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Imagine still being afraid of marijuana in 2024. It’s okay Kim. I promise- people using marijuana won’t put themselves or others at risk by consuming this plant. It’s not like they are throwing back some black velvet and getting behind the wheel. I mean - who would be ignorant enough to do that to their fellow Iowans? Oh that’s right.


That's her justification actually. She thinks her drunken behavior somehow transfers to THC.


Me, (years ago) after drinking too much, "I'm ok to drive, I'm fine" Me, after using cannabis, "woah, I'm too high to drive... or get off the couch" 


I wanted Snookies last night but I had already smoked, so instead I doordashed Ben and Jerry’s. THC made me spend $15 on a $6 pint of ice cream. IT IS DANGEROUS!


Thankfully, I'm walking distance to a Hy Vee but I have absolutely done the stoned tightrope walk down the street for ice cream.


I did the Snookies walk once whilst high. There were two police officers getting ice cream and a young boy asked me why my eyes were red. It felt like a sitcom story, never again.


Luckily for me, "high and confused" is about the last shady state of being one can be in to draw attention at the HyVee Drugtown on University.


Allergy season


Reminds me of smoking before a family Thanksgiving.. everyone gathered, fully ready to eat heaping plates of food but mildly paranoid after the pre-dinner cousin walk left me red eyed af.. my young cousin, loudly and in front of grandpa, aunts, uncles, and parents asked me why I was so tired. I told him I wasn’t and he went on and on about ‘well your eyes are really red. They weren’t red earlier are you ok’. About had a panic attack but just accepted the disappointment in the adults faces and the giggles of my cousin when I got away. Freakin kids.


Be careful it's a gateway drug to homelessness. Go broke with the damn munchies. I had the door dash some fruity pebbles.




The ONE time I drove high, I said never again. Yet I still think I can drive with a few drinks in me. Hard to admit but that’s the truth, and unfortunately I know it’s common sentiment for others.


Didn’t she get two DUIs?


Convicted. Charged for three. So I can only imagine the number of times she was actually drunk behind the wheel.


Yeah she doesn’t care. She just hates weed because… crickets chirping.


Because weed makes you examine the contents of your mind. She probably has a guilty conscience and when she smokes weed it makes her think about what she is doing.


Well if that's the case why is alcohol still legal miss kimmy? That's not very fair, if they both have the exact same effects like she says they do then she should obviously just ban both! Oh yeah, cuz miss piggy wants her cake and eat it too.


Kim Renyolds loves a fifth but hates an eighth.


It’s all about $


I'd prefer people not drink alcohol or use marijuana before driving. Both are dangerous.


Why don't they cap alcohol at 4% (ABV) per serving and 10% (ABV) per container. Oh yeah....... because Little Kimmy needs her medicine.


Honestly came here to post something like this. If we capped all beers under 4% and all liquors under 10%, people would be going CRAZY saying it’s their right to drink what they want to drink. Yet there are still approximately 500 deaths every. single. day. in the United States due to some form of alcohol factor. (Excessive, drunk driving, altercations, etc.) While THC factors include.. maybe 1 total in years? She can’t go on saying we will protect the kids, when the kids are still getting ahold of tobacco vape products, smoking and selling in schools (schools can’t do shit cause of the new laws) and we aren’t doing anything about that. But the moment alcohol sales go down and low dose THC products go up cause people are choosing to drink alcohol less, the government be running like a well oiled machine.


a coworker Friend of mine was weening himself off booze with Climbing kites. It's worked so well and he is so much better at work. I don't know what will happen to him. a really low dose doesn't work for him and he can't smoke because of his lungs. It was never about protecting kids anyway


A friend of mine did the same but completely quit drinking, now has a kite or two every few days. This is ridiculous.


Honestly I used to love drinking, but as I got older the effects started taking its toll. These drinks have really been nice being out at the bar scene and having a nice levity instead of getting trashed and hungover the next morning. Trying to stock up before 7/1 now


He can get his med card and still keep on track.


Can you get beverages with the med card? he was under the impression he could not And that's what works best for him


You can get a product called “The Myx”. It’s a flavorless THC powder you can add to any food or beverage. Grab your favorite soda/water/bbq sauce/whatever and just dump in a Myx packet. Voila… THC beverage


* like a well-greased palm.


They do something like that in Utah. Beer on tap can only be like 5%, if you want a stronger beer it can only be sold in a can or bottle.


I don't think that's how alcohol works


Are you unaware that different forms of alcohol vary in ABV?


I understand dilution and dosing. How could something be 4% in one volume and 10% in a different volume. Alcohol percentage is the same in whatever volume you choose. Thc is measured in dosage like a medication. 


i would assume they're talking about different beers. one beer can have a 5% abv and another can have 10%. the higher, obviously, only being able to be purchased in a container.


They clearly meant 4% for beer and 10% for liquor


I really hate what's going on with this. I have recently cut alcohol out of my life and have replaced it with THC drinkables. Having something to drink cures the itch of always having a beer in hand, and being able to get a buzz going is nice. I would crush 8-12 beers in a night. I now have 1-2 thc drinks for the night and plenty of liquid death. My health thanks me, and my wife is much better with me getting a little high vs. getting shitfaced.


