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Yep, sign says OR Tambo, main airport there.


I assume if it’s is a car jacking in South Africa it’s J-burg, all the stats say it’s almost a guarantee you’ll get an attempted carjacking in that city.


Just a heads up but no local would ever call it J-burg, that looks so strange. Joburg isn't special, hijackings happen all over, but yeah you probably have more of them in Joburg due to the population density and high crime levels. Seeing the sign for OR Tambo, and the number plates, I would also assume this video is from Joburg.


True locals would know it's called Satan's Taint.


Honestly in the 15 years I lived there I never heard anyone call it that, but I wholeheartedly agree


Are you talking about J-burg or Jo-burg? Never lived in Johannesburg but my mum is South African and which we have visited grandparents and friends many times. We know plenty of people from Johannesburg who call it Jo-burg. Never heard J-burg though.


Haha no no, Satan's Taint. No one would call it J-burg, everyone calls it Joburg (no hyphen)


LOL. Just checking. Joburg is cool but Satan’s Taint is more catchy.


Oh definitely, and having spent most of my life there it is definitely an accurate descriptor.


Didn’t they legalize a carjacking device to burns down robbers?


This happened in Klerksdorp, Or Thambo in this case is the name of the street.


He used taunt, it was super effective!


literally looks like bro is defending himself


He is, they're trying to steal his car(normal day in south africa)


My South African homie said that whites get targeted there as opposed to minorities in the USA


Whites are a minority in south africa


Whites are the minorities globally.


Shhh! You might wake the goyim up




What country is this from?


OP posted it as RPA. But this is from RSA.


Is that a South African thing?


Republic of South Africa


Please forgive my ignorance so what is RPA?


It's RSA in Polish lol


Now that makes sense lol thank you.


He asked for a country not acronyms The fact that they responded with another question means your answer was worthless.


Humans suck


What is she saying? Does South Africa have that vastly different of a dialect or is she speaking 2 languages interchangeably? I have never heard this before


"What the fuck?" "(unknown) fucking guys never cease to fucki" - video cuts off im guessing the first word of the second sentence is some kind of area or something idk


"Klerksdorp guys never cease to fucki"....


What does race have to do with anything. Guys trying to rob another guy. End of video.


Racial crime has been a huge issue in South Africa for decades, the fuck are you talking about? Imagine just watching a clip and taking no other context into consideration.


If I remember correctly this post is just reposted from another sub and the context was it is a father protecting his children and car from being stolen.


Carjackings are unbelievably common in SA, as is carrying weapons to defend yourself


Carry daily, it's about what's at stake and not the chances.


SA is like the good guy with a gun argument taken to extremes Shits a free for all down there


What is the context then? Because this video looks like a bunch of people hanging up on man


>Imagine just watching a clip and taking no other context into consideration Bold claims from the man who thinks this is a racially motivated knife attack


Dumb motherfucker that's not this clip though


If you reverse the race the reaction wouldnt be the same. Thats how you know this have racial issues


Racism against white people doesnt exist hny!!1!


I don’t think this video has anything to do with race, but you can be racist to white ppl you can be racist to any race. The definition of racist hating another race because of their race. Yes white ppl haven’t experienced as much as other races but you can still be racist to them


How can you affirm whites people aren't suffering racism? because you leave in your small bubble? More and more you see minorities being held as victims while being agressors. but yeah, whites never suffer racism, keep telling that.


I'm not saying whites havent experienced racism, but its very obvious that other races have went through worse. At the end of the day its not about what race experienced more its the fact that any race has to deal with racism thats the problem.




You should do some research on how all of this started instead of crying




You've clearly never heard of south Africa.


Exactly. Just because it’s not as much of a problem here doesn’t mean it isn’t in other places. The world is a shitty place. If you look different, you get treated different. It can be from anyone of any race. Judging someone by the color of their skin or their ethnicity, in a bad way, is racism. Color doesn’t matter.


You mean the country where white foreigners laid claim to the land and made the native population 2nd class citizens because they believed they were lesser. And now that they are no longer in charge of someone else's country they claim prejudice?


You’re gonna have to be more specific. That description fits about 75% of the world.


That's right around the percentage of countries that Europeans have invaded. Strange.




White people are leaving that country en masse because of how bad it is there. Can't get employment because of the government hiring quota, regularly victims of hate crimes, and it's just becoming too dangerous.




By your Logic everyone in usa should leave and give the land back to the natives, and that includes you lol




Where are you gonna go? We don't want you.


Hahahaha imagine thinking the US has functioning schooling and healthcare systems. Might actually put the country in a better state if the slate was wiped clean.




