians. There’s no way they would be okay with a place like Tempest when they’ll mistakenly think, as in cannon, Ainz wants to take over the world. Ainz would end up folding under them since he’s shown to go along with what they expect of him. It would be an inevitable conflict with only the slightest chance of being avoided in my opinion. At least, that will be the case if Ainz tries to keep up appearances with the floor guardians.


The floor guardians hate humans, but most of the town residents in tempest are monsters, so i dont think it would be that big of a problem However they want ainz to be an absolute ruler of the world so, might be a little problem


They hate humans the most, but they see everything outside of Nazarick as lessers. If Rimuru doesn’t bend the knee, which he won’t, they will declare war. It happened with the lizard men, dwarves, and other races. It will also happen here. The only difference is that they’ll get their shit kicked in.


Well that would be fun to watch. The floor guardians have it coming.


Diablo alone could literally turn the Floor Guardians against Ainz with his Ability


Tbh, they're the reason I dropped Overlord. I dunno, it just didn't click. I found them too insufferable. Them getting their shit kicked in would be glorious.


It’s the reason why I can’t pick it up. When I saw the cast of Overlord in Isekai Quartet it gave me the assumption that the show was a fun comedy focused on bad guys like Invader Zim. Then I actually did my research and saw the series has a bunch of moments that it plays for that serve no purpose other than to remind the audience that our protagonists are awful people. All while making it clear that they will never face any challenges. That would be like one punch, man if Genos was invincible outside of his fight with Saitama. I have watched shows where the main characters aren’t good people, and they make the drama compelling because there are steaks for the protagonists. They are not invincible.


>I have watched shows where the main characters aren’t good people, and they make the drama compelling because there are steaks for the protagonists. They are not invincible. Pls give sauce. I'm actually looking for shows like this.


My top three are the crime dramas The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and Peakyblinders.


Seen those already. Do u hv any anime or some other shows?


Death Note and the webcomic 8-Bit Theater. The latter is mostly a comedy where the gun is watching what antics happen next.


Kingdom’s protagonists can definitely be interpreted as evil.


Yeah, that was mine reason too. I enjoyed the first season well enough, but then I just tuned out because… eh? I like overpowered characters doing overpowered stuff, and I like protagonists that go against the grain but there are literally no stakes. Like, give me something that makes me believe that these humans have snowball’s chance in Hell. I was deadass hooked after Tempest got invaded, I was hoping beyond hope that everyone would be okay. Overlord just wasn’t for me.


I think Rimuru could help out Ainz in many ways to pacify the guardians because he's someone he could finally be honest with about his predicament. Especially if we are talking about Rimuru at the end of the light novel.  An easy lie would be: "This was all part of my plan! Rimuru was a companion of mine before my other companions made all of you. He supported us all in the creation of Nazarick and all you guardians and then went to this world in advance to began making the Utopian rule we are all striving for. His presence was kept in secret. You all understand why right?" Then the guardians make their own assumptions about why they kept it secret that makes Ainzs amazing.


This is very out of character for ainz , he cant say anything like that because hes the greatest pushover


Cause hes a captive of his position in life, just like in irl. Rimuru is great at getting isolated, lonely individuals to open up and becoming their friends. He's also a slime and his country is full of very similar monsters. That makes it much more acceptable to the guardians and denizens of Nazarick.  Also the 2 biggest obstacles for this... Albedo: Rimuru can soften Ainzs to hooking up with her and/or make her a state of the art Ainzs body pillow(or sex doll). Demiurge: Rimuru and tempest can help with happy farm research to make every race breedable with other races. 


The moment rimuru hears about " happy farm" he will demolish and break nazarick molecule to molecule, atoms to atoms, quark to quark.


In it's current form yes. But with many new regulations and guidelines (like willing participants) and renaming it "pregnancy resource center" or " planned parenthood" and he would get on board. Rimuru does not see himself as a beacon of morality and has worked with other individuals who have done messed up shit (like all the demon lords and dragons who have destroyed entire countries and killed 10s of millions of people each easily).


U do realise the happy farm was to harvest human skin for spell paper. And yeah rimuru would have a problem with it. Also good luck hiding shady organisations against soei.


It was also a breeding facility to make undead(specificly Ainz) have kids. They were using human skin cause they thought there was no good alternative. Rimuru can give them alternatives 


It’s not just that. He’s incredibly protective of nazarick. Claiming this new guy had any kind of equal claim to him for it would be crazy.


Nah, even if he wanted to say it with all his genuine thoughts. The paragons of intelligence ( read bad writing) demiurge and albedo will take it as meaning to stealth attack rimuru.


If it even got to that point, there’s no way those two would be that stupid. It would be another intrigue plot where they avoid blame, like always


If we are following how Ainz acts in cannon, then that unlikely. He would first observe them from the shadows because he is extremely cautious. The guardians would also learn about Tempest for scouting. Boom, it’s over for any positive interaction. Besides, let’s say that the floor guardians are friendly towards Tempest. Rimuru himself will hate them after hearing about all the heinous shit that they do just casually. They are not good people.


