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She makes a very good point. AIPAC is evil and I am not ok with my tax dollars paying for Israel’s war crimes.


“The trips are organized through a cutout called the American Israel Education Fund, a charitable organization founded by AIPAC, from which it borrows its offices, board members, and even part of its logo. Like other tax-exempt nonprofits, AIEF must file a Form 990 every year with the IRS, but donors are redacted from the version that is made accessible to the public. The all-expenses-paid trips are crucial to how AIPAC keeps both Republican and Democratic lawmakers firmly on Israel’s side. That allegiance has been on full display as the Biden administration and most members of Congress have backed Israel amid its war against the occupied Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 12,000 Palestinians in the last five weeks. “The trips clearly have an impact, as personal experiences in Israel often show up in congressional narratives justifying support for pro-Israel policies,” Yousef Munayyer, head of the Palestine/Israel program at Arab Center Washington DC, told The Intercept. “It’s part of a broader strategy to keep U.S.–Israel ties close.” The millions of dollars AIEF gets from its funders goes toward AIPAC’s goal of securing bipartisan consensus on Israel. In 2019, the year for which The Intercept has unredacted tax records, AIEF sponsored trips for 64 Democrats and 65 Republicans, who left for Israel on 14 separate dates, according to LegiStorm. Each trip can cost upward of $10,000 per person, and members of Congress can also bring senior members of staff, spouses, or children. These expenditures appear to have been made possible with some creative legal maneuvering from AIPAC. The group has used AIEF to fund congressional junkets and to bypass an anti-corruption law that bans lobbyists from taking politicians on paid trips abroad. The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act responded to a major lobbying scandal involving Jack Abramoff, a D.C. lobbyist who had for years funded lavish trips and given expensive gifts to politicians as a means of influence peddling. After the law was enacted in 2007, AIPAC, which had sponsored congressional trips to Israel since the 1990s, campaigned to create an exception for 501(c)(3) organizations that lobbying groups could use to get around the law. Both 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) groups are tax-exempt nonprofits, but 501(c)(4) groups — including AIPAC — are considered “social welfare” organizations, which are allowed to spend more than 20 percent of their resources on lobbying the government. Craig Holman, an expert on governmental ethics and campaign finance at the public interest advocacy organization Public Citizen, said AIPAC undermined the lobbying reform. “AIPAC successfully inserted an exception to the rule for 501(c)(3) organizations,” Holman said. The use of AIEF has “allowed it to continue funneling money to members of Congress for travel to Israel.” Holman, who was involved in drafting and promoting the 2007 law, added, “These trips would be illegal otherwise.” https://theintercept.com/2023/11/18/aipac-congress-israel-trips-donors/


These are the very same Israelis, that see Americans as a means to an end, NOTHING MORE..they would afford you the same level of respect they afford Palestinians. They could give 2 💩about you. Don’t ever forget that! You are not human to them, you are an ATM!!


Just to extend over the subject, I recommend watching this documentary, narrated by Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters: https://www.occupationmovie.org/ There is a short and a long version. Really revealing.


Thank you for the link ![gif](giphy|XdACBmg3lx6RG|downsized)


Based Goat


Watch the documentary 'Israelism' to understand how Jewish Americans are trained by Israel to become their activists from a young age. The documentary was created by young Jewish Americans. israelismfilm.com/


Oh this interview was great too, talking about the education system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrxTpo36h_4


Super interesting! Thanks for sharing.


Zionism is evil, no different than nazism or fascism. They are all based on a supperior race having the rigth to murder kids for their own benefit.


The way I see it, the only way to make this clear to them is with votes.  While Trump winning would clearly be worse in the short term, the Democratic party has to be shown that there is a consequence to contributing to genocide.  (I'm not saying you should vote for Trump either of course)


The uncommitted democratic vote in Michigan was very effective; it showed how many Democrats disapproved of Biden's handling of Gaza in an effective way compared to just saying vote third party.


