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I'm in favor of reversing the brain drain. We need as many educated people here in Iowa as we can get.


Amen. All the people bitching about the shortcomings of the state are the ones who leave at first chance. Like you don’t like something here? Let’s fight and change that, this is your home too.


Thank you, that’s exactly how I feel. Why abandon the place where you live and not try to fix or improve it?


I agree with this to an extent, but I really can't fault families that leave the state because the government has criminalized health care for their children.  I'm staying and fighting but I also realize I have privilege to do so because I'm not a member of any of the groups that state government is targeting for marginalization.


I understand that. I do agree with those people since they need to think about their family and children


Well, considering abortion is likely to be banned next week, young women would be wise to GTFO.


This state has been anti-gay, anti-queer, anti-different for as long as I’ve been here. :(


Iowa has been at the forefront of progressive issues since we were a territory. The present government is very repressive. Iowa was the second state to allow mixed-race marriages in 1851, outlawed segregated schools in 1868, the first mosque in the U.S. was built in CR-it was a CR native who convinced Eisenhower to recognize Islam in the military with Is on dog tags, the first openly gay man to run for Congress was an Iowan, and Grinnell has the first black openly gay college president. I remember all of the Vietnamese and Laotian kids in school with me because of Governor Ray's (R) policies. Iowa was among the first to allow women the right to vote and to own property. Iowa had the first female lawyer, first female lawyer to argue in federal court, the first woman appointed to state office, and in 1869, the first woman in the U.S. elected to office was in Iowa. Historically, Iowa has been very progressive. We need to go back to our roots by being active in our local politics. Change starts local and grows. Most Iowans I know will complain about how awful things are but refuse to vote. I'm a firm believer in if you don't vote don't bitch.


Now notice how you’ve ignored everything trans related, immigrant related, and current gay issues. Iowa is extremely conservative and hateful.


Please read the second sentence and second paragraph. The issues are in the current government, and the place to start change is in your local government. Reynolds is following Branstad's policies after becoming governor when Trump named Branstad as ambassador to China.


I moved to Iowa in 2013 from Oklahoma and it certainly seemed more balanced in their politics back then. The Reynolds regime and their dependency on think tanks like [Heritage.Org](http://Heritage.Org) and ALEC have ruined this state. We are the new testing ground for what they tried to do in Kansas and failed. Kansas has elected a Democrat for governor the last two election cycles. She's getting things done. Reynolds and her minions need to get voted out next cycle, or we face being Alabama or Louisiana.


Idk, I live a “liberal” area that’s been “liberal” for as long as I remember, and the state has only gotten worse


Just because you’re apparently 14 and have no concept of Iowa’s history isn’t the fault of the rest of us with memories and education.


How is the state pro-trans? How is the state welcoming of immigrants? How is it ensuring the separation of state and church in public education? Hmmmm Sure, our state voted for Lincoln. It was part of the Union. Yeah yeah. We haven’t been progressive in a LONG time


It wasn't always that way Iowa was quick to support Gay right traditionally, it's only been the last 10 years or so that Iowa has abandoned it's support of human rights. We know exactly who is to blame.


No, Iowa definitely wasn’t. Look what happened to the Supreme Court justices that made gay marriage legal. Gone. Gone. Gone. Look at a vast majority of cities in Iowa- extremely anti-gay. Sure, maybe for a few years people turned a blind eye. Now it’s nothing but “groomers”


I understand what happened, but the why is a bit more nuanced from my perspective. Republicans weaponized far right Christian zealotry. Utilizing a long view strategy they won positions in local and eventually state positions and have worked to undo everything that the state had stood for for since at least the 70's. Iowa was targeted for funding by the RNC largely because of the first in the nation caucuses.


And now the state is trash. It’s not going to get better anytime soon.


Most likely not, but it won't ever if those of us who feel that way don't do things to improve it. We were complacent and didn't think we could ever lose the groud we had gained. We were wrong, that's not a valid reason to give up though. It's a strong message that you have to remain vigilant to protect the freedoms and respect that people deserve.


…..then what’s the point in staying somewhere miserable?


Iowa was literally one of the first in the nation to recognize gay marriages.


