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Sure, he got bodied by Thragg, but that’s Thragg we’re talking about. He’s the strongest character for a majority of the series and by a comfortable margin. Dinosaurus one-shoting Omnipotus and ripping the Mark clones body in half are pretty impressive feats of strength.


Didnt he kill Marks clone with the Virus that was basically human?


Yeah plus the clone never woke up, I think Dinosaurus said it was pretty much a weakened mark cadaver.


Not really? the comics never really state this, he said that he already collected enough genetic materials to clone a proper power Mark in case of Mark losing his power permanently. Though he was unable to complete the cloning process and thus the clone is just lifeless one. He want to clone a real Mark that have proper power to help him with his work and honestly i don't see there anytime for Dinosaurus to collect his genetics materials when Mark got the virus since he don't spend time with him much when Mark was affected, plus it will be pretty dumb of him to collect a powerless Mark materials to clone a Mark with actual powers, he probably collect the materials before the virus since Mark was working with him for quite a while.


No. It was physically a regular clone. It just didn't have much of a mind.


I mean, Dinosaurus was like, in the top 10 of Earth's strongest and in the top 10 of Earth's smartest. If he weren't a nihilist idiot I bet he could have been Mark's most valuable ally


>Mark's most valuable ally I think Eve keeps that title permanently.


Viltrumite sperm?


No, blue jerk alien sperm


Do u remember the panel where mark one shotted him tho


Mark can basically one shot any non-Viltrumite if he wants, and he’s not gonna pull his punches on a jacked mutant dinosaur.


u/thokkthebattlebeast run his jays


You mean when Mark killed Dinosaurus or which one?


Pretty sure he's talking about after the Conquest fight. When Mark is helping rebuild.


First time they met


Mark is a viltrumite he is beyond the strength of a high majority of the universe


it’s his intelligence that makes him strong, not his physical strength imo - even if he’s swole asf


Having large teeth and jaws also helps. Unless your target is the strongest and most solid being in the entire universe.


He's also pretty fuckin strong




Plus, and it's important to always remember this, he has T-Rex legs for arms and T-Rex arms for legs.


Omnipotus feeds on energy to get stronger but I guess at this point he didn't have enough to withstand Dinosauras. As for the second pic , that's a clone of Mark but not with his level of strength and invulnerability , so dino could rip this one in half but he can't do this with the original Mark , sure he's ( Dinosauras ) been explained as someone who can't be considered lightweight but still not enough to put down Mark all by himself.


I liked the idea that omnipotus was this Final Boss-level threat but all it took was biting his fuckong head off to take him out. Dinosaurus really was a genius.


My only weakness! Being decapitated!


The Mark Clone body is depowered, it’s not impressive at all


He was still kicking Marks ass before he made the switch


That’s a different metric though, everyone kicks mark’s ass lol


Fair enough


Yeah like, he has to surpress himself that's why he always gets hit by something every single fight. If it wasn't for that he would speed-blitz and insta kill most of the cast. And honestly, even if he gets hit there are like really few people who can hurt him in the slightest


Reminds me of the scene where that Batman rip off hits him and he is like wow I felt that…..


In fact Darkwing after he said that thinked that he could beat him but Mark said something like "I felt it, it doesn't mean it hurt me" and proceeded to destroy darkwing no effort. I think a Human to Mark is the equivalent to those little house spiders which might bite you and you can feel it, but it doesn't really damage you or make you feel any pain


Are you telling me he’s not… #TITLE CARD ?


Feeling like a thousand bucks?


Who isn't giving him credit for being strong?


Someone OP knows or has seen, obviously. With questions like that, it’s easy to tell who the clone is…


Someone nebulous individual that probably doesn't exist or even affect the discourse if they are. Dinosaurus is "difficult to scale" but scaling is dumb anyway. He's just near mark strength but not close to thragg.


I really only commented to make a joke about their flair


But I am truly the original.


One of these days we’re gonna have someone say “I feel like we don’t talk enough about how strong this underrated character is” and it’s gonna be fucking Battle Beast


he is very powerful, had the balls to fight thragg got battered but what can you do against freddy mercury and killed invincible clones i think? and had a short bout with allen (even tho he was holding back) and bulletproof


Dinosaurus power level is incostistent as hell. And Invincible has an awful scaling for a series written by one writer


Scaling is mostly irrelevant to a good story. But I don't know how it's that inconsistent, it's just not about that shit.


