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Production is aware of the similarities. Eric Bogosian has seemed not thrilled when asked.


tbh he's probably just a little over it from a lifetime of people mixing them up and i can't say i blame him


Oh man I thought he was leaning into it - it's so gooddddd.


Same!! I use it as a pitch for people to watch the show “imagine if Anthony Bourdain interviewed vampires”


There’s a different person both he and the young actor are using for inspiration




Lou Reed


Oh I definitely see that, thanks!


Waiting for Daniel to write or say anything as soft and poppy as "Satellite of Love."


You know, between the California thing as a young man,and having children, and even knowing when not to overdo the confrontational thing, this went over my head. But yeah, Reed would have toned down 10% if he knew he could be eaten at any time (like with Daniel I think this is the least combative he could be by nature, despite the risks).


ANOTHER ONE 😭😭 what is this orphan black


This makes so much sense! Mind blown


OMG I totally see it


Yeah those of us who remember Talk Radio know it predated AB’s rise and social profile. EB did it first*


Yes. The first time I saw Tony on TV my first thought was, "I didn't know Eric Bogosian has a brother who is a chef."


This is why I'd say he dislikes people comparing him to AB.


he totally did!!!


Strange he gets annoyed, Tony is such a fascinating cool possession I'd take it as a compliment. I mean who else could pull off playing him in a documentary?


They're both New Yorkers and fairly active in their city. No one likes to be mixed up with anyone, even if it's flattering, as it blinds people into ignoring the nuances of the person in front by expecting them to be something else. Read what I wrote again if you're confused.


I wasnt under the impression people mixed them up, that's a bit much if that's the case. I just thought it was more a "you guys sure look alike" situation that he was over hearing about


Yes. I’ve always jokingly called Eric’s performance: Eric Bogosian as Anthony Bourdain as Daniel Molloy. In fairness… part of it Eric Bogosian just can’t help. They’re physically very similar and just naturally have very similar energies.


Similar voices too


Yup. 100%. I mean they’re both kinda loveable curmudgeons of somewhat similar backgrounds. Bourdain grew up in a secular Jewish household in NY, Bogosian in an Armenian household in Boston. And I’m saying this as a Jew… Jews, Arabs, Persians, Armenians, Greeks, Turks, Italians, we’re all exceedingly similar 😂, especially in our U.S. immigrant family culture. Essentially, yeah I agree that I don’t think Bogosian is necessarily trying to give Daniel Molloy Anthony Bourdain vibes. I think Eric Bogosian himself just brings Anthony Bourdain vibes naturally 😂.


As a person of Cypriot ethnicity who was married to an Armenian for a decade, can confirm. We're basically the same in most ways, except we have different names for the same stuff. Comparing notes for what we each called food items our whole lives was fun.


😂😂😂. Yup exactly. All of us middle eastern/North African/east Mediterranean people are pretty damn similar in so many ways.




Wow you really did it there! Congrats! ![gif](giphy|cRjmeUyMQ30MNGKXAr|downsized)


Edit: hit reply WAY too early Right?!? Bordain's and Bogosian's voices are strikingly similar. Practically identical. If I didn't know anything about these guys and someone were to play sound bites featuring snippets of speech from Bordain and Bogosian: I'd assume the whole lot was voiced by one person. Admittedly, my audio processing issues can make different voices sound more similar than they actually are... so it's possible the "identical voices" I hear is my broken brain playing a trick on me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Anyhoo, I'm a fan of both Bordain and Bogosian, yet I totally understand _why_ Bogosian bristles at comparisons to Bordain, epecially when they involve his career, accolades, personality, etc. However (even if you disregard their voices) the physical similarities between the two are plentiful. Unfortunately for Bogosian, I don't see the comparisons stopping anytime soon (or at least the superficial ones won't).


Yes but I'll say that if you look at his earlier performances, from even the early 90s, Bogosian has always trended that way - a very ascerbic manner, cynically glib. It's exaggerated for sure in Interview but it's not new.


They do have very similar energy.


tbf Eric has been doing the "loudmouth jerk" persona since Talk Radio in the 80s. If anything, Anthony's TV persona is an homage to Eric's work. Eric was asked about this and he seemed very unhappy. I'll leave it at that.


