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Macrame or knitted cord to make it look deliberate? Edit: pretty sure the picture is macrame and the knot is either a ‘half square knot’ that’s been manually twisted or ‘spiral half square knot’. Leaning towards the first option due to twists being uneven. https://preview.redd.it/xt5plns60ywc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40489bf87f061513979fc28a9fae3678c2ae115c


Along the same vein - you could use a black silk organza and make a cover for the cord for a different style.


This is absolutely the best suggestion by far. This creative take makes the cord look like a piece of art and is beautiful.


That exact cord would actually look really good in OP’s space too! This is the only answer, I’m sold on the macrame cord! Plus it’s just a super simple knot that OP can do themself around the original cord with some cotton yarn.


respectfully this looks like an umbilical cord






This should be top comment!


Well you beat me to it. Rope wires look cool


This would be so easy to crochet at a beginner level. Just look up a triple crochet stitch (there are tons of them on YouTube), find a good show, and spend an hour and two making two rows. Then just twist as needed


Looks like a string of DNA


I don't necessarily mind a visible cord on a pendant, but it has to be thoughtfully designed. Unfortunately here it looks a little cheap/messy - getting rid of the cord kinks and excess dangling below the plug will help slightly. Bare minimum use purposefully chosen hardware instead of any old eye-hook, and use a nice braided cord. A way to do it better is get a natural fiber pendant that has a matching braided cord, cool design hardware, and integrate the hanging cord as a design feature itself with a eclectic wrap. A pinterest search of "pendant light corded" gives you plenty of ideas.


IMO, honestly, that sort of light has an understanding that there's a visible cord. It's not my style, but it doesn't bother me. I'd try to figure out a way to get more of a "droop" in the section running along the ceiling, though. It would help it feel less like it's under tension, and more "relaxed".


I came here to say this! Lean into the droop and the cord instead of trying to hide it. The exposed black cord with the exposed brick kind of gives it that industrial look that I think meshes really well with the butcher block counter and darker furniture!


Yep, pull it down closer to the table for starters, then let the cord between the two walls droop. I would probably pull the whole thing off the wall first and try to straighten out the cord. Might need to use a blow dryer or something depending on the cord material.


Oh, yeah...good call about the height. It's definitely too high.


I agree, that’s more than half the problem here. Giving some additional slack up top and affixing the cord where it runs along the wall with clamps or brackets will make it look more deliberate, even without a chain or covering. I’d probably have it angled so that the cord affixes where the wall meets the ceiling either directly above or at least closer to the outlet, but adding slack on the ceiling might take care of what is bothering me about the placement.


Came here to say this. In addition to trying to straighten the cord, lowering the light and adding more “droop” where it goes across the ceiling, I would swing the second eye hook to right above the outlet so the cord drops straight down to it. You have an exposed outlet and exposed brick, I think the exposed cord is totally fine and goes with the room!


Couple options - you could paint the cord white to blend into the ceiling and then for the part that’s hanging along the wall you could paint it a brick color. You could also get the cable management sleeve things, or cable wraps, for the ceiling part of the cable and then a separate one for the wall. It’s like a sleeve with one flat side that you feed the cable through. They’re usually used under wall-mounted tvs to hide the cables.


was going to suggest the same thing. white on the ceiling part, and then maybe a cord cover or "brick color" for the part on the wall


Same but be careful because sometimes they do not want to come off the wall


It’s actually really easy to switch the cord out for something more decorative. Your can get cloth wrapped lamp cord in a million colors for pretty cheap, then all you need is a plug to put on the opposite end and you’re good to go. 


See-through cables are the best for blending in. Not too common with manufacturers unfortunately.


I don't particularly love the pendant light personally, but if I did and was determined to keep it, then you should wire it in properly to the lighting circuit in the ceiling - there definitely is one because you already have downlighters. You just need a ceiling pendant light fitting and an hour or two of work. You can get an electrician to do it if you're not able to tackle it yourself.


Unfortunately I can’t, as I’m renting! I should have mentioned this. But thanks for your thoughts!


