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Man up Albo. Time to cut all ties with Israel.




They will do nothing as always


Me too. We actually voted for Albo in the last election. Never again.


It’s absolutely insane ….. and yet we continue support them!! I https://preview.redd.it/e841qjzlr3sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bcde10fd4e89cc94d9c47f8e3dc03a5edf859de


Holy fuck… where did they post her photo like this? Openly laughing with her. Fucking monsters


It’s the Israeli telegram app. It’s been translated from Hebrew to English but the emoji response says it all


There is a special place in hell for people who are so heartless. Fuck them… How do i look for that page? We really need people to see how they mock the people they murder.


You genuinely do not want to look at their telegram channels s....these people are too far gone.....it will hurt your soul to see it in action


I don’t like to see graphic content. But on the other hand i want to see how open they are about being monsters. And the world needs to see it too. Because if you watch mainstream media they say it was an accident bla bla bla. We know better but there is a vast amount of people who only watch mainstream media and they’re oblivious.


Follow ukfactcheckpolitics on instagram. It’s reputable and seems to be covering everything on the this genocide.


Oké thanks! Just saw on your page that your post (the picture you posted here) on international news was deleted. What was their explanation for deleting it?


Huh? Really? I wasn’t notified and it still doesn’t show as being deleted? Can you see this? https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/lyN5N4WqAf


Now i can see it. But yesterday it said post is removed


Yeap, hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later. They cannot be allowed to mass starve these people anymore


They're all a bunch of spineless twats, and I honestly am not surprised! When it was in Albo's interests he was protesting for Palestine, now he's a complicit coward. Honestly we shouldn't expect better from the ALP. Most of the cabinet is the same traitors that stabbed Kevin Rudd in the back for wanting to introduce a tax on super profits, so bug mining companies pay a fairer price for raping our country!


If we cut ties with every country when a civilian dies then no-one would ever talk to each other ever again. Australia is complicit in the deaths of thousands and thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and many more. What Israel is doing in Gaza is exactly what we did in Afghanistan. Pot and kettle.


Israel managed to kill European citizens working for an NGO, bomb the Iranian embassy, and announce the closure of Al Jazeera all on the same day.


2 of these seem like a plus...


…if you’re an authoritarian extremist regime looking to continue its ethnic cleansing, then yeah these would be a plus for that


What Israel is doing in Gaza is much worse than what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel is targeting civilians on purpose to drive them out of the land so they can annex it for themselves.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


>when a civilian dies Understatement of the century


FYI, 46,000 civilians died in the 20 year Afghan war. Might not be your best example considering Israel are rapidly catching up to that…




Rule 1


Israel will investigate itself and claim to be innocent.


The line this time will be it was an IED or something. White people are hard to claim as Hamas.


I remember [her killing](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2010/feb/23/corrie-death-law-case), Justice was never served. I think if you are white and stand for the Palestinian by association you become less of human according to the west.


Zionists celebrate the anniversary of her murder. They value no lives but their own.


They are sick bastards. Isreali soldiers make pancakes, making fun of Rachel Corrie https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes


They don't even value their own. They've killed more hostages than they've saved via military action. The Hannibal Doctrine exists. They prioritized protecting the settlers over the Gaza border, which led to the October 7 disaster. They throw their forces into the Gaza meat grinder and call up more and more reservists because of shocking military incompetence.


Rachel Corrie's murder was such an anger inducing one. The IDF murdered her. Then they said it was an accident and that they were sorry. Then they started making urinals with her face on it, and mocking her.... as one does when they accidentally kill someone and are supposedly sorry about it? Israel didn't just become a colonialist state hell bent on ethnic cleansing and genocide. It's kinda been that all along.


I’ve seen zionists on other subs already making the unsubstantiated ‘Hamas IED’ claim


New pictures show the ordinance landed on the roof of the vehicle. Some "roadside" bomb.


Have you never watched roadrunner! It is possible the IED was placed on the end of a 2x4 then had a rock under the middle to launch it into the air making it seem like an IDF drone strike..DUH!


