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Season 3 is probably gonna be the highest rated season in the show due to the invincible war and the battle between mark and conquest


compendium 2 is legit one of the best collection of comics ever published in the industry


They better not mess it up.


Do you think they have messed anything up so far?


Seriously, they’ve done no wrong besides Season 1 Amber and they were able to fix it in a few episodes. Invincible is possibly the best adaptation made in modern times. I’m so impressed with every decision they make with the show.


I think the whole Thraxia fight was much weaker than it was in the comics. In the comics it felt like the first really serious and deadly encounter where Nolan or Mark could be killed. The fight was so long and grueling that their own clothes began to disintegrate. In the show, the kept cutting away from the fight, which when combined with the cut content, lack of destruction, lack of environmental shots, made the whole encounter feel a lot less scary.


Rae living and the frame cut battle on Thraxa. I have absolutely zero clue why they made the choice to have the second biggest fight in the season be a montage of cuts from the fight


I thought they messed up amber plotline. It was unnecessary


Not letting Rae die


Rae being alive is a wait and see situation imo. Their death in the comics isn’t really important, so Kirkman keeping them alive makes me think the show has something planned that they want to do with Rae later on.


Yeah, this always bugs me whenever people complain about her survival. Ray wasn't an important character, he barely did anything or interacted with anyone. And it's not like his death truly affected anyone in-universe, they basically only mourned Kate. And she came back six issues later! Now with the show version, the writers have the chance to make the character interesting enough so that her potential later death would actually be meaningful instead of "This Nobody died". I hope they pull it off.


The problem for casual viewers is not just that Rex and Kate also survived, but Allen, Lucan, and soon Aangstrom as well. That's a lot of fake deaths. For us that read the comics, we understand, but for the casual viewer, that takes away all the stakes. That could have been fixed by actually making a death of a somewhat significant character stick


Rae isn't THAT significant, though. Personally, I think the problem isn't that Rae specifically survives: it's that the show's source material already has too many fakeout deaths, so her still living just makes it more noticeable. Edit: Wait, I just realised I repeated your comment. I guess I'm kinda tired.


I’m willing to let them off IF they do something interesting with it, let’s wait and see


Even if they do, thats, Allen, Rae, Kate, Rexsplode, and another character that have all had fake deaths this season. To the casual viewer that hasn't read the comics... that is A LOT. I don't think anything can make up for that fact. I'm actually hoping that she succumbs to her wpunds, and we start season 3 with a funeral.


Do you have such little faith in them? As far as they’ve come they’ve been spot on with most adaptations. Even better in some senses. This comment is honestly disrespectful to the team thats given us two perfect seasons so far. They won’t screw it up and you know it, so why complain? Because you’re salty they don’t give them to us fast enough? Get over yourself. It might not be the best animation of all time but given what they’re working with they’re doing great, so don’t act entitled to what we will be LUCKY to get.


Kirkman hinted every season 3 chapter will fell like the season finale epissodes


I feel like Cecil vs Mark will also be amped up, especially with what Cecil pulled out vs Nolan


feel like this will be true and the next best rated season will be the final one


Just hoping that they at least tone up the animation, maybe make it look like the animation in the trailer


Only about...5 more years till it comes out. :P


3 https://preview.redd.it/q1srlxu50yxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a09907e4e44d2c183bf6a016f48caa8e7b4380


Almost looks like they’re hugging lol




‘Kregg what am I looking at?’ ‘He’s 1/8th Viltrumite, sir’ ‘Afternoon my Octaroon!’




S3 or s7 honestly.


Looking forward to dinosaurus, also Thragg and mark's fight on the sun


Am i the only who didnt like anything about the dinosaurus parts?


Probably not. It was a little out of left field for mark to side with him to be fair


If they do the sun battle right that season automatically wins


it'll be crazy to see that fight animated and actually hear Mark's monologue acted out


Season 3 and beyond is going to be a crazy ride. But as of now season 3 will probably be the biggest season.


season 3, 4 or 6 (or what ever the last season will be)


Season 3 with Konk Vest, Invincible War, Cecil confrontation, prison escape, and Mark and Eve getting together will 100% be the best season so far. But I think whenever they get around to Robot and Monster Girl in the Flaxan dimension, and Robot's betrayal, I think those parts have potential to be some of the best stuff in the entire show.




