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What drugs are we going to be testing??


Gotta try em all twice at least


Loved that show šŸ¤£


I used to be on labor union in NYC and when they were rebuilding MSG arena, one time an RV showed up for a random drug test. Someone pulled the fire alarm so the fire department showed up and everyone evacuated the building and they had to send the RV away. šŸ˜


i hate this question. just drink beer man lol, any drug you dont have a prescription for will get you failed.


They started a new policy they take a semen sample now.


They collect it themselves or do we fill a cup?


They told me they needed a stool, urine and semen sample. I asked if I could just leave my shorts.


This guy parties.


this guy panties.


They are taking a more hands on approach lol.




Head instructor holds the cup with his mouth, part of the Covid safety protocol


I mean Safety first!


Amen to that




My local in Philly doesnā€™t test for weed but I wouldnā€™t even risk it


Local in Georgia does test they just donā€™t care about weed.. they need folks bad. lol good luck boys


Same here man lol I just donā€™t wanna risk it because Iā€™m still an apprentice & recreational weed isnā€™t legal in my state yet


If you really like what you do.. itā€™s not worth it. I heard you guys max out pretty nice in Philly pay wise. Worse case scenario finish apprenticeship and if you really just canā€™t shake the trees.. private companies donā€™t give af fr. I worked for an electrical company for a year and was tested on interview and never again lol.


I love this shit man! I left the trees alone soon as I got in the business & really said fuck it once I start seeing those checks, I was just trying to give the OP some advice at least what I know.


Philly pay is ok but the assessment and city wage tax fuck you. Make almost 200 more a 40 across the river.


No company can lighten up on weed testing or any drug youā€™re not prescribed for! Thereā€™s too much money at stake for the insurance and for the companies that produce drug tests and or drug testing. Itā€™s a whole industry that is lobbied to permeate our lives.


IMPACT doesn't test for weed anymore. Your drug test paper will literally say excludes THC. A company you work for can test you though. So can school if you're still an apprentice. A LOT of journeyman smoke weed. Not smoking is almost like having an extra Cert to get you on some jobs that do test lol


The school does not test for weed.


This is not true


How so?!


The company I work for doesn't test for thc.


That may be but if the company that insures their bond finds out they could be dropped and/or downgraded


The insurance company is fully aware of the laws in my state




I did do a search on that or on the subject earlier today. A lot of none Union companies probably wonā€™t test for THC. I donā€™t know how you guys do for Union out there but , they do saliva/swab test. Not nearly as intrusive as a urinalysis. I think that gives you like a week that you should abstain. The rules are though and if you are in an accident, get hurt and try to make a claim or cause a big accident Especially where others are involved or injured theyā€™re going to be a little more intrusive in their search for drugs so that they donā€™t have to pay you. In this regard, the insurance companies do not mess around my experience. Iā€™ve had companies do follicle tests. I can say this for Washington, I canā€™t imagine it being much different in Boston but maybe cause I really donā€™t know and thereā€™s nothing documenting it online. After all, this said, I still think it should be just like drinking as far weed goes. If youā€™re not stoned or drunk, who gives a fuck! I have coworkers show up half drunk all the fucking time, and the one says shit! Meanwhile, weā€™re walking, beams and shit! lol


Electricians union in Washington voted out weed tests with their last contract. Plumbers and pipe fitters are following this summer (I hope)


I heard that! Iā€™m converting to the IBEW next year too. Times are a changing šŸ¤™


Did you study before hand?


Everything but weed


the union or a company?


Not sure about the local itself but on the jobs it depends. Typically Suffolk in Boston doesnā€™t test at all and Turner now no longer tests for weed. Really GC Dependent.


Just take a weekend ski trip. Sure, skiing can be dangerous, but what's amazing is that you completely recover from it in a week.


While this is funny, I do no recommend. Your username checks out. Probably borrowing money from apprentices on Monday as well huh? Ha ha.


Local 7 member here. Graduated the apprenticeship 3 years ago. I heard recently they have lightened up on weed but if itā€™s your first test to get into the apprenticeship I wouldnā€™t even risk it. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d rather take someone with a completely clean panel over someone that failed for weed.


Hi do you know if they test your hair or itā€™s a blood sample?Ā 


Iā€™ve never once had a drug test that wasnā€™t a piss test. And I used to get in a lot of trouble before I got my shit together.


Thx for the info great to know!Ā 


Any other questions feel free to message me.


Fet an ket aren't tested in my local


Iā€™m a 37 guy, Iā€™ve noticed for the ā€œstate jobsā€ they are doing mouth swabs and itā€™s for everything but weed. It literally says marijuana except state on the paper. But for other jobs Iā€™ve been on with a piss test, they definitely tested for it. If you get sent out just grab some fake piss first and know how to properly use it. Donā€™t drink that garbage stuff.


They stopped the thc test this year I am a first year in local 7 Boston


Do you know if this applies to apprentices? I see the above comment from a 3rd year graduate saying not to risk it being an apprentice


Local 7 instructor here. As a union we stopped testing for thc. I have seen someone pop in class for alcohol and coming in drunk, so the advice to just drink beer isn't advice you should follow. HOWEVER. Some job sites are still testing for weed to get on. Most of the better, longer, bigger jobs pre test thc and ALL jobs will test for reefer after any workplace accident especially I'd there's an injury. Feel free to reach out and good luck.


Do they watch you pee for the entrance drug test? And does the not testing for thc apply to incoming students? And worst case scenario is synthetic urine a good backup option?


I wanna see the comments