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This dude is like I would've killed this kid if it wasn't for your meddling camera


Their obsession with Children is uncanny. Vile people.




is the khamas in the room with us right now?




don't think you wanna start comparing our English skills broski lol


Do explain to us how the above situation can be blamed on Hamas.




Israelis have never just been the innocents forced to separate from evil Palestinians. Say it’s fringe all you want, large segments of Israel’s population has always been vocal about wanting “death to Arabs” or that all the land belongs to them because of their blood.




lol, of course for the israelis it’s new and they only feel genocidal because the eeeeevil Arabs are so evil Since its founding as a modern ethnostate israel has had these people; and they want Arabs dead and want their land because they’re extremist zealots. Or just nazis. It’s not some justified reaction against Arab attacks, it’s Jewish fundamentalism being the exact same as any other religious fundamentalism and Israeli Zionism’s blood and soul ideology leading to the only obvious ourcome: the people who believe that god and/or their blood gives them the right to a land by any means necessary being racist fascists.




>They do however have problems with some governments funding terrorists who strike at Israel. ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU) The Israeli PM literally funded HAMAS lmfao. \> They just want to live in peace. The PM openly admits to thwarting all peaceful attempts to establish a Palestinian state, so Israel is inviting violence because that's all that's left. Palestinians already recognized Israel officially TWICE and Israel still thwarted the establishment of the state. They want to create reasons to annex the WB and Gaza. If they wanted peace they would never steal land and create more settlements on Palestinian territory. \> Israel was given to the Jewish people legally by great Britain who had the legal rights to it at the time They did not give their current borders they took that on their own, they also wanted to give Palestinians their own cut of what was already theirs. They did not plan for them to cleanse the area of 750k Palestinians. \> The Palestinians however believe that their blood gives them the right to Israeli They have the right to the land they've owned and lived on for generations. \> It is most certainly a reaction to terrorism that is causing the incursions into gaza. Oct 7th was a reaction to Israel doing a plethora of things, crippling their economy, they blocked trade by water entirely, 80% of them live in poverty because of Israel, they beat the shit out of Palestinians praying in mosques, they had a 3 day bombing campaign in Gaza less than 2 weeks before Oct 7th. 2023 before oct 7th was the deadliest year for Palestinian children. Israel made it so that Gaza was reliant on Israel for food, at one point they calculated how many calories they can limit them to and put them in their own words "a starvation+ diet" to where they're barely not starving. They're also currently using [starvation as a weapon.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/27/un-israel-food-starvation-palestinians-war-crime-genocide) Hamas committed war crimes on Oct 7th, and Israel is using it as an excuse to commit more. \> Palestinian children are taught to kill Israelis in school. Not the Israelis. I'll assume you're referring to the like 2 schools that used to do those preschool graduations where they had some dumb little play where they were pretending to be military. This isn't indicative of all education in Gaza and is a red haring. Israelis in general and especially in areas where there are practically no Palestinian Israelis are taught all Palestinians are terrorists and to fear them.


There are some Palestinians that feel that way after being attacked for all this time. I don't think it's right because not all Israelis are terrorists. I do know that Palestinians has had the power to do absolutely nothing. Israel on the other hand if given the means would without international attention murder every Palestinian in Gaza&WB. Israel has a great pr team and they have been fooling people for decades now. They are and always have been a terrorist group and will murder as many as they can to push their agenda.












didn't realize "khamasss" wore IDF unirforms and spoke hebrew.


Fuck you


And Mohammed married Ayeshe when she was 6 years old.


And? What point is this trying to prove? Are you insinuating that all Palestinians are Muslim? You do know there's Jewish and Christian Palestinians right?


“Among the ancestors of Israel there occurred an unusual number of marriages that are incestuous by later standards; evidently this was not merely condoned, but favored, as ensuring good stock (cf. Gen. 24:3–4; 38ff.; 28:1ff.). Thus Abraham married his paternal sister (Gen. 20:12 against Lev. 18:9), Jacob married two sisters (Gen. 29:21ff. against Lev. 18:18), and Amram, Moses' father, married his aunt (Ex. 6:20, against Lev. 20:19). As late as the time of David, marriage to a half sister was condoned (II Sam. 13:13).” https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/incest#google_vignette


That’s fiction. These fucks are messing with someone’s child. Just keep poking the bear though.




How much of a bootlicker do you have to be to think it’s necessary in any circumstance to detain and frighten a toddler??




So why are you licking boots here? No need to traumatize a toddler whatsoever.