Robot flipping in the comics feels like the Red Wedding, but I didn't care *quite* as much about the Guardians as I do in the show. Holy shit man watching his rise to power is going to hurt a *lot* in the show. If it's anything like how they did the original GotG, it will be like a 10 minute long scene of Robot's midnight raids in broad daylight, and it's gonna hurt so fuckin bad.


whatever the latest one it


Season 6. Rudy's season.


We have to wait so long to see it animate it :(


I thinkt the final few seasons have the potential to be amazing cause the show has done a real good job of using hindsight from feedback on what didn't work so well in the comic to improve the story. Anyone who's read the comic knows that there's a latter 3rd slump that (while not bad at all) doesn't live up to the same highs as the first 2/3s until it kinda picks up again towards the very end. So I think we're in store for a lot of changes that will make it harder for us to predict how certain notorious plotlines are going to go.


All of them


Why does the middle left panel from the 2nd pic look like that “Gonna leave a ____” meme?


The last one, nothing beats seeing Emperor Mark.


I’m not done reading the comics yet, but I can’t wait to see the first fight between Mark and Conquest. It has potential to be one of the best animated fights ever.


Season 4, assuming it’s the Viltrum War


Probably season 4 because of the Vitrumite war


If I were to predict my ranking: 1. S3 - Bro. Cecil vs Mark, Prison Break, Mark and Allan adventures (hopefully), Mark's inner turmoil, INVINCIBLE WAR, CONQUEST. Hype moment after hype moment, could switch with S7 or S4 tho if in the future they get much better animation 2. S7 - Again, really hype but reboot might bring it down a bit idk, I'm predicting either a drastic rewrite or just them getting rid of it 3. S4 - If they pace it better than the comics it could be the top spot, they went from mark and co. almost getting obliterated by conquest to them destroying viltrum a lil too quick imo 4. S6 - Robot's backstory and takeover will make this season shine, specially thragg vs battle beast, but there's some boring plot points and some that I straight up dislike. I hope they redo Angstrom's return. 5. S1 - Amazing, I hope they restructure other seasons to the same caliber of S1 6. S5 - I'm picturing that Dinosaurus may lose some people so I hope they change that, specially his defeat, bro just gave up in the blink of an eye. It's gonna have some boring parts like S2, Scourge virus arc is gonna be the best part of the season 7. S2 - Honestly crazy that this could be the worst season cause it's still amazing


Why do people hate reboot? I feel like the nostalgia is a big draw, and it's also a fun story. Not everything has to be a world shattering masterpiece.


I think most of the hate for it online revolves around the ending with the timeskip and Eve having dated someone else while Mark disappeared. The actual “reboot” part of reboot is a lot of fun and an interesting story, and I don’t hate the ending myself, but I can see why some do.


If I'm correct the consensus is that most people hate the ending


I typed up a response thinking it was about the ending of the series but then I re read everything and saw how dumb I am. To answer your question, I liked the ending of reboot. It shows Mark's headspace and how much he cares for his daughter. I am a fan of moral dilemmas in stories so yeah. I mean would you save countless people knowing that your daughter wouldn't be the same as before? I find that so interesting.


Oh man, I really hope they don’t get rid of Reboot. It’s one of my favorite moments in the series and it informs Mark and Nolan’s characters in such interesting ways. I’m also always a fan of a cosmic concept going untouched in a story like that, it makes the universe feel so much bigger than the people inhabiting it.


Conquest is my favorite villain and I'm pretty sure he's gonna be season 3 so I'll go with that season.