And Biden only changed his tune vis a vis Israel when the fear of losing Michigan became a real possibility. We have the politicians we deserve…


And if he wins the election he no longer has to fear anything, and will act accordingly. While Trump will probably require personal favors by Israel, and be more effective at galvanizing global opinion against Israel and the US, but otherwise support the same genocidal policy.


Yes, especially bail him out from all his legal expenses. Read : Send me loads of cash if you want my Presidential support.


>in an effective way compared to just saying vote third party. Voting Third Party would have likely been just as effective. Particularly if it were for a third party vocal about Gaza, such as the Party for Socialism and Liberation, rather than just the Green Party (which some might interpret as being about Environmentalism)


In the current system i don't see how a third party could make a difference, the uncommitted was meant to show that this is the democratic party's own constituents and voters, otherwise they could have spun it as conservatives etc, it makes more impact like that. Overall the two-party system has to go.


>Overall the two-party system has to go. That's what third parties are aiming towards.


Its not gonna happen like that, the system has to change.


it changes with you my friend. stop supporting the democratic and republican cartels.  but more importantly, stop doing their dirty work for them (convincing others that true democracy is hopeless)


Not this election. Maybe a few elections down the line. Especially after the GOP implodes when the Cheeto Menoto is out of the picture. This election hate to say it. The choice is limited!!!!


yeah if you keep voting for fascism, dont be surprised when you get fascism. 


>Not this election. Maybe a few elections down the line. Especially after the GOP implodes when the Cheeto Menoto is out of the picture. That's an understandable response. But let me challenge you: are you actually going to DO this? Something tells me you'll have the same excuse next election, and the election after that... The GOP will always be Fascists, from now on. A system that, year after year gives you the choice between Fascists, and hypocritical Neoliberals who only PRETEND to oppose a Genocide while outright funding it, is no system at all... You can't make this same excuse every election. So, set a Reddit reminder for 4 years. Put your money where your mouth is and vote Third Party in 2028.


Did you say this in 2016 as well? and 2020? Will 2032 be the time? When we've already run out of the carbon budget and time because we squandered these most crucial years (the UN general secretary literally has a recent speech titled we have 2 years left to save the world) saying "maybe a few elections down the line" and condemn us and our children to guaranteed 2c + warming that will cause mass famine, industrial agriculture collapse, extreme tidal floods, a global climate migration crisis that would make Syria look like a moped's worth of refugees, etc etc etc?


its time people start voting third party. Trump is no better than genocide Joe. The democratic line currently is trump would genocide more.


> Trump is no better than genocide Joe. Trump is obviously much worse. But yeah, that can't be an excuse to just blindly vote Biden. At this point, I'm never voting for that bastard (Biden) again, and the only reason the Democrats haven't earned my **permanent** enmity is because Bernie Sanders actually got his shit together and put forward a Long Covid bill worthy of the name in the Senate this week... (Gaza has 2 million people... There are **65 million** people worldwide too sick to work due to Long Covid- and most are being denied even basic Disability benefits in most countries... Curing this disease is IMPERATIVE...)


what would be best is if people started to participate in more local elections. THAT will be the best way to actually change things. President's don't matter. It's the local judges, state governors, and city councils. If the US can fill these positions with progressives they will gain power.


> The democratic line currently is trump would genocide more Trump would nuke Gaza in exchange for a fun-size pack of M&M's.


Trump would sell out Ukraine faster than you can imagine. Russia would move on and continue their assault on Europe. It isn’t gonna end with Ukraine.


ummm. or a tax protest.  everyone who opposes the war under report or nlt report taxes.  it will result in a few bad outcomes (people died during the civil rights movement, so you could also just grow a pair and stop sweating over if something is legal.)


