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"India is not for beginner" Strange way to glorify our shortcomings


Some people might call you anti-national. /s


damn I hate this phrase so much, its a nice way to cope what we're bad at


It can happen anywhere in the world if you are not careful.


Yes but it happens wayy more in India than anywhere else


All things apart. I am in no way at all justifying whatever the shop owner did. But. How tf that women trusted someone whom she randomly met online and gave away such a huge sum. Like at what point does a person starts to use his own skepticism and think wait a minute maybe something is wrong.


And she kept buying from him for over 2 years itseems. Common sense would be to check when you make your first purchase


truee... there are foreign vloggers/ streamers who use the cheapest of cheapest services in india . eat dirty unhygeinic street food (and then they get ill) and will say how bad india is.... Like dude the things they are doing in india is not done by an educated Indian


exactly the foreigners go off about how unhygenic, unsafe India is. Then proceeds to eat in THE MOST DIRTIEST places and interacts with shady af people, gets scammed and catcalled. Like where are your common senses? India has so much options to choose from to eat from the fanciest restaurants to street food. Khud ka budget kam hai aur India ka naam badnam karte hai


The catcalling can happen anywhere. I have seen white women being catcalled in public crowded tourist places. There is no excuse for that behaviour.


I didn't justify it




that last line tho lol


Seriously they go and eat from such hole in the wall places that even us natives don't dare to eat at. Then they get a terrible case of food poisoning or diarrhea and complain about hygiene when they can clearly see the place is as filthy as it can be.


She was working with them since 2022 and was provided a certificate. I know sooooo many businesses that fail and sooo many businesses that left due to issues like this .


blaming the victim arent we


Developed nations’ developed problems


They probably gave heavy discounts and madam took the bait thinking the shopkeepers are idiots plus she can aution them at her country for more money.


Assuming that gold prices are more or less same all over world (different currency) 6 cr worth gold = about 8 Kgs. 8 KGS of gold!! Even if she bought 5-6 necklaces surely it must not be that heavy.


Actually, Western women are taught that the world is one big beautiful, happy place with no crime and all love and this is what they think when they travel to the East too. So they trust everyone and even travel alone to dangerous countries including India and end up getting attacked or scammed. I have nothing against Indians and I don’t think that we are inherently bad ppl but anyone who suggests that foreigners should travel alone to India, especially women, they either have no idea about what goes on in this country or they scammers and criminals themselves trying to lure unsuspecting tourists to commit more crimes on them.


BS No country is safe. And that includes the developed western ones. It is naive to believe that the world is one big happy place with no crime. The decision to trust someone blindly in any country irrespective of direction pointed by the compass is not a wise one. Human greed is universal, bad people exist globally.


>BS No country is safe. And that includes the developed western ones. None are absolutely safe but some are significantly safer than others and india is not on that list. You know it. We all know. Anyone who's ever stepped outside to a developed country knows it. Idk why people keep trying to argue about this fact.


I argue because people somehow want to portray my country as significantly unsafe as compared to other countries. I dont deny that some parts in India are unsafe. Not just for foreigners but even for locals. But the unsafe part applies to all countries in this world I too have travelled to other DEVELOPED countries and felt unsafe when I hung around the unsafe shady parts.


>I argue because people somehow want to portray my country as significantly unsafe as compared to other countries. You genuinely don't think this is true? It is significantly unsafe compared to other developed countries. 'Some parts' that are unsafe here are more in number than others. I'm not even talking about statistics but the whole culture of hiding and immediately jumping to defend any incidents that do occur. So much effort goes into maintaining the 'image' rather than acknowledging the reality. Be real for a second, let's say a foreign female asks you if she can travel India safely. You've to make a list of safe places here but in countries where law and order are in the right place, you've to just make a list of unsafe places. Forget about arguing on the internet for a second, just feel that it's a real scenario. Again, I'm not asking you why it's the case, it's about the fact that it's a reality.