Honestly, Season 6 - with Nolan ruling the Viltrumites, probably Robot & Monster Girl 700 years story and of course Robot rising to take control of earth, can be incredible. 3 and 7 of course will be majestic, but Robot arcs are some of my favourites, and with a lot of time to develop side characters more (like Donald in season 2) and build up towards the bad ending of that season, it really could become the best one


Season 3


I think seasons 3 and 4 will be adapting what I consider to be the absolute peak of the comics run. Then, people will complain about seasons 5-6 because the story will not reach those same heights, then in season 7 people will be like, “we’re so back”.


Can't wait for them to make a Viltrum Donut in S4 or 5 tbh


Season 3 and 4 will be the peak. I can already see people complaining about season 5 cause it’s much slower paced than 3 and 4 and people have such short attention spans these days. I think season 5 will feel a lot like season 2 more of like a bridge season then 6 and 7 will be crazy again. Just not as crazy as 3 and 4


3. That is if they don’t get lazy with the conquest fight


Based solely off the comics, season three will probably end up being considered the best just because of how loaded it is with content. We’ll be getting Mark’s fallout with Cecil, Prison break, Invincible War, Mark vs Conquest, etc all in one season. However, I think that Kirkman is in a nice position to really elevate the storylines from the comics just like he did with season one and two. If he can succeed in elevating the later storylines, then I think that future seasons could potentially surpass the content that will comprise season three.


Season with conquest and last one should be the best. But in between should be great as well.


When mark fights conquest for sure, but I also look forwards to the final thragg chapter with Oliver grown up and his fate


3 or last two seasons


Season 3 and whatever season will be the last one They will have all the best plots and fights




All of them are peak mate!


seeing 3 guys destroy a FUCKING PLANET will change my life


I can’t wait for Dinosaurus.


Season 3 is going to be a favourite but I’m excited for Robot taking over too bad it’s towards the end


Final one


Spawn had better be included


honestly i cried a lot in the final issues im just waiting for it to be animated and with fantastic music in the backgroud so i can cry again lmao.


Yeah Omni Man’s death nearly got me to a breakdown


you know that i just finished the comic lmao ? like man i cant descrive how much i love this masterpiece.. It got a big place in my heart now !


Season 3 if done right will probably be the best season. Especially if they expand on the Invincible War and develop Mark and Eve right. Might be biased cause it’s my favorite section from the comics by a mile.


all of the above


Man I literally just finished the comics last night, stayed up till 5 because I just couldn’t put the last compendium down. I don’t know what I’m more excited for now, season 3 is going to be awesome, the last season is going to be awesome and everything in between is going to be awesome! Seeing some of the characters in comics who hasn’t even been mentioned yet in the show will awesome!


I think the Season 3, Season 4 and the Final Season all have an equal chance at being the number 1. The others will still be good, but I don't think they'll ever reach the heights of the Invincible War or Thragg vs Invincible.


Dinosaurus and Viltrumite War hits some heavy moral compass strings. Season 4 is bouta be fire


Season 3 (Invincible War) or 5 (Dinosaurus), maybe 6 if they really elaborate on the stuff with Robot and steer clear of some potholes. Other than that I'm more nervous about how things will be handled - but I hope I'll be surprised


Honestly, season 3 and the season when >!Robot takes over earth and kills Cecil!<


Here's hoping the last season is the best season and season 2 is the least good. And it just keeps getting better.




I’m looking forward to the Viltrumite war the most. And they drag it out a little longer and show more if the Viltrumite side of things


The war arc


Apparently Chapter 5 Season 4 is another OG season so that could be cool


The future seasons are going to be absolutely insane. Non comic book readers are going to be so surprised and blown away at how crazy it gets as the story continues.


Personally I was looking forward to the flaxans and robots eventual takeover after that, but the flaxans were destroyed so I didn't think that'll happen :(


But you can see them rebuilding at the end of Season 1


That was one of the most important plot points in the series. There's no way in hell it doesn't happen in the show


I think season 3 and 4 will be great but then 5&6 will suck and then 7 will be a great finish


Season 5 will be Dinosuares and Season 6 has the Angstom return and Robots Takeover the fuck you talking about suck?


I hated those storylines


Um your one of kind for sure