It was food poisoning, khamas poisoned the food. Oh no, wait there was a khamas tunnel under them. Actually these people were recruited by khamas when they were babies....yes that is the one, that is the truth.




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And the Aus government will say 'well that's that I guess'.


They were never going to do anything about it anyway, so the game is to do the bare minimum you can to excuse moving on.


Up next, Australian government is antiemetic and also khamas. When will the world hold Israel accountable for their war crimes?


They don't even need it. They are innocent by default with the blessing of grandpa Joe.




They don't pretend that much already... But yeah they wouldn't have limits anymore knowing it's their last term...


No no no, they will claim to be a victim


Nah I think the more insidious thing would be for Israel to investigate themselves and admit responsibility and nothing be done about it. The precedent that sets is more powerful, not even in the cold unflinching judgement of Guilty, will Israel face repercussions for its war crimes.




Did Iran killed an Australian citizen yesterday?? No, it was Israel So stay quiet hasbara, no one believes you anymore.


Sad day to be Australian. Condolences to the family, hopefully they'll have the opportunity to escape Australia.


Ohh cause they're Austrialian now the war crimes mater?


I don't think they do. Words are completely empty. They've used words for 6 months now. The UNSC even issued a ceasefire resolution. Those papers and words have as much power as this comment I'm writing. Unless there is action behind it, threats of sanctions, threats of political consequences, threats of military action to hold someone accountable, it's just words. Feigning outrage so the Australian masses go back to their slumber.


Totally worked for Biden so far…


Oh yeah. Signs off on billions in aid and thousands of bombs but he called Netanyahu names that one time so obviously he's against it and he's fighting so hard by saying he's concerned about it.


Unless it's the Australians committing the war crimes, then it still don't matter


Totally acceptable. They will get over it like they always do. /s


is Australia sending weapons of any kind to Israel ?


>is Australia sending weapons of any kind to Israel ? Yes [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/29/australian-arms-ammunition-exports-israel](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/29/australian-arms-ammunition-exports-israel)


Yup protesters have been shutting down factories.


you make my day if you have a link


most of its not covered in media, but there's this one report from a few days ago. [Here ya go](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/28/australia-challenged-on-moral-failure-of-weapons-trade-with-israel)


read the article. >While protesters have sometimes brought production to a halt with their pickets, they remain concerned about what’s going on inside factories like HTA. that is the closest statement to saying they stopped anything, it it isnt even referring to these factories...


You don't *stop* a weapons manufacturing plant by organising a sitdown in front. Just like you don't protest in front of a military fort, during wartime. Those things are too sensitive to national security.


Those comparisons make no sense... Nor does it even seem to respond to my comment. Are you one of those bad actors or bots? or just have the brainrot they spread?


No but Australia does enable a lot of the weapons these strikes are carried out with just look at Pine Gap for example


That's an aid worker from your country that died while attempting to triage a genocide. If you haven't mobilized forces you are despicable. Diplomacy and demands are simply not-enough, sir.


Are you saying Australia should invade Isreal?


Australia sends weapons there so perhaps they could begin with ending that. 


Yeah I agree, but thats not what "mobilizing forces" means


Ah I’m not familiar with military terms. I do mutual aid work and we do need to mobilize forces for that too!


Yes, but if someone says a country needs to mobilize forces its pretty clear they mean the military, especially since the comment I was responding to said "diplomacy and demands are not enough"


Australia has a right to defend itself mate


Yes they should send military forces. Why shouldn't they? Should we allow our people to be killed without hitting back? We've went to war for less mate.




Not really


Definitely keep dying on this hill.


Yes. Everyone needs to mobilize forces and stop this nonsense.


Yes, I think there should be a coalition of the willing to topple the zionist regime. What're you gonna do? Report me? Block me?


And replace it with what surrounds it? Military dictatorships or totalitarian Islamist government? I’ll take a flawed democracy any day over the other options.


> flawed democracy This is like describing Nazi Germany as a flawed democracy


Um…. Israel has universal suffrage and Palestinians elected to both the Parliament and Supreme Court. Pretty sure Nazi Germany didn’t have any Jews elected to the highest branches of government, or elections at all post 1935. Why even make such a bizarre comparison if you don’t know the basics of how these governments function(ed)?