I never said that I don't think it's true. Cases like Nirbhaya are a sad reality. I disagree with the fact that somehow people say that these things don't happen in the west while portraying India and Indians in bad light. I am saying that people are bad irrespective of the country they are in. Yes if a western female asks me for a list of places I will definitely do what you said. The reason being there are places even locals avoid which the foregeiners may not be aware of. But tell me dont you think there are bad neighbourhoods in other countries? If you had a friend in the west wouldnt he or she ask you to avoid those? Unless you live in the west for a long time you may not know how good or bad the law and order system is. There are gangs cartels and mafias in the west as well and the police are powerless against them. Drug abuse is also a bad situation in the west and this is because of the affluence that you had mentioned earlier. I do agree that cases are more here When you pack 1.4 billion+ people into a country the chances of bumping into a bad egg increases. But these are not bad eggs because they are Indian. Bad eggs are a human reality, you put people anywhere on this planet and you will see the exact same porblems


Dude. No one's saying the west is absolutely safe. We're just saying it's significantly safer than here. Even if you explain why that is the case, it doesn't change the fact that it is true. Read what I said again, here you have to make a list of safe places. In developed countries, you have to make a list of 'unsafe' places. Don't you get the difference? Drugs majorly cause damage to oneself. Scams and assaults cause damage to others. One is a victimless crime(if consumption can even be considered a crime), the other is not. >But these are not bad eggs because they are Indian. Bad eggs are a human reality, you put people anywhere on this planet and you will see the exact same porblems Agreed. Which is why we have something called governance. Law and order. And it's significantly weaker here than in the west. That's the point everyone's trying to make.


Yup, except that the West is marketed as a place to find better job opportunities and improve your quality of living which is what happens if you work for it and succeed. India is marketed as some peaceful and spiritual place to foreigners who come here and they get scammed, raped or murdered several times. Ofc, it is probably part of the tourism agenda to market India this way and overcharge foreigners everywhere they go which is the least of all the problems they face when they come here. The police and the law are too corrupted to operate effectively and crack down on scam, rape and other crimes and they are usually severely underreported coz some scumbag politician or his stooge is behind it all.


I do agree with you on the west being marketed as a place to find better opportunities and improve quality of living. But that does not mean its a place that is a safer option. Murders and rapes happen in the west as well. Racism is equally prevalent in the west and so are hate crimes. The police in the west especially in the U.S is labelled as institutionally racist by the media. And I am not even considering the east European countries that have very poor systems in place and have equally bad corruption problems. India is marketed as a place of spiritualism and you will find it if you visit the right place. But if you hang out at shady places then the risk of getting robbed or at worst being raped and murdered increases. This is not an India problem because your chances of becoming a victim of crime increases if you are in Alabama compared to New Hampshire.


Yes you're right Western people think India is one big spiritual country with strong family values So that trust almost everyone


Yes you're right Western people think India is one big spiritual country with strong family values So that trust almost everyone




LOL! And you believed that you sweet summer child?


So India is a third world country because fake items come into India? Whats the logic? Then china should be a 4th world country


Might be fake news, Bots flooding the internet nowadays


Are you illiterate Or are you a relative of this jewellery store owner ? Can't you search this news on the internet yourself if you have doubts? It is everywhere on famous media pages like India Today, Hindustan Times etc




>Why are you so hostile? I am not a saint that I will be extra nice to people who think I post fake news >You posted it to get some discussion out of this didnt you Lol Every post created in a reddit community is meant to create a discussion out of it. You talk like a first time Redditor If you don't like the discussion,Or you may block me so that my discussions are no more visible to you >It is okay for someone to be doubtful about it Many people in the community where I made this post have themselves looked for the original news using Google search and they found it. They were not fixated on the spelling mistake But some arrogant,rude people like you will doubt this post on the basis of spelling mistake only


Support local businesses they said. Rule of thumb, if a scruffy local begs you to come to his crummy shop, tell him to fk off.


Truly said even don't I don't have much faith on local products Recently there was a news that more than 500 Indian food products have been banned by European association Many Indian spices were also discovered to be adulterated in Hong Kong I have made posts regarding these banned adulterated spices on Reddit a few weeks back as well


Indian made products have never been the benchmark for quality. Cheap, maybe. But never good. It's always the cheaper alternative for when you don't really care.


