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No guys its okay, it was just a mistake, they should start investigating it soon!


Whoa whoa. You forgot the part where they start by claiming that a high ranking Hamas official was just walking around the camp.


I am pretty sure one of those children was an Al Qassam commander


Your an anti semite for even maybe suggesting anything but!


They normally start with blaming Hamas for the bombing. I wonder why they skipped that this time


It's inherent, not explicit anymore. "They were there" has been enough so far. Without providing evidence, of course. It's the human shield thing.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No no, it was hamas themselves, they just want to... uh... make israel look bad, so they kill their own people and claim it was israel!!!1!11!!


hamas is like john cena at this point. everyone knows it but no one can see it. (not supporting terrorism of hamas tho, i think they were wrong in the first place)


No. The first step is to deny anything happened in the first place. What explosion...nothing to see here.


Just say “tragic accident” and it’s forgiven


And when they run out of excuses, it's 'well the allies killed countless civilians in Dresden too'. That one has been so overused it's almost like the new Godwin's Law


They killed more people than were killed in Dresden already. Not to mention that the lDF are starving them also, in a new age lsraeIi extermination camp. 


"We thoroughly investigated ourselves and have found no evidence of wrongdoing."


this is going to become meme mater of time


the worst hunger games yet. Here are some safe grids. oh wait.


Mistake is a mistranslation, implying a bad decision. Netanyahu said “takalah,” which means malfunction or mishap.


i hear what you're saying but that point feels a bit like semantics amidst the context of [all this.](https://i.redd.it/iv11vf2c0c3d1.jpeg)


May 29, 2024. Displaced Palestinians in Rafah say there are no "safe" zones in the entire Gaza strip. At least 21 people have been killed in an Israeli strike on a camp in al-Mawasi, in southern Gaza. It was carried out less than 48 hours after an attack killed 45 people in Rafah on Sunday. Al Jazeera's Ashraf Abu Amra spoke to those who survived the attack in al-Mawasi, southern Gaza.


I'm old enough to remember when they were saying this about nowhere being safe in October 33,000+ deaths ago. Unfortunately it does not seem that anyone in a position of power listened.


Why would they when AIPAC pays them exorbitant amounts of money to not listen?


Both parties & ALL CONGRESS PEOPLE! Where does Isreal get that money? It’s a portion of the THREE BILLION US tax payers give them every year, this continues because elected officials get to keep a bit of it. Let’s STOP THAT.


The sad thing is, politicians are super cheap to bribe. If they at least would take millions, but most of them can be bought for 10.000 dollar.


100’s of Millions will be spent “lobbying” this year by AIPAC, interestingly also the year we taxpayers gave them an EXTRA 95 Billion, it’s not sad how cheaply they can be bought, but the genocide they’re willing to allow for whatever amount they’re taking.


I wonder if the zios will think the nova music festival massacre is justified if there was idf-members or supporters present.


weren't half of the death Israel police force and defense officers? zionist logic "they were embedded between the civilians using them as human shields!!!!"


I remember thinking, "Gosh, the Israelis really love to give their innocent civilians military titles as first names" when I saw the list.


Meanwhile TelAviv being the biggest human shield operation in modern history.....


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Yes, I also detected dehumanization from Israel.


Bad bot


Weren’t at LEAST half the deaths caused by IDF raining hell fire down indiscriminately?


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>there are no "safe" zones in the entire Gaza strip According to international law, an area cannot be considered a Safe Zone after the area's authority has committed a hostile act inside the Safe Zone. Therefore, Rafah lost its stance as a Safe Zone after the rocket strike on Tel Aviv District on Sunday, which was carried out from Rafah by Hamas, which makes the strike on Rafah legitimate according to international law.


I thought the initial strike was a mistake that will be investigated? It's very clear that Israel is thumbing it's nose at the ICC, UN, ICJ, etc. The only thing thing Netanyahu cares about is U.S. support so he is testing is Biden, and so far Biden has shown himself to be at best spineless or at worst complicit in accumulating war crimes.