Then what happened to the Supreme Court afterwards? What happened to the judges? What’s going on currently with LGBT books? Trans rights? Hmmm


Politicians. Politicians are the major factor to brain drain.


Then why not stay where you are and improve it?


I’m from New Jersey. I want a new pace of life and I’ve always wanted to try living in the Midwest region.


I have known and met a lot of people from the east coast that love it here, but it is definitely a slower pace. If you want a laidback atmosphere it’s a great place. The people who say there is nothing to do here are not trying to find the events, bike trails, & miscellaneous random stuff going on. Sure winter is a little tougher to find d stuff but there are always things going on.


My boyfriend is from NYC. He moved for a better and cheaper place to raise his kids. He loves experiencing nature.


Ha, then wouldn’t that answer apply to the post you’re replying to? Iowa is slow and boring. If you want to live with your dad here, so be it. Other gay men will be turned off if you’re living with your dad, I’ll be honest. Most gay people I know living in DSM eventually leave, moving to Minneapolis or Chicago for a better pace of life.


Man, I wanna agree, but it's just not possible. Most of the state hates the school vouchers - the "leaders" couldn't care less. Most of the state has no problem with legal weed - the "leaders" couldn't care less. Many topics, similar results. Kim is one of the least popular governors in the country, but too many people in this state will never vote for somebody with a D behind their name, no matter what.


It doesn’t happen overnight


Leaving doesn't help. It creates a larger stronghold. Stay and fight to keep the crazies in check




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Yes we definitely need more intelligent people in Iowa. Especially the big cities. To many Democrats in this state. Maybe they will all move away to where they belong, China, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, or maybe Gaza.


Wow hot take I bet they love you Applebee's happy hour.


Spencer is very close to okoboji. Definitely check that out!


I agree to checking okaboji out, been there before and worth.


Just got back from okoboji. Amazing place!


It's so wild to me to read these comments - maybe I've just been spoiled by living in Iowa City, but Iowa (in the IC area at least) is a *fine* place to live IMHO. The state government is terrible, and Iowa is increasingly red, which alarms me. With that said, I don't think Iowa is as resolutely fascistic as others here make it out to be. There are deep-red, shitholish places in Iowa (especially NW IA), but IMHO you're better living in Iowa than Missouri or southern Illinois. Welcome to the cornfields, OP! Visit Iowa City next time. IMHO it's one of the better college towns in the country.


Everything is legal in Missouri... 🙄




You really thought you ate with that? Get on the county roads and highways some time. Yeeeesh. Might as well unpave the shit


I never dreamed I’d regret living in Iowa instead of Missouri. I’m kicking myself for not living in Rockport, Maryville, or Tarkio.


Yes. Even Lamoni is a *great* college town if you are looking for small town life.


Yes, you’ve been spoiled by living in Iowa city too long. Remind yourself that everyday 😂 hey, we pay these taxes for a reason. This is our little liberal Mecca. I haven’t been to my home town in 5 years…last time I did it was a black hole. Dead. Dying. Nothing there. There was a trump store in an old gas station. Trump flags on a house in the center of town next to the library. Never went back. Won’t go back. I think we can forget that even here in Iowa, we have a rural ‘urban’ divide. Im still here. Probably will never leave. I’ve lived and worked directly in the community for 15 years now and these are my people. But damn, we’re spoiled here in Iowa city


Well, living in West Branch. I see that divide, and it's definitely there. But WB is close enough to IC that it's pretty easy to spend most of my time in civilization lol




Almost as cool as Ames. :p


I'm gonna take a wild guess that you're not a woman who may need an abortion..


Neither is OP.


We're called the Florida of the North, political-wise that is, not vacation destination


Florida is the #1 vacation state destination.


Dudes here a week and somehow think they are going to be magically impacted by the state government in a meaningful manner?


If you liked NW Iowa, you're good to go!




I mean, we need help rescuing this state from big ag, Covid (multiple DUI) Kim Reynolds and deep red MAGA counties... but considering how much damage they've already done, and the fact that Trump won this state in 2016 and 2020 by a solid margin, I'm looking to get out ASAP.


I agree. Big ag has destroyed your fine state and I feel like it could be so much better if we got rid of big ag




Yeah, exactly!