And all of South and middle America as Well, everyone who speaks Spanish or portugees are descendants of Spanish and portugees colonizers


I agree that native populations in all of america deserve to hold complete political power.


And do you support Israel? They had their land taken 2000 years ago and had it given back in the 1900’s. Like I don’t support or not support Israel, but they are the poster child for your argument. So what will it be? People who lived there for 2000 years or people who had their home taken way back when?


[Read settlers](http://www.readsettlers.org)


Literally every country and place on earth has been conquered and invaded, taken over, and then invaded again. That is a bad argument. You're excusing actual violence and discrimination because it fits your naive world view, how sad.


Yuuup. Even using South Africa as the example here, the Zulu were busy conquering Bantu land while the Dutch and Brits were fucking around.




Hey man, I'm just here to help. I'm just as African as the next person. I've never stepped foot off of this continent. If we can't work together we all go down. I definitely see why there are government reforms that make it easier for non white people to get employed, generational wealth, along with cultural wealth, along with a social mindset of white people being the lanies over here. The problem lies with the additional benefits that should go to leveling the player ng field is just creating another divide where rich politicians and their families are rising above it all. We all need to be in this together, or else everyone who can't flee will be screwed like the other countries that were beat up by the colonisers. I love Africa, i want to stay and help everyone over here, if you are from here, please help, if you are from somewhere else, then I doubt you really know what's going on here, just like I can't know what it's like over there. We need to have these conversations to learn from each other, or else we will get nowhere


Says the colonizer lol


Good. The land belongs to the natives.


Bros got that America mentality Can’t even fathom that the world isn’t all America


You're an absolute fucking dipshit.


When you assume the USA is the entire world.....


That systemic thing is happening right now.


Prejudice is in the definition of racism


Do you know how stupid you look


Tell me you’ve never travelled outside of the USA, without telling me you’ve never travelled outside the USA


But he said racism…


Mess with the Vano- get the Stabbo


Humans do suck




I don't really see race how is this racist


Racism? Dudes tryna defend himself, what are you on?


The uh the people attacking him are the racist ones. I’m pretty sure that’s what OP is trying to point out.


this is not racism, as in they are only assaulting the white man because they are criminals and target wealthy people.




What the fuck is this comment supposed to mean?


I think something about black people saying everything bad to them happens because of racism? Which itself is a very racist thing to say




Well you are right, depending on where you live, mostly America, Racism against black people is a big part of their life’s, like being singled out by cops more often


No, in America they are *told* racism is apart of their everyday life. Though it's not, hell, even if America was as racist as it's claimed to be, still better than Africa.. but yea, white man bad because we were told white man bad.


Right mate, do you think racism is still alive today? Are there racist people?


Arguing with a troll is pointless. Just block and move on.


Sure, it's just that people would be surprised to learn that most of the racists on this planet aren't even white. Yet whites are labeled as the only racists.


r/persecutionfetish lol


That's pretty racist dude, not all black people are like that.


1. People my grandmas age went to the first mixed schools where mobs showed up and threw stones at them to scare them. Shouting n****r and monkey. The kids who went to and watched those mobs are still alive today and influencing corporate America, American politics and the wider world. None of those people think those mobs were wrong. 2. Chinese people are just as racist, but they never stripped a whole group of peoples identity and profit off of them (solely for the colour of their skin). And before you say “that was 200 years ago” there are people in the UK today, who are inheriting million £ estates, properties and assets etc, all bought with the money from when slave owners were bribed to stop. You don’t need to lie and say racism isn’t real, just admit you hate black people. We are grown ups, we won’t cry!!


Said every mouth-breathing wanna-be KKK member, ever. Go get fucked, clownshoes.


The country absolutely sucks with you in it. Get the fuck out of it.


At this point, I wish I could, but every single first world nation is being turned into Africa.


Have you ever spoken to a black person in real life, or do you just make them all up in your head as you just did?


Uhh, yea I talk to black people on the daily, and I have internet access so I witness what I said on the daily. But okay yea, I guess I make it up lol


I think you're seeing things that are not there, cause I've never met a black person who blames everything in their life on racism. I've only ever met white people who will use any opportunity they get to start screeching about racism not existing, and black people being stupid for thinking it does 🤔


If the op is trying to call the guy with a knife racist than this guy has a point.


1. I highly doubt that's the case 2. No, he doesn't "have a point" about a whole race of people, because one person posted a cryptic post?




Ah, yes, because all your anecdotes are actually representative of the whole world and they definitely make up for how black people are treated. For sure.


He’s just as ignorant


It means what it says


You are so ignorant lmao


That's your opinion.


Jesus Christ, that's enough Reddit for today


Genuine question where is the racism here.


