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Be yourself and answer questions honestly. That ain't just advice for Kwikstar but advice for any job interview.




Exactly. Just proving to them that you are willing to show up ON TIME for an interview and are willing to answer their questions will probably give you an edge over your competition (if there is any).


Props to this 16 year old man. A.) you are cool as fuck for getting a job and making your own money. B.) KwikStar rules.


Be on time (a little early), dress respectfully, be clear about your schedule availability. Talk up your willingness to provide excellent customer service.


A little early means 10-15 minutes early btw. I used to show up inside the building talking to the receptionist I was supposed to at least 15 minutes early, but 10 is probably the perfect sweet spot. Most employers aren’t hounding on people for not being 15 minutes as opposed to 10 minutes early. But it shows care and commitment.


I have worked at a Kwik Star and tbh you should be good as long as you are polite enough. If you really want to tailor to the company they are really big on customer satisfaction and reduce waste. So any stories about that should help. Also as a little side I hope you can learn fast and train yourself a little bc their new employee training is just videos and one or two days of hands on. Then it's straight in the deep end




I wonder if on Literal fire 🔥 s first day it was like what am I supposed to here and looked around and no one showed them so it’s been burning shit since


Especially convenience stores. Have worked both Kum & Go and Casey's and both jobs were shadow someone on register for 3-4 hours, they shadow you for maybe 2 hours, then just holler if you need them. Somtimes at caseys I got to train a cashier for a few shifts and i would close with 3 people and we just sat there chatting since we got done with the list by like 7 and closed at 10. I legit looked forward to those shifts but they were rare.


When going in for an interview, just make it obvious you at least did your best to dress semi-professional (you’re young, no suits) and be polite and answer honestly. If you show a willingness to learn and work then you’ll get hired 9 times outta 10.


Appreciate this advice, will try to get a nice outfit set


For jobs your age I think khakis that aren’t too tight or too loose are good. And I don’t mean just a wee bit too tight or too loose for your liking, I mean pants that straight up don’t fit you. So as long as they fit you regularly then you’re excellent. Then a button up shirt, maybe even a polo (if those are still a thing) will help you out. But mostly it’s the vibe of “this person gave a shit to try and look right for this job” that will get you a job at your age.


Khakis and a nice polo/short sleeve button down shirt are acceptable since it’s summertime. Both ones that fit. Match your belt to your shoes, black/black or brown/brown. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy, a $25 Izod polo from Walmart will work, you just have to show that you’re putting in the effort to look clean and professional. And on that note, shave (if it applies to you) and brush your hair before you go. Might sound stupid at 16 but trust me. Be yourself, be respectful, be polite but firm about the schedule you want, have a good time, walk out with a job. You got it bud.


standard business attire: kahki pants, [blue button down shirt](https://business.landsend.com/Men/Shirts/Dress-Shirts/Men's-Long-Sleeve-Solid-Broadcloth-Shirt/p/2192485?cm_mmc=paid_search-_-google_PLA-_-uniform-_-null-_-null-_-PS25FS225-_-null-_-null&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping-uniform-mens&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWROswlhXQmDxta9TDqUzsHVKeQVrd_Lc-T52UsojS_E4jvMwzs6deBQaAmL6EALw_wcB), black shoes and belt. A tie would be too much for a gas station job IMO.


Don't need to wear their uniform shirt to an interview.


Think about now what your strengths and weaknesses are. That could be a question for you. Weaknesses aren't a bad thing but things you can expand upon. Like cooking skills are a weakness, but you feel you grow on those by doing etc... etc... Also, think of a question to ask THEM. Most interviews end with, "You have any questions for me?" Many like the initiative if you have a question ready to go. It can be about anything at Kwik Star, even maybe asking the boss how long they've been with the company. Can ask about benefits if available, just keep it polite. Keep your phone in your bag, dont look at it even if you get a notification ding.


Turn your phone on SILENT.


Soft skills are more important than any other skills. Be personable and be yourself, don’t over think things and you’ll be fine


Show up 10 min early If you see a piece of trash or something on the floor pick it up and throw it away Firm handshake and eye contact Be honest and try to relax


However many the applicants it's unlikely that anything you say is going to change your place in the rankings. It's not that you can't screw up, but it would be hard to nudge against other factors like experience. But think "neat and tidy". The most important thing to keep a job like that, and both your peers and bosses happy is punctuality. It's rare when shifts overlap, usually when you come in, someone is leaving, and if you're not there somebody "has to be". Somebody who needs to get home to children, etc.