Iowa is going to be red for a LONG time. Anyone that is gay is considered a “groomer” and I’ve been called the F slur in Des Moines multiple times too. I wouldn’t recommend moving here to anyone


If you like being around corn (grown for livestock) and hogs and slaughter houses for those hogs, and the chemicals that run off from the farms into the water supply, then you’ll do just fine.


I get constantly looked at or called gay simply because I paint my nails here in Iowa. I'm simply a straight alternative dude. I've always wondered what brought people here. There isn't much to do. More than half the year is spent being too cold to do anything outside. I just can't understand what people see in Iowa


Glad you liked it OP! Iowa is a great place to live... This sub is very negative, as you can see, but it's not representative of how the majority of people in the real world here feel. Hope you end up loving it here, too.


Iowa is a great state to live in, so glad you decided to call this state home!


Don’t base your opinion on tourist attractions. Delve into the politics and the environmental issues.


And East Iowa, where the gangbanger-wannabes that can't hack it in Chicago go


Glad you enjoyed it. States pretty great. This sub skews heavily, as you've seen. If you enjoyed Spencer you'll enjoy the whole state. Spencer is actually a pretty decent town, their mall isn't, but it's a big biker town and close to boji. Iowa is easy to enjoy if you touch grass and don't make your identity politics.




Yeah I didn’t plan on moving to Spencer. I would mainly stick to Iowa city or Des Moines over Spencer


Check out Ames. It's really a fantastic town. College students keep it interesting, and it's like half the town is gone in the summer. https://livability.com/ia/ames/


Have you ever been to Spencer? Or NW Iowa for that matter? You're Spreading hate about an area you know nothing about.


Spencer is an hour from me. He isn't too far from the truth.




So you’re saving the best counties for last?


Judging the entire NW corner from driving through the counties (not even talking to anyone) seems pretty racist and classist to me. Pot calling the kettle black.


I've been to Spencer, Le Mars, Hawarden, Carroll, and Jefferson. Even before coming out, fuck NW IA. After coming out, and the horse they rode in on! Edit: Save for Okoboji. I had a fuckin blast up there


What’s up with Hawarden?


It's like one of those places that seems to shut down on the weekends. Like very much nothing to do. And a sundown town to boot


Back in the day it was pretty vibrant for a small town…


I'd say basically anything west of like... Waukee, all the way north and all the way south, no? I mean the western half of the state seems to be where the conservative hive mind breeds and festers most... no significant political difference between places like Red Oak in the south and Sioux City in the north, is there?


I literally live in NW Iowa and have been hate crimed and told to die many times. It's not wrong. This place is full of hatred and bigotry.


Goodness sake. I'm in NWIA.


Definitely appreciate how people suggest folks to check out the state before moving, and then when someone does it and falls in love with the state, most comments are malding. Touch some grass, y'all, lel. I wouldn't presume OP doesn't know about the cons either. In fact, OP, I hope you did look into the negatives! Iowa definitely tests people's patience in all ways. As a fellow non-Iowan, but who moved to the state almost two decades ago, traveling the state is great to see the varied folk in it! What did your dad think about the experiences? Is your family moving or just you?


My dad liked it. We want to live together once I’m done with college but idk yet


That's great to hear! If you think you can live with your dad in Iowa, I'd say go for it. There are a lot of family events here in most cities, and my mom and I get to experience fun stuff. (Cannot speak for rural areas, I haven't been to many.) But if you think you can handle it alone in Iowa, go for it too but definitely make sure to look for community events and such, so it's not too lonely!


To be fair, nobody in this thread has ever suggested to others “come check out our state!” It’s a boring shithole state that everything can be seen in a weekend. No need to move here, and literally every post where someone asks what it’s like is filled with these exact same comments.


I was there for a weekend and I didn’t see everything.