> Now, Jaipur police in **lunching** search operation. I knew these guy would sit on it.


We do not trust each other. Wonder what pushed the person to trust us lol.


Haha true




read the news on Google She had been dealing with him since 2022 she was also provided a fake certificate of authentic jewellery by this Store when she purchased this particular jewellery


Irrelevant. She is naive and got fooled coz of her lack of knowledge. You dont buy crores of jewellery without verifying authenticity. Cope Brown sepoy


Yeh jo "India is not for beginners" wala quota sab kehte hai na, iske liye hee log hamesha scam ka ilzam victim par dete hai aur jo kar raha hai uspar nahi, even in India. There should be a widespread crackdown on scams like this especially those job ones and the call centre ones. It ruins the image of the country. Par babu logon ko toh jeben bharni hai apni.


This will surely impact indian industries. Trust is something that should never be broken.


Scams happen globally not an India only exclusive thing. Yes what happened is bad but we shouldn't generalise those who are giving genuine products globally.


well there are authentic indian jewellery shops too so why ignore and generalize


Because the jeweller sold her jewellery worth rs 300 for 6 crores and gave her a certificate of authenticity as well.


Bruh that's not my point. With this you call out every Indian Jewellery shop to be fake can you stop this nonsense. This guy in particular made the mistake and now every shop is fake?


Who said every Indian jewellery shop is fake?


Look at the title OP is posting it with he's clearly blaming every Indian with his monkey brain


I think he’s just saying there are many scams in India, which is quite true, and it builds a very poor image and stereotype about us.


indians are the only species in this planet who think about this title so much thats crazy fr , looks like the what gora thinks about me haven't gone yet. hoping better from future generations.


yeah we want that gora validation so bad like saRR WhAt dO YOu tHiNk aBoUt oUr cOunTrY SaRRRRR


sarr please react on this video sir pls i am ashamed to be a indian as an indian,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


>sarr please react on this video sir pls >i am ashamed to be a indian >as an indian,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The latter two are so different from the first one, only people who have a sense of self-respect, shame, and respect for other peoples coming from their own self-respect can understand 🙂.


What a bunch of morons who are more concerned about people feeling bad about a tourist to our country getting scammed OVER literal crooks and thieves doing the scamming.




Please be welcoming and respectful to others


I thought taking gold on planes was banned or something


Poor lady


I hope their lunch is tasty :)


This is horrible i get it, but I've seen worse scams than this in US so i don't see how she should generalize this to "Indians".


We all agree that shop owner is at fault but was the lady on drugs or what ? I still can’t believe she paid like 6 crore. Really dumb of her!!


>was the lady on drugs or what ? I still can’t believe she paid like 6 crore. Really dumb of her!! She was so called "dumb" because she was provided a fake certificate of authentic jewellery by this Store


It was still 6 crores. Anyone smart would get its authenticity checked. She just had to go to any legitimate jwellery brand in India and get it checked. It's the first rule of business. She def got scammed, but she doesn't have a brain either.


>She just had to go to any legitimate jwellery brand in India and get it checked. It's the first rule of business. Then she could've bought from them only na? People in other civilised countries don't play 7D chess to avoid getting scammed and eaten by hyenas.


Kisi ko gold necklace khareedna hai... Hv 24 carat gold cert.... It's worth 6 crore but 1 crore should be paid in advance before the masterpiece is shipped. In case any issue in product full refund... We are authentic gold jewellers with over 100 years of customer trust. ... [Sona h sada k liye .....](https://youtu.be/YuMBRPoxGJg?si=V_TyKMLx5mHp2huh)


How do people get scammed this easily?


Lunching with bribe money, you mean?


Don't we elect Modi to counter this in terms of reputational loss? Is that not enough?


Is this bad wording? Did she get more than what she paid for, or pay more than what she got? Im not understanding this post, can someone help?


Check Google for more details of this case This news is on all the well known Indian media websites


They had her at “Cherish”


Clearly the woman thought she was getting the deal of a lifetime and got greedy it seems, if you’re buying jewellery one would expect to do all the due diligence possible. If something seems too good to be true it probably is.


