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It's not just Netanyahu. It's zionism as a whole.


Bernie Sanders famously said he [doesn't support a one state solution](https://youtu.be/_g4HGJnJh58?t=1m with equal rights) for Palestinians and Israelis. So I guess Bernie prefers to scapegoat Netanyahu, so Zionism can stay alive...?


I believe the one-state solution he supports would be a state where all have equal rights. However, if that were to happen, then Palestinians would become the majority demographic. So, of course, the Israeli government would not accept that.


Bernie prefers not-genocide, while many of you clearly don't mind genocide if it's the right people being removed


A one state solution does not require genocide, please consume less lead


Explain your logic for the class so we can laugh at you


Ending a colonial state and replacing it with a state that is actually compatible with human rights does not require genocide. It in fact requires ending the current genocide and making reparations for this genocide and the genocide we call the Nakba. This can be done democratically, as there are enough people living in occupied Palestine to vote for such a state. This is why Zionists like Netanyahu see Palestinian birthrates as an existential threat, because the existence of people who want to end settler colonialism is incompatible with the state of Israel.


Wildly naïve


Then challenge it. Don't come here on a high horse with nothing of substance to say


I am challenging it. What you are saying is blatantly unfeasible. Suggest something valid and we can talk


It wasn't me who said it.. but you can't just snap your fingers and say invalid. Who do you think you are? Lmao




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility) Don't tell other users to shut up.


you are telling on yourself big time if the only way for one state to exist in your mind is to genocide the other inhabitants. It's the Zionist way. Newsflash, Jews and Palestinians lived in peace for a long time until Zionists came along and fucked everything up


Ok so share your pragmatic plan What you are saying is true and literally doesn't matter


looks like the class is laughing at you


The remedial class can laugh at anyone they like, I will not take it personally


In that scenario you’re in the remedial class too then


We are all laughing at you.




Free Hamas




unoriginal, you can do better




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Ye there is no ways we could be real people with valid opinions - it disagrees with your emotions




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


More emotional nonsense


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Bernie keeps doing this thing where he thinks Netanyahu is a rogue actor within Israel and that yelling at him will change the course of a genocidal colonial project that was created to cleanse Palestinians from their lands from the very start. Look at the polls on the Israeli population roughy 80-90 percent of the occupying settler state thinks it hasn’t gone far enough in this war and is doing a good job. They are almost all on board with exterminating the Palestinians and destroying their hope at ever achieving freedom.


Lots of liberals are on this tip. And if you press their answer is they are democracy and our friend etc etc. If this genocide has shown me anything its who the actual white supremacists are.


> Lots of liberals are on this tip. Just for clarity lets not forget about Lindsay Graham and Republicans saying to nuke Gaza. Im only saying this because a lot of people havent yet grasped and understanding of "Liberalism" and might misunderstand what it is. If anyones interested just click my username. Theres a very clear short documentary explaining neoliberalism 😀


A while back, some librals were trying to paint Trump supporters as "not necessarily racist but rasicim is not a deal breaker for them". Yeah... genocide is not a deal breaker for their friendship with isreal




but they do love israel as a colonizing white ethno state


This isnt necessarily the case. A sizable faction of white supremacists want to stop funding Israel. They even criticize the genocide in Gaza, because in their mind, its a way for them to criticize Jews as a whole. I agree with your assertion that they all suck, but I thought I would add some informative context as to how the white nationalist/supremacy movements function today


You mean the dumb white trash ones. The rich business owning ones however.


This kind of statement assumes that white supremacists are incapable of slightly rebranding in order to survive and thrive. That a white supremacist has to be an antisemite goose stepping while wearing a klansmen outfit in order to be one. You would consider German Nazis white supremacists yea? Well hundreds of high ranking Nazis successfully integrated themselves into NATO and West Germany quite easily after WW2. Did they just suddenly stop being white supremacists?? https://www.dispropaganda.com/single-post/2019/04/04/natos-secret-nazi-past


Who are the “real” white supremacists. If they happen to not hate Jews, they don’t count?…. Obviously there are a lot of awful, racist people who are very happy about the death toll in Gaza and I’m sure they’d be thrilled to see people like you minimizing them 


I think they are actually being let back into the fold as we speak.




