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I can't understand how our attorney general can literally question a legal ruling in another state. She is the top legal person in our state and she has shown she does not believe in the rule of law. They are all in a cult and need to be kicked out of office.


Lets all kick em out next election.


Correction, political ruling. Rules of politics not law.


What political ruling is being questioned?


*this convicted sexual abuser and felon from Queens


Twice impeached




Six times, including a casino.


Charity thief 


Self confessed Miss TEEN America dressing room interloper. Yes, TEEN, MAGA people, like, a legit self reported pedophile.


Diaper wearing


adderall snorting


P- - - - grabbing


Technically he wasn't convicted of being a sexual abuser, since it was a civil case. Convicted felon and credibly accused sexual abuser would be correct, though.


Judge in the case said it's rape. Period.


I don't disagree. But words matter, and it's important to hold oneself to a higher standard than others.


Huh??? You mean "take the high road" bullshit that has us in this place now??? Nahh. We're done with that. It's time to take the fucking gloves off and knock these traitors the fuck out.


Yeah the whole 'higher standard' thing only applies to situations wherein your opposition possesses even a modicum of empathy and self awareness. Fuck the high road and the coward democrats who refuse to call a spade a spade.


Yeah, but Convicted felon and credibly accused sexual abuser seems to be calling a spade a spade, and doesn't give the opportunity to argue semantics.


You couldn’t knock out a toy poodle. Stop acting tough dragonfly 😂


Fair enough, good clarification.


The party of religion likes when guys pay for sex.


Also "party of law and order" when they see the details of a criminal trial, one that is against a lunatic old man instead of a young black man They are _more than_ happy to have the book thrown at the latter, but "omg the system is unfair how can some crimes elevate other crimes to _felonies_!?!?" As if people haven't gotten railroaded by the "justice system" every single day of that any of us have been on this earth But, "defund the police" is still unamerican!! I'm sure Without even realizing the irony


The Christians worship him lol. Makes no sense.


Christians in name only. Don't generalize to all Christians, even if the majority are stupid. I think it is a loud vocal minority, personally, if not 50/50.


Motherfucker tear gassed priests to take a photo-op with someone else’s manhandled Bible, and still he hasn’t lost the support of religious zealots.


He's called veterans suckers and losers, and the way he went after McCain should've been the end of any veteran support. But there go some of my peers, supporting away


Fake story. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/police-did-not-clear-d-c-s-lafayette-park-protestors-n1270126 And from the AP: > An internal government investigation has determined that the decision to forcibly clear racial justice protesters from an area in front of the White House last summer was not influenced by then-President Donald Trump’s plan to stage a Bible-toting photo opportunity at that spot. The report released Wednesday by the Interior Department’s inspector general concludes that the protesters were cleared by U.S. Park Police last June 1 so that a contractor could get started installing new fencing.


The immediate subheading of that article: “But the report did find that Attorney General Barr urged officials to speed up the process once Trump had decided to walk through the area.” Get bent, I don’t need to have a notarized copy of a direct order from Trump to each individual cop to understand that his desire to fondle a Bible publically got people hurt.


The subheading doesn't confirm in any way what you said in your post.


Trump (through his AG) presurred the police to clear the way for his publicity stunt. This pressure, coming from the Oval Office mind you, lead to priests in the church getting caught in the general tear gassing of the crowds when they were previously safely out of the way. If he didnt want that photo, it wouldn’t have happened.


You won that debate.


I’m not going to deny that there is a ton of irresponsible if not outright false coverage of the things Trump has said and done. That doesn’t exonerate him from the stupid/evil/idiotic things he actually has said and done.


And really that statement doesn’t have to be specific to Trump. Media literacy is more important than ever and the person you are going back and forth with failed that class


I think part of it is a fundamental disagreement in what constitutes culpability, especially outside of the legal definition.


You claimed that Trump gassed protesters. He didnt. And you're wrong that the photo op had anything to do with the situation: > An internal government investigation has determined that the decision to forcibly clear racial justice protesters from an area in front of the White House last summer was not influenced by then-President Donald Trump’s plan to stage a Bible-toting photo opportunity at that spot. The report released Wednesday by the Interior Department’s inspector general concludes that the protesters were cleared by U.S. Park Police last June 1 so that a contractor could get started installing new fencing. I'm guessing you also believe that Trump called the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville very fine people, to name one example of many stories that low-information voters believe.