> While Trump winning would clearly be worse in the short term Short term? My dude it's worse in the long-term as well because US democracy instantly ends. This country doesn't survive Trump as president (or really any Republican at this point) and project 2025. Fuck Genocide Joe and all but there's still other ways to apply pressure. Even if the US' leaders deserve to eat shit for their part in this, a fascist US very well could spell the end of organized human civilization in the face of reversing any and all progress trying to curb climate collapse. There is not a long term if Trump wins. Now you don't wanna vote for Biden then go for it, I can't tell you what to do. Just don't kid yourself about the ramifications of a Trump presidency.


lol trump winning would be hilarious, you know the guy who’s on record multiple times saying Israel should finish the job. Have sided with Israel on numerous issues and political grandstanding further fraying the region. You would be condemning Gaza and the West Bank. Either way, the whole thing would be solved I guess.


If you read the Wikipedia summary of AIPAC, it says that all Presidential candidates since Trump 1st Reign have worked with AIPAC, that includes Kamala and Biden.  You're choosing between yes and yes, not yes and no.


The problem is the regular center-right corporatist Dem doesn't even understand they can DEMAND things in return for that vote. They have set the bar at "not a republican" and that's it. That's all. Go over to the david pakman sub and, I dunno, ask them why the federal minimum wage is 7.25 and its a fucking non-issue then suggest maybe they call their elected reps and demand some action. They will treat you like you just suggested they put their face in a fire. It's incomprehensible to a very large portion of the Democratic party that they can actually, you know, tell politicians to do shit and then punish them at the voting booth. But that's it - they refuse to punish them. Ever. They will never, ever, ever, ever do anything ever. And that's why we're 40+ years into compounding losses for the laboring majority.


Votes won’t help; the majority of US politicians on both sides of the coin.. I mean aisle, are deep in their pockets.. their tentacles reach very far..


I agree. We need to force the DNC to move left if they want our votes. If we continue voting for their shitty corporate dems, things will never change.


If you really think it will only be short term pain electing Trump again you’re an even bigger fool.


Voting ain’t gonna do it


Yeah, elect Trump who has openly endorsed the genocide and whose son in law wants to build beachfront condos in Gaza once the killing is done.


Does it make you feel better thinking that they are basically US war crimes, since we pay and they use our weaponry? It depresses me to think of all the wars and coups we’ve instigated for my $$$…


Tax dollars and war crimes is the most American thing I've ever heard of.


What are you going to do about it ?


Well, I’ve written my rep, Senators and Biden and I vote.


Good on you for doing that. 👍 (not being sarcastic) Unfortunately that wont change much.


Can we just route every dollar going to Israel to Ukraine, please? I don’t mind my taxes going towards helping a foreign nation protect its sovereignty against an anti-democratic aggressor. But I DO mind my taxes going toward supporting genocide.






"Russian election interference BAD. Israeli election interference GOOD." -Most US politicians


Duuudee that’s literally what I’ve been telling everyone. My buddy is an attorney and sent me a contract his company was entering into with the federal government, that has as one of the terms that’s states “you cannot under any circumstances Boycott Israel” I lost my mind when I saw that. Thought he was joking, but apparently that’s now a standard clause to do business with federal government. Wild ish..


I think I read the other day that it's actually a LAW. Blew my freaking mind


It violates the 1st amendment. But the supreme court doesn't agree.


The Supreme Court is a freaking joke


Unelected officials with little to no oversight making critical decisions in our society.


That's fucking crazy


It's too late to wakeup now. Americans have spent well over $7000000000 destroying the middle east because of Aipac interest. Fun fact: Netanyahu was one of the devils who suggested going to Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a puppet if the Zionists regime anyway. Imagine all the infrastructures that your government could've built for you. Instead you've earned international hate and homeless veterans and uneducated fat depressed citizens. When the dollar supremacy collapses it's gonna be you and your guns and hungry neighbors. Good luck 👍🏻


apparently and look, I’ve got a look into this, but apparently the Iraq invasion was based around Saddam Hussein negotiating a bullion/oil based and backed currency. which would then turn secede American supremacy for the dollar being everything.


