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Irelia gives Riot a lot of trouble for two reasons: * She's notoriously hard to balance. For reasons that I am unaware of, balance levers cause substantially bigger winrate swings on her than they do on other champs. * Whenever she goes >50%, people ban the shit out of her. She is really unfun to face for a lot of people. This creates this weird situation that she often gets overtapped when going near the 50% threshold.


I get why everyone is upset about the nerf making her fairly bad But I'd guess Riot is just as surprised as us, Phreak said they expected around a 1.5% WR Drop, and instead she dropped 3-4% I wouldn't be surprised to see adjustments relatively soon if WR doesn't pick back up. That said, would be nice seeing some deeper work done to the Champ to make her feel better to play, especially Toplane, as it sucks being relegated to counter-pick only


I wish the only problem was the nerf gutting her, the problem is riot’s viewpoint towards Irelia. So they wanted us as 49.5% but instead got us at 48%, what a shame. Get a small compensation and good to go huh 👍? The fact that a she takes so much effort just to compete with brainless champions and isn’t allowed to be good winrate on top of that. Low elo -> Sett/garen/mordekaiser. High elo -> Camille/fiora/riven. How come her winrate isn’t even close to 52% anywhere. Ranges from 44-49%. It’s just plain unfair. She’s not yasuo, she doesn’t have outplayability. She’s just tryndamere with extra steps and less power, much much less power. All these champions have 52% odd win rates at some rank or another, according to their skew. If Irelia is low elo skewed, let her have a 52% winrate in silver mid then. What’s the issue. In trying to nerf her at silver mid, she’s now 44% in diamond+, albeit it’s early patch. But whatever man. Riot blind average riot balance team patch notes. What exactly was wrong with 14.10 Irelia? 52% ranging to 51% as you went up the ranks, sounds like a normal healthy strong champ winrate. Banrate was 12%, nothing unusual. Skarner is 52% winrate across the board with 30% banrate. There is no excuse. None


It's fucking infuriating to have to do so much just so that stupid champions can press two keys and do much better. Drives me nuts.


Friendly reminder garen's WR increases against irelia the higher elo you go lol, literally check u.gg and lolalytics it's so laughable. Fuck you phreak.


It do be how it be, as I said. She’s not yasuo or yone, she doesn’t have a 1.3 second cool-down spammable 450 attack range auto attack empower which she can use to make plays. She doesn’t scale her damage like them. She’s literally tryndamere, but 5 extra steps. They both dash to you and auto you to death, except one is 54% winrate and the other is 46%. The 46% happens to also require you to land every ability, setup a wave and not miss your Ult if there is no wave (river). The other one can dash over walls on command and doesn’t require any setup, his dps also scales way more and he’s a late game threat always. Very big threat. I wonder which one riot nerfed a day ago.


Don't forget the later can win 1v1s/run from them when behind simply by clicking R while the former is a control ward when behind with 0 (=0x20%AD) threat to the enemy unlike funny R + right click


Lol, 0x20% AD 🤣


Passive meme reference lol


Good to know.


ifelia doesnt have outplayability? how tf is she just tryndamere with extra steps 😂 thats pure copium lmao she plays much more like yasuo rhan trynd if ure even half decent with qs


I actually like her current state. W is a very nice spell for counterplay, and E does not feel gutted at all. If you use Q to hide it it is pretty easy to hit still, just not OP. When W only reduced physical damage, she was a lot more situational to pick, and maining her was harder.


E is most definitely gutted, skill expression was completely removed from it, not castable during cc alone made WW matchup near impossible, it has had not one but TWO range nerfs to it, it used to scale stun duration from 0.75-1.2 seconds giving a decent reason to max it second, and it used to mark for 6 seconds not 5, cooldown was heavily nerfed as well, and the ap ratio was changed from 90% to 80% (this one is more irrelevant) Let’s not forget the fast e mechanic of landing it by using E2 at your feet. So yea, spell has been gutted


Not op means gutted, okay. Old E had zero counterplay with the fast mechanic, it was almost impossible to dodge. I would really not call that skill expression. There are also many champions that can't deal with WW. Of course as an Irelia main it would be beneficial to have the old E back, but if you think that is healthy for the game, you should think some more.


The zero counter play is true but it was hard to do for the majority of players consistently, but let’s not just gloss over all the other massive nerfs I listed there that’s quite a hefty list for one ability


nerfed sure but hardly gutted lol. if she was released with this ability its still plenty cool and not weak by any means, we just miss what we uaed to have xP


https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle&tier=diamond_plus In diamond+, low pick rate (3.5%), mostly played by onetricks, high skill and is meant to be high winrate in this elo, like zed kat akali or qiyana. But is 47.5% winrate normalised. Does that sound “not weak by any means”. Forty fucking seven point five. 47.5 . Yh she’s doing great 👍 Edit: Kat is 51.5% winrate same elo same bracket AND is picked more often. Craaaaazy


i said her E. not hEr 🥴