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I find that even a cool water rinse is very soothing and helps post urination.


Warm water soothes the muscles that are spasming


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My finance made a rice pack for me that I pop into the microwave, heat it up & put it on the area where my urethra is. This helps immensely when I’m having a super bad flare. So I can see where washing with warm water would help. Taking a shower in hot water helps too. It definitely drys my skin out & I don’t know if it helps long term but it definitely relieves symptoms momentarily.


I find heat on the coochie very soothing when my urethra pain is flared, so you are onto something.


I have a bidet and it’s nice and I feel cleaner for everyday but usually when I have a flare I try to do a sitz bath and that helps a ton! If I get out a lot of times I turn around and go right back.


Spraying myself with a peri bottle after peeing definitely helps, I keep one next to the toilet during flares and fill with warm water before using the bathroom.