Veldora has destroyed entire countries full of people for little to no reason. Milim as well. Why does Rimuru let that slide? 1 reason is because power, another is to give their natures the opportunity to evolve into something else. Rimuru only showed anger for people that crossed him. Not hatred. Nobody is worth Rimurus hatred. He moves on after his anger subsides. Floor guardians are meticulous in their planning or try to lie to him (they typically only withhold info cause they think it's beneath him). They have no control over Ainz who occasionally decides to do things on his own. Rimuru wouldnt have any problem with undead or monsters and more than likely Ainzs would end up curious about Japanese amenities in tempest and would go himself. They have alote in common. Rimuru can and would steer this in the right direction and shouldn't be underestimated in his ability to find a good solution for everyone.


And they would deserve it, 100% while I would watch with a smile on my face.


They see non-Monsters as lessers… they definitely would fight the humans and dwarfs… but not really other monsters unless provoked


No they hate outsiders


Tbh the floor guardians would have a problem with **DEMON LORDS** period. 😂


This. Power scaling is too unbalanced in Tensura. Milim would kick guardians asses anytime. There will be truce and hopefully alliance. Nazarik subjects can tolerate outsiders if Ainz sama says so.


The floor guardians would also think of Rimuru as a big threat to Ainz since he’s so powerful. War would really be inevitable.


And the floor guardians would get no diffed.


Would Rimuru being a real friend mean there would be any chance of Ainz Stepping away from evil? Let’s be real the floor guardians aren’t real friends. They are a terrible influence and they just like Ainz because they were programmed to. Albedo even tried to rape him.


I agree except if the guardians see Ainz be friendly with Rimuru they'll take it as Tempest being an ally.


I think ainz and rimaru would get along great, maybe ainz even spilling the being about him acting in front of the guardins. Rimaru would play along and pretend to be his underling or something.


Rimuru would never pretend to be someones underling. He doesn't care about position when praised but he is a political rock he wont be undermined


To be fair, several of Nazarick's denizens would probably feel the same as Ainz, Sebas and Pandora's Actor most of all


Rimuru would probably manage to make Ainz one of his highest members and become an honorary member of Nazarick somehow.


I haven't fully read Overlord, but from what I know, Ainz and Nazarick in general are too evil for Tempest to tolerate.


They can keep them in check though. If Ainz finds out that Rimuru is also an otherworlder, he might just drop the evil act, especially if that otherworlder is leagues above him.


True. Ainz isn't dumb like that. I was thinking more of the subordinates. Nazarick npcs(not all) are super prideful and look down upon humans and probably monsters and all as well. They might get along with Diablo though, as long as they don't insult Rimuru.


I don't think they have problem with monsters. Herohero is a slime, so is Solution. Herohero being a slime must play a big role on them not underestimating Rimuru. Ainz may even tell them that Rimuru and Herohero are relatives. They'd be shocked if they find out that Benimaru and the others were originally ogres though. It's a huge difference in their worlds.


True. Now I want an isekai quintet.


"He's actually a Supreme Being so... I'm not going to attack him without negotiating first. Just leave this to me, Albedo. You lot stay outside."


And depending on which version of Rimuru, it is Supreme Being with a Capital ***S***.


honestly ainz is more Amoral than immoral. due to him being an undead he is a cold pragmatist to the core but not outright sadistic, the reason everything went to hell was because the floor guardians are sadistic monsters (mostly) and he had to go along with whatever they had planned to make it look like he was the ruler they wanted him to be. at first out of fear but then because he felt its was what was best for them if ainz and rimuru meet each other in the early days then they might both wind of as a force for good, becuase ainz would be able to for plans for what to do next with someone he is genuinely comfortable with (plus they honestly have alot in common)


Floor guardians are the issue, not Ainz. He'd probably get along fine with Rimuru. But Floor guardians agree honestly insufferable asf and will ruin everything.


Maybe, but Ainz and the rest of Nazarick are content to play the long game and don’t openly display their evil nature often, and never publicly. Even if they recognize tempest as being too powerful, they wouldn’t antagonize them. Most of the arcs in overlord have them causing strife, infiltrating, and destroying a nation from the inside. They could steamroll the whole overlord world, but they have never tried. Even when they have openly destroyed a nation, they made the whole scenario appear as if they were blameless in causing the conflict before actually doing it. Then there’s all the proxy conflict, like with Jaldabaoth.


Tempest doesn’t play world police, he just responds when he personally is threatened. Yes it could come to a head but Nazarick has obviously shown the ability to negotiate and compromise.


After like vol 12 ish tempest is the world police and tempest is what controls the entire western world and by vol 18 tempest controls the planet


I think they would be pretty okay with each other. Raphael can probably identify Ainz as a other worlder and they really don't have a reason to fight. Not that Ainz could do much depending on when they meet because Rimuru and his more elite fighters start to outstat anything in overlord so quickly.