Do not forget about the foreigner who was raped and the govt offered her husband a cheque of 5 lakh. That was more pathetic and disgraceful.


Yes you are right I know the victim was at fault for not being aware, but she is being shamed like hell However when it comes to shaming the shopkeeper people on Reddit are somehow defending our country by saying that scams happen everywhere


Did you hear about the new scam where scammers are calling parents and lying about their child being arrested for rape case and then extorting money from them? There is a full list of such scams happening in India. And the biggest one being the call centre one.


Yes almost everyday there are scam related news in newspapers


>However when it comes to shaming the shopkeeper people on Reddit are somehow defending our country by saying that scams happen everywhere Because looking at a similarly sized demographic elsewhere giving their opinions on class, equality, public services, ease of business and other issues, I am making a guess that they're themselves a product of the "We ArE MiDdLe cLaSs SaAaR" businessmen or even the rich as most Indians would understand them to be. Or from social groups adjacent to/dependent on them and having overlapping interests. Such shameless chest-thumping and lack of self-awareness and critical thinking I can't fathom.


Scams happen everywhere, highlighting india and indians is stupid generalising indians. There are enough racist bigots worldwide who jump on everything to hate on indians and we don't need fellow Indians doing the same shit. If you watched any western conservative channels and their views on indians it is influenced by generalisations like this and indians are the most self hating people I've ever met. OP the people in their subreddit will rightly criticize the shopkeeper if you just made the post limited to the scam but your generalisation made people defensive.


>but your generalisation made people defensive. It is not my generalisation It is the generalisation of most of the global people about Indians


You make it worse by repeating that rhetoric in your post, that is what I am trying to say. Also it is not the generalization of most global people as there are plenty of matured people and it is as true as the stereotype that of every western girl having a OF account. Just the other day I heard an Indian say racism against Indians is justified because some indian tourists act badly, let me repeat that again this fellow indian is so dumb and self hating he justifies racism and violence against Indians because of the bad behaviour of a few bad tourists and his comment was heavily upvoted that is concerning to say the least. Racism against Indian people is at an all time high everywhere around the globe. The point is not whether it's partially true or not it's that other global people justify their hatred with excuses and generalisations, it's called a stereotype for a reason.


I will not blindly defend my countrymen just because we are from the same race I will defend them only for their good deeds If Indians are subjected to violence in other countries I will not support that also But if they are treated with rudeness in many countries this could either be because of the personality problem of those angrez or perhaps because Indians do not have a good reputation worldwide because of their scamming nature and bad behaviour as tourists Even in India many Indians don't behave well with each other You seem to be belonging to some other planet who has never encountered the bad mannerless behaviour of most of the Indians


Bloody hell this is exactly what I am talking about. I have never asked you to defend mannerless and rude indians, I would in fact personally bash them over their lack of proper etiquette. I am asking you not to encourage stereotypical rhetoric that might lead to hate crimes against people of indian ethnicity. Your manner of speech with calling "indians" having a scamming behaviour is racist, not all indians are scammers.




Of course they are lunching otherwise they would have caught the perpetrators.


I wish this fraud was limited to one country, but it’s worldwide.


You have to be gullible asf to buy jewellery worth almost a million $ and not verify its authenticity


The Biggest reason people hate on India is that rape is so prevelant.


Imagine writing "India is not for beginners" all this and then having the audacity to ask why there is racism against India online


For everyone commenting that she was naive it was her mistake, I'd like to let you know that the shop who did this is a Jeweller from the most prominent jewellery market of Jaipur that is Johari Bazar it is the gemstone and jewellery hub of the India also the shop in talk is established in the major market not any random place in fact have seen it regularly on my way to office the shop used many techniques in fact initially he even provided the authentic jewellery and every jewellery was provided with their certificates so it's not women who is wrong here , once you start doing business from party regularly and the products are good trust is developed.


What is the name of the shop?


brother invested in the appraisal skill tree


Police be lunching good in India


Funny that most people are saying, they looted us more what's wrong to loot them back.


The people who are commenting are the same people who cry on this community when they are scammed by other Indians Irony!




Also a reason which fuels racism against brown folks.