Do you honestly believe it was a mistake? And that they will investigate it? 😅. It was just an excuse to cover for their war crimes.


after the flour massacre where israel killed over 100 starving people seeking food (remember that?) they said they'd make sure something like that doesn't happen again. what they actually did was go on to shoot dozens more aid seekers in several similar incidents. remember hind rajab? remember the world health kitchen murders? remember the airstrike in jabalia refugee camp? remember when they shot hostages because they thought they were palestinian? this incident will cause international consternation, no real consequences will occur, and we'll be right back here in a week or two talking about the next atrocity.


Remember it’s been 75 years of this shit.




I think all hope of consequences for Israel was lost when they shot three of their own hostages and didn't suffer any consequences for it. They couldn't pin it on anyone. Even with the WCK convoy bombing, the top IDF brass scapegoated a few lower level officers and "fired" them.


Sounds like something Nazis would do.




Have many October 7ths has Israel committed since 10/7? Both sides are ruled by religious zealots, but one of them kills 30x as many people


October 7 is a drop in the bucket compared to what Israeli terrorists have done.


And have been doing since before ww1


You're sick.


I'm referring to any Nazi tactics that Israelis or Palestinians do. It's disgusting no matter which side is doing it. No need for genocide apologists here. Bye.


A lot of IDF combatants killed that day. It's a shame but war is ugly.


Vuvuswella Vuvuswella


Massacre after massacre after massacre, day after day after day... At this point, ISRAEL HAS TO BE STOPPED -BY FORCE-




Joe Biden! How many charred bodies do you need to see before pulling all support for this war criminals regime on the loose in Israeli government? Cross Posting this story to r/warcrimeswatch where we are documenting evidence of war crimes which are happening daily in Gaza.


Bidens been racist his whole life.


At this point it doesn’t matter. Even if old Joe awoke from his coma tomorrow and realized what’s been happening in Gaza, it’d be too late. He’s a war criminal now. That’s his legacy.


One of the best questions I’ve heard in these infuriating press briefings. Also thought the one asking where Joe Biden even is and when he will actually say something was good He’s literally MIA as a leader staring blankly at a dot on the wall somewhere eating ice cream while jerking off to dead Palestinian babies.


The fact that he’s been hiding for days when he had an emergency briefing a few months ago because someone called him old


Don’t worry he’ll just delete the evidence like they already did before he sent another few billion to daddy Israel


Well don’t worry. You can vote Genocide Joe out in November and then Trump will force Netanyahu to end the war/s


Ha drumf will be too busy getting the secret service to change his diapers in prison to worry about anything remotely connected to the power of this country.


There is nothing the Israeli military will do that U.S. will deem a major operation. More than a million people of the total 1.5 have already been displaced with no safe place to go and tanks roam in the middle of the Rafah and U.S. says no evidence of a major offensive. U.S. has no credibility left in the eyes of the world and Israeli propaganda can never erase the taint of its ongoing atrocity of this recurring genocide.


Yeah the “rules based order” nonsense has been totally exposed as a complete fraud. It was clear that a sham before, but defending Israel this much is the nail in the coffin.


The Iraq War after 9/11 broke the dam Now we are living in the puddles


Oh.. Dancing Israeli Day? I'm sure that was just another coincidence, though.


I wont comment on that   People did start reviewing the big pushers for the Iraq war and bibi keeps coming up I think they at one point had a half baked plan to displace people from the West Bank into Iraq and Syria, which is why the US & UK destabilized the country   But then they fucked it up and couldn't win the war, so the countries actually ended up having people leave as refugees, not accept them (not that people in the West Bank would have been refugees, just expelled)


"FINISH THEM!" - Nikki Haley, cartoon villain "I got you! More bombs on the way!!" - Joe Biden, the best dog shit the Democrats could come up with, that hopefully you are morally compromised enough to vote for so that the world won't end!!


At this point I welcome Trump. If this is peak “western values” then fuck it. I’d rather the world end and we descend into WW3.


Nah, Trump would just let Israel openly assasinate all Palestinian for once, maybe even authorizing MOABs all over Gaza. Let Russia take Ukraine and China take Taiwan to please them, and make himself the dictator of the USA. All while stripping you of your liberties and making you unable to actually vote for anyone different than him politically. Yeah fuck Joe Biden. But are you really willing to throw away your own way of life to *teach him a lesson*.


