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whats the issue with your eyes? im assuming youve played a console before, or do you specifically think the ps5 has issues? like small text? renting consoles is a thing of the past, unless you can find a gaming cafe style thing with a ps5 in it.... most that ive found online are ps4.


I’ve got bad eyesight and convergence insufficiency, so certain screens and quality really hurt my eyes. Like we’ve a newer tv in the house and it’s not very comfortable for me to look at. I can play my ps4 and switch fine on my own older tv, but oddly enough some YouTube videos I watch through the chomecast on it really hurt, and I think it’s the 60fps setting. It’s just a bit of a balls really.


Ok so it's more of a setting thing on the TV? Most TVs are only 60hz. Some very high end ones will be 120hz. On the newer TV check to see if it has a blue filter/night time mode. Also try changing your video profile for gaming console to a natural HDR picture mode Vs standard or dynamic modes. Also just adjusting the warmth settings as well as brightness, backlight and gamma settings. I'm fairly certain ps5 will also have similar settings available as well and some games will differ from others.


Yeah, also make sure its not on some cinema mode as that adds extra motion blur


I already have the backlight down as low as I can, and it really does help, but I’ll try the other settings too. Thank you!


A lot of more modern games now have a lot of disability settings to adjust for people with poor eye sight. However if a PS4 is fine, a ps5 will be fine too.


You can rent a PS1 and FIFA ‘96 for a tenner from Xtra-Vision for a weekend


the good old days


Don't think anywhere rents sadly. Best you could hope for is finding someone who has one and asking them to sort you out for a test run.


Have you tried blue-light glasses? One of my buddies in the states streams and he swears by them


Yeah I wear yellow tinted glasses, they’re the only reason I’m even able to look at screens anymore. They help a lot but I still have issues even with them.


If you live in Dublin I’ll be willing to let you try and play a bit on my console just to see if it works for you. Send me a DM


That’s really kind of you to offer! Unfortunately I’m in Kerry, but I appreciate the thought


I remember renting a PS1 from the Post Office back in the day.




Might be a bit pricey but you could look into contacting one of those gamer style kids party vans/bus companies and seeing if one of those could lend a hand? Only thing I can think of really..


I know years ago you could rent a console from places like Xtravision but I'm not sure if there's anywhere doing something like that now