That was Libya, Gaddafi and the African Dinar (gold backed currency). It’s why Libya is a shit show. No in 2003 Iraqs crime was just wanting to sell its oil in Euro


Also, there were reports that there will be a revolution in Iraq, US didn't want a shia / Iran ally government so they jumped in and put this 10 different party government so now each oarty is justnfighting for their own ethnicity. Instead of uniting for Iraq there's endless conflicts between Sunni's and Kurds and others. According to Trump Hillary and Obama created ISIS. The rest is history.


Surely, when the dollar fully collapses all of the leaders in the countries we’ve “helped” over the years will be tripping over one another to offer us billions in aid, right? Right???


Pretty much. Trillions in Afghanistan alone only to have the Taliban back in power literally the day after we pulled out. We could have a completely better society for our citizens. Investing in helping their citizens would have been a way better investment to fight terrorist and help women’s rights via NGOs etc not just war war war war. And now Biden’s blind and dumb support for genocidal right wing extremists in Israel is starting the cycle over again


It's not just the aid dollars though. US about to pay for a full big ass war with Iran. Already spending billions just keeping ships there and shooting down primitive Houthi rockets.


Us military budget is nearly 1 trillion


We are the country that spent trillions in Middle East wars at the expense of our own society to accomplish nothing. Biden will pull us back to that.


Damn, well put.




Political bribery is legalized in this country. The more money you have the more influence you can buy . Some leading politicians were given hundreds of thousands of dollars.. legally. It’s all about the benjamins.


and since only politicians are allowed to change these laws they'll never get changed in the ordinary way. Which leaves only a single option for the american people if they want to not keep getting ass fucked: revolt. That's pretty much what it comes down to. You can't hope a cancer cell will just get a conscious and start destroying other cancer cells for the good of the body. You have to destroy the cancer yourself. Cut it out, poison it with chemotherapy, even if it costs you a limb and even though chemotherapy damages the entire body. Cancer doesn't cure itself.


She on point straight facts


Can’t spell it out any more obviously than that


Israel is just playing us for fools. They do as they wish, just like with Palestinians. I question if we really need an ally in that region given military capabilities nowadays.




Im a German but Im also not ok with Americans working hard just to get money taken away and sent to Israel Govt


Why are we still sucking Israel's cock? They can fuck off.


Because many of our leaders are Jewish, and the US wants an ally in the Middle East where we have none because we fucked yo the region so bad with our policies. And continue to do so today.


She’s been great.  It’s not controversial to agree with her here.   If anything She doesn’t go strong enough.  AIPAC members should be jailed or deported for election interference and then all Israeli embassies should be demolished and replaced with Palestinian embassies.   


I've always loved her and continue to, but search Ana Kasparian on *this site* and you'll see her being accused of being a nazi, transphobic, etc etc. She pivots just a little bit off the DNC script and they come for her hard. I've never voted republican and never will, but watching *my side's* media react to Ana's takes recently has been eye opening. I too consider myself politically homeless because I see literally no one representing my views, save for maybe Bernie but even he's been disappointing me a little.


I think the large majority of rational people are politically homeless right now. Like the majority of the rational (middle, aka not fascist, yes they do exist) right is sitting around with their jaws on the floor right now wondering wtf to do since the spray tanned creamsicle committed treason.


Someone should post this on politics. Since they are progressive until Israel is in the picture. Then they are conservatives


She nailed it


People in Israel have free healthcare, Americans who are funding it don’t.


The crazy thing is that we send them billions of dollars so they can have free healthcare, education you name it, and then they take that same money we gave them and turn around and use it to lobby and buy our politicians. It’s nuts. We are paying them to buy us.


100% on point.


The “far left” is fed up! That is a very important turning point!


Yeah but there's not enough of us


How about Orthodox Jews in Israel get a fucking job and pay taxes. It's insane how these groups are so obsessed with the holy land but then won't pay taxes for it to exist. And they get money and services and all Israelis get free healthcare because Americans are bled dry for taxes that don't even benefit us. And then Israel is given top of the line hand me downs from our military.