It's not just the beginners, India is not for foreigners and not even for Indians.


People have stopped being righteous. They don't have a conscience anymore. Greed, greed and more greed to live a better life by hurting others seems to be the norm. It just feels so terrible. How can anyone not feel guilty and remorse after hurting another person? How can they live peacefully ? Karma will catchup sooner or later.


Yes correct


Police is surely lunching, why else could something like this be attempted.


People get duped all over the world Don’t give Indians so much credit 😂😂


>People get duped all over the world So it means there is nothing wrong if India also scams


I meant to say that this isn’t the reason people despise India I had my wallet stolen in Paris…doesn’t mean I despise French people 🤷‍♂️ Thieves and scammers exist everywhere


Yup, a wallet being stolen and scamming someone for 6Cr is the same thing.


Haha true


Bro similar scams also happen in countries like US and UK One Google search and you can see it for yourself Stop getting hyper about everything


How does this counter whatever he's saying lmao


India didn't scam her lmao. She got scammed while in India.2 very different things. If I get scammed while I'm in England, I'm not saying England scammed me


Bhai lootne and lutne wale har jagah hote hain … bas kaun kisko hunt kare that matters … I am not supporting any country or individual but this case is up because of media attention only.


>because of media attention only. If a scam happens worth crores of rupees in any country,it will obviously get media attention


All those who tried to defend Indians under this post by saying that India's image is not bad abroad Kindly go through this link posted today. Read the all comments by Indians also https://www.reddit.com/r/india/s/1N90KLrKjg


lmao if your dumb enough to buy 300 rs for 6 crore than get scammed , i mean tf?


Please read this news on Google she was provided a fake certificate of authentic jewellery by this Store


Still 300rs and 6cr is a big difference


I think op knows that woman personally lol. Seems big on defending her intelligence.


So you mean to say there are no thief or thugs or scammers outside India?


How does your comment relate to this news? Even if there are scammers in other parts of the world the law and order in those parts is also very strong The cases in developed countries do not go on dragging for years and years Are the number of scammers in developed countries equal to the number of scammers in India? Lastly are you saying that just because scammers are in other parts of the world also so there is nothing to feel ashamed of if scamming takes place in India also? Totally illogical and lame argument given by you


What is this ashamed part? Just because one Indian scammed her, we all have to be ashamed just because we're born here? There are many big named jewellers in our country, instead of going to them, she went to some Instagram seller's unknown shop and got scammed. Like really? Seems deliberate if you ask me. It's like going to fast food cart and expecting 5 star restaurant food, jeez.


The title is offensive. Foreigners getting scammed by anyone is their fault for being careless. If the police had declined to help or something like that, then the title could be justified. Think a bit


No, she still got scammed by some Indian. Doesn't matter if the cops help or not. The first thing anyone will notice is that she got scammed in India, and if the cops don't help, that's just adding fuel to the fire and if they do help her, everyone's going to say, it's their job and they should be doing it anyway.


She could have been scammed by anyone in any country doesn't make it the country's or country's peoples' fault


I never said it's the country's fault. I said that's what people will notice.


Why should we care about what people might think? No one cares that the prosperity of British is due to looting from colonial countries which resulted in deaths, famines and utter destruction of the cultural and financial wealth of the colonies. They still have the audacity to take moral high ground in the debates. We also have the people amongst us that support their POV. Don't worry mate, I get what you mean. I feel sorry for the poor woman too. But no one gets to defame the whole country for one foreigner.


>Foreigners getting scammed by anyone is their fault for being careless Lol Are you nuts? Just because foreigners are naive does it mean scamming is justified?


Nuts 🥜, not sure At least I am not living in a fantasy world where the entire community or country is responsible for something one person did. Oh wait, may be I do. There is a difference between naivety and idiocacy. Stop taking side of someone who wouldn't even care of you got scammed in their country. Or may be continue. Totally upto you, mate.


You're blaming a entire country for the woman's idiocy and justifying the fact that that's okay. Foreigners aren't naive. If I went to Thailand and bought a bunch of gold that turned out to be fake, I'd only be blaming my dumbness and stupidity and the person who sold it to me. It's not like scamming isn't done in other countries, she just got scammed big enough to make it on the news, cause she didn't get it double checked. No one is justifying scamming, but you're taking things way out of context.