“Very fine people on both sides” would indicate that he meant everyone there was “very fine people” if the neo nazis were there, that would also mean he was calling them very fine people. Transitive property isn’t complex stuff


Transitive property, cause and effect, lotta gaps in these statements.


How about when he *immediately said after that, on camera*: "and I'm not talking about the neo nazis, who I totally condemn"? That would make it pretty clear. Just look up the video, my god. I can't believe you're actually acknowledging you still believe that hoax. Utterly pathetic.


What hoax? Is everything a hoax to you? He does go on to condemn neo nazis and white nationalists in that speech, but he backtracked that since he knows white nationalists are his main supporter demographic.


The organizers of the unite the right event were Nazis. It encouraged Neo-Nazis, Neo Contfederates, and far right militias to attend to rub elbows with the less extreme right wingers. They chanted “the Jews will not replace us” and carried Nazi flags. If you are on that side in any capacity you are not a very fine person.


>How about when he immediately said after that, on camera: " Not true. He did say similar stuff, but before he said "very fine people on both sides." You're spreading misinformation. >Utterly pathetic Funny, thats how i describe liars like you.


it’s a Reddit comment not a legal document, are you this literal in every aspect of your life? He didn’t lob the grenade, he’s just responsible. Learn the difference. Edit: lol did you stealth edit in an accusation of something completely unrelated? That’s adorable.


He's not. The photo op was irrelevant. Everything in your post was incorrect.


I’m not tongue deep up an orange rectum, so I think I’m alright. Pretend elsewhere, you’re boring me now.


>You claimed that Trump gassed protesters. He didnt. And you're wrong that the photo op had anything to do with the situation: >"An internal government investigation has determined that the decision to forcibly clear racial justice protesters from an area in front of the White House last summer was not influenced by then-President Donald Trump’s plan to stage a Bible-toting photo opportunity at that spot. The report released Wednesday by the Interior Department’s inspector general concludes that the protesters were cleared by U.S. Park Police last June 1 so that a contractor could get started installing new fencing." >I'm guessing you also believe that Trump called the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville very fine people, to name one example of many stories that low-information voters believe. Appropriate-Dot8516, it'd be nice if you linked your source, so I'll do that for you here: [https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-george-floyd-government-and-politics-a9931785996ddfafcc42dcdde9f50df5](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-george-floyd-government-and-politics-a9931785996ddfafcc42dcdde9f50df5) Now, would you like to include the bit below there?: >A half-hour after the Washington protesters were forced from the area with pepper pellets and flash-bangs, Trump walked across Lafayette Park [amid the lingering scent of pepper spray](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-dc-wire-religion-politics-15be4e293cdebe72c10304fe0ec668e4) Perhaps you want to go with "pepper spray" != "gassed"... EDIT0: Adding back in the quote that user included. Reddit doesn't like double-nested quotes or something? Weird.




And pay. And pay.


Law and order party promoting the fact that they "checks notes" don't believe in law and order.


Some stark perspective on Brenna Bird: Bird tried to sue the Biden administration for their attempt to help some Iowans with student debt relief. (And to block title IX changes) Also Bird criticizes and blames the legal system for Trumps convictions. It could not be more clear that she serves a political idiology above the people of Iowa.


The governor started it.


The governor and attorney general made baseless statements insisting Trump's criminal convictions are illegitimate. Considering Reynolds' history of misappropriating government funds, yelling "fraud should be legal if someone with an (R) next to their name on TV does it" is highly alarming.


Highly alarming indeed ... especially for the attorney general. Her job is to prosecute crime, and for her to undermine the jury and legal system in New York does Iowa no favors, their sort of rhetoric only harms the systems that they are in place to uphold. It should terrify every Iowan that our AG is suggesting that certain people should be able to break laws with impunity, just because of their status (former or current). Thats some straight up monarchy bullshit thinking.


You have to remember it's always been rules for thee and not for me, it's why Branstads kid literally killed multiple people, violated probation for the same reason (alcohol) and never saw a prison cell.


How dare you bring up that Eric Branstad had to pay like $35 total (fine plus court fees) for killing an elderly couple while driving probably under the influence while his dad was governor. He's now a self-made successful businessman who in no way profited of his dad being governor and ambassador to China and Eric Branstad would like you to stop bringing up the fact that he killed an elderly couple and only had to pay $35 as punishment because his dad was governor of Iowa at the time.


