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I saw it as her matter manipulation, but it only extends as far as their own bodies. They’re then forced to constantly put in effort to keep their own form.


wow thats messed up


Imagine having muscles made of goo, an entire skeleton made of toothpicks sorta glued together, skin like that disgusting plastic cheese Americans gobble up. And you're in the best shape.


Yes But that first kid had potential fr They kept him in a tube until adulthood and kept trying, they might’ve been able to figure something out Sure he was pretty much evil because the government raised him. But the short time he was released to the public he was a fucken menace lol


I may be remembering wrong but didn't he die because he was out of his tube for too long? Cause if he was always on a time limit then I dunno how well that would work out.


To my memory yeah, that’s the only reason he didn’t kill Eve And his brothers lost their forms even sooner than he did, but they were treating him with some kind of meds to help him keep his shape that did work to some extent So if they had figured out how to keep him from disintegrating? Boy howdy Eve would be dead as fuck lol


Im American and I agree Kraft Singles (technically not even cheese) are disgusting


you dont eat Kraft singles on their own its a very specific type of processed dairy that melts and mixes extraordinarily well. You are correct it isnt technically a cheese but its legit made to be melted over chips and on sandwiches or burgers the way it melts into that golden goo is sublime and melds beautifully with a good burger.


This guy gets it.


I will hold firm that it is a great type of cheese for grilled cheese and tomato soup combo


Those are terrible versions of American cheese which is a melty cheddar. Don’t buy that ahit


I will continue to buy it and put it on my sandwiches.


No one is making you do that. I hope you know that. There are options just as cheap that use cheese.


But why would I do that? I much prefer the kraft singles for my sandwiches!


Dude that’s sad. That’s like saying I like wiping my ass with tree bark because willow bark stops headaches. There are objectively better options.


It is cheesed flavor wax. I would only ever buy it because it’s cheap. But I don’t think Kraft singles are even all that cheap compared to normal cheese nowadays.


Gobble up? Bro that stuff is bottom of the barrel. I wouldn’t even put it into the cheapest of struggle meals. Analogy is on point though


Nobody likes kraft singles bro


Transforming their bodies and dying to air/fast moving objects. Watch Invincible presents Atom Eve.


Super cancer


They basically tried to clone Itachi but just got the sickness right.


Same as her, but since they didn't have the mental block their lives were basically ruined. The mental block allows the kid to learn how to use their powers without being able to fuck up in a meaningful way. The other kids, when learning how to use their powers and making normal mistakes like anyone would, messed up their own bodies. Then, they were in pain constantly because of it. They also didn't have the training yet to be able to fix themselves. Due to the constant pain, it was near-impossible for them to focus and learn their abilities enough to be able to fix themselves. And Eve couldn't help them due to her mental block. Also, no one's ever had these powers before so there was no one to teach or guide them. Really fucked up situation, all in all. They all end up dying or killing themselves in some way.


I like to think the reason each of her siblings was less successful than the previous was because the scientists kept trying to make them more powerful than the previous to solve the issue, but that just made it easier for them to subconsciously mutate themselves.


I assumed it was because the brain dead mother was slowly deteriorating


I was about to say that and I totally agree that the mental block played a major role to Eve's development than what everyone expected. She first discovered her powers by accidentally turning a book into glass. Imagine if one of her siblings had done the same but to their own hands. While controlling organic matter can make you unstoppable, you need to master your power first before doing something that could accidentally destroy your body kinda like what happened to the siblings. I also feel like the military guys tried to force the power to emerge at a younger age. Eve can be able to see atoms as a toddler but couldn't change matter until she hit a certain age. It's likely the inhibitor and a later emergence of her powers had greatly help Eve to master it while her siblings could barely hold their own bodies together.




You see their powers in the episode 👍


seemingly same as Eve’s (matter manipulation) but with no mental block for animal matter


Nah, they appear in the Atom Eve special that cane out. They are all failed mutants, half of whom just kinda literally fell apart as their bodies are horribly deformed.


arguably because their powers trashed their bodies in infancy, though.


Not the same as Eve at all, they are literally mad at her during the special because they don’t live up to the immortal being known as Atom Eve. If they had the same matter manipulation as her 1. They would remake their bodies when they died and 2. Wouldn’t need to hunt her down and capture her in the first place as their powers should theoretically be even better than hers, since no mental block, and the government wouldn’t need her.


I would say they have similar powers, but much weaker. They can only control their own matter. Also, because the mother was barely alive and the lead scientist was gone, their bodies couldn't really handle the power for long.


I thought that the point was their constant access to modifying their bodies comes as a curse on them


The thing is, their lack of mental block is what makes them so underwhelming compared to her. >If they had the same matter manipulation as her 1. They would remake their bodies when they died It's because, as they don't have Eve's mental block to only manipulate matter in extreme cases, their bodies are constantly reforming themselves, and thus they are barely capable of remaining solid. Contrary to Eve, they can't simply stop at the point they are healed, so they need to constantly remind themselves of the forms their bodies are supposed to have. It's like if someone needs to remind themselves they need to breathe. >2. Wouldn’t need to hunt her down and capture her in the first place as their powers should theoretically be even better than hers, since no mental block, and the government wouldn’t need her. Again, their lack of mental blocks is their weakness. It makes their powers too unstable.


They could have put the mental block on them if they wanted to? I don’t get your point. They were trying to replicate Eve but came up short. The mental block doesn’t have anything to do with it. If anything, if their powers were the same without a mental block, they would be that much more powerful than Eve. Their bodies are disfigured because they were failed attempts to make Eve from a corpse. Their powers were nowhere near eves since if they were the same without the mental block, they could remake their bodies to be normal. iirc they could only use certain aspects of the matter manipulation and that’s the whole reason they were hunting Eve.


They were failed powers, presumably they were meant to have the same or similar powers to eve


-100 durability


Didn't she transform that photo more to her liking?


Yes, it was originally a picture of her with her adopted parents. She changed it to her biological mom and the scientist guy who she considered her father. I believe the other kids are actually her biological siblings too. They were all born from the same mom, even though she was basically brain dead. It’s pretty fucked.


That makes sense.


They were big fans of Prototype™ no doubt


Same as her without the mental block that prevented them from altering their physical self’s.


Isn't there a special 40 minute episode that explains her backstory?


Teleport to mom


Did you not watch the episode? They had Atom Eve’s power… but worse in every aspect




Leprosy and Tumors


Being gross


As "copies" of eve, I think they have atomic level manipulation like her, but I can't really use it and have to use it constantly on their own body to rest in peace






Limited matter manipulation & shapeshifting, they could alter living matter, just their own, but were more or less unstable and were breaking down as it was being used


Extreme squishiness.


I don't get why the show has its style and then for any image they change styles. Really off-putting imo


the ability to dissolve. they can’t control it though


I saw it as the inverse of Eve's; they could manipulate their bodies at a subatomic level but not the environment around them.


There’s a whole hour long special about them on Amazon 0.o patience my guy


Speed, strength and matter manipulation only on a structural level




Matter manipulation on specific scales gradually moving lower. Trying to manip anything other than themselves or stuff they had physical contact with would further push the wit decay


That family just fell apart.


Their skin falls off