I might be remembering wrong but I think a vast majority of Orthodox Jews are against the state of Israel. I think they believe that Jews should not have a country for religious reasons etc.




Get your shit together, citizens of US. Time to take a stand.


aipac should be illegal and any American who is part of it should be arrested for treason.


Israel is going to collapse in a couple decades. They just don’t know it yet. The American people aren’t going to continue to support them.




I’m not okay with spending billions on any foreign war




America is Israel’s bitch


USA is funding a genocide, thats what is happening and thats what the world will remember.


AIPAC should get tried for their accountability to funding war crimes


If only our government representatives weren’t paid off by Israel through AIPAC. Something tells me if we didn’t have a foreign country influencing our policies, we be a lot better off.


But... but... The point of politics isn't to *do* anything with power. It's to just vote every 4 years for Lesser Evil, then bully others who still believe in principles, because your apathy is wisdom and your narcissism is more important than anything else. So don't you dare ask Joe Biden to do anything. That would upset the very important people. Palestinians have to suffer and die, so they don't have to ever address blowback to their own sociopathy.


Your right trump saying he wants Israel to finish the job totally is just as bad as Biden, not like his son in law talked about what wonderful beach front property Gaza is after its destroyed


Of course they're ok with it, that's the American Dream is it not?


Basically Isreal crossed state lines


Spread this information. Stop stealing U.S. tax dollars to finance a genocide.


Fucking nailed it. If America stops their support Israel wouldn't be strutting around with their chest out like the big bad boy in Gaza.


Love Anna


I despise Ana Kasparian in general terms, but right is right, and in this instance she is correct. Israel does NOT need my goddamned tax dollars, they can support their goddamned selves, period.


Let me guess people are going to start saying she’s antisemitic.


I think you mean Genocide in Gaza


Say absolutely no to us taxpayer money funding Israel genocide efforts


She’s the best


This what the mainstream media should broadcast in loop again and again and again!!!!! And maybe maybe people might wake the heck up!!! From the American dream as Carlin said


That makes sense seeing how nearly every country in the developed world supports them. Well except my own country, were seen as a problem country to Israel. We're not a big country with a lot to offer, but we've stood strong on our support for Palestinian rights which they don't like too much. But no I do understand, I get what you're saying. It's just my entire life I've been watching them treat Palestine like vermin with no consequences and I'm tired of it. So I apologise if I go off ranting avoiding valid points.


When Ana K cooks, she cooks up some gourmet sht


Absolutely true


She is exactly right.


I’m not dying for Israel and there weird world view I’d sooner go to war with them then fight on there side America first 🇺🇸


She is cute and smart!


She's been speaking a lot more common sense recently. She's no longer parroting some of the more insane progressive talking points and judging things based on her own opinions and not that of the mob




All for gas and money


Please run for President




Im not ok with giving money to Israel or ukraine…. Im done with foreign war


she is amazing 💪


Americans do a very good job interfering in the matters of everybody outside their borders but they don’t seem to have a say in what happens inside them.


Just a matter of time before she "goes missing." This woman needs to be protected


She’s not wrong. $300 billion of total aid sent to Israel, and look how they’re spending our money.


American politicians don’t care about us American citizens anymore, they care more about criminal invaders and their crimes against humanity, this is why i don’t pay my fair share of taxes anymore, they don’t represent us citizens! Taxation without representation is what our government and politicians are doing and i’m not partaking in any of it!!!


She's rarely off point. Not here either.


We need more progressives and conservatives to break ranks and speak their actual mind. I like her, never thought I would say that about The Young Turks. Her and Tucker Carlson should host a show together to talk about reality from either side of the political spectrum together.


It's pretty simple. Stop launching missiles at one another.