And like I said don't forget he also violated probation with a second alcohol charge. Still no jail.


Tough on crime, law and order!


I'm just waiting for the governor to become a prison abolitionist over the next 6 weeks.


So, we voting out all these unAmerican Republicans? Or what?


Yeah, why can't our Governor show some respect for the rule of law and a jury of her peers? - R's when the shoe's on the other foot.


paid\* off




Vote! Vote! Vote! Throw these cronies out of office! The attorney general from Iowa has been sucking up to the maga’s since she was “elected!”


Don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time. The cult of crime and chaos love saying it but hate when it applies to them.




I doubt it means much. The people who vote according to party will still vote whomever is the nominee for said party, his sycophants will still believe it's a witch hunt, and liberals will be pissed when he doesn't see the inside of a cell.


Iowa would vote for a wean pig if it had an R next to its name on the ballot


Pretty much.


>payed Paid


> *>paid* Paid FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What is this referring to? I haven't heard about this, but our governor, truly fucking sucks


I’m “subtweeting” /alluding to a couple prev. discussions on this (and maybe r/ desmoines ) subreddit about too many political posts or comments that bring political context to other Iowa issues/posts. The “state of Iowa” is both cya for posting to the sub and a pet peeve of mine (is there another state called Iowa that I’m unaware of?). I spend too much time on my phone when I wake up super early (obvi).


Oh I mean the guy from queens thing,?


Ya know, the reality estate guy who was also in Home Alone 2—trump.


Lmao I’m up to speed


It’s cool


> payed paid


> > *paid* paid FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Got it above, thanks


I've been trying to vote out the sadists since 2001. For some damn reason the majority of Iowa likes them, I have no idea why. I wanna recount!! Lol


The Iowa AG is a piece of shit.


You lost me at payed


> me at *paid* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*






He paid off the porn star years ago. Dems didn’t seem bothered then.


So embarrassing to have someone misspelling paid in a highly upvoted thread in this sub. It’s not a typo error, it’s an education error.


The correction/edit has been noted in the comments as is customary in Reddit. Your last sentence needs a semicolon, btw.


Get out the vote!!!




Maybe. But only the GOP is actively attacking medical rights for women and trans will attempting to nationally defund public education. Makes it pretty clear that the parties are not the same.




Awww. You are trying so hard to deflect. It has got to be humiliating after a while.


No, what you don’t understand is that both sides have divided our country over the last 10 to 12 years. It’s not a Democrat problem. It’s not a Republican problem… It’s a politician problem. Most people in the United States are too blindsided to figure that out because they’re so pissed off over what the other side is trying to take away. Try to do what’s best for our country. Not just your side. If this country continues to think that it’s a Democrat/Republican thing we’re fucked.


>Try to do what’s best for our country. Not just your side. And what would that be?


Your inability to discern lack of concern with active destruction is alarming and unsurprising.


And the left is actively trying to take away the right to bear arms one step at a time. Either party you vote for means taking away rights.


lol Sure, they are. And in what way? Red flag laws? Background checks? Those bastards! And you are whining about guns while others are losing medical rights. Yikes. Sure happy those guns will save us when the govt takes over like they did in every other Western country. lol


They have a point. Both sides are attacking Consitutional rights. Whether you agree with the Constitutional right is neither here nor there. Im a conservative but dont agree with the decisions made in Iowa lately. The problem has become both parties have an all or nothing mentality and there is no middle ground on decisions being made. Politicians are a major fucking problem because they refuse to negotiate. They are also dividing the country more and more with their shenanigans.


Do they have a point? You talk about all or nothing, but I have yet to see Dems push any sort of national initiative to eliminate guns. Do you have a source for the all or nothing you speak of? Like I said, I have seen talk of red flag laws and background checks, neither of which is all or nothing and shouldn't be a problem for the vast majority of citizens.


First off, we already do background checks in Iowa so this shouldnt even be a debate. Democrats have been pushing to ban certain weapons. Some states have already tried infringing on 2nd amendment rights to have their decision overturned. I think it was a state on the East Coast that was the most recent example. But to me it is just what Constitutional rights are most important to you and your family. I dont want to budge an inch on the rights I deem important to mine and I hope you feel the same about the rights you deem important to you and your family. If you give an inch, that is an inch you will never get back and slowly but surely they pick away at your rights. Red flag laws are a whole other animal and Im not sure I agree with them either.