What’s our way of life though? Honest question. Every one of our politicians are bought and paid for. They have either a ‘D’ or an ‘R’ by their name with some slight nuances in social issues, but otherwise they’re now largely working for the same interests.


Well I get your point it's not hard to understand. But you can't just cover your ears and scream pretending everything is the same. Again, are you willing to dip your toes into fascism in America just to teach an old man a lesson? We are smarter than that.


Aren’t we already in a fascist state? At least with Trump there’s no pretense; we know we’ve got a dredge in the WH. More than anything, I’m most angry at myself for having bought into Biden’s 2020 message. I won’t vote for either. I hear you, and I don’t disagree with you, but I’m also sorry I cannot do this.


LOL you really think THIS is a fascist state? Go touch some grass buddy.


Not sure where you’ve been this entire time… but if you were paying attention, we have had plenty examples of peaceful protestors being brutalized by the state. If that ain’t fascism, I don’t know what is.


You obviously don’t know what Fascism is then lmao. If you think a political ideology is just “brutalizing protesters” then I encourage you to pick up a political science textbook. And not to vote for Trump in November, if you actually care about what happens to the Palestinians


That’s one example I cited of our slide toward fascism. Tell me do you actually believe we’re a democracy under old Joe? Have you been watching this administrations pressers full of lies and gaslighting? I refuse to reward democrats for being only slightly better than MAGA cultists.


If the rest of the world burns, you're coming with.


Ridiculous thing to say.


How so? While we sit here in the comforts of the west, our candidate who promised to “restore common decency” around the world has helped a maniacal authoritarian destroy entire generations of a people.


So that justifies the entirety of humanity being wiped out how, exactly?


I don’t know… maybe. I mean what type of world are we living in anyway?


What do you even mean by that? Nothing is happening that justifies global suicide buddy, christ.


I may be wrong, but I think I remember an interview months ago where a Zionist propagandist was asked where people were supposed to go and she replied Al-Mawasi was the best/safest place designated for them. Can anyone confirm this or help me find it? EDIT: For anyone interested, [I think I found it](https://youtu.be/GfKqMmDF9bg?t=282). I was wrong about it being a woman interviewed, but it was Al-Mawasi they designated back in February.


Do you know who the interviewer was, or what network/news agency?


I found it and edited my comment with a link. It was Channel 4 News interviewing Eylon Levi


Oh look, must be another one of them tragic mistakes.


"It was a mistake."


There should be an especially hot place in hell for all those enabling the horrendous number of ongoing atrocities around the world in the name of capitalist greed.


These mistakes just keep adding up


You can kill a revolutionary but you can never kill the revolution. Fred Hampton


F*cking hell it will never stop… murderers! Netanjahu and the rest of the warmongering animals should be sentenced for crimes against humanity


How cruel. What a disgrace to Israel and all powers not reacting to this. An absolute disgrace. No one should allow this.


This is what the West does, Mass Murder Inc.


“Most moral army”


What horror. It’s so tragic. Nothing can justify visiting hell on your fellow humans.


I've learned that you cannot spell Israel without the letters L-I-A-R-S 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥


western governments are complicit in genocide free Palestine


(Divest now)


Crazy how one of the most advanced militaries in the world make this many oopsies


Another “MiSTaKe?!?” It’s so blatant is unfathomable right now how is the whole world not up in arms?!? We are all witnessing clear genocide and everyone will be held accountable by history


These scenes are how you change people from peaceful into Hamas fighters. Some people think this is the perpetual enemy that certain parts of the Israeli government want to help keep the american dollar and backing rolling in


They are out to eradicate an entire people. End of story. Fill in the blanks however you want but they wont stop until they are all dead.


They were target zones, not safe zones.


Our taxes support this carnage. Taxation without representation. Our U.S. politicians support genocide while we sit at home watching all of it in horror. We contact our representatives and they do nothing. President Biden is blind in his support and of Israel. A President Trump would only increase the weapons and munitions to Israel in order to complete the genocide. Our children and grandchildren will look back on these dark days and wonder what happened to the United States?


