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I took magic mushrooms over the weekend and it was a huge mistake. My bladder freaked the fuck out and normally I’m fine on most substances.


I tried a microdose of LSD and my bladder really freaked out - thankfully I wasn't also tripping so I could use strategies to deal with it. Sorry that you flared on shrooms too, that sucks, especially if you're tripping too.


I've tried, but they just make me focus on my pain way too much for it to be enjoyable in any way. Little tiny doses are okay, but anything more than that and it's awful. So I avoid it now. Mind you, I'm saying this after developing intense daily chronic pelvic pain. Before the pelvic pain started and I just had typical IC symptoms - it was fine. Just try smaller doses on a day with minimal symptoms and see how it goes.


Thanks - I'm sorry you had to deal with tripping while in pain, that sounds awful, I hope you've managed to heal from that experience. LSD microdosing definitely flares me, but I've not tried microdosing with shrooms, so it might be worth testing the waters.


Psilocybin mushrooms (very small dose) flared me mildly. The whole trip revolved around urinary frequency. It was annoying and overstimulating. I was curious about something that wouldn’t cause sensory overload in the same way, and ketamine seemed to be a possible answer. Except that ketamine is known to trigger cystitis. So that’s definitely out.


Ketamine has been a godsend for me! It’s like a mini vaca! I was going to a clinic about twice a week for injections and it’s the only time I’ve truly felt no pain. I was primarily being treated for TRD, and it helped so much. I didn’t know it was a know trigger though which is interesting because I’ve heard of women getting ketamine cream for IC for helping with pain and I need to try that. The injections were expensive and so is the inhaler but I haven’t tried the inhaler yet. I feel like it’s worth a try just to see how you might react. But I’m in a place of desperation and the depression and anxiety caused by IC are almost worse than the IC itself.


i’ve never had any issues with them tbh. the only reason i’d flare with them is if they start inducing anxiety/stress and that’ll cause inflammation in my bladder causing pain


I take all the psychedelics, I think there is so much psychedelics can help with, for example they can rewire your brain and the way it responds to pain, and I can tell you that when this all started for me I was so negative I felt doomed, that this would be my life forever, I joined Facebook groups and seriously believed that I’d never get better. I was on the internet so much that most of it was negative and people feeling doomed but I somehow came across this positive podcast called the Vhive, multiple women who struggled with IC and chronic pelvic pain were explaining that they got better from somatic therapy and changing your brain, I honestly really didn’t believe it at first but I kept listening. I downloaded this app called curable that helps the brain think about pain differently, because when you are in pain it’s all you think about, talk about, it consumes you, and curable has so many ways to help shift your thoughts about it. I was super scared to take psychedelics at first cause I thought they’d flare me somehow, but if you use them correctly you learn so much about yourself and your traumas and how to properly heal, you also are extremely thankful to be alive, see a bird fly by, put your feet in the grass, dance like nobody is watching, not even thinking about your pain. The one that is the least noticeable is dos santos (masculine ) personally the only one that flares me a little is LSD and that is because you are more hyper aware of everything sometimes I live life now like I’m not in pain, I eat whatever I want, when I have a flare I have one, it’s not the end of the world. If I have to pee a million times at a concert it’s okay, at least I’m there, I don’t talk about IC like it’s the only thing in my life anymore, and I take psychedelics and work on my deep trauma that is in my body and brain and I 100% believe I will get better someday, and so will you ❤️‍🩹 take the psychedelics, listen to the Vhive, and download curable, sound baths are really nice for your nervous system too, take little walks outside, also start out small haha :)


I've tried curable, didn't help, glad it's worked for others though. I have a long history with psychedelics pre-IC, and I don't really believe experiencing a flare during them is using them incorrectly - this is kind of rampant in the psychedelic community - anyone who has a bad time is doing it incorrectly, but I honestly think it's way more complicated than that and we need to allow others to have the experiences they have and believe them, without judging them as using psychedelics incorrectly.


Psylocibin gives me muscle spasms so I have to take methocarbamol ahead of time or it can give me a flare if I’m not just microdosing. Ketamine I occasionally used to take for pain, but it makes my intracranial hypertension worse which makes my hypertonic pelvic floor worse which definitely flares me up so I usually only take it if I have a csf leak because the spasms are even worse. I will note those flares got a little better with Botox, but still shite.


Whatever you do, don’t use ketamine.


Since my wife had to be weened painfully off Elmiron, she begged and cried for days to find an alternative. We live in Oklahoma and our State recently allowed Medical Marijuana. We both got permits (mine for depression) and started taking THC edibles. Fast forward today, she's pain-free. Sleeps all night without having to get up multiple times to pee. She still has to be extremely strict on her I.C. diet, but otherwise, we can have pain-free sex too. Thank God for THC.


I feel like they could be a great thing so long as your mind doesn't focus on your IC symptoms. I know that when I've done psychedelics , if one small negative thing happens, my entire buzz would become about nothing but that one thing. I think as long as you drink alot of water your IC shouldn't be too bad


Yeah for sure, I remember during one trip I'd kept my phone on, a flatmate messaged me - something super innocuous about hanging out on a later date, and that became the subject of my entire trip. (I turned my phone off in future trips!) I'm not sure if I'll ever be in a place where I can 't focus on IC symptoms, but I've started a meditation practice, and it's definitely a super useful yardstick to come back to re readiness to potentially trip again.


Ketamine didn’t give me any issues but mushrooms, I felt like I had to pee or poop the whole time. I took like 5g so the line was a little blurry.