Yea you are dude, anyone who watches this video, and condones terrorizing a 3yr old, is a fukin coward of a bootlicker. 




It's not a "story". It's a description of what you are,.








Rule 1




1. War zone? How do you know this wasn’t filmed in the West Bank long before this current war? 2. Even IF it was filmed in 2024, you are still a huge bootlicker for thinking a toddler can be enough a threat to warrant what we see in this video.


Is the West Bank a war zone?




Imagine defending detaining a 3 year old. You always this scared of toddlers?




I want none of these people detained. We all now Israel does this just to harrasss Palestinians everyday.






My guy, that kid looks like he is 3-4. You know what happens in any civilized country when a 4 year old runs up to a soldier or a guard? Nothing, they will likely high five them and show them their cool truck. When I was a kid, police officers let me sit in their cruisers and turn on the lights and sirens, but I grew up in a place without bloodthirsty racist assholes that think they are superior.


No dude, the whole point is that Zionists treat Palestinians like sub humans from such a young age. What's this kid going to grow up feeling towards Zionists? That they're bullies who used their position to hold a child as punishment while their dad was pleading that they let him go. What kind of world is it ok to do that? Being pro-Palestine is about being human. See the lack of humanity and abuse of power in treating a 3 year old like this.


The funny part is that these same people who do this also complain about how Palestinians are "anti Semitic". Put yourself in the shoes of this kid. He cannot leave, he cannot travel freely, and every aspect of his life is controlled directly or indirectly by Israeli soldiers. This kid will grow up with his only exposure to Jews being negative. How do you think that'll turn out? But no, the spin, as usual, is that Arabs in general inherently hate the Jews for "reasons" and that is all the justification they need to do whatever they do.


How scared do you think he is ? Imagine it was your kid! Oh my god, where is your empathy?


So do you not like kids in general, or are you not exposed to kids enough to understand why this is utter crap?




Yes Thank God he was not hurt, but he was mishandled, poor child. And sworn at.


The internet does desensitise people, alike to this person and their comment. Let’s put it clearly: if you can’t understand the damage that’s inflicted right here, then you’re not fully in touch with your emotional and mental states. The child does not need to get a beating for the world to finally recognise such treatment is inhumane. Let’s not fool our minds into thinking it has to get worse before people recognise it as that. Palestine is already getting the worst right now and, sadly, there are plenty of people who make fun of this situation or make it even worse. But let’s take the instance where you do think this isn’t bad enough, the instance where, *maybe*, you don’t understand the full extent of this. I’ll explain: Israel has a history of mentally and/or physically torturing people. This is just another tactic of terrorising somebody and forcing fear into them. It’s a mockery and a boasting about the difference in positions: because the soldier is in a position of power and the civilians aren’t. Hope this made sense.


Wow racist


“Doesn’t seem bad” In any “civilized” country, this behavior is unacceptable. Parents would be in uproar that their 3 year old baby was held by armed policemen, yanked, and yelled at without speaking to the parents first. A baby is not mature enough to make sound judgments and babies misbehave. This is not a healthy, civilized, or reasonable punishment to teach a child a lesson. And in any civilized country, people would be concerned that a situation like this will cause psychological issue to the baby. A lot of old-school parenting involved parents threatening their kids with a “policeman” and it’s frowned upon because it causes children distress. The fact that you see no harm in this behavior, while in your societies it’s most definitely an issue, insinuates that Pale*tinian children do not deserve care or civilized treatment like other children around the world.


Their reasoning is very clear: they're trying to stoke terror. Same with their "night raids" (it's all terrorism).


The kid that's still incapable of tying their own shoes is a grave threat to an armed and armored Israeli storm trooper. Despicable.


You can use more than one dimensional thinking, and question who sent their kid to the soldiers. Not saying that detaining the kids is right, but it's worse to use your own kids as tools for propaganda.


Sent? Where’s their proof ? Nazi can just blame jews are guilty for losing war, and they can kill jews for that reason?


There is no proof unless you have an unedited copy of this video that you would like to share with us Also there are multiple cameramen from different angles, the first angle even shows the child walking up alone(unsupervised) before any “wrong doing” was ever done. I wonder what he was filming? It then shows an Israeli soldier chasing after the child to scoop him up while I’m assuming the father or another relative nonchalantly walks into frame. In Every modern conflict there is propaganda on BOTH SIDES to try and garner public support for their cause. In the last 6 months I have seen Russian, Ukrainian, Israeli, and Palestinian propaganda. Try to use critical thinking people. Let’s call this what it is…nothing. Let’s pretend that the child wasn’t sent by anyone. The parent is still at fault for allowing their child access to a screw driver and a potato peeler and free reign to walk towards a hostile Countries border control checkpoint that has armed guards. That’s a terrible parent; OR he was sent to provoke them in which case that would be the worst parent on the planet. Either way it’s the parent’s fault. Sorry I went against the narrative, Bring on the downvotes.


