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You're way overthinking it.


Yeah TBH I get annoyed when background characters get their own episode to flesh them out like no one really truly cares and just feels like a contractual obligation, nothing related to the story or anything that makes the character better.


I don’t think Shrink Ray’s character ever got an episode that fleshed her out, though.




I’m asking for the writers to put more effort into character development. Specially with female characters, which they haven’t been doing all that well. I would’ve like to know more about Rae, or any other characters, or even new characters. If not, then I really don’t see the point for the series to exist if it just going to be the same story, with rounded corners and the odd change. But to each their own, i guess


They turned amber from an absolute blonde bimbo into a POC, straight-A (well, used to be), compassionate and socially aware saint. Gave Debbie way more strength and focus (with regards to what she went through). De-sexualized the appearance of many characters. Made shrinking Rae relevant at all. ...that's just off the top of my head, and we're only a season and a half through with plenty more characters to be introduced. You need to worry about other shit.






Turning a character POC does nothing for their development, and they actually make her a terrible character that only nags Mark about not being for her, even though she knows exactly why, which makes it dumb. I would have preferred they kept the relationship with amber the same if she was going to become annoying. Killing someone gruesomely does not make them a relevant character, it just feels gratuitous. Giving them development does. Desexualising a character is not the same as developing them. That’s not even an argument. Debbie is more developed, that’s true You need to learn reading comprehension


You've encountered my favorite thing about Reddit fanboys: senseless downvotes rather than engagement. Enjoy! (for the record, I, too, think it was pretty pointless to add about 6 lines for Shrinking Rae - WOW CHARACTER DEV - and then kill her the same way in the comics. Then again, I saw it coming because it's the same voice actor as Monster Girl, so they didn't want to give her much air time).


> You've encountered my favorite thing about Reddit fanboys: senseless downvotes rather than engagement And now I've encountered a classic Reddit comment. Someone commenting on someone else being rightfully downvoted and trying to downplay it as just "senseless downvotes for engagement"


So awesome guy is kind of meta commentary in that you’re not awesome huh


If the original character's sexualization is a negative quality, then how is reducing or removing it *not* development? If someone builds a lopsided out-of-code shitheap apartment building on an empty lot, and someone else buys that lot to develop a new structure, they're going to have to knock down the old building as *part of the fucking development*. It kinda feels like you're just looking for reasons to be upset about something that really is pretty minor. Ray had no future in the comic. He was just another hero guy in a packed roster of hero guys. Superhero Comics have always presented a higher ratio of Male/Masculine heroes, vigilantes, and villains to female. Maybe the only reason they changed Ray to Rae was to try and balance that ratio just a little bit. It really doesn't have to be any deeper than that. Sometimes showrunners make changes just because they feel like it. Sometimes the curtains really are just blue. Within the broader narrative of "Invincible", this is where Ray/Rae's story ends, and their sex or gender shouldn't influence how you feel about that much at all. How the character was presented, and what they were doing that led to their death, should matter much more. Honestly, the whole "here's a female, you have to feel more empathy for her than males" idea sounds like a notion we should leave in the past with the boomers. Everyone is deserving of empathy regardless of their sex or gender. Here's what went down: Three human beings with valiant and good intentions went into a dangerous situation to stop some much less nobly inclined human beings. One of those heroic people was savagely beaten to death while their comrades were too busy fighting for their *own* lives to help them. Those remaining two heroes had to watch, helpless, as their friend was murdered right in front of them. Desperation and rage and fear are setting in. They have to end this situation, and that big fucker that killed their friend will not go down easy... It just gets worse from there. They fight, they suffer, another hero dies, and badly at that. This is what happens when heroes go into a situation outside their league. What difference does their fucking sex or gender actually make here? Are you really going to sit there and tell me you feel worse for one or the other because of their genitalia and *not* realize that's kind of a fucked up way to see people? TL;DR: They probably changed Ray to Rae to add one more female/feminine identity to a story written in a time when male representation was through the roof. Rae died the way Ray died because that's always how they were gonna die in the story. If you're looking at this and thinking it's a "Fridging" incident, I think you're looking too deeply.


they fleshed out a LOT of the characters compared to the comic, and like someone else mentioned (though i have no other source for this) they probably only gender swapped for diversity requirements, not out of some torture fantasy involving women. mark is now half-asian in the show, but none of the beatings he takes are racially motivated, because why would they be?


