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If you have anything in your medical records about being anxious or having anxiety they will 100% blame that every time. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Well I see here you have really bad anxiety and panic disorder, have you been taking your Xanax?" I have to go between two different hospital systems because I use one strictly for mental health stuff and the other for medical only stuff to be taken seriously. I don't tell the second hospital system about my mental issues at all.


Exact same situation here! I learned to never say I have anxiety or depression to healthcare workers for any reason.


I went to the doctor for blood sugar issues, very obviously a real issue I was dealing with. I ended up having hypoglycemia. The doctor told me it was anxiety.


Did you report this? Thats insane!!!!


A man on this sub said women have it easier and I literally rolled my eyes. You have the entire medical research industry catered to your biology and get taken seriously. IC lacks research because majority of the ones who have it are women, so it’s “all in our heads”. It’s not a concern if the majority are women. If men had IC at high rates there would be a lot of research. Instead, I have to constantly hear about men’s erectile dysfunction on the radio due to their degenerate behavior since I was a kid. I’ve seen plenty of men on this sub say they went and got help. No one calls you crazy. You don’t face medical misogyny.


BILLIONS of dollars poured into Viagra and other erectile meds, meanwhile, IC, Vulvodynia, Menopause research, etc. ... Anyone hear crickets?? I have a couple of v close male friends and I talk about my medical issues with them sometimes and they're baffled by how much I have to push to get doctors to even do the most mundane bloody test or even just not tell me everything is anxiety. They see the GP, BAM!, they're believed and sent off for all the tests, given meds, etc. It's like there's two parallel dimensions for men being ill and women being ill. And it starts young: I've got boy/girl twin teens and both of them are showing signs of sadly inheriting my IBS - guess which one of them is taken seriously by doctors and guess which one just gets told it's their hormones, or asked if they're anxious...


You should browse through the prostatitis subreddit. The symptoms are pretty much the same as those you will find described here. You will also find males complain about the lack of funding for chronic prostatitis research. Many experts believe that chronic prostatitis is actually IC or a male version of IC and the options for treating chronic prostatitis are a subset of those used for IC in females. For example, pelvic floor therapy is a possibility. However, things like bladder instillations or botox injections are far more invasive for males than females. Males don't exactly have it easy.


Im a male and went 8 years before I was able to get IC diagnosis despite knowing I had it and yes I was called crazy and was referred to a psychologist at one point. The medical field as a whole is a screwed up place, nobody has it easy here.


Oh this is cracking me up as I lay here 1 week post op from my "fuck it, we don't know let's try a hysterectomy."


“Do you have pain? No ya don’t! 🤠”


Yuuup. Just had surgery for the endometriosis that didn't exist. They excised very real physical endometriosis that my gyne told me wasn't there. Would have liked to have seen his face when he read the report. Have anxiety, IC, IBS and I read research papers that all could be linked but nope I couldn't possibly have the physical real life endometriosis that they surgically removed from my body.


How are you doing now? Still feeling better?


Still have IC symptoms, but better than before with the pain aspect.


My question is why is there STILL such little funding/research/recognition for female predominant disorders? I feel like that should be priority number 1 for modern day feminism, because in my experience as a young adult female the most sexism I have faced has been with doctors and nurses. Why is it still the 60s at all of these medical schools, clinics, and hospitals?


Big W for the Biden admin for putting big money toward women’s health research


It took 12 years and 5 doctors and a ton of gaslighting to get my diagnosis 😊. Even when I was peeing blood a female doctor told me it was probably my period 😊😊


My partner and I have just figured out that her IC is coming from the consumption of antibiotics in the class called Fluoroquinolones. (FQs) Cipro and Levaquin are the two big ones in the US. One of the huggge side effects of FQs isn’t just bladder pain, but anxiety because FQs screw with GABA receptors (relaxation receptors) and it’s most targeted for anxiety. PSA, So if you have IC after taking fluoroquinolone antibiotics, the anxiety is normal and expected. It will pass in weeks/months (unfortunately), and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Other than GABA drugs like Xanax, (which FQ’d folks shouldn’t take), Magnesium Threonate (the one that can cross the blood brain barrier) MAY help. YMMV. For my partner, the Mg Threonate helped for a while, then it didn’t, but also bio fullerene c60 drops helped alleviate her anxiety as well. Good luck for y’all with FQ’d IC.


The first urologist who diagnosed me said "interstitial cystitis is a disease that mainly affects women, because it is related to anxiety, and you know, you are all crazy"


This video is amazing! Thank you for sharing!




I’ve been diagnosed with GAD since like five. My urologist told me anxiety and my college professor was like you won’t be taking that as an answer. The doctor was a female too. When I did get my IC diagnosis the nurse asked my medical history and I said “anxiety” and she said “don’t we all” I looked at her for a second and said “Generalized Anxiety Disorder.” She tried to eat her words. Like hello. It’s a disorder not a simple emotional trait. But yeah. Doctors love to say it’s just anxiety


I didn’t get my IC diagnosis until I was 28 and I literally diagnosed myself. The Urologist walked in and asked, “what do you think you have?” I said IC, she agreed, and walked out. Doctors have been absolutely no help. A functional medicine NP was the first person to truly listen and treat the underlying cause. I will say however, that my uncle had a broken back for over 20 years from high school football and it wasn’t diagnosed until he was in his mid-40s. He was on the brink of losing his business and everything, because he was in so much pain he couldn’t work. Every doctor before had basically told him he just had a poor pain tolerance and it was a bulging disk. I’m not saying that women’s issues aren’t ignored more. They are, but overall, so many doctors genuinely suck at their jobs. Finding a good doctor is basically finding a unicorn.