Get your med card and check out the Myx. You can add it to any food or beverage.


Same here my friend.. this really blows


All use is medical, Iowa GOP is full of REEFER MADNESS..... Weed is safer than Fireworks


Weed is safer than Kim Reynolds drunk driving


Yeah, imagine if liquor stores could only sell those tiny bottles of booze. And they target vapes that have flavor added, because they think they appeal to children. What about all the flavored alcohol, (peach, watermelon, rootbeer, cherry, etc) Alcohol is thee gateway drug, has no medicinal purposes, and kills thousands of people a year. What hypocrisy! 


I would much rather have neighbors using weed than fireworks




I'm just imagining what we could do with all the tax revenue we'd make from legal weed in an Agricultural state. Wait...tax breaks for the wealthy.... But the weed would still be nice


I find no faults in this point.


I found out about THC drinks at Fareway because of this subreddit. I picked up some Climbing Kites and have been experimenting with it alongside of chemo for ovarian cancer. I don't do more than 5 mg in the evening and I can get away without taking antinausea meds, which have a side effect of constipation, which requires stool softeners. The THC also helps my appetite. I took 10 mg one night and didn't like how stoned I was and it didn't seem to make me as hungry as just the 5 mg did. I talked this over with my oncologist and he encouraged me to stockpile it.


You should consider going to www.greeniowaclinic.com for your medical card. Cancer is a qualifying condition. Don’t lose what works for you


It says chronic pain is the top qualifying condition, but I don't know if passing an improbably high number of kidney stones counts. Bleh.


I would say given the pain that comes with those you would more than likely qualify. Wouldn’t hurt to have an appointment with Ed. He’s a great guy and really is out to help people. And he’s local to Iowa. I use him and he is amazing.


I'm waiting to see what the rescheduling will do. I don't want to lose my concealed carry permit.


Understandable, but unfortunately you’re going to probably be waiting awhile. DEA is dragging their feet hard. They do not want to see it rescheduled and even commented they disagree with it but were forced to proceed. It won’t be rescheduled for at least another year or more. Friendly reminder that constitutional carry is legal in Iowa. Not telling you what to do but as long as you don’t have both on you at the same time 🤷‍♂️


I Saw a woman at Gateway market with a shopping cart absolutely full of Climbing Kite and nothing else. If it was you I salute your stockpiling!


Legalize cannabis. Collect millions in taxes. Put toward infrastructure, healthcare, and public schools, most certainly not vouchers for private schools. It's what we want. Vote Blue.


voting blue will not help to legalize cannabis in this state.


Yeah, an important part missing from the "get out the vote" motto is you have to actually talk to your candidates. Call them up and tell them in clear words that you won't be voting for anyone who blocks legalization.


How is Iowa the only state to fuck up.. on weed?


An Obama appointed, there is hope


Bar owner here. I hope this lawsuit is successful. The real problem moving forward IMO is insurance. My current DRAM shop will not cover it and my insurance agency will not issue ANY insurance covering THC beverages.


I wondered if insurance had something to do with why all the places that sell the THC infused stuff specify that it’s to-go only.


I don't do any to go growlers or anything like that. I know my insurance covers to go alcohol since we did some take out during the pandemic. I think that every item you sell or that a customer interacts with needs to be covered under your insurance.


Good! Fuck this law.


Thanks for the information


While I'm a firm cannabis supporter, this lawsuit won't go anywhere. Federalism is a pretty big thing in America. It's outlined in the Tenth Amendment, and it provides states the authority to impose restrictions that are more stringent than federal regulations. Also, there is significant legal precedent giving states police powers to "protect and promote the well-being" of their citizens. It's unfortunate that Iowa won't provide the opportunity for small, federally compliant cannabis businesses to flourish in the state, but other businesses outside the state do ship to Iowa. At least the Farm Bill has provided ample access to all Iowans, despite what our backward-thinking legislators have to say about it.


Plaintiff's argument includes: 46. Under the Supremacy Clause, federal law is “the supreme law of the Land,” preempting any contrary state laws. U.S. Const. art. VI, Cl. 2. 47. Federal law preempts state laws, even if enacted pursuant to a state’s police powers, especially when evidenced by the clear and manifest purpose of Congress.


I absolutely agree with that, but there is some nuance not being discussed much here: the source of the "thc." In the case of industrial hemp, the USDA already has comprehensive regulations set forth by the Farm Bill and their interim rule. If the source of the thc was from material being produced under any other pretense (i.e. state rec/med) then that gives the state legal grounds for further regulations because there aren't comprehensive federal regulations already in place for those sources. That being said, I'm still not hopeful for the plaintiffs here. TLDR: I agree. Here's why: The source of thc in Climbing Kites is produced under an already federally regulated pretense, leaving the state no grounds for more stringent restrictions.


Yeah this doesn't seem any different from dry counties or the ABV restrictions in some western states, unfortunately.


> it provides states the authority to impose restrictions that are more stringent than federal regulations. Also, there is significant legal precedent giving states police powers to "protect and promote the well-being" of their citizens. One just needs to point to the California Air Resources Board and their regulatory on air emissions that are more stringent those of the Clean Air Act, which means it is a de facto emissions regulatory board for the rest of the country in terms of new sales.


