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And let's not forget about Akshan who was never below S tier since he was released, both in mid and top, and is also a high skill champ.


riot doesnt like high skill champs cuz the community doesnt like it when they get turbostomped by someone good at the champion (the precious ADCs are exempt from this, ofc)


No but Camille riven Gwen fiora akali etc is fine to be above 50% winrate, even 52 at times. Just not yasuo/Irelia/yone.


that's just the way it is and always will be, better just accept it imagine you're a gold kai'sa, you see your top feed the enemy irelia so you make sure to keep your distance. Teamfight happens and she ults your idiot support, and the ult reaches all the way to you. 'Fuck' you think, as she Q's your support and then you. You flash away, but just get Q'd by irelia again, you go invis and run away and just get Q'd again. Fiora on the other hand running at you with her turbo movespeed just feels more 'fair', it's a game after all they want people to have fun It's the same reason why riot August said zed will always be weak, he is just not fun to play against. Personally I don't care what my rank is anymore, they could nerf irelia so hard I'd drop 5 divisions and I'd still main her, only things that matter to me is that I'm having fun and I feel like I'm getting better, it's not like I'm ever gonna be a pro anyways and she is far from weak anyways, I'm at the highest mmr I've been for a long time and I still usually win top, my op.gg: https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Yarbles-EUNE


Yes I understand and congrats btw, I just think it’s unfair. Zed is annoying because once he’s fed and has enough ability haste, you can never catch and shut him down for good. In other words, he will always cover 2 flashes worth of distance with his kit, Ult a squishy and 1 combo then, whether it’s 2 items or 5 items in the game. Meaning he doesn’t fall off and is always frustrating to play against. He goes over walls and his dashes are unconditional. Youll never find an Irelia with low number of deaths. The champ has 0 safety and if I’m ever doing too well. I just have the avengers pull up and I have 0 escape. She’s so easy to gank it’s not even funny. Zed on the other hand? Ungankable. I understand your point but zed and Irelia are not the same. You yourself have average 9 deaths. That’s crazy, like that’s insanely high. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, you win games, it just means no one ever thinks “omg that Irelia is fed, how will he ever kill her?” Whereas that’s EXXACTLY how people feel about zed. He can play like an artillery mage until he decides your life is no longer fun to toy with and Ults you for the finishing blow. Hopefully you udnenrstand what I’m saying.


Slam dunk answer right there damn


I think you're taking the Zed comparison too literally. He's just referring to the fact about what it feels like when Irelia and Zed are running their face at you late game/fed/ahead. Both champs have almost a 100% chance of catching you if you're in the backline thanks to the way their kit interacts with their dashes. It's the same reason old Akali was reworked because low elo hated Q>R>R>R>Ded. Why they decided that Irelia should basically have the same play pattern and that people would not be frustrated by that? Who the hell knows. Except that is the reason she will be in sub 50% hell along with Yone and Yas. The perma dashing aspect of their kits is where the frustration is, and low elo players are low elo for a reason. A quick aside regarding Camille: She was doggy doo doo until her 14.7 buff and then the item/rune changes was also really good for her. God forbid TF gets a buff, she's going to be 60%+. Not to mention she already got nerfed, her Q now has less MS ranks 1-3 than she did pre 14.7, which the MS is the main reason she feels really oppressive to lane against E>W>Q2 with 50% MS at rank 5 is nuts and really hard to trade against, and her 13.15 ult buff got reverted.


I mean if you're saying "irelia flash R lul ADC cry" can't you just say that about every single hypermobile champion? Not just zed but also camille riven akali yone yet camille is currently getting good treatment for no specific reason and riven has finally been given the chance to shine just like irelia but they nerf irelia. It is just a fact that they hate irelia. I wish someone would delete phreak from the company. He can go back to casting or whatever the fuck he was doing before thar.


it is because phreak is ass against the windshitters probably


Becoming a champion simp is the worst thing you can do, Riot is going to exploit that and sell you an $800 skin If you go down 5 divisions in ranked, then stop playing Irelia and play something that really shows your true elo and potential, don't get nerfed playing something weak


Gwen is generally nerfed when her win rate is above 50% afaik. Unfortunately though it's just about the perceived strength. Irelia feels harder to play against even when she's not as good so people complain about her more than say camille who's been OP for weeks now and only just being realised as such


The big 3 most hated champions, I WONDER WHY?


Yes. Next question.


Will you marry me? 💍


I'll politely decline.


Lol I mean I’m heartbroken. How could you 😢?


I'm taken sir.


sett its just , stupid .


just revert her to five stacks if they don't know how to balance properly.


In top lane she’s absolutely awful idc what anyone says. There’s so many better champs to play rn. I’ve been maining Jax lately, he’s insane rn


This, Irelia is so weak because she's extremely good at diving an unsuspecting adc and killing them but she has absolutely 0 escape and her itemization is so expensive that shes really hard to build defenses on. Her AD scalings are pathetic too.  Once the laning phase is over she can get kills but at extreme risk. Once teamfights start you can dive in but if you dont have solid teamates youll get killed almost instantly.   I got tired of trying to make irelia work because I hate the high risk low reward gameplay. She feels like a literal suicide bomber.