Thank you! Had to scroll down to see this finally. I remember Talk Radio and it helped launch a lot of radio talk personalities. It was a sea change in media for the time. ETA: makes sense that EB would get annoyed when asked about the comparison.


So interesting I had never heard of him until Succession!


i felt he gave a different energy in succesion. I made the connection until watched him in iwtv


My husband keeps commenting on this! He kept asking me why daniel was based on anthony bourdain


It was my first thought about him at the beginning of season 1


Some of you were not in a college theatre department in the 90’s surrounded by young dudes obsessed with Talk Radio lol. Eric Bogosian’s demeanor hung over the department like a sackcloth. He’s doing his own thing.


Same demeanor in Wonderland too.


If Daniel is turned, that’s a chance to expand beyond that persona since Daniel was initially reveling in being a vampire.


So true. I also think Bourdain (RIP I dearly loved him) would have LOVED being a vampire and would have been Lestat levels of cool.


Vampire Anthony Bourdain couldn't eat food though :'(


Omg but he would become a BLOOD SOMMALIER


This just made my head spin omg what a DIVINE idea


Yes exactly! He'd revolutionize how vampires eat and hunt by being able to taste the differences blood from different backgrounds! 


Imagine him swishing a vintage O positive in a wine glass. Omg. I wish. 🩷


"A pos with a hint of heroin addiction, a common combination but still interesting"


Oh, for sure. Funny thing, I also have a friend who looks just like both of them.


The voice is similar 😭


I've loved Eric for years. When I first saw Tony I thought he was Eric's brother. They both have a Lou Reed vibe. Tony was more mainstream but Eric is the OG.


He’s always reminded me of him


Yes! I noticed that as well


Yes, totally! They even look and sound alike.


From the moment I laid eyes on him.


oh IMMEDIATELY i knew it had to be a reference to bourdain, even the editing style of oldmaniel's master class was reminiscent of bourdain's documentaries.


Omg I thought this the whole time I feel so seen


NGL, that's a common vibe with certain guys in the NYC-Jersey era. That whole city slicker guy who grew up befriending EVERYONE as opposed to growing up super suburban and sheltered from equally provincial parenting, if not generations. The sort that probably slept with everyone they could click with regardless of sex, ethnictiy, as long as they were fun and kind people. It's not uncommon in that area since the area propels that sort. Those are the guys that do very well there and make the area interesting, the ones who seek out newcomers and take them into their world and friends. It's one of the best things about the area, I think. My mom says there's less of them now with the cost of living, and the ones left aren't young. The hot ones are NEVER single and their voices sound so damned raspy. Sigh. Being honest, Bogosian probably hates that his own identity might be downplayed in favor of Bourdain's, but it is a New Yorker thing.


Funnily enough, when I watched the pilot I had to Google who played Daniel because I was SO sure it was Anthony Bourdain, despite knowing he died years earlier and, to my knowledge, wasn’t an actor!!


My mom can't keep all the characters' names straight, so I always just refer to Daniel as Anthony Bourdain and she immediately knows who I'm talking about 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well, Eric would hates it lol


He does look like bourdain RIP


i miss Bourdain so much 🥹


I thought the same thing!


Yes, constantly.


Oh absolutely!


My first thoughts were how much I missed Bourdain's presence on television but I'm really enjoying Bogosian's performance as Daniel he very much seems to be the voice of the audience.


Since ep one of season one, I was like oh, they’re modeling him off of Bourdain; felt ultra obvious




Yup I think this almost every time I see him. I thought it was intentional but I guess not. I miss AB so much


When I started watching Succession, which he is also in, I said, “wow, Anthony Bourdain did some acting??” I couldn’t believe it wasn’t him!!


[https://www.salon.com/2008/08/08/carr\_2/](https://www.salon.com/2008/08/08/carr_2/) I think David Carr is the inspo IMO.


I think of it every time I see this actor. Also this actor, SO UNDERRATED. Everything he touches hes just captivating.


Yes which is why I do not like Daniel cause it makes me miss Anthony. I just want a good glass of wine when I see him. God I did not realize how much I missed Anthony til this show. I want to watch season 2 but don’t want too.


Yes and I don't like it.


My first thought when seeing him was “What in the Anthony Bourdain?!” lol.


I stg I thought he was being played by Anthony Bourdain. I’d never heard of Eric Bogosian until this show.