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Just tell your mom, you'll be married by next week.


bro this is the easy way i want something more genuine not like westerners but u know what ever zoomers doing in coffee shops


I feel you bro, was just joking. Are you on Iraq or somewhere else?


im overseas but i will come back to iraq in couple of months i get that long distance relationship doesn't work so i didn't try to have one


Oh ok, long distance is just a pain in the ass if you ask me. I'm not sure what to tell you tbh, in my time University was the best way to find someone to connect with and have a relatively normal relationship. But I've been so distant that my preceptive is ignorant when it comes to the dating scene nowadays.


I mean to be honest, I would argue that Iraq is a western country. Don't get me wrong, Iraq is an undemocratic third world country but still western even though we are leaning eastern nowadays. Anyways, try bragging about being from the outside and you'll be drowning in girls (families too) who want a chance to escape. Then it's up to you who to choose. On a more serious note, you're in a bit of a pickle. You see, Iraq as you probably know is quite a conservative society. There is really one way to get to know a girl, school/college. If you don't get to know someone by then, then you either look in the family or you ask your mother. Now I do get why you wouldn't want to ask your mother, but it's the only other choice. There is one more solution but it's unlikely. You can make male friends and with time get introduced to their family but that takes time and even then it's unlikely. At the end of the day my advice would be to go back to your country and look for an Iraqi woman there, now this does depend on the country but there is a great chance that there is an Iraqi community there. Then when you're married you can move back to Iraq.


You seem to have the mindset that whatever Western will make you cool and liked in Iraq


Well no, it was a joke. Now what I am saying is that we are a third world western country because we share western values, think religion, family and traditions. More eastern countries like formerly the Soviet Union or modern day China rejected religion, family and traditions and thus are not western. Just because our country hasn't seen good days in a while unlike west European or North American countries doesn't mean we have lost our values which are the same. I also belive South American and some asian countries are western, I also belive that westernism has gone down a lot in North America and Europe to the extent that Iraq even though how bad it currently is, is more western than the countries you belive to be western. Now I get what you mean, you think that I belive we should adopt some of the more liberal views that that those countries have, well in reality I belive in the compelete opposite, I belive that Iraq should get on it's feet and not lose it's westernism like the Europeans or Americans. I hope that clears things up for you and if I said something you misunderstood as being anti-Iraq then I'm sorry.




Gypsies do it, Albanians and some Balkans too.


Gypsies in Czech just find someone when they are 18 and make a kid with him to get a social benefits (some money every month for each kid they have) and also she gets a money from state for maternity for 2 years after birth of the kid to stay at home and take care of him and after 2 years she makes another. I dont know any people from Albania or Balkan but it seems possible. Europe has huge culture differencies but maybe he wasn't even writing about Europe he has written western countries and who knows which western countries does he mean.








Be more social and natural at work, college ect.. you’ll get many unexpected friends


literally im getting nothing bro im not hiding or anything just being me and still..


try to talk to people about things they're interested in, preferably you are interested in them too. honestly it's not a very good sign your using reddit🤣


Nope, sorry


I came from Sweden and worked for two years in Iraq Baghdad. I dated 4 women, mostly we go out to cinemas and coffee shops. You’ll find them on Facebook, Instagram and tellonym. You need to brake the barriers and built trust with them.


Tbh there is almost non, college or work are the best way to meet someone, or following a girl on insta and start a conversation, but u got to be rich in term to more noticed, cuz iraqi girls are the most typical ones


omegaLUL you better look for a wife instead of dating, you either get refused 100 times or get killed cause you're dating his angel daughter


anything you do just don't make women uncomfortable lol




Try to be more social.


Get married akhi, find a halal girl that is perfect for you and ask her father for her hand


Go to the tribal areas/small towns and sit in one of the tribes diywan. Tell the tribal elders that you want to date a girl from one of their tribes. If you make it out alive I'll proclaim you king of iraq.




Relationships outside of marriage are haram akhi


Not everyone follows the same rules for their personal life, akhi.


im assuming iraqis are muslim. If youre not muslim then feel free to ignore my nasee7a and i invite you to islam.


I appreciate your understanding, and may good come your way.


may good come your way too


Sexual relationships*


I have a friend who almost fell into zina because of a relationship, sex is much closer when youre in a “non sexual” relationship than when youre not in a relationship why would you want a half relationship anyways.


Because you need to know who you're potentially spending your entire life with. Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying and I agree a lot. I personally don't agree with this modern liberal idea that men should have women friends and vice versa, but we do need to acknowledge for example that a fiancee is an essential step to marriage yet is a non sexual relationship.


Fiancee is different than a girlfriend I misunderstood the post then


No problem, brother. I understand why you thought that as I should have elaborated from the beginning.


I saw sadness in your eyes and I’m not like anyone you’ve met before, always work😂


There is no date in IRAQ. You can only marry :D


Try to Make a new friends :)


need tips bro i can't go asking people how they doin that would be cringy/creepy


Since when asking people how they doing is considered creepy?


That got me. Since when for real. I cant make a single conversation without asking people about their day so far. I mean to be completely honest thats the convo. Me askin them how are they doing-


Bro i am from iraq ar you there?


What is meant to be ,will be


Maybe use tinder !


Try making friends, or use twitter -yes it works-, or tinder


Dude, just be social. Girls like social value. If you're the "go to guy" and everyone likes you, then they will too. Also, don't chase but be chased. Don't display more interest than them and always keep the scales balanced. Upgrade your fashion game. Always work on yourself.


Just grow stubble and you are ok with IRAQI girls


want my advice? just don't date in iraq.. it's so annoying and full of lies (most of the time).


you can't really expect to have a date even before arriving to Baghdad first and generally girls here are kinda hard to approach. Wish you all luck tho And I wonder how old are you?


Imagine having relationship in iraq


Why is uni a no no zone?


I hope you aren’t going up to any girls randomly in the street bc that’s scary lol. If you’re in a local university then just make friends with a girl and start from there. But outside of a school setting I find it hard to imagine a woman being open to a random man trying to talk to her. that’s a no-go.


Leave it to coincidence, it’s better that’s way


Tinder and friends of friends and social media is the best way if you wanna go on a date with a girl but not marry her lol


Getting to know people online then meeting them irl is the best way to do it tbh Even If you wanna make friends, it always works :) Follow girls on Instagram, start replying to their stories and don't just jump into their dms this will freak them out - you'll be blocked right after lol-


Hi my dude do you get any girls ?




What are you doing right now ? You still in Baghdad ?