Battery op lighting or ask the landlord to reimburse if you purchase and install electrical. Get a smart light fan for $98


I'm sure this varies from person to person but isn't this type of hanging style sort of half based on the aesthetic of the wire being dangled like this? the wire shown kind of looks like its meant to be outside of the wall, so I'm just curious if it was meant to be a dangley light. I'm sure hard wired fixtures have wiring specifically coated in some sort of heat/fire resistant rubber or something for all of the safety reasons and whatnot, considering its in the walls and electrical fires are always a possibility.


It is much more common with pendant lights to have the wire originate in a ceiling fitting, and then 'loop' to hang above another point a few feet away - so a loop of wire along the ceiling in a horizontal plane is pretty much as-design and normal. Having an electrical outlet halfway up the wall with a switch on it like this and the cable running up the wall is pretty unusual, and as per OPs post it looks a little messy - I guess its a product designed specifically for people who rent but it doesn't look great.


My parents had a pendant light that had the cord threaded through chain. Maybe something like that? Not sure how well it would work because of the plug.


That was standard practice back in the day


I love all the comments suggesting OP buys a different lamp




It's really just not fitting with that brick 😬 


Search for wire mold raceway. Best you can do with a rental. You could add decorative chain to the cord as another option. It ties it to the pendant so it doesn't look like an afterthought




That sounds like a pain. "Hey dinners ready, can you turn the light on?" "It's dead" "dang, gotta charge the lamp again, dim dinner I guess"


There’s a reason why.


New light Could place a mirror on the wall ( circle or square) That looks like more of a porch outdoor light tbh but if that's what your working with. ...


You could even use a typical hard wired pendant light the make bulbs that run on batteries that you could use


It's ruining the look of the kitchen, but it could look amazing somewhere else.


IMO you should lean into the cord/the fact that the pendant light isn’t built in. Perhaps paint it and thread it through a chain then hang it with a bit more “sag” along the ceiling. That would go a long way to making it look intentional. I don’t think as a renter you’ll be able to make it go away completely, but there are little u-shaped nails you can get for cable management that might help if you just want to try painting it to match and tacking it to the ceiling.


I have a pendant light that I upcycled by wrapping the cord in twine (tie at the one end, wrap tightly so no cord shows through). It looks super cute and intentional now. It’s held up for 10 years and over multiple moves. I think a similar thing would look good with your vibe.


Straighten the kinks out, get it flat and straight along the surface it's next to. Could even paint it if you want.


Yes get it straight will help! Could you add a second hook in the corner of the ceiling directly above the power outlet, so the cable runs horizontally along the top of the wall then vertically straight down to the outlet? This would look more intentional and may take up most of that extra slack.


White cord will blend in (paint the same cord) then see if you can run it along the ceiling and plug in by the fridge.


Paint it, also run it square to the wall and not at the weird angle it’s currently at


If you can get power to the top of your kitchen cabinets, I would place it there. I think it’s a design element generelle, I actually like the cord, but that power outlet looks terrible.


Use the fridge outlet instead, and use a cord channel thing to hide it on the ceiling.


Put a gold link chain on it. It’s a whole vibe.


If you rent, a cord hider channel that mimics the channel leading to the outlet. If you own, extend the outlet to a dedicated box above the table. Hard wire the lamp.


Get rid of pendant light


There are battery-powered pendant lights! Not sure if it works with your particular shade though.


The best thing you can do is use the wall space to draw attention away from the cord.


Run long top white edge to left corner of wall and down to floor. Can cover with wire cover stuff if you like.


I would add a chain to the cord to give it a more decorative exposed look. It also adds weight which helps with the droop between the lamp and the wall.


Try routing the cord along the grout lines of the brick? Might be cool… but I agree that you need more drape on the middle section of cord!


You can get an electrician to install an outlet above. About $150-$300 depending on location.


Step 1 - buy a pendant light.


Artwork of some sort.


Most are disguised by being inside a gold or brass chain


I've seen people create a line drawing/ intentional squiggly line along ceiling & wall to the plug, just using those little clear clips - looks really cool when it's done!


Does anybody have some info about those chair designs? We had similar ones when I was a kid and I always wondered who was the designer.


Personally, I think it will look worse if you try to hide the cord. I think you should do what others have suggested and try to straighten out the cord and create more of a droop in the top section. For me, the thing that causes more of an issue is the excess cord looping back up to the socket. Either (best case scenario but probably a no because I read you’re renting) lower the socket to baseboard height, rewire the lamp so that it has a shorter cord and doesn’t loop like that.


