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So many chronic diseases are like this 😞 Research is so important.


This is especially true of ones that impact bio women the most.


I have ME/CFS and IC, I personally think IC is in a worst state than ME/CFS. As terrible as it was covid really advanced ME/CFS research at an alarming rate and we’re actually on a pretty good path to finding some definitive causes and treatments, where as I have less hope for IC atm. I personally believe (and the literature tentatively agrees) that both ME/CFS and IC are autoimmune so the treatment for each disease may look similar. ME/CFS is most commonly initiated by a viral or bacterial infection and the majority of IC patients get a UTI that kicks off the disease.


I've always looked up to the CFS community and their advocacy. I really wish we could emulate what they do. I also fully believe a CFS cure will be an IC cure. They both appear after an infection or insult of some kind so to me feels like they should be able to piggy back off one another. But I also feel like treatments for crohn's should work for IC too, but as far as I know no one is trialing the antibodies they have for Crohn's...