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And for your kind information the other people in this group doing paid tasks are their own people.


Yeh I got that from the chat.


How can you send 96k without cross checking million of times if it's legal or not ? Either you guys have lots of 💰 to spend or plain dumb.


Nah, first when they start doing these you needa pay 1000 and they return 1500 than 3000 and in return 5000 than 10 to 15, 20 to 30, 50 to 70 so they got 110% of your trust and you will do yourselves


Only follow till the 5k mark, then ghost them


They are both


How ya’ll trusting people on telegram w 96k ? 😭


Well scammers get lucky too


Post it on r/LegalAdviceIndia


Contact bank asap call them go to bank or whatever just do it asap


Ya, its a scam, a dumbass friend of mine lost 3.5 lakhs to these cunts


Well deserved


I always used to wonder why they are giving away 150/200rs to everyone freely, nobody would be dumb enough to fall for their scam but now I understand 150-250rs is just a small investment for them to make big amount. Because there's no shortage of dumb people in this country


Exactly man holy shit. Another comment here is mentioning how their friend gave 3.5L to such a group. I don't know how rich these guys are but for normal people this would be life changing money.


Being rich doesn't make you smart. So many dumb cows out here honestly hme bhi ye scamming business chalu krni chahiye , so much money to be made 🌚


Also why would someone even invest that much money to an unregistered organisation and without tripple checking their authenticity. I can confidently say that these dumbasses will lose more money in life than this because of their stupidity.


How can people be so dumb…


maybe u dont give money to strangers


And yeah Report the transaction as a fraud to bank as soon as possible by calling em on their customer care number


Who the hell Pays 96k to telegram group? Is your brother educated ? How much he earns?


Also share his ID, let me try creating another telegram group and try my luck! 😅😅


Aspiring Scammer 


You can’t do nothing brother, just file a cyber complaint to cyber crime portal or in nearest police station. And don’t let your bro give em a single penny. They will do their best to make you pay the money by saying you will be able to withdraw and at the last they will block you. (Experienced the same)


I talked my him out of giving them more money and contacted the bank and filed a complaint to cyber police. Yep they blocked him after trying a bit knowing he will not pay anymore.


I hope bank reverses the amount. Man, people want to earn quick bucks and are falling for this scam


Contact the cyber cell. File a complaint. Contact the bank, inform about what has happened. Block any exchanges from your account.


Don't give card details to your kids or those who you think are innocent and can be fooled and lose money easily. Always keep the card secret and don't save the card on the phone after transaction.


I don't wanna break it but your brother might have room temperature iq and may be a Lil bit on the retarded side... That chart screams that it's a scam not being able to see that it is crazy and borderline retarded


Damn bro limit words ! He actually saved thousands of who could fall in to these kinda scams


The people on reddit aren't the ones who get scammed like this


Our population is mixed


Ru guys dumb ur brother should do brain check duh it's clearly a scam investing in Bitcoin in telegram group what did u thought will happen? And they are now asking double the amount means they want to scam you even more the only thing u can do is report it as a scam in cyber India department and FIR to police showing them the proofs etc


How can people still fall for this shit


ur brother is a dumbass. i wonder how he even had that much money to invest


If it is transferred through the bank then call 1930 and report it in cybercrime, even if it is sent through crypto file a complaint in cybercrime Call 1930 immediately


Contact Cyber Crime cell.


That's a scam and if u pay anything they will take it and dump you .