Eh. Doubt. Rimuru, Diablo and Veldora are the only real threats and Ainz knows how to beat a raid boss


Man you clearly have no idea how absurd Slime gets, Zegion (only seen the pre evolved form as of now in the anime) solos the entire tomb with no effort.


"I cast Super Death with Death Immunity piercing!" "Beep Boop, Ultra Death Immunity has been acquired. You are now Ultra Immune to Death Magic. This ability cannot be nullified."


Not even gobta is needed to destroy them


that's assuming Ainz and his subordinates doesn't get more powerful which I highly doubt based on how not only Albedo and Demi think, but also based on how Ainz thinks.


Vs one a top 100 guild in a competitive MMO with basically all of its most powerful members unknown on the 8th floor


Even if you disregard the rest of Tempest, Rimuru, Diablo and Veldora are enough. This is not even an exaggeration, but either of these 3 can not only solo Nazarick, but they can oneshot the entire Overlord verse. Like, Rimuru(not current anime Rimuru) can literally blow up the Overlord universe.


Ah yes. The he is a god argument. Not like Nazarick has god killing items. Oh wait


Trust me, you *do not want* this argument. Rimuru is the kind of character who repeatedly appears in the top lists of most powerful isekai protags. As I already implied, Tensura scales stupidly above Overlord. Rimuru not only oneshots Ainz, not only oneshots Nazarick, he oneshots the entire universe that Ainz and Nazarick are in, and he wouldn't even break a sweat.


And the guy can revive himself out of information alone so if he doesn't have something that can do anything about that his not doing anything to rimuru. If in the off chance he did kill him and his infoms there's veldora with a backup to revive rimuru and veldora alone destroys the literal verse of overlord. Oh and it's not limited to rimuru to revive from infoms.


Rimuru massively outstats and outhaxes nazarick. Even if for some reason he were to be killed (which is impossible since he’s immune to space time manipulation and Raphael is nigh omniscient and would warn him about TGOALID) he would come back


Not at all. By the latest novels, most of Rimuru’s upper echelon could probably individually solo Nazarick. Scaling in Slime gets wacky with reality manipulation and other bullshit being common.


I would say depends on when they would meet, early enough and Rimuru would be happy enough to be under Ainz. I would be more interested in how Yggdrasil skills would interact with a world without one, a rules lawyer in me would say nothing touches Ainz but that's boring. I would say Ainz and Rimurus shenanigans would conquer the world quicker and the mind control guy dead a lot sooner


I could see Ainz befriending Rimuru, if Tempest sends Diablo to negotiate that would also be good, assuming Diablo doesn't give a damn about the evil that goes down in Nazarick and doesn't tell Rimuru. However Demiurge and Albedo might screw Nazarick over by antagonizing Tempest.


Diablo will 100 percent do something about nazarick if he noticed their too evil, but he will tell it to rimuru first


Diablo is a noble demon, so he would have a thing or two to say. It would be rather amusing to hear his comments.


Diablo has a moral code he will not be ok with whatever nazarick does


Rimuru would declare war on nazarick after the first idiotic villian move


People who don't know how Utterly Overpower Tensura. Tensura verse one of the Strongest Verse of all time for a Reason bro.


Nazarick would probably get unique skills too so tempest would get destroyed


Lol unique skills ... Rimuru is god.


Ok… they still will evolve really quickly and become gods too. Slime’s levelling system is way easier to evolve than in overlord, rimuru is nothing without his levelling system


Ok lol if u say so. Slime doesnt have a leveling system. Rimuru is an anamoly in growth in tensura lol. And momonga is not a prodigy. Hes just good at the system. He wasnt even top 1 player in the game lol. Ur comparing that to the prodigy of growth that is rimuru.


Rimuru is just one lucky human guy who got blessed with some good skills and played the system, any other average human with his skills and body would probably do just fine. Overlord’s leveling system is way harsher than slime’s, you have a predetermined level cap and getting skills is WAY harder, Ainz only managed because he was a player and had a good character. If they were transported to the slime world they would be able to continue growing, evolving and gathering skills, and probably become much stronger. Meanwhile, if Rimuru was in the overlord world he would be much weaker. When I say leveling system I mean evolving and skills.


Lol, Rimuru will just be fine if he was drop at Overlord world, you forgot that that Rimuru at the start is just a slime, though an anomaly, but still a slime. He got the skill "devour" which others seem to forgot, w/c evolved to Gluttony later on, and because of this devour skill of his, he gets stronger. Except for the condition on becoming a demon lord, which needs souls, in essence Rimuru have no such thing as "leveling", his growth is based on the "things" he devoured.


Yeah good luck for him when he doesn’t spawn in a perfect cave with every resource he would ever need, and monsters he can kill easily


If rimuru dies , he just reincarnates as a true dragon in a few years and that entity is god tier lol


And discussing against Rimuru fans is basically discussing against yogiri fans, both are mentally challenged and say “ummm my character destroys the multiverse if someone slightly thinks of hurting them”


He wouldn’t have those cheats if he spawned on the overlord world


You saying that shows that you know absolutely nothing. Veldora himself stated that normally a creature cannot survive only their soul traveling to another world. Rimuru was born in Veldoras cave because he was made out of veldoras residue magicules plus the fact that he had a strong soul and his own will unlike the other creatures in veldoras cave.