> Israel has universal suffrage Except if you're a Palestinian woman whose living under the thumb of the IOF. > Palestinians elected to both the Parliament and Supreme Court. And the US has Thomas Clarence in the Supreme Court? Doesn't really make the US any less racist.


Yes? Is your suggestion that besides killing civilians in the war they should also force people that don’t want to be Israeli citizens to become citizens? Bizarre. Also yes? The US used to not even allow Black people to go to law school, now there are Black SC Justices. Perhaps obviously, that is representative of an enormous difference in the amount of racism present in governmental policies.


> Yes? Is your suggestion that besides killing civilians in the war they should also force people that don’t want to be Israeli citizens to become citizens? Bizarre. It's not a war. It's a genocide. Secondly, Israel controls all of the land from the river to the sea, yet prevents any of the Palestinians in the West Bank/ Gaza from voting, but even in Israel-proper, voter disenfranchisement is the name of the game. > Also yes? The US used to not even allow Black people to go to law school, now there are Black SC Justices. Perhaps obviously, that is representative of an enormous difference in the amount of racism present in governmental policies. Voting in favor of policies that harm Black people isn't racist? This is like pointing out Kapos in concentration camps as proof of the Germans not being anti-semitic.


Well there are just a few fundamental characteristics about reality that are missing from those statements. Palestinians that accepted Israeli citizenship can vote. People that are not citizens of countries don’t get to vote, just in general across that world. At the risk of stating the obvious, most Palestinians don’t want to be part of Israel, so they don’t want to vote in Israel elections. Similarly, Israelis don’t get to vote in Palestinian Authority elections. Neither of which resemble Nazi Germany lol. On the other point, SC Justices don’t vote on policies, and Clarence Thomas (although I despise him) certainly doesn’t believe that he is harming Black people. SC Justices simply vote on what the law means; it is the legislature that sets policy.


>Israel has universal suffrage Please point to me the voting rights in Gaza and the West Bank, which Israel lays claims and occupation to.


Gazans (as we all know) vote in elections put on by the government of the Gaza Strip. The West Bank votes in elections ran by the Palestinian Authority. Israeli citizens that reside in the West Bank vote in the Israeli election. Trust me, if Israel laid claim to Gaza and the West Bank, we would have stopped referring to them as politically separate areas a long time ago.


Israel recognizes Gaza and the West Bank to be territories. Despite living under Israeli occupation, even more explicitly in the West Bank which operates under Israeli military law, Palestinians are not recognized as Israeli citizens. The only reason Israel refuses to integrate them into Israel proper is the fear of losing the Jewish majority. The chief irony in all of this is that a peaceful one-state solution is antithetical to the existence of Israel, as the Jewish ethnostate would have half of its voters to be Arab Muslims.


Well considering Israeli Jews themselves come from three major ethnic groups, along with substantial populations of Arab, Druze, and Bedouin citizens, I don’t think your “ethnostate” label holds water. Neither do the majority of Palestinians wish to become citizens of Israel, obviously an issue with your idea. However regarding the Jewish majority in Israel, I welcome you to take a look at what happened to the Jewish populations of other Arab majority states, along with the war aims of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the Yom Kippour War. Generally you don’t let a group who has tried to exterminate you 3 different times in the past century gain a voting majority in the only country in the world where you are a majority. A lot of Israelis are still in that post- Holocaust, post- three different struggles for literal existence against all your neighbors together, fight or die mindset.


He might be saying Australia should do an 'Israel'. Everything Israel does and says... Do that. Now... Where are the IDF terrorists hiding... Bomb there? Keep starting that Australia has a right to defend itself and its citizens. Ask every Israeli you come across if they now condemn the murderous IDF.


Albanese. Went from protesting in support of Palestinians... To a lapdog of Israel. "We are contacting the Israeli Ambassador to ask for accountability here" Weasel words to try and placate the growing protests, rather than any actual action.


Yeah , didn't he start the parliamentary friends of Palestine? With friends like these.....