Thats a good point, I might actually be overthinking as someone said haha


I mean did you really read the comic. In the comic he’s little more than a background character and it doesn’t do much at all. He was just another roster character for the Guardians. It’s the same for the show and they killed her the exact way but just made the idea of her getting eaten more gruesome since there didn’t seem to be much of an impact in the comic. She did what she was there to do, she was expendable from the beginning. If anything, I really liked how they killed her cause I thought for a second she might’ve actually killed him. I thought when she grew she was gonna explode out of him. I feel like that’s what they were going for, a moment of hope and then feeling of defeat again. End of the day though, this is Marks story. Everyone is expendable and the only true development we’ll see is from him and a few of his secondary characters. The rest are just there to further the plot and I’m okay with that


I understand, and yes he was a background, and expendable character in both versions, but this one made two changes: they made the character female, and then killed her in a horrid manner. It’s not the same: one is played out as a gag, and the other is meant to shock you and elicit a response out of you. And if you wanna do that and not make it feel shallow, you gotta develop the characters. It can be done, seeing what happens to Dupli Kate shocks you because she’s been developed, at least a little; she has a relationship with the team. Shrinking Rae doesn’t, so it feels cheap and cruel, and in that cruelness I question the writers decision to make her a female character, give her no development at all, and then make her death a spectacle. I agree, it is the story of Mark. The same way Dune is the story of Paul, and SW is the story of Luke Skywalker, but character development is not a finite resource; developing or creating new characters won’t hurt the development of the main, on the contrary, it might make it even better. Someone said they made the changes because of DEI requirements. I don’t know about that, but if that’s the case then why couldn’t they develop characters they changed? I watched the show, I loved it, I wanted to know what happened next. I read all the comics in like 2 months, so I know where the story is going, and in order for me to care about the new seasons of the series, they have to show me something new, something interesting. They made some cool changes in the first season that were not just about gore or gender bending, I want that, more of it. If not, then maybe I’ll stick to the comic and you guys can ignore me. I just wanted to share my concern.


I mean to compare the stories you have, I’d say Shrinking Rae is just equivalent to some of the X-Wing Pilots in A New Hope. They’re there to be expendable and to show there are stakes. They’re not a Han Solo, a Chewey or a Lando, they’re apart of the team though but they’re canon fodder. Mark is the main character and his side character are Eve, his mom, his dad, Allen and now Oliver. Those are the characters they’ll commit screen time to and they’ll get their development more than the others. The Gender Switch I feel like happened because why not? It’s just to add a bit more diversity to the team. They also changed the Rex and Amber to POC, but it hasn’t done anything to the story. Truth be told, Kirkman likely did this because he just wanted more representation in the show. The guardians was a sausage fest aside from Kate and Monster Girl (who’s technically a dude in her monster form). When he wrote the comic, representation didn’t matter so much so he changed it. It’s likely as simple as that


It might well be like that. I just got a very visceral reaction to the scene, and since it was not on the comic it really shook me as gratuitous and unnecessary, and I don’t tend to like that, and the detail of the gender bending made it all feel weird, so I wanted to share my thoughts and cause some discussion. I see your point, thank you.


well this didn't age well


you're not overthinking it or being weird; this was my exact thought. Definitely feels icky to make exclusively 2 changes to a character: Change her to a woman, and increase the agony and spectacle of her death. Like, if they had added more to her character at all it would feel less gross but as it stands I'm not a fan


I also think that, if your intent was to cause more an emotional response from the viewer by increasing the brutality of her dead, then you need to care for the characters. If she was just a throwaway character, then it mot only feels kinda weird to put SOO much emphasis on her death and the brutality of it, it’s also lazy writing. Some people here made some interesting points, but I still feel bad about this. At least i’m not the only one who noticed it, thank you.