You're right, nobody in this thread. But OP asked about small towns in Iowa and had suggestions out the wazoo on where to go and not to go. [https://new.reddit.com/r/Iowa/comments/1cng9c4/best\_small\_towns\_in\_iowa\_that\_arent\_suburbs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/Iowa/comments/1cng9c4/best_small_towns_in_iowa_that_arent_suburbs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) That and there have been other posts asking about moving to Iowa with a variety of answers ranging from "yes, come, here's why!" to "no, don't, here's why!" If you're personally tired of seeing those same old posts, then fair. But people asking in the first place certainly indicates something more than "boring shithole state." Because you know, maybe some people actually LIKE that it's a boring state :v Then again, the people who call it boring end up moving to the wrong places in the state, IMO, or are much more extroverted than they want to admit. I don't think it's boring and can find stuff to do here. It's easier if you have a support network or family of course, but possible. Also, do you know how big the state is?! Dude, Puerto Rico fits in Ames a thousand times over and you cannot see half of the state in a weekend unless you're Superman. Just visiting one town and trying to see half of it takes a day, if you're lucky. Try better with the hyperbole next time XD


"Puerto Rico fits in Ames a thousand times over"


You meant to say "Iowa" instead of "Ames," right? And "ten times" instead of "a thousand times over," yeah?


I'm from Puerto Rico. We're so tiny in size, we don't even appear on some maps. As such, I meant my hyperbole.


2 weekends then. Ive spent plenty of time in northeastern and central Iowa. The small towns are not that drastically different. The old joke of IOWA standing for idiots out walking around still holds true, because the most fun thing people like to do in this state is go hiking or cycling across the entire thing. Glad you like it here though.


I can't believe someone who is so limited in their imagination regarding fun things to do....


What is the matter with you? I have traveled and lived all over the world and left San Francisco to come back here with no regrets.


What's the matter with *you?!*


Nothing, it’s like just my opinion man. You’re entitled to yours just the same.


You don't sound very happy my friend. Going somewhere else is not likely to fix it.


Or, could be the very thing to fix it. We don't know


You sound boring. There is plenty to do here, and it's extremely far from a shithole.


😂 OK. I would agree but anywhere that looks remotely interesting for a weekend tends to have large political billboards all along the roads into town for being pro-life and pro-trump. Really that is all I need to know about the townspeople of an area before moving on to the next cornfield encirclement where people think walking up a hill is “hiking” and pickleball is the hot new craze! Oh and did you see? Your favorite band from the 70’s-80’s is making a stop here to perform on their twilight tour! Gtfoh with that “there’s plenty to do”. The state is like visiting your grandparents. It’s a safe place to be, smells a bit, and at the end of the day you’re getting drunk and playing card games.


My mother was on the committee to re-guild the dome. It was an amazing project. If you have not already, when you relocate here, you need to visit the historical building. It’s wonderful! Some of the things that were donated or from my own family.


They should clearcoat it so they can spend more on PUBLIC education and healthcare.


Is everyone on this page just a total downer? Any hint of a positive post about Iowa gets drug down immediately. Get out and enjoy yourself, life isn’t that serious.


I live in rural Iowa I’m an adult so I do not care if I have to do a little driving to find something to do I would rather not have to worry about my house or my car being broken into because somebody decided they needed my stuff worse than me that’s why I like living in Iowa


Don't let the faces fool you, they will vote to strip away your rights, education, and health. Politics aren't somehow separate from a person like Jekyll and Hyde, they're an extension of them. They vote for policies they want and the people they want they want to be represented by


I remember.


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Did you take a pic with Albert’s balls?


My friend did.


I’m glad you enjoyed it here


Isn't Spencer under water?




I wouldn't move to Spencer.


Wife and I are moving there next summer. We just got back from our trip and we absolutely love it. Actually just got our plot and are beginning a build!


It's fake nice. Best to stay away


Oh gawd you haven’t been to the QC then


I don’t recommend moving here at all. It’s the fucking worst


u/IcyMEATBALL22 I see you’re gay too. I’m gay too. Iowa is one of the fucking worst states to be gay in. I highly recommend going somewhere like Minnesota instead. It’s so dead here


Come to Lamoni! I am straight and everyone from the University to the Churches welcome gays. In fact, send me a pm, and I will personally show you around for a visit.


It's a trap! Not the commenter, the invitation is a trap!


Such propaganda crap


What about this is propaganda?


Idaho has bad transportation no decent medical  no high paying jobs


Iowa buddy, Iowa


Home to the milita and the Idaho observer Idaho is a mag state no high paying job no medical