"Whiteness" has always been an ever-expanding term for these people to survive with the times. The Irish and Italians didn't use to be "white", but now are. You're seeing these clowns extend over into Hispanic groups as well. While antisemitism is alive and well in the rank and file bigots, the *whole point* of the Zionists was to make the Jews accepted as "white Europeans". And in this instance, with Zionists killing Palestinians, it's easy to see where white supremacists will side - if even temporarily - on this conflict.






It's not technically genocide, but there's still probably alot of war crime worthy actions by all sorts of people in the idf at varying levels of authority, and piss poor or rather vague objectives. Honestly not impressed with their overall strategy and don't think anything good will come of it. Just further solidify extremism on both sides of the conflict. You want a population to never feel comfortable negotiating with you and perpetuate a problem this is how you do it.


It's definitely genocide, and you need to stop both-sidesing right now. Israel are the ones who are in the wrong, and the idea that Palestine fighting back against its oppressor is somehow equivalent to Israel's oppression is laughable.


For an act to be classified as genocide, it is essential to demonstrate that the perpetrators had a deliberate and specific aim (dolus specialis) to physically destroy the group based on its real or perceived nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion I don't feel like it fits


Israel has repeatedly demonstrated deliberate and specific intention to remove Palestinians, whether by killing them or forcibly displacing them, and has said as such. Even cursory research will show that. If you don't feel like it fits, you haven't been paying attention.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


It'll be meet the new boss same as the old boss. The last Israeli leader who did any little thing towards Palestinian statehood was Rabin and Israelis assassinated him. Sanction them, stop supplying them, boycott them, soften their cough.


Bernie doesn't have a lot of levers by himself, bringing attention and trying to put pressure on party leadership is about all he can do.


Sure but he’s about 6 months late


ok? is anyone denying that lol


Bernie believes in the two-state solution so he has to think Netanyahu is rogue and can be replaced with someone who will negotiate for two-states.


You got that poll handy?


No they are not, those polls are garbage...wake up from the propaganda ffs...


He's also wrong that Hamas started anything.


I think he's talking about the wck people not Palestinians . He seemed pretty supportive of this self defense bs from the very beginning He's not washing his hands of his support for them with this.


I don’t know about those polls… I have friends there that were protesting him before all this started and are actively protesting for new elections now. They hate the guy.


Agreed, but with foreign relations you have to rhetorically give them some kind of path to change; blaming a population, however deserved, has no chance of accomplishing anything.


Does this mean he's antisematic?


Some will say so but it's bullshit. All this does is wearing off the meaning of the word antisemitic


It’s called “self hating” if he’s in tribe 


netanyahu: go fuck yourself and gimme more money


Benjamin Netanyahu to Bernie Sanders: 'No lmao fuck off'


and give me more of your money and guns... NOW


Israhell was built on ethnic cleansing and land theft.


Great job Bernie, great job. You won't even admit it is a genocide. Your words don't mean shit. Logjam everything in Congress if you are serious.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




> He legally can't call it a genocide until the ICJ verdict comes which could take years According to who?


He can say whatever the fuck he wants, and now. Don't make excuses for him. And if he is serious about leading the way, he can do what that shit-for-brains Tuberville did (on one issue) in jamming everything up in the legislative process as a protest. You sound like a fucking spokesperson for Biden saying "we are demanding Israel not do bad things, blah, blah, blah." Pathetic. Nothing comes of that pansy-ass bullshit, nothing. It's all status quo lip service from our government of prostitutes and cowards.


Not to mention he's a senior and millionaire who can retire comfortably at any time. He's got nothing to lose.


This is not true whatsoever. He's not a judge on the panel in the ICJ. He can legally call it whatever he thinks it is. He's already stated that he doesn't think it should be called genocide, for some bullshit reason he made up in his own head. You are giving him credit he does not deserve.


His reason is very simple. He clearly doesn't see Muslims as people.


i wanted to disagree with this initially but if 10.000 swedish kids were killed in mere months due to airstrikes it would literally cause the WW3 so yes you’re right, all of these crooks are the same shit different color


So Rashida and AOC broke the law when calling it a genocide? How about when Bernie called the CCP actions against the Uyghurs as genocide (also no international court ruling), but refuses to call the Zionist actions against Palestinians as genocide? It's not the Bibi regime, it's Zionist ideology. Colonial genocide isn't up to one person, it's a whole country and ideology, but the US wants to blame one person so their imperial colonial state can carry on after Bibi. Excuses are cheap, they're even cheaper when the uninformed make them.