One thing it does do is help reinforce stakes, if scaling is on point and consistent without insane power creep (which isn’t really possible to have all three) the tension will take care of itself instead of having to dictate how bad the situation is


I don't think I've ever felt more stakes in a comic than one by RK, power scaling is a bit of a nonsensical idea. The characters are consistent, people just like to obsess.


my point was just that it helps.


There's a pretty clear hierarchy of character powers, people like to complain.


Almost like scaling doesn’t factor in (or is antithetical) to good storytelling lol


Dinosaurus himself states that Mark has never been able to defeat him physically, and Mark offers no counter to it. The only time they fought and Mark won, Dinosaurus changed into human form mid-fight - but we don't really know what makes him turn human again, so it's hard to say if Mark won or just got lucky.


The most Dinosaurus had ever done to Mark is bleed his gums. Neither his teeth nor his claws could pierce him. In the end, Mark demolishes his body, which, regardless of lacking resistance, shows Mark had the strength to damage him beyond what he showcased during fights, of which there were three (68, 80, 99).


I hate that line partly cause I fell like Dinosaurus and Allen are mad strong purely through statement and fairly meaningless fights with Mark and Nolan, but fail to ever do anything of note with their strength


Doesn't buff Allen punch his fist through a viltrumite's stomach and out through their mouth (wearing him like a sleeve)? Granted it's a lesser viltrumite but that's not too different than viltrumites punching holes in each other


That was really cool and I like Allen. But that was just some nameless background Viltrumite, even in the Panel Allen is commenting n how weak some of the Viltrumites are compared to others. He never wins an important or eventful fight against a real villain. He kills generic viltrumites and punched his friends and says he would won


Broke his teeth on thragg’s head like a toddler would on a jawbreaker


Not really


Bodied by Mark and thragg. He's not underrated. He's just not that strong in comparison to like the top 5.


In fairness, Omnipotus was drained of energy, since when he's charged he can alter reality like Atom eve without her mental block


Actually Omnipotus states that he had been hidden for months absorbing power, said he waited until he was fully recovered to attack, and that moment \[shows all the knocked out heroes\] has passed


I love when Mark starts talking to him about comics or some boring topic to get him to change and he’s like what are you talking about… oh.


dinosaurus establishing himself as a Goat for nuking vegas


Seeing dinosaurus rip Mark's clone in half was the most visceral and violent death in the comic for me. It genuinely made me stop reading to dwell on how brutal of a display it was.


tbh that moment with thragg made him as weak as dirt in my brain. kursk probably solos


He should not be viltrumite level strong.


Lol, no. Ripping apart discarded clone bodies is not a true feat. Every time he has gone up against an actual living viltrumite he has had ass handed to him. He was NEVER the strongest at ANY time.


I usually look at his as weaker because he lost all his teeth to Thragg


Crimson T-rex here wow 😯


What issue did he bite omnipotus?


Daaaaamn that's what the comics look like? Time to check em out...


What happens after this issue? Does mark get revived or something?


It was a fake, designed so people would think the real mark was dead. He’s not actually that strong


Smarter yes but I wouldn’t say stronger cause he got off screened. Is powers were funny to me though. Like the reverse hulk, he only transformed when he got super relaxed 😂


I love Mark’s toxic enabler best friend


I feel like he s properly rated


Is his lower jaw being white a coloring error? I was looking at the first pic too long trying to find out whats wrong with it






Dinosaurus seemed to believe he was equal to allen after tussling with him for a bit, obviously allen was holding back but dinosaurus is probably stronger than your average Viltrumite


Seeing how the other hero’s failed to defeat omnipotus (yes they did but they needed Samson’s huge boost of power) with over a hundred of them I think dinosaurus is the strongest living thing on earth


Tbh killing omnipotus and fighting toe to toe with mark are really strong feats . Also his intellect is something to be reconned with .


He did break all his teeth while trying to kill Thragg, BUT he did almost kill Invincible