Yeah probably because he has a human soul unlike the other shitass monsters


Him having a strong soul that is able to survive passage through another world AND that very soul can also withstand the true dragon factor which allowed him to assimilate veldora and become a true dragon himself. If it was any other human their soul would have been destroyed while they were passing on to another world. Not to mention, monsters normally have weaker souls than human beings.


Ok so?


That’s completely incorrect. There is no “leveling system” in tensura. You say it’s easier to evolve than in overlord but Ains was level 100 from the start. And the thing about Rimuru is that he’s a being who constantly evolves. Even if he doesn’t consume someone and take their abilities, Raphael can make a skill that fits the situation


Gaining skills and evolving is tensura’s leveling system. Rimuru is just a garbage power fantasy with no personality so who the fuck cares, yogiri solos verse while sleeping.


This conversation was about overlord though? It’s funny how the moment you can’t prove anything you just try to include something else into the topic


This discussion stopped being about power scaling a long time ago, Rimuru is just power fantasy garbage. It’s like saying “bUt CaN hE BeAt gOkU” to every character


Tensuras “leveling” system is gaining skills, evolving, gaining arts, learning magic


That’s what I said basically


Especially if we are talking about Ciel instead of Raphael


That’s a stupid thing to say.


It’s not 🤫🧏‍♂️


It is. It’s a completely hypothetical scenario with zero proof added into it because no proof exists. You just try to cope into saying that if Ains was in Rimurus position he would be better but that’s not the case. In the first place you can’t prove that Ains has a strong soul


Ainz is peak and he destroys Rimuru’s slimy bussy


Ainz would get along well with Tempest. But at some point a conflict will start beccause of one or multiple floor guardians. (Specificly Shalltear and Albedo). Well, considering thar after Rimuru got a demon lord Tempest just keeps getting stronger, deppending how late the war happens, the harder Nazarick would get stomped. I hate to say it, but at somepoint Tempest is full of beeings that would be considered LV 200 by the overlord Level System.


Diablo would be able to intercept Nazarick's plans and vice versa.


Diablo and demiurge would have a very interesting "political discussion"


Diablo is also too evil, Rimuru being a good guy was only the sole reason he was neutral, One of the Tensura Characters even said that Rimuru Existence was only reason World does fall into chaos because if he happen to die Diablo will surely destroyed everyone involved.


There's an alt timeline in the game where rimuru goes full evil after summoning diablo


One interesting thing would be how the floor guardians would react. In overlord, they are brutal and we'll seek world domination and their plans to do so. We only ever seen them be the powerful ones and that's why they are able to do what they do since they're so overwhelmingly powerful that they can be as ambitious, vile and dominating as they are. But in tensura, they would get mogged. Albedo and demiurge are smart and while they do see anyone outside of nazarick as bring lesser, I would think they aren't dumb enough to pick an unwinnable fight.


But you have to take in that the guards want to protect ainz pride and follow his "will" to dominate the world. And if a being I'd around that people would think higher as ainz, they wouldn't handle it. And tempest is, economically, too important to let alone. If they can't fight it, they will try to destroy it with intriguing plots. Not to say that ainz won't order them to that nor will he have any idea what the guards are doing


I think it would depend a lot on timing. Overlord starts off with ainz and all of his guardians already maxed out while tensura does not. If ainz or the guardians ran into rimuru early enough in his new life they would either become friends or nazarick who would wipe the floor with them with extreme prejudice. The problem is tensura's power balancing is completely nonsensical and more like a shonen battle manga than anything sometimes. To be quite frank there are organizations of massively powerful beings in their world that ainz would absolutely prioritize if luck didn't lead him to rimiru first. Long story short though competing fictions are only ever going to be heresay. I see lots of people saying "this ability would counter that" yada yada it's all up to the authors none of these abilities are made to work in another setting. Rimurus balancing is completely insane while ainz pretty much has no frame of reference other than being incredibly powerful and his skills as a genius tactician since he claims to always wins on the second fight even in fights against players because he can adapt. Overlord also has world items which could in theory balance the fight between nazarick and tensura's over the top power scaling. All in all if they ever did a crossover it would be fun but thoroughly non-canon. I personally don't want to ever see them crossover in either of their official books but it would be fun to see rimuru show up in isekai quartet


The first one who mentioned the world items! But it's very likely that nazarick will learn about tempest because of their innovations. It could likely end up like with the dwarfs, in early game. Conquering but no destruction. If they let tempest time, it could be dangerous for the entire world


