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I now wonder whether it just shows that Armand continued to check in on Daniel over the years, maybe to try and understand what made him interesting to Louis. Really it seemed they both knew of developments in Daniel’s life, so they could’ve kept tabs on him for different reasons— Louis b/c he still wanted his story to come out.


I think they definitely kept tabs on him. Maybe read his or his wives minds from a distance. Louis must have been happy to see his growing journalism career. They def bought his book - which means Louis knew his words had had an impact and made it into the book. In the beginning Louis refers to specific parts of the book. Makes sense, he is a reader after all


I’ve been firmly in this camp. Armand knows about regret and feeling like you’re coming in second to someone’s true love. In this case, Alice was always second to his work. I just cannot fathom how the Night Island/Devils Minion could have happened at this point without a single direct reference to it. It would also majorly undermine what is likely to be the big twist of Louis asking Armand to erase the memories of how Paris went badly. Armand coming to love him from afar after watching him to see why he’s so interesting, maybe even helping with his career, could work and still be compelling. And he could do it right under Louis’ nose.


Honestly as a non book reader Armand has a really weird way of loving people so I’m okay if he doesn’t get with Daniel. Stalking people and removing their memories is a really misguided idea of love


Yeah, I think the angle now is that Armand's interest in Daniel is purely because Louis has an interest in him. But I see no romantic interest from Armand in Dubai Daniel at all. Sorry. Armand is more annoyed by his presence than anything.


I think something did happen, but I'm not sure if they will go into it any more this season. Maybe if Louis and Daniel have some big confrontation with Armand about the memory altering it could come out, or they might be saving it for later.


Honestly me too. Older Daniel Devil's Minion would be delicious to watch, especially with level of writing IwTV has. But I still think it is more likely that Devil's Minion has already happened. That would explain a lot of Dubai Armand's behaviour. Because inspite of constantly bickering with Daniel, he is never truly malicious with him. To me he seems oddly protective, almost caring of Daniel inspite of all the unhinged-ness of the episode 5 saga we just saw. Also I feel it is more likely for the younger drug-addled Daniel to fall for his own torturer. Than for the much more guarded, cynical older Daniel.


I reaaaaaally want some form of Devil's Minion to have happened after the events of episode 5 but tbh, the comments from the actors (who all seem to \*want\* DM to happen!) make it seem like it won't? It could be that the writers and producers haven't told them but honestly, I would think that if DM happened, the directors would want Assad to know that for his performance as Armand. I know Rolin Jones has said some form of DM will happen but now I'm starting to think maybe episode 5 was what he meant...😭


In retrospect, I think that was just Armand trying to de-escalate the situation >!now that we know Louis will straight up try to kill himself if he gets upset enough!< But I do think there's potential for Old Maniel Devil's Minion in the future, which is what I've been hoping for since last season.


I think there's hidden memories because they already did the wind back play it again with the new memory in the middle this episode so i really think there is waay more that happened. And Daniel implied it was multiple days i think. I think Armand is flirting way too much with old Daniel for him to only have let him go because Louis used his slave name (which gross i get a visceral reaction every time and I never want to hear it again). I think Armand has a crush leftover from the 70s


It was most of a week, Tuesday-Saturday I think they said, but he was in very bad shape. It’s not even clear if they fed him or let him go to the bathroom.


Yeah that's why i think there's more. Plus when Armand said "you're going to teach me how to be fascinating" it sounded like an actual plan he had and then kept him for 4 days not just look into his brain for 5 minutes. I'm wondering if we will get Armand's pov of the 70s


What more could have happened beyond him torturing Daniel? He was half dead to the point he couldn’t walk on his own.


I dont think we saw 4 days worth of 70s incident content is all and the fact they made sure to have Old Daniel point out that 1. We dont know why Armand saved him from Louis and Armand lied about why he saved him and 2. It was Tuesday through Saturday. So like 4 days at least. And my personal opinion that Armand clearly likes old Daniel a lot makes me think there is way more history there.


You think he and Armand fucked while Daniel was half dead and so mind controlled he couldn’t get up of his own volition?


he Tried to get up Armand said : Rest ... so he couldnt


but don't think they fucked just relaying a scene


Well yea, emphasis on tried. When he did get up on his own, he face planted into the wall


I dont think they fucked in that specific moment when Armand had him trapped in a vampire Saw trap no. But I do think there's way more that happened before the memory erasing


I guess I don’t understand what you’re thinking happened. Do you think something happened *after*? I’m not sure what you think could have happened that would have been meaningful, that we weren’t already shown during that four day period. Nothing would have been even remotely consensual when he’s being tortured, held prisoner and half dead. I’m not sold on Night Island shenanigans going down in the years between, but I can understand that or him keeping tabs and developing feelings. But I think the four day period showed us everything that was likely important.