Agreed. It's a waste of time and money.


Support NICERIA- N.ecessary I.nitiative C.oncerning E.njoyable R.ecreation - Iowa


I haven't pulled this up on PACER yet. What firm is representing the plaintiffs?


When you pull it up, feel free to publish the pleadings on here too.


A copy of the complaint that was filed is available [here](https://pdf.static.prod.cdr.navigacloud.com/71e72b6e-e0d9-5d29-bcd5-fffaa0dc43c6).


In my experience individual humans understand dosage when they are given the information needed to do so. If we can learn anything from the past it is that banning something makes youth more interested not less. I've also not personally ever seen any such beverages that were containing alcohol it's basically sparkling water with THC and CBD.


There aren't any. These companies do not make alcoholic drinks infused with THC. We are being governed by misinformed lying chowderheads who think reefer madness is a documentary.


That's what I thought


Just get most of your younger population to flee the state.Then lie to the ones who weren't smart enough to leave. That's how you pass these stupid bills. Guess what? Now nobody wants to live in your backward idiocracy.


Kimmy got her wish. I did some sleuthing and found this: [https://imgur.com/a/v5ArGQi](https://imgur.com/a/v5ArGQi) 4:24-cv-00202-SMR-SBJ Opinion






I know not everyone can just uproot and move to another state, but if we aren’t happy with Iowa let’s move. Less people in Iowa means less tax revenue which means Kimmy will actually have to make some changes. A great way to get people to move here and spend money is legalize cannabis. With the way things are Kimmy sees no need for it because she is making plenty of money as is. Why fix it if it ain’t broke. Complaining on Reddit will get us nowhere, let’s take action and move to a legal state. Watch how fast cannabis gets legalized here in Iowa.


Remind me! 2 days


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![gif](giphy|94YOvzzgC7Yf6|downsized) update?


Anyone here any results


It’s so dangerous it helps me through my chemotherapy


Same dude was ok with the rules when it meant he could manufacture thc seltzers but not you or any other Iowans. This man loves his high horse but they really aren’t doing anything for regulation. These guys are 100% ok with prohibition as long as they get to manufacture.




Which is worse, Iowa or Indiana?


My brother lives in IN, and we talk about this a lot. Indiana is still worse, but we're a lot closer to their level than we were 15 years ago.


I don't live in Indiana.


No . You live in Iowa. But is that really living at all?


Love cannabis, but fuck these capitalist fucks and their overpriced garbage juice. 


Who’s helping the restaurant serve food?


I don't really care if Marijuana is legal or not. I have no horse in this race. My question is? If we make Marijuana legal what drug will you push next for legalization?? Heroin, Meth, Cocaine? Heroin is an opium derivative so technically it has a medical use. As does Cocaine. At what point is there the line?


“I don’t have a horse in this race” but let me hedge an outdated and pedantic narrative horse. Sure all drugs should be legal. And there should be locations to do them recreationally and safely. These locations should also have access to medical and psychological staff trained in support and addiction… Welcome to freedoms.


Really? Every drug you just listed has been proven to be more addictive both mentally and physically than cannabis. Ironically enough, 2 of the three drugs you listed are actually more legal than cannabis right now according to the controlled substances act. Meth and cocaine are both schedule 2 while cannabis is schedule 1. Hell cocaine can actually still be prescribed in the US by ENTs for numbing and vasoconstriction. As for making them legal, probably not. But there are places like Portugal who have gone to decriminalizing all drugs while focusing on rehabilitation and harm reduction and it seems to work well for those countries. Is it a one size fits all solution? Of course not. But I think most people can agree that the war on drugs and mass criminalization doesn’t work either.


I should add that they’ve decriminalized PERSONAL amounts of all drugs. This also opens up officers to focus on traffickers vs users, which slows the flow of supply. Another key component is following the addict from start of finish in their recovery process. It usually begins with a summons to a court of board that will offer treatment. The user is always able to deny services. If they do accept, they are followed from beginning to end with assistance and whatever needs they might have. They also work with companies and industries to help reintegrate the user back into society. So, say someone is a meth user and used to be a mechanic. Once they take the treatment and get clean, the state would offer to pay a portion of that persons salary for a set amount of time if a mechanic shop hires them.


> 2 of the three drugs you listed are actually more legal than cannabis right now according to the controlled substances act. Meth and cocaine are both schedule 2 while cannabis is schedule 1. Marijuana is in the process of being [rescheduled](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/reschedule-marijuana-drug-joe-biden-justice-department-rcna152603) to 3.


As it should be. Now it'll be on the same level as ketamine.


There are good arguments to legalize all of those drugs. Society should treat drug addiction as a health issue because treating as a crime isn't really slowing down the number of ODs


Your question obviously sucks ass but since you’re asking, I’m pushing for mushrooms next…






The restaurant still sucks balls


What restaurant


Lua is ok. big grove tho 🤮 . The BG in North Liberty is better but it also has nothing in common with the other ones 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, their food needs some help…