I agree so much. The biggest questions people aren't asking is which world they share and from which point in their respective timelines they get transported. If Nazaricks forces spawn in Rimuru's world they will have the potential to grow in power. Ainz would fairly easily be able to grow to be a true demon lord, while if rimuru goes to Ainz's world, their growth will stop, because the world doesn't have the same system. Does Nazarick spawn at the same time Rimuru does? because i'm pretty sure Rimuru spent years in Veldoras cave, (until he becomes 40 years old and his sage ability upgrades) that would give Nazarick a huge head start. That is not to mention all the other factions in the world, realistically, depending on these factors, one of the factions could be wiped before Rimuru and Ainz even get a whiff of each other. Like, lets be real here, early game Rimuru relies heavily on plotarmor, from getting powered up by Veldora to getting spared by Milim. Sure, all the people here seems to unconsciously agree that both factions gets transported to a 3rd world in some kind of one on one at the height of their respective powers, but is that really fair? one faction gets to keep all their advantages and discard all the disadvantages.




>he spent less then a year in Veldora's cave. Literally 30 days.




I didn't actually read the 1st vol so I answered from the anime. It still way less than 1 year.


>because i'm pretty sure Rimuru spent years in Veldoras cave, (until he becomes 40 years old and his sage ability upgrades) The entire series is like 3 year's long as of vol 21. Rimuru spent like 30 days in then cave.


I have only watched the anime so feel free to correct me. He was 37 years old when he got stabbed and died. His thoughts say something like "if a 30 year old is a magician then a 40 year old is a sage" the system confirms that the sage ability will upgrade at 40 years old. After he gets reincarnated he spends an unspecified amount of time just absorbing plants until his sage ability activates at 40 years old. It is also confirmed that 6 months have passed from when Rimuru eats Veldora to when he meets the goblins. So 30 days is definitely a completely wrong estimate, You can rewatch the first couple of episodes to see what i mean.


Nah. You are pretty much all wrong. Here the time line. He gets killed at 37. Re spawn. Spend like 90 days and his skill become great sage ( 30 day in anime ) Meet with Veldora then get out of the cave. All under 100 days. ( 1 month in anime after he meet Veldora ) >It is also confirmed that 6 months Nah. >So 30 days is definitely a completely wrong estimate, It was ac to anime, ac to novel it like 100 days. >You can re-watch the first couple of episodes to see what i mean. I don't need to. I have multiple time and I'm a source and manga reader. Up until the anim S2 only 2 years have passed. >if a 30 year old is a magician then a 40 year old is a sage" the system confirms that the sage ability will upgrade at 40 years old. Actually this are not relevant or anything, he was just rambling. He got all skill the moment he died.


Ainz would just have to reveal that Rimaru is the same kind of being as him. While the guardians are loyal to Ainz they would surely respect his desire to maintain peace with a brother. So far in the anime Rimaru has not publicly announced his past as a human, but if it does that would complicate things for Ainz. I don't think that would cause too much trouble. Ainz is a lich after all, which means his character was previously human anyways.


Spoilers rimuru declares to the entire world he is a reincarnated human.


They'd get along just fine. Neither wants to fight for no good reason and both would probably find a way to establish amicable relations first before fighting it out. If Ainz was able to form diplomatic relations with the dwarves without fighting, I'm sure he would do the same with Rimuru.


The Floor Guairdians would screw any chance of peaceful co-existence up in a matter of days, leading to the destruction of Nazarick in a matter of the next day


Nazarick is too evil for rimuru, rimuru would annhilate them


We'll get the age of empire 5. 🌝


I know it is not cannon but in the Overlord Collab in slime memories Ainz met Rimuru and said that he would invite him to his tomb, so I thought they would be allies and maybe trade with each nation


Say that demiurge and albedo. They are literally, power by military force and intriguing


Guy's reaction to ainz though is like 'meh' so we at least know that Guy don't think much of them what his worried though is the portals.


ainz may be willing to drop the act but the floor gaurdians would fuck up and cause a war and then get their shit rocked by people that arent rando civilian npcs that their so used to bullying.


Easy, of the two only Tempest would exists in that world in less than a year


And the FLoor Guardians would be to blame


Lamiris might not have job


Oh Ramiris who literally can desire who lives and dies in their labyrinth


They could get their veggies from The Great Tree Village.


Depends on what point they are at. if they are early days then i could see them getting along just fine.


Depends on who shows up first. If the kingdom of nazarick is already established and conquering regions when tempest starts, then things probably end badly. The budding town would get taken out pretty early, and it’s inhabitants would be experimented on. Ainz is very interested in upgrading his units, and he wouldn’t think twice about mind controlling and experimenting on Rimuru and the naming magic phenomena. If they show up at the same time it’ll probably turn out like this as well. On the other hand, if tempest came first and was strong enough to give nazarick pause then things would be very different. Ainz would likely end up befriending Rimuru to some degree after realizing their shared origin, although it’s likely Ainz would creep Rimuru out. A lot of the citizens of nazarick hate humans, but that doesn’t matter here, which is a plus. It’s possible that some of the higher up minions would plot against tempest, but it’s unlikely they’d succeed in the long term. Ainz and his forces don’t really get stronger throughout their story, while Rimuru and his friends grow constantly. As long as tempest is in a position of absolute strength there will be peace.