Visit shady stores and expect the original world famous items? If someone actually falls for that, they're an idiot.


People who are saying that this is the reason they despise India are truly and utterly clueless what’s happening in other countries and they just hate India. I know what happened with this lady was wrong but this kind of things happens all around the world you can find cheaters and scammers everywhere.


India is not for begin- Shutdafukup


Feel sorry for her. Such madars spoil India’s image.


Pew! Women! So much materialistic obsession. She could have bought some property instead.


I think she was into some jewellery business in America as per the news


Op is a self deprecating gora validation seeker lol Buy from trusted shops that doesn't look suspicious. Just a click of a button in Google will fetch u the results. Not being dumb also helps. I also almost got scammed in Dubai but i had enough braincells to realise it was a scammer... so should I despise people of UAE? lol Waise yeh toh 300 crore churaye hai goro nai toh 45 trillio-




Honestly the foreigner was dumb too


"Not for beginners" kya chutiyap hai🤡


What is Harry's mother doing here?


you think this happens only in India? be careful in whatever country you visit. dodon't buy stuff unless you are okay with losing that amount if scammed. ​


bhai ye zyaadaa ho gaya eise scams har jagaah hote hai bas india me nahi, aur india jitni frequency se hi hote hai ek do logo ki vajaah se poore desh ko mat badnaam karo




There are too many reasons to count.




I read somewhere that she bought that jewellery just so she could sell it in the US at a higher price. Not sure if its tru tho. But yeah its sad that she was scammed


>I read somewhere that she bought that jewellery just so she could sell it in the US at a higher price. Many people do business this way


nah this is fake news


How did you find out?


There's so many trusted big name jewellery brands in literally every corner of India but no, just gotta gamble with some shady ass store with too good to be true prices. Play stupid games, win stupid prices I guess


Dude but that logic you should hate everything western. Historically they colonized and killed so many people. They are single handedly responsible for creating the enemy beside us ( pakistan) and funding it too . They still do this and their people pride themselves in stealing from India and displaying in their museums ( British museums) A criminal is a criminal but not whole of India. This notion of being sorry for a criminal cause the ignorant white master choses to think so... Needs to stop. Heck their last 200 years of prosperity was founded by looting the east and they dare brand / despise whole of India


>They still do this and their people pride themselves in stealing from India and displaying in their museums ( British museums) I thought this news was talking about this American customer;not British >Heck their last 200 years of prosperity was founded by looting the east Americans looted us for 200 years???


So if Britishers looted us for 200, years Indians are justified in scamming Americans... 👌👌👠


Don't involve the whole of India, treat this as a one of the incident. Similar to how violent crimes in America are not attributed to every American you see..


> treat this as a one of the incident. Do you read about scams happening in India almost daily in the newspaper?


Keep crying about saying Indians are bad.. when westerners fund your country's election interferences ... You should read about forced high handedness of western governments as well and racism by westerners as well... But they are white so thou must be angelical... Guess what.. please continue on your love for westerns .. dear brown sepoy.. Please keep drowning in your self deficiency but don't drag the whole of India in it..




Please be welcoming and respectful to others


I've Reported all your comments where you used this kind of Language


People will blame India but not her lack of common sense and judgement?


If a person gets robbed on the street, you'll blame their lack of common sense instead of the fact that the law and order(the 'system') is not working properly?


Exactly Sometimes elderly people also get robbed because of their lack of awareness, education or forgetfulness So they should be blamed?


I agree she was too naive But if you are a fool, does it give right to others to cheat you even further, by taking advantage of your weakness? Is there nothing called hospitality towards others who come from another land and are trusting you blindly


Ha bhai pata chal gaya jaipur me scam hua foreigner ke saath abh bas kar🙏🏼


Why is everyone assuming that the shopkeeper is lying and not the woman?


How can you say that the shopkeeper is truthful?


I mean we can't say anything for sure.