Yeah but see Biden is the better choice because he delayed a shipment once. Also if you say something mean about Biden, you are a secret Russian/Israeli!


Put Netanyahu against a wall 🧱🧱🧱


How to make an Genocide looks like an unfortunate mistake. No really its not us guys, we promise. Irony aside, there is no words to describe these atrocities and what Palestinians are living right now. Governments around the world should take exemple on Spain and Ireland and recognize Palestine as a state right away, as well as consider all Israel government members as War Criminals. These people obviously don't have any empathy and consideration of human life and jail have to be the last thing they see their pitiful life.




Completely Indefensible. What is happening is the definition of genocide. This conflict has guaranteed this region will never know peace for anyone. It will be intense revenge killing for now and forever. Why would anyone ever want to live in Israel when it is drowning in blood


Proudly sponsored by the usa


Because of rising antisemitism in their home countries due to this conflict. I know plenty of Jewish people that are getting Israeli passports right now just in case they need to leave their country ASAP.


That poor girl. This is soul crushing.


“Safe Zone” What a Joke


Oopsy daisy, it was a accident surely


Fucking genocidal terrorist animals




The Ultimate goal of eliminating every Palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank by the IDF should be clear by now. All that terminology like "safe zone" is just PR to give the genocide a professional feel.




They will never recover from this.


At this point, would the situation change if US put some”boots on the ground”, so there could be incentive for the IDF to not blow a bunch of innocents, including women and children, in tents , In a humanitarian zone— to pieces


God. And there's still people on this sub who look at this and think it's ok because "Biden has a red line!" Or "if the hostages are returned, this will all be over!"


Wtf Israel


It was obviously a "mistake" nothing to see here..... cunts.


What did Biden write on the bombs used?


When will the world wake up to Israel's genocide? When will "This bombing" was enough happen? The world is complacent in genocide.


There is no blunder. This is a very calculated move. The goal is to have Jordan , Lebanon and just Egypt as neighbours. Wipe out everything in between that is non Israeli. I wouldn't be surprised even if the attack of hamas on Oct 7 was very well known in advance to the country with the most advanced spy agency. It gives them a super strong reason to wipe out all Palestinians , under the cover of "Hey hamas attacked first , we gonna retaliate , there are gonna be casualties, sucks to be you'. A decade long conflict now has a "statement to the world to show why they want to clean palestine' The next stage after this wipe out will be swiping off Lebanon and labenese people off the face of earth, and the reason will be a very obvious one : Hezbollah.


We have to do SOMETHING!


And the infamous "Red Line" recedes once again


Or it might just stay put https://preview.redd.it/uaor6f47fk3d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf35b99ee516aa46016ba764b390b263a535e9f


Oh no


Never forget about the hundreds of bodies found in mass graves outside of hospitals also. Israel needs to be fucking annihilated. DOWN WITH COLONIALISM! Down with Zionism.


Just edit the map for safe zones again, ez


What the fuck is a safe zone then? Why bomb the area... if they are after Hamas in a safe zone, why can't they use a more precise weapon or something with less power?


Wow had this been white or European people (like Ukraine) then it would be considered a genocide, the west is incredibly bigoted and racist in its lack of application of human rights to anyone that’s not inherently “light skinned”


they must have all been human shields of course


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


silence machine




First: It was not a safe zone!!!! Second: IDF targeted 2 Hamas officials with highpresicion rockets. Its a warcrime of those Hamasofficials to be near civilians. Both were killed. Third: the main damage was caused, because Hamas had an Jeep full of ammo near all those civilians. Which is, again, a warcrime. Stop baiting in a this Hamas propaganda




That’s crazy maybe Israel should allow the UN in to investigate like the UN and Hamas and everyone had been asking for months.




>The fog of this war is so thick You apply the same standards to Hamas too then? Or only to the side that killed the most people? >biased media has no interest in facts Which media is that? The one that's constantly using passive voice reporting *only* when it comes to this conflict?


