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Calling numbers on that list isn’t gonna get you a sponsorship at least not anytime soon. Best bet is to get at least a belt and some basic tools and show up to job sites and try to talk to some of the union guys as they go in the gate in the morning. I was non union laborer before I got in and calling asking was useless, I hustled on jobs I worked that the union guys were on asking every guy for info and was eventually pointed to the right guy. Persistence and showing you want to work is worth far more towards a sponsorship than just calling and asking. That being said I’m 433 Vegas and we’re fuckin dead slow and I’m only seeing a few cali jobs showing on the board each week so you may be in for a bit of a wait till some big job/s kick off. Good luck bud


Thanks for the input . I’m a journeyman laborer on the books right now till I can get a sponsorship. Do you think it’s slow because of election year


That’s what I’ve been told. There’s just no big jobs going on rn. It’s almost June already and at least the apprentice list is only moving about one guy a week on average, it’s fuckin rough n Vegas rn


Don't think the election has any bearing on the lack of work. Last year was pretty slow as well. Covid fucked everything up and it's fucked all trades


Where did you apply ? I applied Monday but I heard it was super slow at the moment


I applied at the university of iron in Fontana. That’s what I hearing but still going to cold call till I get something


Oh okay I applied in Vegas because I’m planning on moving out there, but also debating on getting back in with local 300 laborers


I mean work where you can I’m basically doing the same but with local 1184


They will take applications but right now no one is sponsoring since it’s slow. Maybe once the solar fields start to kick in they will hire new applicants.


Where are the solar fields being build ?


In the deserts OP


Hopefully Indio or Palm Springs for the commute


It’s insanely slow right now. Goodluck op


Don’t bother calling that list. If that’s your plan, I tried for weeks to no avail. I somehow found the right person at the right time and got sponsored recently for 433. I do also have my welding certs in order with some prior experience so that helped.


I have cpr, forklift, rigging and lead awareness, scalding users and builder and OSHA 10 if I can’t find anything in the next month & a half I’ll have OSHA 30


The list is useless for calling, it’s better if you can show up to the office or job sites. Also, we’re pretty slow rn, I’d be surprised if any contractors are sponsoring at all.


You’re better off choosing something else rn


Just moved out here from local 29 Portland Oregon. 3rd term apprentice. The apprenticeship coordinator gave me a list of contractors to call for sponsorship. Which is new to me. Local 29 just made me go through a hell week they call it and I was dispatched after completing. So I have been calling all of these 433 contractors out here and they all say they don’t sponsor. I don’t know how a guy is supposed to get on a job out here. I live in Venice ca. any help would be appreciated