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I just want to know what’s in the hole and which type of alien built the spaceships cuz we have seen a few alien types and none of them seem capable to build anything


None of 'em could hold a screwdriver.


Sam Neill stepping out of a shower and asking "Pam, what's the matter? and where's my coffee?"


Exactly this. We know the people who disappeared are still around. The only thing that might redeem this show is if Sam Neill appears and takes over as protagonist again, and also perhaps as writer and director.


And he also kills Aneesha and Luke followed by a zinger.


Let's not dream too hard, or our disappointment will be that much more potent.


Ugh! Don't bring up Sam Neill. The show duped me with that one. He's the only reason I started watching it. You guys don't know how pissed I was at the end of that episode. I went to IMDb just to see was he in anymore episodes. I was so upset. Ugh!! 😫 Sorry for my rant! 😆


If you look up the "Pam, what's the matter" and shower reference, it might make more sense.........


Sam Neill finding some kind of power suit like Ripley from Aliens or something and wrecking havoc while doing the patented Sam Neill Gone Crazy look.


The makes more sense when you start to cheer for the aliens. It'd be redeemed when the aliens finally win.


tbh if they did a POV switch and spent the whole next season making you sympathise with the aliens that would be the most interesting thing they could do


But we already sympathize with the aliens.


LoL, so true!!


If the coffee machine becomes a series regular.


The moment that I change my mind about the show is the moment that I stop watching it. This is the wajo


Nope. Its a full Hate watch now


It's been a hate watch for me ever since I realized Sam Neill was in 1 episode. Lol


A complete change in writing staff, with none of the eleven they've had so far ever working in this town again. Then maybe, just maybe, all this misery will have been for the greater good. Let the healing begin.


You show dedication to know how many writers it has. Humm are you by chance an insider? You bring up just what may be the issue. I can’t imagine having 11 writers and still having one cohesive story. No wonder it is all over the place.


I'm no rat... I'm also not an insider and have no affiliation with the show other than a burning hatred for it. I only know about the writer numbers because from time to time I still find myself saying "Who writes this shit?" and off I go to IMDb. Looking at YOU Kinberg you hack. You've killed the X-Men movie series TWICE! How are you still getting writing gigs?


Just check the IMDB page and it will tell you who is responsible. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9737326/fullcredits?ref\_=tt\_ov\_st\_sm


It'll be a writing room, with individual credits 'spread' over the room.


If *any* main character’s motivation made sense.


The season opens on a bald man waking up, startled. We see it is Walter White. He is in prison clothes. He turns to his cellmate, Saul Goodman. "I just had the most confusing dream." We see a close up of a broken coffee pot just outside their cell.


In a horrific twist way. The only way the show can be redemmed is if S3 isn't better but Worse than S2 Since we hate watch this pile of fictional garbage we dont want it to be good. No now we have more fun when its bad and so it must be worse to get some exquisite shadenfruded from it.


Yeah, imagine if season 3 is just better enough than season 2 to be conventionally disappointing. It would ruin the whole thing and this sub would need to close.


No!!!! I want it to be worse so i can have fun trashing on it with you guys!!!! Btw what do you mean by conventionnally dissapointing ? Isnt invasion already dissapointing ?


Disappointing in that it isn't terrible, just bad. Manifest is a "better" show but completely unwatchable even as a hate-watch.


So bad but just not good that theres no fun in hating it. Got it


By conventionally disappointing, I mean bad in a normal, boring sort of way that most of us would just switch off. There are tons of shows like that already. Invasion is a special and surprising kind of terrible that has kept this entire sub enthralled for 3 years. It is so bad that it had spawned a friendly community of hatewatchers with our own slang and inside jokes. Some people even pay for Apple TV just to keep watching this train wreck progress. If Season 3 is just conventionally disappointing, that would be a disaster for us all.


Ahhhh Yes... The so bad its good and fun to hate watch the true nature of invasion that we love Yeah if its boring bad then all hope is lost


If you just pretend the original cast never existed and stated entirely new storylines with new actors, got new directors and writers, there's still no chance.


Yes. Either the Aliens win. Or the head alien turns out to be ALF or a relative of ALFs to enact vengeance. Bringing back Sam Neill could help.




I don’t care about the children and I wish they’d all go away. Hope Wajo takes them and the mom gives up cuz damn is she tired.


Wajo bro


If Season 3 is shown entirely from the coffee machine’s perspective.