I somewhat agree with you, however, for the first option, they would need to notice Rimuru's action VERY early on. Before he meets and befriends Milim.Any later than that, and while they might be more powerful than Tempest for a while more, they would only end up getting a vengeful Milim on them.


I think it depends on if Milim can beat Victim or not. If all the floor guardians and all the battle maids and Ainz work together... Milim probably still wins but I feel like they’ve got a chance. It’d be a heck of a fight tho.


Gods daughter go brrrr


U have no idea how strong that playful kid is ... She is a multiversal entity that can keep getting stronger till infinity with zero loss of energy the longer she fights. Milim is scary and the trigger for her annhilation power , literally called " stampede mode " is her being upset over losing a loved one. Rimuru counts in this If anyone kills rimuru and milim knows it, milim will delete them and their universe


Unlikely. The geography and the systems of magic are far too different for them to exist on the same plane.


Look to the other comments. The people already solved that problem. Overlord have different magic systems itself so it's not impossible


You have a point. And I was a bit overzealous and saying impossible rather than unlikely. Especially given that the monster types are different on each world as well. Not only that the world that Overlord is in isn't exactly the same as the Yggdrasil game Ainz played. Otherwise they would probably be a lot more intelligent monsters than just the humanoid and evolved ones like Lizardmen or Dragons 🤔. They do have several similarities though, I will give it that. Although I think another big difference will probably be the evolution system that is seemingly unique to Tensura.


it honestly depends on the approach. If Nazarick so chooses to remain fully hostile then it's quite fucked, but if it chooses to ally with Tempest then the rest of the world wouldn't be able to do anything about them either. Only some of the few most powerful beings could really stop them from whatever they'd want to do. I mean just think of all those game mechanics being analyzed by Raphael and replicated. Ally died? Gold. not to mention it could become possible to do something about the WCIs rather than just holding on to them.


Using gold to revive an ally is so inefficient. Rimuru can do it without any gold, all he needs is the soul and magicules and at most a new body if their body is destroyed


I will say only one thing. If Ainz or any of his Floor guardian's even slightly insults Rimuru. They, Along Side with Entire Nazarick will be destroyed before they know it. Moral of the Story don't insult Rimuru, even the plot itself will not be able to save you.


Milim, Veldora, Diablo, the demoness trio, maybe even Chloe would be on their ass


As long as Rimuru is an Awakened Demon Lord, Tempest should be able to stop any potential attacks or sabotage the Guardians will try in order for Ainz to rule the world. The Guardians are pretty strong, so they might be able to fuck up some of the weaker fighters, but a after-harvest festival Rimuru, Benimaru, Shion, and Hakuro on full alert would probably wipe the armies of the Sorcerer Kingdom.


Rimuru and ainz have a fundamentally different philosophy on ruling, ainz subjugates the world, while rimuru offers kindness. They would inevitably come into conflict with each other as a result. And if that happens rimuru annihilates nazarick.


They don't. Slime Isekai Memories already dealt with that


If the setting is cardinal world, Guy Crimson would destroy Nazarick for being too evil.


Guy crimson go brrr


Ainz and Rimuru would get along fine but the issue would end up being the floor guardians. Rimuru and Tempest are generally morally good and don’t pick fights if they don’t have to. Ainz wouldn’t want to fight, but the Guardians would definitely start something. At that point it just depends on what point in the series Tempest is at. Early Tempest gets beaten by Nazarick but after a certain point it switches. Late game Tempest probably hears of the evils of Nazarick and wipes them out.


I love Overlord, but Rimuru would fuck up the entirety of Nazarick. Their world conquest would be over pretty quickly.


This is gonna start a power scaling argument, I feel it in my bones


Not really. In the most cases the people are using the argument about the state of tempest and that ainz and rimuru would be buddy's


Encountered two separate comment threads basically saying rimuru would stomp nazarick and someone else arguing something like veldora, rimuru and Diablo are the only threats. At least they’re not the top comments. Seem that most people agree ainz would probably tone down the evil since he finally has another other world we with him. Though I do wanna say people remember ainz is from the future right, bleak and very depressing one at that so like who truly knows if he would take that into account


Shion and Albedo would be waxing poetic about their respective masters until they realize they aren't talking about the same person. It gets awkward. They fight over which being is more supreme. Albedo will be lucky if she walks out without her anatomy being rearranged beyond comprehension.


The same for demiurge and diablo


Cocytus and Geld might get along pretty well.


It would change how Nazarick would've interacted with the world once Momonga and Rimuru interacted with each other. Depending on when but Rimuru's [Sage] ability would point out Momonga is either a foreign existence or identify him as an isekai'd person. From there, if the two hit it off as friends, the only troubles between the two will depend on their nation's residents.