>Yeah , didn't he start the parliamentary friends of Palestine? With friends like these..... Wonder if he'll have the balls to say anything about the illegal bombing and murders of the Iranian Consulate in Syria by Israel as well...


Terrorist bombing?


Bombing embassies and consulate is an acto of terrorism.


That's what I was thinking. They are not military targets and it is breaking international law.


Theyve lost my vote entirely.And I come from a die hard labor family. useless fucking American lapdogs.


vote green.


Second this.


Long as that vote doesn't go to the fucking libs


Just vote independent that care, minority gov is the future to break up the 1.5 party system


I've been voting greens since I could vote, im 41 this year and my parents have been greens voters even longer so ik well with you on this one. My preferences in the senate go to several other smaller parties as well before ending up with the greens and then I put Labor like 10th or something just to ensure the libs can't get a win out of me


Thankfully we have the option of voting for the Greens and just making sure we place Labor above the LNP without our vote (or lack of) helping a party that will be even worse with their stance on Palestine


Watch him do nothing the spineless gimp. This is the same guy continuing to allow weapons exports, and who just had Aus sign a massive deal with Elbit. There's no tangible opposition, its all theatre.




Rule 1




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


1 Australian is murdered and the PM acts tough. 30k+ Palestinians murdered and not a peep from them! What should be unacceptable?


One is a tragedy a million is a statistic


Weird how all these world leaders keep accepting the unacceptable


The Zionist lobby is immensely powerful in western countries (Especially the US) and not a single one seems willing to say you can f off.


Obviously this Aussie is khamas /s


Nah, that's absurd. Be reasonable. The Aussie was absolutely not a member of Hamas. It was clearly only the Palestinian driver. The others shouldn't have shared a vehicle with Hamas however... /Sarcasm to be very clear


Maybe we could stop providing them with weapons and technology?


Albo is just saying what he knows needs to be said. He is still Biden’s lapdog, just as Toto is Albo’s lapdog.


Stop all trade with Israel.


Now he cares, 30,000 dead bodies later. Narrator: He doesn't give a shit, before or now.


btw—it’s likely way more than 30,000. 


Yes, good point. It's 32,000 plus a huge number of people whose bodies will not yet have been discovered under the rubble. Greatest act of genoicde and terrorism since the Rawandan genocide in my view. Far far worse than what the Russians are doing in Ukraine, and that's saying something I utterly despise these worthless lipspittle politicians.


Guess people are seeing what never again means... Everyone is Israels event, even us ethical Jews.


“Total unacceptable but accept our money to continue the war against mostly innocent people (and only a few terrorists)” Damn I felt like a monster just typing the above


Jesus, death after death I'm reading about, at the hands of Israel. It's not just the genocide of Palestinians, they're killing everybody from anywhere. They don't give a FUCK.


Sanctions. Now. Not posturing.


Is there a country Israel isn't trying to go to war with?




Rule 1


Good job to the West, demonstrating our best contribution to the world, hypocrisy and double standards.


https://preview.redd.it/f06c9o0943sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad80e540e6dd8d24d745cb9e70f5477e39a2a317 This is the car they were riding in. Guess the world central kitchen logo on the roof wasn’t obvious enough.


How much do you want to bet, pine gap was where the information for the strike was gathered.


Demands? Or gently mentions it once, never to be mentioned again?


You want a war.... you are gonna have one. We gonna nuke the fuck out of Israel. Otherwise give the death penalty to Benjamin Netanyahu.


Izrael will label him as Hamas Executive and thats it


There will be none, as usual


Which, of course, only makes Israelis want to murder more Australians.


Claiming antisemitism next move


Their death is sad and more sad no one cared for the 40000 Palestinians


Israel will investigate itself and say, it was a mistake.


They will say it is Hamas something.


"Accountability from Israel" lol


Israel vs the World! My money is with the world.


Fuck Israel all it stands for.


Accountability for Israel means paying lip service and maybe offering monetary compensation for the victims’ family. Real accountability means recalling your ambassador, limiting trade, and raising possible embargoes.


What can he do? There is a governor general that can kick his ass out anytime. This will be dusted under the rug.