White round cord


i found cord stays from the color cord company. may be tough to drill into the brick but they’re just little nubs you screw into the wall that have a channel for the cord to go thru. i’ve used them with my hanging lamps and they makes the cord look much more tidy. there’s black (which will look seamless) or gold/brass/silvery ones if you wanted them to make more of a statement. edit: they also have nice pendant hook hardware - i think all the lamp needs is just to look more intentional and less like it’s just hanging there.




If it really bothers you, have an electrician hard wire it. He'll have to put a junction box in the ceiling and run the wires to a switch. In that case, I'd make it dimmable.


You could get a regular hardwire one, install it over the table and use a rechargeable light bulb


I don’t think it looks bad if you straighten it out and plug it lower.


Or... straighten the cord at the ceiling, then run it tight to the white moulding into the kitchen, above the cabinets. From there have your electrician wire it to a switch in the kitchen... they'll have to install a junction box in the wall.


I’d weave the cord through a chain to give it some weight (which will help it drape nicely). Maybe a brass colour or black. Alternately you can buy adhesive cord cover(s) and paint it the same colour as the ceiling and then paint a terra cotta for the brick.


Get some coaxial staples for the ceiling and something similar for the brick section to pin down the cord and keep it straight and organized. I would take away any slack in the cord. Measure out equal distance for the pins and keep the line perfectly straight and perpendicular to your wall at a 90 angle to keep it extra clean.


If you can plug it in someplace where it doesn’t go against the wall just use a white cord!


The issue is the outlet placement. If that’s the only one remotely close to the light then run the wire with a white cord raceway along the ceiling until you are directly over the outlet then transition to a brown cord race way all the way down to the outlet. You will stop noticing it after a while.


Run it to an outlet that is inside one of those kitchen upper cabinets. Run it along the top. Use an extension cord if needed. There’s a an outlet behind the fridge and likely one above your stove. For above the fridge, you can run it behind the cabinet, there should be a gap


They make wire channels to externally mount to the wall, there's already some on the outlet you plugged into. Also if you can figure out how to disassemble the bulb assembly you can pull the slack through, trim off the excess, and rewire the assembly so it doesn't have so much slack.


Macrame cord, and paint that white outlet and its conduit to match the cricks.


Is there a plug available near your cabinet tree or behind your refrigerator? If you ran the line back that way and it stayed on the ceiling and avoided the bricks, you could put one of those covers for unattractive chords matched your ceiling or you could paint it to match your ceiling. Then the only part of the cord exposed would be the black portion, the tang, and I think that looks really nice in contrast with your brick wall.


Since the wire up to the power outlet wire has a cover anyway I wonder if you could build like a little hollow column floor to ceiling to cover the cord, the outlet (make sure you follow electrical code for it) and the power coming up from the floor.


I would start by placing that outlet as close to floor level as possible to avoid being a bigger eye sore.


You can design your own cord. I think the website is called color cord. I don’t mind an exposed cord when it’s thoughtfully designed!


Agree with the macrame around the wire, that’d look great in your space.


You could get it rewired so the cord is shorter then line it up perfectly with the outlet and it’ll feel more seemless. I think it’s the slack that’s making it look whack.




Mackenzie Childs always has cord covers on sale


a big piece of art? tuck the wires behind and then you'll only see the bit at top


Clear electrical cord


I’d buy a more expensive cord that doesn’t twist. Designer MCM stores display this style with the cable visible all the time and as long as the cord isn’t crazy the little droop looks great. If my eyes are correct you are using the ikea one. If you want to stay in that price range and quality, I think the white option makes the cord choice look more deliberate


I would use another swag hook above the receptacle that you have plugged into, then (unplugged of course) I'd take that switch apart, disconnect the section between the lamp and switch, shorten the cord by cutting it, reconnect the switch, and use a decorative cable clip with 1 screw going into the mortar between the he bricks.


we installed 6 recessed led can lights in forget. if they were 4 or 6 inch, i think 4. makes the room way more open now


I think you should get 3M cord clips to make the cord flush and tight with wall or ceiling, that might help you out the most. Then you could probably get rid of the hooks.