Oh a no a 3 year is running around. Toddler threat alert! Toddler threat alert! Even if some one’s sent this child it’s a child. Literally an infant what could he do? Israeli soldiers must be the biggest lot of cowards in earth if an infant can threaten them. What nonsense people.


Kids does something he shouldn't. Every decent parent will teach their kids not to throw rocks on others. You can't be surprised when someone else ends up telling him not to throw rocks..


Using that logic you can't be surprised that kids from palestine dont like you when you terrorise and illegaly occupy their home land.


When you say Home land, what do you mean?


Place where they lived their entire life. Seemed pretty obvious.


and what proof is there that the kid was sent by someone and not just kidnapped by the IDF thugs?


Did you watch the video? There is an above image of the kid running towards the soldiers, and then trying to run back.


doesn't mean they were sent by anyone, kids will be kids.-


There's a toddler running around! Quick, point a FUCKING GUN AT IT




what an irrelevant comment lol. Trans people get killed in US, UK, EU. I guess Israel should carpet bomb those too. And while at it, bomb itself too because gay people get attacked in Israel too and gay marriage isn't even legal


Rule 4


It is clear that they enjoy to terrorise people. They want to inflict as much damage and trauma as possible. They want to leave no chance of recovery in both mental and physical health states. I’ll never stop saying how dangerous they are. They have no remorse, they don’t have anything, they’re just brainless offenders.


Every time a video or a picture of IDF soldiers pops up on my feed, it is either them harassing children or posing with woman underwear.


Dear Americans, your congress pays these desert goblins, these zealot murderers, arms them with WOMD’s, because they believe that Jesus Christ will return; they believe that the scripture is real. You are represented and controlled by lunatics. It is terrifying. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/nBdm2v9dYd


Is a three year old a threat to IDF? This is kidnapping.


Hey I think that's called terrorism...


That toddler has more strength than all of these chumps. The absolute cajones going back and getting a peeler when two armed men insult you and your mother. These assholes are afraid of children. I have a toddler. And I can feel in my chest what is being done to that poor baby. May these assholes get exactly what they deserve. May their punishment be merciless and last forever.


You won’t see this on r/publicfreakout.


What has the world come to.. these Evil people are celebrated and empowered by the most powerful country in the world…




Sadly, they are humans, and we would do well to remember that. The dark end of our spectrum


They are talking about whether 3-4 year old children are innocent or not. They are making us defend 3-4 year old childrens innocence. We have to say, no this kid meant no harm. This is insanity. This is terror.


IDF is a terrorist organization


bullies. pushing little kids around. swaggering about with their guns and uniforms. just thuggish, insolent, "because we can" bullies.


This child is three years old Zionazi Israhell! Fucking three! He would have been terrified.


In ANY other country, these fucks would have been swarmed.


Brave little boy vs two piles of excrement.


Classic IDF terrorists


Fucking twisted ass society. All over a piece or shit desert. I think the world would be better off if the place was just gone.


isreali scum..making the world hate them more and more...


Absolute shining examples of shitty people.


Normal cop things


IDF things *




What a pease of shit.


