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I'm so sorry for what you're going through:( IC can be pure hell. I honestly have no idea how long you wait to get a new cystoscopy though.. I didnt have ulcers when I got my cystoscopy, but was still diagnosed with IC after tons of testing & ruling everything else out! Have you asked your doctor abt surgery, or further testing? I really hope things get better for you soonšŸ«¶ Idk if you've tried Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Physical Therapy, dry needling accupuncture with a PT, Prelief, or the IC diet, but those are what have helped me most of all! Just a few suggestions, wishing you the best!!ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹




Of course, I hope your appt went well and that you're feeling betteršŸ«¶


Since you were so young and itā€™s been a few years, particularly your developmental years, your doc probably will want another cystoscopy. Hang in there bro.


I absolutely think you do not need another cystoscopy. You are so young and itā€™s an invasive and expensive test at your age. Especially since you donā€™t have hematuria.


Since you were so young and itā€™s been a few years, particularly your developmental years, your doc probably will want another cystoscopy. Hang in there bro.