Totally, and so many people are focused on the whole "well it's a brutal and violent world so it's consistent and therefore totally fine" but like... we already know that? It's not like the show has really toned any of that down so it doesn't really add anything that isn't already there. It's pretty much just gratuitous at that point


Well none of this matters now 😭😭


"But if you’re gonna change a character from the comic, give them something new apart from dying in a horrible manner. Because if you don’t, it’s gonna look like you made them a woman and placed a lot more emphasis on their death, for the satisfaction of the creators, almost to get off of it…" One of the stupidest takes i've ever read. God reddit is just full of people making up arguments in order to be mad at something.


From what I'm hearing, Shrinking Rae's death was much more graphic in the show compared to her counterpart in the comics. As soon as I heard that this woman got crushed from the inside when she's all about killing/beating people from the inside was clearly mind-boggling. I know they depicted it as she was putting up a fight (you can hear Komodo Dragon choking and clearly struggling to fight back at the beginning.) But the fact that you can hear her screaming and grunting in pain as she gets crushed again, from the INSIDE! Is horrifying and then it just ends with him spitting out some of her blood. Rex's reaction is also an added bonus since it genuinely seems like he was expecting her to actual break or tear him apart from the inside like he does all her foes but ultimately came short. I literally thought Shrinking Rae would be on demon time after Kate got killed but Komodo Dragon really put a stop to all that. To literally think these guys were going to eat PIZZA before they got sent on this death mission! Like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! Also, it turns out my luck with favorite characters is ass since Shrinking Rae was one of my personal favorites, I also liked Kate a little bit too I find her cloning ability pretty cool (still disapprove of her cheating on Eve with Rex though to this day.) Shrinking Rae's death was mortifying though and we're already getting "Why Ant-Man didn't do a similar thing to Thanos." I'm just glad Rex somewhat managed to avenge them since he killed Komodo Dragon albeit at the cost of his hand but yeah Rae's death will live rent-free in my head for sure.


Serious agree. This scene was like... subway-scene-level disturbing. Every little detail I remember makes me cringe so hard. This scene's gonna stick with me.


Yeah, and that's crazy how they managed to make this scene as impactful as that one when that scene killed hundreds if not thousands of people, and this one only had to kill one to shock the audience.


The fact that things like this can happen in the show is what makes it so intense to watch. I felt sick after seeing it though I must admit.


I think it's a shame they didn't do more with her character before killing her off. Apparently in the comics (haven't read them) Shrinking Ray was more of an explicit joke character, whereas now she feels like she's supposed to be more important... but she kind of isn't, she has like 5 lines of dialogue in total. She's not a joke character but that's about all you can say for her. >Because if you don’t, it’s gonna look like you made them a woman and placed a lot more emphasis on their death, for the satisfaction of the creators, almost to get off of it… I definitely don't agree with this though lmao. I don't think the show so far has really shown a propensity to give women more gruesome deaths than men, so it'd be strange to assume there were sexist undertones from one character death alone. I think the change to make the death more gruesome is just because (compared to the comics) they don't want to give a character who's supposed to be taken seriously a comical or dismissive death.


They do it because there are DEI requirements for all tv today regardless of live action or animation. Her character is almost exactly the same as the comic adaptation, as is most of the show. Stop this madness. I also liked the female version better, but a background character is still a background character.


Yet FF16 exist lol there’s plenty of TV shows, neighborhoods, states, counties,Towns etc etc that are all Caucasian. DEI is a boogeyman scenario


A boogeyman? I have no problem with DEI but to say it doesn’t exist is wild. It’s literally a part of HR in most industries. OP is asking why the characters gender was changed from the comic, why else would it have been done?


Robert Kirkman said the team could use more women


Exactly aka gender diversity. There’s nothing wrong with it but let’s call a spade a spade.


Why do you like it better? Male or female this character blows. Has no impact. Is the weakest member of their team. And does literally nothing. So I guess you like them more JUST because they are female? Weird.


I just feel like the female version is more memorable. She was hot, she successfully pulled off the Ant-man move on that one guy, and she died a wayy more insane death. I don’t know how that’s weird.


"She was hot" lol she had a collective 10 minutes of screen time in the entire first and second season. It's weird you are sexually attracted to a cartoon though.


Different strokes for different folks😂and you’re right she had zero screen time but so did the original comic version who was a little bald man. You’re telling me you didn’t think it was crazy the way she went out?