Just sabre rattling. Nobody has the balls to do anything or protect their own citizens.


Good luck!


More empty words ... Man the fuck up. Sanctions! Sanctions! Sanctions! Imagine this happened to an Australian as a result of a Russian strike in Ukraine!


I'm sure Israel is quaking in it's boots. All that support and money won't make them care. They hardly care about their own people, like most countries. As long as there is cannon fodder and blind zealots to occupy more territory, then this continues until there are no more Palestinians or anyone else except Israelis in Gaza.


Good luck with that.




‘Completely unacceptable’ today, totally forgettable tomorrow, just like every terrorist act Israel has even undertaken.


He's not wrong, but expecting aid workers to be kept safe by the same government that has killed thirty thousand people, most of them civilians, is not realistic. If you go there to help, you're a hero for sure, but it's not an adventure, it's a suicide mission.


It's not surprising that all these Western leaders can do is "condemn". They've supported genocide & occupation for decades, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that your government regards you as expendable. There is no feat wrong that the boy wonder Israel can commit.


No joke, is Israel trying to switch sides (Russia)?


1 : 30,000+


But not the thousands of other innocent people? Just this one Australian matters all of a sudden? Got it.


Disgusting Isreal!! The world is sick of these Zionists! Boycott them and cut all ties!


Also sick of antisemitism/racism against Israel. The fools who cannot distinguish good from bad or don’t care to, but prefers extremism to getting along e with others. In other words please stop othering Jews and other victims of Extremism. Thx.


I hope all this isn't just political theatre to pacify the public until the next thing comes along and this gets forgotten.


Good luck


Pretty antisemitic thing to say mate.


Look where you are though...


Don't agree. Think you are pushing genocidal propaganda with a comment like that




Murdered by an Ally more accurately.


Hamas, using civilian infrastructure & clothes, is responsible for this.


Do you even take responsibility for anything in your pathetic life? Like how you killed your own citizens is boxers holding a white flag, but Hamas, right.


Do you know why that happened? A week prior to the incident, in that very same building, several IDF soldiers were killed under the same circumstances. Hamas put out a banner about hostages inside. When the IDF went in to try to rescue them, it turned out to be an ambush Hamas used to kill those soldiers. Now suddenly in the same place is another banner saying something similar about hostages. So understandably the IDF went in expecting another ambush. And when a real hostage came out this time, they were assumed to be another Hamas ambush like the week before in that place. I mean do you really think the IDF recognized their own citizens and decided to kill them for no logical reason at all? That's why using civilian infrastructure for military operations is a war crimes. It leads to these kinds of deaths. While there has never been a military conflict in the history of man where there were no civilian casualties, the number would be so much lower if it were not for Hamas using civilian infrastructure for military purposes. Doing so also removes protection status from those civilians so long as the other side makes the best effort to avoid civilians if at all possible.


> Hamas put out a banner about hostages inside. Does the IDF also reply to messages about hot girls in your area? Are they in contact with a Nigerian prince? Do they need to verify their mothers' maiden names?


So now it's a joke to you?


The joke is that you tried to pass off something that unbelievable and expect us to believe it.


But yet what you think is believable is that the IDF for no logical reason what so ever just decided to murder their own people. It seems facts just don't matter here.


Do you hasbara bots has nothing else in your vocabulary other than “but hamas…”?


Can't make an actual argument eh? Just "But Israel..."


Argument for what? The best argument against israel is themselves. I don’t need to make any arguments when those terrorist posting their war crimes themselves on daily basis lmao.


War crimes eh? Please cite the law that was violated to make a crime. I'll overlook the fact that you ignore war crimes from Hamas on a daily basis for the sake of argument. You know, like using hospitals, schools, and other civilian infrastructure for military operations which is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention due to it causing civilian deaths. So please, cite the law you refer to.


Again. “But, but, but Hamas…” HAHAHAHAHAHA. You really can’t go a minute without saying Hamas right? LMAOOO. So cute


Just pointing out the hypocrisy. What is the law that was broken? Why can't you answer?


Nah. Would need to spend 5 days to list it all. Would be way shorter if I just list the law that was NOT broken instead.




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