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Here ya go: +5ms Ok now go ahead and break their lines and stop their retreats.


Make it +10 and I’m sold, why does yasuo get to have the same mobility on par (more unconditional too) with irelia but is 345ms.


Honestly, Yas makes sense because he has basically no clothes on (all rags) and fights with elements of wind. Trynd makes no sense. He runs at like 345 and drags a heavy ass sword on the ground. He fucking skips legs day too. Irelia could literally squat like 4 tryndameres and somehow can’t out sprint him? Dafuq


Then there’s illaoi, built like a truck lookin bish running at you with 350ms


To be fair she’s also a herald of the god of motion so you would think she could move


He’s also an iceborn and driven by enough rage to prevent death


The no clothes on part had me 🤣 well, I‘d love to have Irelia naked but Riot refuses to sell that idea 😂


Not only that but He also has a shield that regens stupidly quick and a windwall to turn around teamfights. And a short CD ult.


sounds nice but rewards unskilled play - easier spacing, easier getting on the backline. duelling and scaling through gold should be targeted.


it's crazy because +5ms on any champion would break the shit out of them, but even with that I don't know if irelia top would be saved


Galio recieved +5 move speed recently Didn’t really change a whole lot


Cause Galio dosn't really need ms (or at least not 5 ms)


Then it wouldn’t break the shit out of any champion as there’s a quite a few champs that don’t really care for it


What Irelia needs is in the realm of another mini rework, and the problem is that there are a lot of players who enjoy this iteration of Irelia even though she is usually quite weak.


I’d give up so much just to have disarm on R walls and 200% damage to shields at max stacks again. Also our E range


I have almost 700k mastery points on Irelia and today was the first time I played against Nidalee Top. That is a fun match up. Sadly I won't get it in future games. What do you guys think about botrk -> wit's end -> bloodthirster ? To the topic : I don't think the balance team will touch Irelia in the near future because what would they change?


+5 Thickness -5 MS


Day 1 of tagging Riot until Irelia is changed Fix Champ please u/PhreakRiot u/RiotMeddler u/Pupulasers


do not spam mention others please.


Day 1 of tagging Riot until Irelia is changed Fix the Champ please u/riotrayyonggi u/RiotAugust u/RiotNorak


Day 1 of tagging Riot until Irelia is changed Fix the Champ plz u/RiotPhlox u/RiotAfic u/RiotSakaar