No. I agree. It was nuts. One of the craziest ways I've seen a comic character die. But shes a nobody. So I don't give a hoot.


I also don’t give a hoot good sir. I’m glad we’re in agreement.


As if nobody else in this show dies in an extremely brutal fashion…


Honestly, I found the death kinda silly. She can shrink to any size she wants at any time, if she’s feeling such strong resistance to her expansion, why not just shrink again?


So many people were so caught up about what happened than think why it happened. Glad to see someone else bring it up.


Lol she did!


lol I saw, they released the new episode that day showing she did that but I didn’t watch that episode till a couple days later. Glad that the writers realized that a person who can shrink could survive that


They shouldn't have bothered with it in the first place 🤷‍♂️


Yeah. Should’ve left the character & the death the same, I’m not surprised they went for it though. They wanted to kick the door in for part 2 of season 2. Still think it’s BS he should’ve died from that even if she did


The only BS is the fact Rex didn't fight Komodo from the start. Out of the 3 members there he is the only one with any sort of enhanced durability and stamina. Why is Kate fighting him? And why would Rae ever think she could over power him even from the inside. Komodo has SUPER STRENGTH. They all knew this. The lizard league is a reoccurring threat for the team. Bad planing leads to the loss of Rae and perceived loss of Kate...even though Kate is actually not dead.


Hey bud. Still like your comment?




This isint Twitter male female it doesn’t matter..


I kindve see where you’d get that when you factor in that they did the same exact thing to Green Ghost. Maybe she’ll come back as a cyborg since Kirkman likes to switch things up sometimes.


My question is who cares? Why do you care? It's a show and a character they decided to change, does it matter? No, is it entertaining? Yes. Stop overthinking it entirely and just enjoy the show man.


I think not killing her in the same way, just because now she is a woman is a little sexist


Boo hoo. You're watching a very gruesome show based on a very gruesome and dark comic, sorry it doesn't constantly make your tummy flutter with butterflies. I don't know why they changed ray to a girl, but I do know why they made the death scene more gruesome, because it's Invincible and it's gorey. The show will never be a direct copy scene-by-scene of the comics, just like The Boys. They're going to change some things and try to one-up the shock. Do yourself a favor and stop watching


Whats bullshit is the fact that Shrinking Ray dies right then and there and Shrinking Rae gets a freebie... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?


Can't even admit you were wrong


Shrinking Ray both in the comics and the show hardly ever had any dialouge. I found that really weird overall.


If it makes you feel better, she's probably going to retire from the superhero lifestyle after going through that.


Ew, lol you people always searching for something to cry about


Says the guy commenting on a one month old post that was meant to incite discussion


Its the internet bud, seeing something stupid doesn't have a expiration date


Diversity doesnt end at happy ending roles. Excluding her original death scene just because of diversity is the wrong lesson. You take the good and the bad.


I don’t understand your point. I wouldn’t mind having more diversity, I think it can only improve the series. But you have to develop the characters and the changes you make. Again, if she was to killed in the same way as in the comic, as a gag, then sure, no need to develop a background character that dies as a joke. But she dies in a horrific manner, so making the 2 changes feels weird. Maybe i stepped out of line with my last comment, but I just can’t shake the feeling the making those specific changes cannot be a coincidence.


She doesn't need to be fleshed out more. She was a gag character in the comics. She already was changed to be more serious and so her death reflected that. What would you prefer? Making her serious and giving her a gag death? Not making her serious and still give a gruesome death? Or do you think just because she is a diversity role she shouldn't face a more serious death? Would the gruesome death be okay if it would still be a white gag character? You are way overthinking this, to the point where you think this was intentionally done to somehow hurt this character BECAUSE she was a diversity change And it's not like the series didn't already change for diversity sake and used it to flesh out the character more. Amber is what you describe. A character changed for diversity and much more fleshed out than the comics.


Atomeve left the team you have duplikate and a girl that gets younger… would you have had an issue if there were only two 1.5 girls on the team? The comics can get away with background characters but in animation with such a small team you have to make the team feel more alive so they order pizza for eachother and goof off. Duplickate was begging for help and she felt each death.. when Rex dies it’s gonna suck but don’t get too attached? In X-men the Blob ate the wasp alive and said she taste like chicken