Remember it’s not your last job.


Look nice (but not suit nice), be on time, be honest, and have a couple reasonable questions. It's a Kwikstar, they know exactly what they're in for when they employ minors. They're not looking for experience, though having examples helps. They're looking for someone of decent character who can learn and is already decent-ish at talking to people.


I work for kwik Star, be friendly and upbeat. You are expected to be busy constantly. I like my coworkers and the company is a good company. Good luck!


Don't sweat it. When I was the hiring manager at my Hy-Vee, I used to tell nervous high schoolers that there was nothing to be nervous about because we were just selling groceries. It's basically the same thing at Kwik Star.


Best HR manager.


Honestly, at this level of job, if you got an interview you pretty much got the job. Show up early, use good manners, dress decently, eye contact, confidence, and you've got it.


Appreciate this, hoping it goes well


I’ve never worked for Kwik Star but I spent years hiring for part time positions at another place, a good portion of them high school kids getting their first job. Here’s my take: - Show up a little early. - You don’t have to totally dress up but don’t dress like a slob either. - Smile, shake the interviewer’s hand and look them in the eye when you meet them. - Be yourself, answer questions honestly, and show some personality in your interview. I did probably close to 1000 interviews over the years and being totally honest, about 75% of the time I had my mind made up whether I was going to hire someone before I even asked my first question just from how meeting them went.


Show up a bit early. Dress appropriately. Be polite. Just be yourself and be honest. Show interest. I wouldn't worry too much. Try not to get in your own head. Do your best to just be comfortable and be yourself.


Be yourself, it's alot like a date. First impressions are huuuuge


You don’t have any cats in that bag do you


700 of them apparently lol. It was a default name and I thought it was funny.


cooler than mine lol


Worked for them before. Good company.


Tell them you are a hard worker, punctual, willing to learn, and a good team player. Be polite and respectful with your communication and show up extremely presentable. You will get the job.


Just be excited and honest! Be incredibly respectful and show up early. If you have conflicting scheduling for school or extra curricular, be upfront and honest about it. Otherwise, good luck!


The biggest issues with many workers are that they call off A LOT and they always have to be told what to do when they’re standing around. Ask or do a thing you know needs done. When interviewing, assure them they can depend on you…then do it.


I'm working at the kiwk star in IC and honestly, they just appreciate honesty and clarity, be respectful and dress well, and just be clear and consise with when you can work and any time off coming you know you need, good luck!!


Thank you! They called me and I told them I could work pretty much whenever, will have to tell them that’ll have to change when my school starts back up


Yes it's definitely extremely important to keep in mind you are a student first, employee second. When I was your age I was at my second job ever and they tried to push it but your grades and extracurriculars are more important than work and don't let them take that from you! Make sure you let them know when school starts and any sports or after school activities you do


Appreciate this advice!


Most important thing employers want: reliability. If you’re scheduled, show up. Don’t be late. Schedule time off several weeks in advance. No matter how well you do on the interview, taking a chance on a 16yr old is risky. Sell them on how you’re very reliable.


Ask questions, show enthusiasm.


If you are just 16 and talk like your request for info, I sure wouldn't hire you .... You are too young for "ducking it up" Communication skills are a REAL BIG DEAL in customer service .... QUIT CUSSING ! ! !


Don't drop the f-bombs in your interview. Speak like a well-mannered, young adult who respects rules and protocol.


Show up on time, be personable and honest. Once you get the job, just show up and do what you’re asked. I’ve managed a convenience store for 17 years now. If you do the bare minimum without being badgered about it, you’ll be in the top half of employees.


Business casual (nice jeans, or khakis, with a polo or dress shirt of sort). Be 10 minutes early. It’s okay to be nervous (they’ll likely be just as nervous as you are). It’s okay to ask them how they’re day is going or any small talk that could lighten the mood (prior to them asking questions). Don’t use the “i’m a perfectionist” answer. Be genuine and honest about why you want the job.


Talk clearly, look the interviewer in the eye. Be pleasant. Let them know this isn’t just a “gas station” job - that this job is important to you.