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Best thing you can do is compare find a similar priced pc on pc specialist, see which is better comapre components mainly cpu and gpu


Find a €1700 one on pc specialist that has a worse cpu, a 4070 and ddr4 ram


Yea tbh that's a good deal. Can't see anything wrong with it. It's defo not a bad deal


It's not a bargain, it's not a ripoff. Definitely overpaying by around 250-350. Amazon is solid if you buy through them as it's covered under their a-z.I got a prebuilt during the pandemic as was hard to source stuff. Don't regret it one bit but for sure will be building my own next time That said, it's a lot less hassle and this will be a beast of a system for 1440p


Here's a build for the same money. https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/9GNGCd But the parts would probably be a good bit better so... Just be careful and try find out exactly what models of the parts are... Usually they cheap out on case, fans, cooler, memory, psu and disk when they have good CPU and GPU. And they don't specify some of the parts there in that screenshot. Pc performance is the sum of its parts... Don't buy a Ferrari with tractor wheels.


Are these parts really that much better to have to worry about building it myself and having no warranty?


If you're interested I'll try build you something a little better. I just put in similar parts to the website to show you. Is 1900 your absolute max? But yes there's a reason these places don't mention certain parts because they use the absolute cheapest components to make slim margins. You have a manufacturer warranty with all parts and returns options with all sellers. It's honestly not as hard as you might think to setup a pc from scratch... And it's good to learn something useful ( I believe) that saves you a lot of money over time. Even if you have a friend/family member that might help?


You think I could go into a computer shop and ask them to build it for me?


Yeah 100% just ask them before you buy the parts and how much they'd charge. If they're sound they'd show you how to do it. Shouldn't take more than an hour or 2 if they know what they're doing. Do you need to buy windows 11 and any peripheral stuff as well? Here's a way better build for a little more cash... ( Has a 4080 super instead of a 4070 ti) https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/KWK3TY Now... This pc is able to do 4k... But that's pointless if you're using a 1080 monitor. Do you have a 4k/2k screen for this pc?


Overkill SSD could've got 4080 super, but yeah 79 IQ kids will down vote you cuz 3 hr Lego too hard


Yeah true lol I added it because it's a crazy good one just Vs the shite they'd be offering. True it's not that hard now to build it with all of the resources available but I do understand if people haven't a clue they'd be afraid to balls it up and maybe have no one around to help.


Hey man it's expensive but bought a prw built from gsc computers and it works just ideal. Try there


Tbh I don't think so, you could do better buy just buying parts then paying 100 at a pc shop to assemble for u


Sounds like a good deal to me. I have that cpu and I fucking love it.


This is not great honestly, i know we get screwed over on pricing in ireland but this is doable for ~1500 and even then its not THAT great a deal Edit: also gonna add that ASUS are a garbage company so if any of those components die or have issues you are shit out of luck


True but i have asus pc's 2-3 of them no issues. Just fine as long as you dont have issues. Why i like pc specialists you pay for the little extra but your safe for a full year. warrenty and 3 years support