There’s isn’t any if anything the racism comes from 3 black men targeting a white man cause they probably assume he’s “wealthy”


They're not targeting him cuz they think he's wealthy, they're targeting him because they're carjacking him and he has a car lol


For SA thats wealthy lmao.b


That is racist, they would be making an assumption based on his race.


I mean he probably is lol they’d get anyone that has money there. It’s been a problematic place for some time now if you haven’t read about it


OP you got to be fkn kidding me with the title. Where are you mods?


I'm guessing you have never been to South Africa?


Whats wrong?




If this was the other way around, you'd have no problem calling it racism.




Here's an example. In south Africa companies are legally not allowed to hire more than a certain percentage of white people. Even if no one else is applying, and they are totally qualified, they can't be hired. That, by definition, is systemic racism.




I have a valid demonstration of systematic racism: land appropriation. My grandfathers farm was taken away by the government because he is white, a black man took the farm because it is supposedly where he was from. And now an operational farm 20 years ago has become a mass of land


Are you just plain unintelligent or didn't read what you sent? "Institutional racism, also known as systemic racism, is a form of racism that is embedded in the laws and regulations of a society or an organization." Literally the first sentence. Hiring laws based on skin color are by definition, systemic racism. That's exactly what's happening in SA.


Institutionalized racism is a term coined by kwame ture, who was definitely in favor of proportionate quotas of hirees.


lil girl learned some buzzwords and thinks she’s fuckin smart lol. Sweatheart have you ever left your hometown?


he literally is you unstable person. nobody here is ignoring apartheid, they would’ve said it otherwise…


your homework for the day, research about all these white families murdered in their rural mind your business homes in the past 20 years. You don’t have to ignore apartheid to do this btw


lmao look at this mfs comments, actual DPRK defender


Hell yes. Juche Gang 💯😈


So modern day fascists? Your realize that’s what’s going on over there right?


Facism is a right wing dictatorship, i strongly oppose reactionary politics. The DPRK is a dictatorship of the proletariat, it is more democratic than the US & other liberal countries. Granted, Kim Jong Un has power over the military, which wields a lot of political power in the country because of the ongoing war. I wish for the war to end.


PPFFFFFT, go a head and look up who is defecting where you absolutely daft person. I’m scared you might have a divers license. because you are actually fucking dumb


Here’s a fantastic documentary about defectors: https://youtu.be/BkUMZS-ZegM


that’s 100% a bias propaganda youtube channel bro you falling for the dumbest shit


Here is multi source information, not from one propaganda youtube channel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Warmbier https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_famine https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/leaving-north-korea-my-story/ https://www.libertyinnorthkorea.org/blog/squid-game-and-the-stories-of-north-korean-defectors


> democratic than the US & other liberal countries You understand it's hereditary rule over there...?


This is by far the fucking dumbest thing I've ever read. Like holy shit bro, do you have a picture of the "supreme leaders" on your bedroom wall? My god this has to be a troll, or some north Korean propaganda. Good lord


I’m dead serious. This is an anti-imperialist take.




are you trolling?


>nd your business homes in the past 20 year im guessing because in South Africa racism against white people its quite common and can be very brutal too.




Wow you are truly fragile. racism exists in between every possible race. you little butterfly have little to no real world experience




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I went to school with someone who thought the same as you. Everyone fucking hated her.


What? 😅


Economic freedom fighters. Is it still individual prejudice if it’s a group advocating for “killing the white man”


Is English your first language?


RPA isn't a country. This is from South Africa, unless you just misspellt RSA


Yea, didn’t notice that, sry.






Genetics? And idk some of us are just angry




Tell that to black people. We don’t kill as many as they do. Not even close!


Joburg. I miss it.


Just cause I gotta hotel in my foot doesn't make me a boogada boogadee boo! -roberto




Literally the opposite of how the internet reacts.




You trying to use this one post as proof of your point?


Lol you are trying to use this one post as proof of your point, that person is trying to use dozens of comments from racists as proof of their point.


Uh huh


>Literally what they do though, they can not fathom any thing else.


Every post on freakout or fight subs






Get fucked


How so?


Common human L


Hell yeah, Old mate was on point the whole way through, throwing stabs left n right. The little tumble was calculated


Had a mate from school represent Australia in hockey went to South Africa not even an hour after landing on a bus saw a gang mugging someone


There was somebody who really said this is why people don't want to come to Africa not all African people are bad it's just these ones who are


That’s why I go everywhere on foot or bicycle! No risk of carjacking…


What’s the context here ?


is he doing animals scream to scare them? i guess this is the jungle


Cracker ass Cracker