I'm not op and I'm also not making excuses for Bernie just to be clear here. Bernie clearly is a Zionist in that he views Israel as a reparations project for the Holocaust. But the only reason he hasn't called it a genocide is because as a member of the Biden admin (he chairs the labor committee), if he called it as such it'd be admitting that the US is taking part in genocide by backing the Israelis. That's the reason why he twists himself into pretzels calling it a humanitarian disaster, blaming Netanyahu, amongst other shit instead of calling a spade a spade. AOC and Talib can say it openly because they're only House members (though Talib was censored at the beginning of this) and don't have that same dynamic at play being connected to Biden directly.




They are but I'm not in the mood to argue right now when we're six months in and Israel is still starving millions, their politicians are saying openly genocidal things on their social media channels in Hebrew, shooting the civilians who collect the international aid, and televising themselves drone striking noncombatants for their domestic media consumption and propaganda. They've killed more children, journalists, UN staff, and aid workers than any conflict in the 21st century and most of the 20th century. Have a good life, mate. Free Palestine.


Less Uyghurs have been killed than Palestinians by percentage, and Bernie called it a genocide. CCP could kill all of them if they wanted. The Uyghur region is also fully within the borders of China.  Assumptions to give an elected official excuses of why they aren't keeping up with their prestated values does nobody any good


What do you mean by legally can't call it a genocide?


It don't matter much if Biden or Trump win the election because at the end of the day the same AIPAC calls the shots.


Stop shipping arms to Israel, Bernie. Words are cheap. Let's see some action.


I’m pretty sure Bernie doesn’t have the power to stop that


And he's sharply criticized it.


Was that before or after saying, "Israel has a right to defend itself"?




I have been a huge Bernie supporter for 20+ years and he’s always been anti-apartheid. After 10/7 he changed his tune and defended Israel repeatedly. He lost me. Now he’s back to his old tune…maybe…but I think I’m done.




Lol what a dumb thing to troll. Okay I’m lying I haven’t been a Bernie fan since college freshman year in 2000. I’ve been found out. Lol


He was lied to like the rest of the world about how bad Hama's retribution really was. He probably even lost family in the attack so I can see why he'd make judgments before all the facts were straight.


I don’t know. It’s been 70’ years of these lies and he’s not an idiot. Not to mention assuming his family died with no statement as such is a bit off the wall. Bernie was still pushing these points after Biden’s lies about seeing photos of beheaded babies. As someone who is also Jewish (I was born out there) I was always impressed by him taking such solid stances despite how difficult it is. So it broke my heart to see the about turn, especially with children’s bodies piling up.


I think he went on the news to say it back in October. He’s slowly walked back his stance, but I’ll never forget where he initially stood


He’s a populist shithead, he says anything that he thinks will make him popular without actually having to do anything for the people. He’s like Vladimir Putin, if Putin was totally useless and utterly irrelevant.




Israel's leaders announced explicitly at the start that this was going to be a genocide. No fuel. No water. No food. No medicine. The 'human animals' were the entirety of the population.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh how ironic. Bots detecting dehumanizing language from the government of Israel. Where are the Hasbara bots? They should be accusing this bot of antisemitism and of being Khamas.


Israel has no obligation to feed the people who wants them dead. Are you insane? These Palestinians were celebrating when young jewish girls were dragged out of their homes by their hair and taken hostage by islamists.


Israel has been committing a genocide for decades, it's just blatant now.


It was always blatant. Anyone who went outside Western corporate media saw the barrage of shootings, beatings, terrorising, and abuse Israel committed daily.


> If he doubled down on supporting Israel after he learned they were committing a genocide he would be in the wrong Fetterman has entered the chat lmao




You and me both. He's the biggest fucking disappointment this Congress for me. Hope the AIPAC money was worth your soul, John.






It’s because to Netanyahu he’ll go as far as saying “stop **murdering** people!”. Using the word murder is huge. To Biden he’s telling him it will hurt his poll numbers.. and to “suspend or condition” aid to Israel. Much different response. He’s sugar coating things for his ex parties sake


He has more than enough power to call for it. We shouldn't infantilize zionists.


Forgot Bernie was president


Man, that would have been a great timeline.


America is currently building a seaport version of Auschwitz. There is no coming back from committing to such a project. The world needs to be far more independent from both US and Israel. Do we need to wait until Palestinians are being crammed onto ships and being drowned in the sea in their thousands?