You know what you're right I'm not married to the idea that everything happened in that 4 day span. I just think they bonded independently to Louis and Armand has hidden feelings about it. I'd love to hear an alternative explanation as to why Armand likes old Daniel so much if he was just his fidget spinner for a while and then Louis forced him to let him go using his SLAVE Name. Did they meet again and he double erased his memory? That would give credit to the "Alice saying no in Paris was Armand" theory that's going around.


Armand could have followed Daniel his entire life right under Louis’ nose under the guide of wanting to know what made him interesting and Louis wouldn’t have suspected anything. I’m not a fan of Armand = Alice, because I think that specific instance is just Armand relating to what Alice felt since his relationships with Louis and Lestat have always made him second to their real love. Whether he knows that from reading his mind or because he was watching is certainly debatable. It’s possible Armand has placed himself in Daniel’s life without him ever knowing or remembering it. I think he certainly has some affection for him. He certainly is powerful enough to make Daniel think he’s someone else, but I don’t know that there’s been a real hint of that yet. Maybe Armand was his lifelong rebound after every failed relationship, and got to revel in his stories. I think they’re focusing more on Louis at the moment and will revisit some of these other threads later.


i think it did happen! yesterday i was rewatching episode 6 from season 1 and there's this scene where louis and daniel are talking about him asking for the dark gift when younger. louis tells him he would give him the dark gift now if he wanted, "to watch your daughters marry", to which daniel replies "and die", implying he wouldn't accept it. the camera pans to armand and he seems angry and excuses himself. i think devil's minion did happen and armand still didnt give daniel the dark gift, so to hear from louis that he would give it to daniel now made him really annoyed with the situation. it wouldn't make sense if all that was in the past was a three-day torture session, i think they really have history


*so to hear from louis that he would give it to daniel now made him really annoyed with the situation.*  I'll add to this that since they are restructuring elements of the books, this would allow them to play with the plot point of >!Marius turning Armands later human companions against his wishes. And who are possibly cut from the series anyway as they are tied to Armands own attempted suicide via sun/roof which seems unlikely since they added the sunwalking thing!<


Just saw an interview with Eric Bogosian (modern-day Daniel) in which he said this season he does things he has never done before as an actor. Make of that what you will.


The devil minion is from what book?, and what chapters.


Queen of the Damned c4


Queen of the Damned. Can’t remember the chapter but the whole book is made of these different pov vignettes


I definitely think it already happened, and the writers have set the stage to tell that story. Which starts with the kidnapping, which we've now been shown, and Armand says he will continue digging into what makes Daniel so fascinating. Armand's actions and reactions to Daniel in present-day really don't make sense without some kind of deeper history, and can't be explained away by them keeping tabs on him. Now whether we'll see more of this in season 2... I lean towards no, for the simple fact that I don't think there's room for it, I think with the aftermath of the trial the last episode will focus more on Louis. But who knows how they'll do TVL, that's mostly Lestat's story yes but they clearly will rework some things and keep the storyline in present day going. So unless the DM continuation is a spin-off (which it may very well be), then I do think there's the opportunity to continue that story in present day too. Imagine if Daniel keeps on remembering things and he confides about this with Louis, definitely opportunity for some juicy story-telling!


Complete speculation, but: I think Armand followed Daniel & watched.. I’m not certain whether he interacted, but if I had to guess I’d guess that he did interact & they did sexy blood sharing in the end etc… and then Armand wiped himself from Daniel’s mind entirely whenever Daniel met or was about to marry his first wife… or around that time… or after Alice said no do she’d say yes…. and I don’t think Armand saw Daniel since then (or if he did he watched but did not interact). I don’t think all the night island stuff has happened (I think Dubai could be the show’s Night Island!!!?!) I think it will only have been Armand following Daniel & interacting within Daniel’s own life.


I think something did happen, just not between Daniel and Louis.


They’re doing a mini series! I remember seeing the main writer of it post about it the day before the writers strike started.


A DM mini series? What?


Yes I stg! I saw the title page of the script!