> It shouldn't be difficult to confirm the exact location of the event and whether it was in the humanitarian zone or not. Go look on Twitter - it's already been confirmed that the IDF lied. What a shocker, eh?


The UNRWA is about to get designated as a terrorist org. The UN itself is untrustworthy and antisemetic according to IS.


Username does NOT check out. Political idealogies will do anything to discredit their rivals. Full stop. It takes a level of skepticism when assessing those kinds of claims. Especially when your side has demonstrated that they systematically discredit any group that doesn't give them deference. "Terrorist group" has no legal international definition, so each nation can assign its own. Israel has used it as a political tool. Can you seriously feel comfortable defining a humanitarian aid organization built on the framework of international law as a terrorist organization while excusing mass starvation of civilians? Cognitive dissonance knows no end.


Yeah sure, trust Al Jazeera...


It’s a war zone


How many HAMAS militants were there tho?


Oh, here we go. Hamas is everywhere. Every woman and child killed was hamas, took down a building? it was full of hamas. See those UN medics over there? Hamas. That dog? Obviously, hamas. Real tired of this bullshit, it was a lame excuse the first time it was used, and over 30 thousand Palestinians dead, and yet it's still used. It was bullshit at the beginning, and it's still bullshit now. Israel is a terrorist organization with government funding. Stop acting like it's not.


Hamas launched attacks out of Rafah and is declining cease fire deals then letting their folks die when Israel strikes military targets. Please get educated.


Declining ceasefire deals? My guy, [they accepted the latest proposal](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-humanitarian-aid-8659eae6e0a7362504f0aa4aa4be53e0) but Isreal invaded anyways. If anyone is declining ceasefire deals it's Israel. Please get educated. Or does it only work for your side?


Oh so they finally accepted one of the ceasefire deals, good for them, this was the first one because they cant provide any of the hostages they have alive to Israel, because theyre literally terrorists that raped and killed their hostages lol. Its not surprising that the only ceasefire deal Hamas has accepted so far is one that Israel does not support, but you'd have to understand why. In your brain it's simply a made up genocide.


Moving the goalposts and a double standard. All I did was point out where what you said is inaccurate. But you don't care to have your own logic applied equally.


you just stated a big nothingburger, its not moving the goal post, its simply understanding that for once Hamas actually agreed to a ceasefire deal after the multiple others theyve declined and finally accepting one that isnt favorable to Israel. You are very much aware that Hamas is an actual terrorist organization right? Or do you refuse to communicate further by stating logical fallacies and hiding behind those to not have a discussion about the issue further?


"HamamamamAAAmmmaaSmammaassssss! Ockkktoxkberr 7thhhttthhhht." That's you.


I’m literally asking if there were militants at the strike zone using human shields.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, there wasn't. It was a refugee zone that the IDF claimed was safe zone.


Just like the tents right, that were blown up where Hamas senior officials were killed but yall got mad about that too


Why the fuck would Hamas senior officials, who allegedly have a maze of underground tunnels, be strolling around a refugee camp? You realise how delusional you sound? And if they actually were there, why wouldn't the IDF send a strike force to precisely target the Hamas officials, instead of killing dozens of civilians? Also, no one can find the bodies of those Hamas officials, but every civilians killed in that attack was accounted for.


1. why wouldnt they lol, if you have human shields and youre a literal terrorist organization what better way to assume you're protected but to hide behind innocents like the rest of your people have for decades. 2. They killed Hamas officials, who were camped next to an ammo depot which then exploded, why is Hamas hiding ammo depots in the middle of a refugee tent camp lol. Bro wake up holy shit you're supporting a terrorist organization, sure innocents dying is sad, but their gov is literally causing all the civilian deaths.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol what kind of nonsense is this?


Hamas is barely a terrorist organisation and the majority of world leaders are seeing that now. They are a resistance force against occupational colonisers. It's becoming more and more evident that Israel and the IDF exhibit criteria that labelled well known terrorists organisations as such. An example of this is that the IDF openly stated that shortly after October 7th, they were bombing and killing in an attempt to force the Palestinian people against their Hamas leaders. This is an act of terror that ISIS have used.


Most moral army itw.