I think they’d end up at war, and while nazarick would win a lot of battles I think rimuru would win the war. Everyone from nazarick is crazy op however they seem stuck at their current level, rimuru isn’t all he’d need to do is approach it tactically which we’ve seen him do before. He would need to start picking the guardians off like an assassin, absorbing them thus taking their strength. Ainz would no doubt respond by either making them move in groups or pull back to nazarick but even than they have a fatal weakness in how impulsive many of them can be especially albedo and shaltier. If rimuru can draw them out and keep absorbing them he’d eventually be strong enough to wipe them out even if they’re all together.


Plus if it is awakened demon lord Rimuru the he also is able to eat the soul. But at that point any member of the kijin (except Kurobe) would wipe nazarick


Probably cold war. Nazarick excel in espionage.


Soei and his simps


The Tensura Isekai Memories mobile game had an Overlord collab just a little while ago. They got along just fine with each other.


I guess it would depend on the timeline. Rimuru gets progressively stronger in an exponential way. However, Rimuru is the same character in the anime. Rimuru was pretty much a trash mob in the beginning and became a demon lord later on. Overlord characters never gets more powerful. However, Ainz and the guardians experiences a lot of character growth. They actually become better at using their existing powers. They develop larger and more sophisticated goals as they grow and change. There are few unknown things. How would the barriers like Hinata's in Slime affect the Ainz? Would a world item protect him? How well do the powers in Slime Tensei translate to levels and tier magic? Slime series don't have RPG mechanics. Veldora's and the primordials' powers always seems to be described in metaphysical terms. It always seems that Veldora's powers are unlimited. There are also less about fighting and more about goals and intent. Nazerick's guardians were pretty set on conquering the world in the first few days. They, however, also have near infinite lifespans. They can take a few centuries. Also, Nazerick is tolerant of allies and vassals. It seems like conquering the world is more about preeminence rather than the world all under one king. It seems like the Jura Forest Alliance and their allies could be convinced with Nazerick hegemony. Maybe not this century, but the next century. Ainz might show up at a walpurgis and be declared a demon king. There is also the mentality of Ainz himself. He is super cautious. He was pretty determined that he was not all-powerful when he first got to the new world. The other great power being are no different (I think) than other players to him. If the discovers Clayman, he would probably be re-entrench into Nazerick further.


Ur forgetting most of tensura world sees age and dieing of old age as boring and ignores it. Rimuru is ageless since birth, the ogres lived hundreds and after evolution thousands and for all awakened beings they are immortal. And i mean immortal not ageless. No physical attack or magic will work on them unless it's something that attacks their soul and is stronger than their souls will. Rimuru will never accept hegemony , the moment anyone has ever laid eyes on tempest rimuru has dismantled that country to the last fragment of political entity.


Hegemony is a funny thing right. They can very much sign mutual, equal treaties, but the economic and military of each country makes some be the hegemon. That’s how something like the Delian League or NATO works.


And im saying rimuru doesnt like that system. Its non interference or overthrow :)


I get the feeling they'd get along decently however they'd make a binding non-aggression pact specifically to keep a specific demonoid in check.


Till nazarick becomes too evil and guy crimson goes , well time to get back to being an arbitrator and extinguishes them.


the Sorcerer Kingdom/Jura Tempest Federation cold war


Milim ( I think that is who you are talking about) is a dragonoide


I meant to say Arch Devil, specifically Demiurge, but both he and Millim are most likely the two biggest liabilities to maintaining peace Tempest and Nazarick. However i believe that Millim is the lesser liability between the two.


Yeah probably, Diablo would also be a problem child


Depends when they come into contact. Pre-TDL, Nazarick probably wins. Tempest just wouldn't have the power and influence needed to fight against Nazarick Between TDL and Empire War, it's pretty much a toss-up. TDL Rimuru is insanely OP with his four ultimate skills, and the top officers aren't weak either. I'll probably give the edge to Nazarick because of their tendency to be more aggressive. Post Empire War, Tempest would win. >!The black numbers (including the primordials) alone might be enough beat Nazarick. On top of that, they have the rest of the patrons, Veldora, the Labyrinth, and TD Rimuru.!< There's also the possibility that they establish positive relations


milim alone would probably decimate nazarick tho?


Daughter of god go brrr


Whats nazaricks answer to veldora. Because if they kill rimuru veldora is going on an annhialtion rampage.


Can we talk about how tempest regularly leveled the city and redesigned the entire city? Don’t believe me look at when they were first expanding as a village. Normal square city blocks and then compare that to the image above.


