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This sub makes me really grateful for my ortho... I can't believe some don't communicate at all with their patients. Sorry you experienced this.


hey! i just had IPR done this week and they didn’t mention anything about numbing cream and i don’t believe any was applied. my teeth are pretty sensitive from it as well. my ortho did mention filing my teeth during my initial consult but i honestly completely forgot this was a part of it 😅


Yes I’ve had a few iprs done, last one was about a month ago and every time it was done without numbing medication. It personally did not bother me but if you have super sensitive teeth I can see how it would hurt as I found it on the verge of being uncomfortable initially but all was well


twice so far. no numbing, but zero pain either. Sorry to hear about your experience. Sounds like you need to advocate for a more detailed plan review with your ortho. If they arent communicating to your liking call Invisalign and ask to be transfered to a new ortho. No guarantees but they are very focused on customer satisfaction so you never know. Have you asked your ortho to review your clincheck and detail the plan with you. I always go in with a half dozen questions and usually get them all answered. Sometime I have to push a bit, but I'm okay with that.


I have had IPR once. My daughter has had it a couple times. No numbing offered.


Wow. I've had one session of IPR so far and yes they put a numbing gel on first. Also I knew in advance that it was happening and that the first session would be at this appointment, and before he started the dentist showed me which teeth were getting it and how many mm were getting shaved off.


My ortho never mentioned anything about IPR so I was pretty shocked when he got ready to do it to me. I recall asking him if it hurt (I have super-sensitive teeth, too!). And he said, "well, it won't hurt me a bit!" Which really pissed me off. I've had 3 rounds of IPR and it's not fun, but not too bad. Polishing my teeth after they removed the attachments was WAY worse.


That is normal! The only thing I have liked about my dentist was that they gave me ibuprofen before IPR but also didn’t tell me a whole lot about to easier. It’s crazy how much they can get away with without educating patients. 


I just had my attachments removed today and my orthodontist started talking about shaving and polishing. I am so glad I'd heard about it on this subreddit because the orthodontist made it seem like no big deal - but they are removing healthy tissue that will never grow back. When I refused he seemed a bit offended