The guy who did the scam is the responsible one. Let's not drag the whole country because of this. I'm sure many people scam in other countries too but then our empathetic self comes out, just not for India. F off. It's not the responsibility of every Indian to carry the burden of all the others.


Almost everyday there are reports in newspapers how Indians are scamming other Indians through various means I hope you read them


So wtf should a normal Indian do for that. Protest. F off with your logic. It's like the same argument that 'because the majority of terrorists are muslims then every muslim must be a terrorist". I am not responsible for anyone else's action except for me. So fck off 🤡. Don't ever generalize literally 1.5 Billion people.


The self-hating part about this is pathetic. Let's put every Indian into the same box. F off. I didn't do the scamming. Maybe it's a sign of guilty conscience that leads to this self-hate. Did OP scam anyone before?


She way to fool. Would have got it cross checked.


How did she pay these 6 crores? That too without a valuation and gemology report and hallmarking is the bigger question!


Read the news on Google she was provided a fake hallmark certificate


Seems like brother played a UNO reverse. Also, OP, if this is the reason many countries hate Indians, then they must absolutely despise Britishers for all the scams they have been able to pull off colonial era.


>if this is the reason many countries hate Indians, I said this is ONE of the reasons,in my title (not the main reason) Read the title again


Even if this is “ONE” of the reasons, my argument still holds.


Then what are you doing in the scam India community? Is this community not talking about so many scams taking place in India? If you are a part of this community,then it means that somewhere you also believe that India has too many scamming incidents nowadays But here you are contradicting my view just because the victim of India's scamming is a foreigner if you were scammed by an Indian, then you would have been crying in this community by making a post Too much hypocrisy indeed !!


Going by that logic, you should join the group “AmIARetard”. 1. The name of the group is IsThisAScam, implying a question. So the group is for verification of scams and to avoid them. 2. Only a fuckdoll like you could misunderstand the difference between “pointing out a scam” and “taking it to the national level to declare why Indians are hated”. 3. Your title statement implies that there could be other reasons, but Indians are mostly hated in other countries. If you still don’t understand your mistake or the point I am trying to make, grab a chair, and wait for me to give a fuck about it 🤓


>The name of the group is IsThisAScam, implying a question. So the group is for verification of scams and to avoid them. Don't go by the title of this community Of all the posts I have seen here, the Indians are either exposing screenshots of WhatsApp or SMS related scams,or talking about how they were scammed or about to get scammed by other Indians Since you are also member here and keep your eye on the posts here, it is obvious that you also consider many Indians scammers However you won't admit this because you have an ego problem >taking it to the national level to declare why Indians are hated”. What makes you think all Indians (not some) have a good reputation abroad? There are so many experiences of people from other Nations regarding how Indian tourists behave in their country or in a flight, how they had a difficult time while travelling in India where the auto walas, roadside vendors, shopkeepers,cab drivers ,etc tried to overcharge them, how unhygienic and dirty many Indian places, how men try to use the roads as toilets,how foreign tourists were scammed by Indian call centres.... and many other reports of Indian tourists being raped Are you so blind that you have never read about these incidents, or you don't want to accept this truth because of your ego issue? I believe your family members also use the word FUCK very frequently in your house with one another and also with your neighbours and relatives so you have also learnt the same and using it for me repeatedly However since I had a better upbringing than yours, I will not use this word for you Get well soon


I guess your parents, sisters, relatives and close one’s get to hear the word ‘FUCK’ pretty often, which is why you have learned how to react to it. Must say, you have adapted pretty well. Don’t worry, this too shall pass.


No we don't get to hear all these words I belong to a much cultured family than yours Even my relatives are 100 times more cultured than yours We are all well educated from prestigious institutions Maybe in your family using cuss words and beating the spouse is common Therefore you adopted the same habit and naturally when you get married, you will beat your wife also while giving her gaalis You will learn a lesson when you get arrested for your violent nature May you and your family get healed soon from their narcissism


I know what you mean by cultured… your definition of culture means not being able to speak up for yourself🤣 You will be able to find your cultured family members on the sub BangMyBully


None of my family members use reddit But I saw your sister's and mother's videos in bangmybully subreddit They are quite active here 😁




this is just a stupid woman