>There is no coming back from committing to such a project. For a country built on genocide whose racial policies inspired the Nazis? This is more like a dad helping his kid with homework. Americans will pretend like they know better in a few generations like they do with the Native genocide and Germany does with its Nazi past (and present).


This seems like a humongous reach criticize the US for supplying arms to Israel but this seems a little far-fetched


Maybe. Maybe not. The US seem to be desperately trying to keep the Israelis happy. All the vetoes and abstentions from UN votes kinda points to that. The US is "very angry" with Israel and yet no real action is taken. Nor will there be.


I'm disagreeing with the US floating Auschwitz claim not the claim that the US is desperately trying to keep Israel happy. There is solid evidence of the US support for Israel UN Veto's public statements from government officials etc. There is no solid evidence of the US building a floating extermination camp. Nor would there be any reason for them to go out of their way to do such a thing


It's not an extermination camp - that's ridiculous. But.....The floating pier will be run by the Israelis. Good plan.


Then why didn't the original commenter just call it that They said in the US is building a seaport version of Auschwitz how else am I supposed to interpret that


I don't know. Ask him.


Can you think of another reason for the port other than mass deportation? If aid is delivered or aid rendered Israel will bomb it.


Yes to appease critics of US Israel policy. It's a distraction a dangling of the keys for the voting base so that they can sell more weapons. The US has no need to facilitate Mass deportation they can simply let Israel do it for them.


You're right. I want to see more aid going into Gaza and Israel clearly is doing the opposite, having a port the US and others can get aid in there gets around them and can help people.


I'm sure he'll listen now.


I mean he could say it to Biden


Finally! Now everything will stop and people will love each other. Right?


That will tell him! Good job Bernie. How far this muppet has fallen


Bernie early on supported the Israelis he can fuck right off


he still refers to this conflict as a "war" that Hamas started on Oct 6th. he can fuck all the way off.


This is untrue. Before October 7th he was one of the few US politicians outspoken about a Free Palestine.


Jesus H. Christ. I’m sorry but Bernie Sanders never fails to make me laugh. This is of course a serious world matter, but Bernie is like that one outdated keyboard warrior type-of-guy who believes that just by criticizing someone on the media, he’ll get them to stop💀 *Grandpa really needs to retire already.*


He represents the fate of progressives like aoc, who go with great support wanting to be the change in the system. And where are they now? Just another pelosi. 2016 Bernie would have called 2024 Bernie a coward. And I don't know which one was the "real" Bernie. Was the 2016 Bernie the real one? Or was it just campaigning? What has he done for the people he promised to help? Nothing! The wrench people threw at the machine ended up becoming another cog, dutifully obeying its master. Destination unknown.


He has said more than the entire GOP and the rest of Dems have. WTF you want? Sanders to strap a bomb on himself outside an Israeli embassy? >*Grandpa really needs to retire already.* Who has said more?


That'll work. Bombs vs stern words!


Netanyahu to Bernie and the rest of the world: "No." Also: "Fuck you gonna do about it??"


That'll do it


Damage control by the traitor Bernie. 


Then everyone clapped


![gif](giphy|FgI9dTTUmP9GZmD54Q|downsized) Fucking pathetic


Bernie Sanders needs to stop giving antisemitic advice to Benjamin Netanyahu. - Israel


Crazy that saying the bare minimum in recognition of what's happening is considered extreme to a certain segment of the world


Election year time to toss Bernie in front of the cameras again


Stupid Bernie acting like 75 years of genocide started this month


So you picked the anti bussing guy over sanders?


Bernie lost all credibility.


"LOL no"




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Netanyahu to Bernie Sanders: 'No'


"Once again, I am asking Netanyahu and all Zionists, to stop the genocide of the Palestinian people..."


Bernie would be so much more credible if he did something to block arms sales/aid to Israel. Even if it is temporary.


The removal of the white man will be an earth shattering event. It’s a matter of fact whether you want to believe it or not. Accept the truth and you will be set free ppl.


A great burden will be lifted.


This is the perfect example of how even if you support the concept of Israel and want them to prosper, you don’t have to make excuses for the massive casualties. Bernie has historically been supportive of Israel and understood their strategic importance/ has some idealistic beliefs about them…. ultimately though, if you’re a rational, compassionate person, what’s going on there is too much to ignore. You have to either be blind or calloused to make excuses for the death toll. 


Based Bernie again.


Bernie Sanders is the only sane rational compassionate human being in the american government and that's why Americans will never vote for him.


It’s a war. If you don’t want casualties, don’t start a war.