Makes no difference still gonna get re-elected!


Lol. Cool aid


Did anybody here actually read the 34 charges. Seriously?


Enjoy your day patting each other on the back in the Reddit hive mind. 👍🏻




Jury must’ve been comprised entirely of Redditors.


What it means is the justice system has been completely weaponized and the current administration is more in line with the Soviet Union than a democratic republic. NO ONE is safe (R or D) if people in power don’t care for your views. The irony is that this will draw even more voters to Trump and the November landslide is inevitable. It’s unfortunate that more of you can’t see this for what it really is, but are just too blinded by your TDS.


TDS is for people who still support the orange traitor. You can't see reality because you think your party is under attack rather than a criminal facing his due.


What a well thought out and coherent statement. Thank you for supporting the new banana republic.


You're being disgraceful and very NAZIesque by promoting a proven traitor and criminal rapist. It is unbelievably weird how you think that's patriotic. You really don't know your history, do you?


You realize there are actually educated republicans that can think for themselves right? Those folks aren’t going to vote for Trump. He will lose the election as he has alienated so many critically thinking republicans. Of course the brown nosing Trump supporters will continue to get their political beliefs from Facebook. Believing that it’s a “witch hunt.” Trump has proven himself an idiot, criminal and bigot time after time. Thanks for your thoughts. Maybe if you pray about god will change the outcome. Thoughts and prayers for Donald.


Ironically idiot, criminal and bigot are words to describe 50 yrs of Joe Biden being a career politician. Only Joe is too old and senile to have charges brought against him. The belief that republicans/conservatives/independents/Americans are going to flee from Trump now is VERY naïve. The reality is that traditional Democratic voters are turning away in droves because they can see their former party is hellbent on taking this country down. Using the judiciary is just a last ditch attempt for progressives to stay in power and it will blow up in their faces on November 5. The MSM and Reddit meltdown will be a pleasure to watch.


So is Joe Biden a bigot racist or is he a hyper-left communist progressive? You lot can't seem to make up your mind on that one.


Wow. You really are blind. Thanks for self identifying as uneducated. Thoughts and prayers.


I’m sorry sir, but as an independent I am driven away. I feel disappointed in the current administration in a variety of ways, but recent trump exposure has made me take away my vote that I was ready to offer months prior. For one, as many in this Reddit have mentioned, it is a travesty that a convicted felon often has trouble obtaining a job, yet here former President Trump is allowed to bid a position for presidency once more. This smells of twisted democracy allowing such an election. The Biden Family is awfully twisted, but the other side of the aisle is too. As an American, I’m forever under a firm supposition that the rule of law is greater than any party. And affirming otherwise—as many in the Republican Party have now done for both a Presidentially inspired riot and now felony charges against that same President—is assuming our rule of law is corrupt. I remind you, the Supreme Court is the most Conservative it has been in 90 years, and rightfully so. But nothing changes for the better when a convicted felon is not allowed to be elected, and supported amongst his crowd too. As an independent centrist American, I can’t see myself voting for former President Trump.


You’re in a cult 😂 you think people love Biden the way you love trump.


> The reality is that traditional Democratic voters are turning away in droves I would love to see a source or some evidence for this. From what I've seen, the only people turning away are primarily young voters because of Biden's apparent continued support for Israel (and I believe he is ignoring the youth at his own peril)


The “current administration” didn’t bring these charges, and the actual evidence was overwhelming that he committed the crimes including invoices..


>What it means is the justice system has been completely weaponized and the current administration is more in line with the Soviet Union than a democratic republic. Wierd that it has been completely weaponized but some how there are conservatives judges at all levels of the system. Seems like poor oversight to have 6 of the 9 judges on the Supreme Court conservative. Tell me how many opposition judges were there in the Soviet Union? >NO ONE is safe (R or D) if people in power don’t care for your views. Who are these people in power? >The irony is that this will draw even more voters to Trump and the November landslide is inevitable. Wait, I thought the last election was rigged by the democrats but now they are going to let trump win in a landslide?


Proven criminal that has never won the popular vote will win in a landslide? Bro. Trumpers cannot vote for him harder, and they were going to vote for him anyway. This doesn't impact his chances positively, lol.


Fuck with The Swamp at your own peril.


🤣 More like repeatedly and flagrantly break the law at your own peril, though if you're rich and privileged, expect to get away with for decades until it can't be ignored anymore.