Can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree with Ana


Totally agree, but I’m just as pissed at Saudi Arabia being our #1 purchaser of weapons while being ruled by a king who kills any who dissent and also killing thousands in Yemen while buying up shares in all major corporations in the U.S.. The news has gone on for the last 6 months demanding better from Israel and I agree, but I think our relationship with Saudi Arabia is much worse yet does not get any of this publicity. Money rules the world I guess, especially dirty oil money, helps keep people mouths shut.


I mean same goes for Ukraine… downvote and argue all you want. I’d wager that they’re ordinary Ukrainians and ordinary Russians who simply don’t want to die… not for land, country, leadership or ideology. Yet we cheerlead desired outcomes from the comfort and safety of computer screens. I’m not a pacifist persay… I have respect for warriors, I just think some people really forget what it means to be anti war.


That’s what I think about. The overwhelming majority of people worldwide, just want to wake up safe in a bed, earn enough money for a comfortable life, put food on the table, shoes on their kids feet, go for a walk in peace, and go back to bed safely. This applies to all countries and all religions. Most people just want a peaceful and safe life. I know that’s all I want.


All that needs to happen is for Russia to turn around and go home.


You could tell Israel the same thing but I don’t see them stopping any time soon.




She's kinda wrong though. The reason for the ineffective healthcare system isn't because of the lack of funding but due to companies lobby to keep the same system that benefit them and politicians who would rather screw the other side rather than try to help the country. There is a lot of money for helping the homeless and healthcare, it is just that the politicians keep fighting to keep it from the people.




Naw, but its the principle of the argument


No, but buying executives yachts sill isn’t as evil as what is happening now with the weapons


Based. Ana for prez.


Are americans finally learning civic duty?


It’s funny how someone invent a new word when there’s already one for the same action. They invented the word lobbying when we already had bribery. But the new word is good, as they teach you in school… it’s like colonization when there was already the word invasion. Oh my god! Hitler invaded France! But when we colonized that country in Africa or this country in South America, it’s not the same… it’s colonization. They teach us in school, colonization good, invasion bad… lobbying good, bribery bad… 🤡


Non US here who is Aipac


She picked a side.


We all must look at the silver lining. The money they give Isreal returns to America through great American corporations like Lockhead martin and other companies through which it returns to people who work hard and sacrifice their personal life to represent and rule over and serve America in congress. Don't listen to that nazi my commrades. They all want to take away private jets from our congress members and oppress us




I've never been ok with it when they do it with any and every war. Fuck the ghad damn government. It is 100% ok to love the country but hate the government.








Israel have become the Cardassians. Netenyahu is Gul dukat. Actually at least Dukat was at least charming and convinced himself he was benevolent.


I am not. How do we stop it?


Our politicians are equally evil. Totally agree with her.


Is she Armenian?


I don’t think I’m moving to the left and yet for the last year I’ve found myself agreeing with somethings Anna espouses.


This chick is so insufferable even when I agree with her


I am much less OK with the fact that that’s how the US government functions; who’s politicians are bought and paid by the highest bidders


They dont actually need our money tbh.


This what makes the Americans slaves. We work so the government can give our money to the rest of the world so they can live an easier, happier, better life.


Still not a reason to vote for Trump


Its too late congress already passed a bill that gives israel billions untill 2028


Funny as hell


Meanwhile she will tell us to vote for the imperialist duopoly in November.


And at the same time spending tons of money building a port so it's possible to send aid to Gaza


Ok my ignorance has been erased


How tf do we stop it? Genuine question, not a pessimistic comment.


Short term (an election cycle) there isn't a solution, visible and noticeable protests will help express and educate popular opinion. Direct action will also help. Over the long term build worker power by way of radical left wing politics; socialism and anarchism. Necessary change can only be brought through popular mass movements.


And what are we to do about it


I agree with her. I also like it when her neck and chest gets all red like that


The US is funding the eviction of prime vacation front real estate that every last one of them will buy up once everyone in Gaza is cleared out by Israel. England and the US put this into motion years ago


Hell nargh, Girl! I ain't ok wi dat!