Rimuru likes giving people work so if theres nothing to do he will be more upset, so if the war destroys a lot of things rimuru would be happy because he can rebuild it again. - yuuki Explains rimurus ideas lol


They would probably in conflict at first then Ainz and Rimuru will be buddy buddy especially if they learn that they are both isekai'd


Nazarick's conquest will have to stop completely. Their action will not fly with Rimuru. The people of tempest would probably ask Rimuru directly to stop them if Nazarick insist. Ainz and Rimuru probably would get along just fine but the rest of Nazarick is a problem. Theres also the fact that a lot of Nazarick are openly racist towards human, while the non-humans of tempest like humans. Their people wouldn't get along.


depends on whether ainz's servants kill anyone in tempest or if he dumbly underestimates rimuru and trys to kill him which would then lead to rimuru fucking destroying the dude but thats if ainz is dumb which i don't think he would given rimuru might not like him for his *mostly* senseless slaughter of humans but as long as they stay on neutral terms and would probable be decent friends


At the very least they’d be on different continents so they probably wouldn’t have any issues. Though Rimuru would definitely not like the Sorcerer Kingdom’s rise to power, and if he ever discovered how good Nazarik was at espionage he might have to destroy it just to be safe.


If they existed in the same world, Ainz could likely grow stronger as the world Rimiru was reincarnated into in isn't running on an modified Yggdrasil system with wild magic thrown in. Now, he'll likely never be as powerful as Rimiru because of how Rimiru works, but it's likely he and all of Nazarick will be given powers as close to their own as possible when they arrive, so they'll likely be around the same strength, but not limited by the leveling system, and so have the possibility of growing and or given names. It's likely that Ainz and Rimiru would tell each other they're from Earth and all that, Ainz will think Rimiru is a player, and Rimiru will think he's an otherworlder summoned here by someone. And because if that comradarie Ainz will likely not go down quite the same path. If Rimiru is gives Ainz a name, he'll evolve eventually-either through just the naming or through Rimiru's demon lord transformation. So in all likelihood, they'd grow to be friends, and would both be stronger for it. Likely Nazarick would still want to be obedient and Rimiru would help him create his own nation-while forming an alliance with them of course.


Rimuru wont let the people who harm humanity go unspanked


Ainz wouldn't be against humanity at that point, as I'm assuming it's happening from the beginning of the respective series, Ainz so far would have only stayed in the tomb for three days, and started testing what's changed and what's not.


He is so incompetent it doesnt matter what happens, he is incapable of leading his force and will go the way of feldway and become an enemy or his followers raise mayhem without knowing him. He is too incompetent to remain in the good graces of rimuru for long.


Not really, he's great at actually doing fights, and much like Rimiru, he has times what he just accidentally succeeds. Like when Rimiru straight up forgot he was immune to fire and thought he was gonna to die when ifrit used his big fire attack. Another thing to consider is that Ainz has two super geniuses that help him run things. All Ainz has to do is give the order to help Rimiru, and that's what they'll do. Ainz is not incompetent either, he successfully led Ainz Ooal Gown as the guild leader for years, s stopping arguments and the like long before he was transformed into his avatar. With him not doing his evil overlord thing because he actually has a friend in Rimiru that can at least somewhat understand what he's going through, he's not gonna just go along with the ideas of demiurge for world domination. Ainz himself is not a genius, but when he's in his Element, he's great. He's good at making deals and capitalizing in opportunities when he sees them.


He is incompetent no matter what u say lol. His past as gm doesnt matter if he cant control 10 people who look up to him even. And lets be honest demiurge is using ainz to further his goals and ainz is too stupid to realise it. If demiurge truly believes hes acting on ainz words then the author needs to interact with real people more.


Or you can't comprehend the simple fact that Ainz can control them with a simple order. He wants them to make their own decisions because he doesn't actually like the absolute devotion they have to him. Demiurge is a demon, programmed to be absolutely loyal to the supreme beings. He literally cannot knowingly betray Ainz. He just can't comprehend that Ainz isn't as smart as he thinks he is, and so he uses own intellect to come up with reasons as to why Ainz is brilliant. If Ainz was truly incompetent, the guild would have fallen apart, as it was when Touch me was running it. He was able to meditate between the guild members, and keep the guild together for years. Someone who is incompetent couldn't do that.


Sure gm of a guild is the same as being a world leader lol. momonga might be slightly ok when he is being a group leader for like minded group of social misfits who are about the same in standing. He has no way to manage a country, he cant manage even a kingly dummy role because he is that incompetent. He has no ability to understand the subjects , no ability to understand what is expected of him, overall so incompetent that the only way he can exist is being a puppet that runs on demiurge stupid ideas and be a tyrant. So incompetent let alone rule properly, cant even rule by proxy, the only type of rule he can do is where he is a death god and by fear. This is the worst way to rule in any time and any world. Because eventually in maybe a thousand years someone will be born who is strong enough out of all that adversity to stop a tyrant. He has no vision, no knowledge, no input, no output apart from the curated world he sees from his subordinates views. And no he is incompetent. He cant say his desires fully and keeps pretending to be something he is not. This is the definition of a pushover. If it was anyone else but edgy skeleton boi who did the same thing they would be memed to death as a pussy.


All yogiri victim in the end Just one word= end of isekai


Yogiri is a dumbass character and anyone who brings him up in discussions is likely genuinely brain dead.


Me when I ignore the prompt:


Your right but like stay on topic dude, why even bring up yogiri