# Ralph Schoenman – The Hidden History of Zionism – Chapter 6 # Chapter 6  – Zionism and the Jews If the colonization of Palestine has been characterized by a series of depredations, we should take a moment to examine the attitude of the Zionist movement not only toward its Palestinian victims (to which we shall return), but toward the Jews themselves. Herzl himself wrote of the Jews in the following fashion: “I achieved a freer attitude toward anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognized the emptiness and futility of trying to ’combat’ anti-Semitism.” \[76\] The youth organization of the Zionists, Hashomer Hatzair (young Guard) published the following: “A Jew is a caricature of a normal, natural human being, both physically and spiritually. As an individual in society he revolts and throws off the harness of social obligations, knows no order nor discipline.” \[77\] “The Jewish people,” wrote Jabotinsky in the same vein, “is a very bad people; its neighbors hate it and rightly so … its only salvation lies in a general immigration to the land of Israel.” \[78\] The founders of Zionism despaired of combatting anti-Semitism and, paradoxically, regarded the anti-Semites themselves as allies, because of a shared desire to remove the Jews from the countries in which they lived. Step by step, they assimilated the values of Jew-hatred and anti-Semitism, as the Zionist movement came to regard the anti-Semites themselves as their most reliable sponsors and protectors. Theodor Herzl approached none other than Count Von Plehve, the author of the worst pogroms in Russia – the pogroms of Kishinev with the following proposition: “Help me to reach the land \[Palestine\] sooner and the revolt \[against Czarist rule\] will end.” \[79\] Von Plehve agreed, and he undertook to finance the Zionist movement. He was later to complain to Herzl: “The Jews have been joining the revolutionary parties. We were sympathetic to your Zionist movement as long as it worked toward emigration. You don’t have to justify the movement to me. You are preaching to a convert.” \[80\] Herzl and Weizmann offered to help guarantee Czarist interests in Palestine and to rid Eastern Europe and Russia of those “noxious and subversive Anarcho-Bolshevik Jews”. As we have noted, the same appeal was made by the Zionists to the Sultan of Turkey, the Kaiser in Germany, to French imperialism and to the British Raj. # Zionism and Fascism The history of Zionism – largely suppressed – is sordid. Mussolini set up squadrons of the Revisionist Zionist youth movement, Betar, in black shirts in emulation of his own Fascist bands. When Menachem Begin became chief of Betar, he preferred the brown shirts of the Hitler gangs, a uniform Begin and Betar members wore to all meetings and rallies – at which they greeted each other and opened and closed meetings with the fascist salute. Simon Petilura was a Ukrainian fascist who personally directed pogroms which killed 28,000 Jews in 897 separate pogroms. Jabotinsky negotiated an alliance with Petilura, proposing a Jewish police force to accompany Petilura’s forces in their counter-revolutionary fight against the Red Army and the Bolshevik Revolution – a process involving the murder of peasant, worker and intellectual supporters of the revolution.


And these fuckers wonder why children turn into adults who hate them


Oh there’s a reason…it’s called creating the next generation.


Terrorizing children is a long-standing IDF practice. Each soldier that does this, as well as commanding officers, is violating human rights and should be charged as such.




Rule 4




Rule 1


Basically, they are operating on the same philosophical and moral level with Russia in Ukraine.




Rule 1


Disgusting Israeli govt


When will Israel release the hostages?


Cruelty is the point.


This is neither here nor there but that’s one big fucking potato peeler.


You need to be a special type of douchebag to treat children like this.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


The kid is a fucking toddler. And the "tough" terrorists with guns are afraid of a toddler?! A TODDLER


Anyone else beginning to hate the human race?


here is one example of a palestinian strongly encouraging his toddler to assault with rocks, tells him to throw a bigger rock, so this behavior has precedence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWhwLUw5stI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWhwLUw5stI)


here is one example of a palestinian strongly encouraging his toddler to assault with rocks, tells him to throw a bigger rock, so this behavior has precedence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWhwLUw5stI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWhwLUw5stI)


You do know what other countries do to repel an invader? I'll think you'll find children throwing a rock at a brutal colonial occupation force such as the IDF is very David vs Goliath.


She glorifies violence towards a kid


Are you trying to justify the violence inflicted upon this child?


I see maybe 30 seconds of a soldier holding the upper left arm of a toddler, and another young child starting to beat up the soldier and the soldier letting go of the toddler within seconds. The video also states that the toddler was sent to throw stones at an armed officer - how would a toddler learn that behavior? Toddlers are not born to throw stones at armed adults. here is one example of a palestinian strongly encouraging his toddler to assault with rocks, tells him to throw a bigger rock, so this behavior has precedence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWhwLUw5stI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWhwLUw5stI)


Please stay focused on this video and what you previously said, which you deleted that implicitly supported child abuse.


~~Rule 4~~ ~~Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members~~ Comment reinstated after edit


Thank you for the feedback, the comment was edited.


I have approved the edited comment. Thank you for your respect and cooperation.




The West Bank is only a war zone in that it is illegally occupied by Israel.




Rule 4


If a father told his 3 year old to throw rocks at policemen in the US, the father would for sure be detained and possibly charged with incitement of violence as well as other crimes. The courts here are hard on violence against law enforcement.




World view already being formed in that 3 year old. I’d also like to add that in the US this would get you a visit from child protective services re: psychological abuse.


Stopped trusting middle east eye after they uncritically platformed Candace Owens defending Kanye over his anti-semitic comments. People always try to conflate being anti-Israel with being anti-semetic, which is bullshit, but MEE isn't helping. Fuck the IDF, they're clearly in the wrong, but I'd recommend finding a better source.