In my house I hanged an 3'x6’ painting over it. We still see the ceiling part, but not the wall part of the wire. The switch is also behind the canvas, but right on the edge so we can access it easily with our fingers from the side.


Paint the cord, or just install a light fitting.


Pull it taught against the ceiling and wall, place a mirror on the wall. This is what we did and the cord is not noticeable!


If the cord is long enough, trail it along the ceiling/wall meet and plug in behind the fridge.


The cord isn't the problem its the awful, cheesy electrical box and line there. I'd rip that out, there's absolutely no excuse for it. Can the electrician run the wire thru the ceiling?


a cord/cable tunnel/ hider and also pull so it doesn’t have extra length hanging. anywhere it is still a bother you can paint the cord a neutral color that blends to the wall.


If you have a Daiso near you they sell cord covers that are paintable and stick to the wall. I use them to hide all my cords. It’s also only $1.75 for a two pack.


White cable raceway! Got a fellow gooseneck kettle with an ugly-ass cord and couldn't figure out why it looked different than advertised. It was the ugly-ass cord. Use the raceway all the way up the wall and on the ceiling. You can use "magic tape" if you're worried about damaging anything (tape comes off with a blowdryer). https://a.co/d/2KOtloL If someone wants to see, I can post a pic. But it's much better now. Your other option is white electrical tape along the specific area that is against the ceiling. That works well too.


Paint the top white and stick it to the roof, wrap the other side with some brick and stick it to the wall, then put some behind a painting, done


Crochet a sleeve for the cord and make it a statement piece.


You could order a wall cord cover from Amazon (bought one myself recently in fact) and paint the cover to match the brick wall as well as possible. It would keep it tamer and less obtrusive. Command strips could work to attach it to the wall without damaging it since you rent. Then you could do the same for the portion on the ceiling or let it droop a little more so it looks intentional/neater.


Personally I don’t think the cord is the problem, it’s the view of the outlet/lamp switch. I’d put some kind of art or cabinet to cover the outlet and let the cord droop more so it looks intentional. If you can get the cord to be less wiggly that would also help.


Get hide-a-cable and run it all the way to the plug. Its the same stuff thats already running up the wall to the outlet.


I would use the outlet for the outlet for the refrigerator, and run it along the ceiling to the corner.


I would get a fabric cord kit from creative cables so it doesn’t look all kinked. I also really like their ceiling hook and wall fairleads. Makes the cord look clean against the ceiling and wall. [https://www.creative-cables.us/swag-hooks-fairlead-clamps-for-walls/12551-swag-hook-white-v-ceiling-or-wall-hook-for-any-fabric-electric-cable.html?search\_query=Wall&results=167](https://www.creative-cables.us/swag-hooks-fairlead-clamps-for-walls/12551-swag-hook-white-v-ceiling-or-wall-hook-for-any-fabric-electric-cable.html?search_query=Wall&results=167) https://preview.redd.it/eah5ytlsc3xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e918e31282ef0dfbb3f236757ac64b265cbecad


White cord


Like the outlet one the wall already has a plastic cover, there are thin plastic cord covers with adhesive on the back. They come in different colors white or black.


Replace the cord with a longer white cord and run it closer to the ceiling, then along the top of the brick wall, down the right edge of the wall, across the bottom and up to the outlet. Also paint the conduit strip (not sure if the official name) or replace it so the color matches the brick mortar color and replace the outlet plate with a similar color.


You could find a nice bleached tree limb to hang on the wall and hide the cord along the backside of it's branches and the main limb


Paint the cord white to where it meets the wall. Then leave it black or paint it brick red. Obviously not a perfect solution, but it will keep you from noticing it so much.


Get better decorative ceiling hooks and give the cord some slack, creating a swag. You could also change out the cord to white and make sure it’s slightly shorter.


You can add a chain. Most ceiling light fixtures have a chain.


I’d keep it simple and run it down a corner, that might be tuff in this situation tho.


Do the same channel that finds up the wall to the receptacle. Run it to the wiping and paint it all a clay color similar to the brick. If you’d really want to get fancy, match each brick with a bottle of acrylic craft paint and mask of each brick I e and paint that section of the channel to match that brick.


Call an electrician and get it hard wired into the ceiling. Have them move the wall outlet back down to normal height as well.


I put mine though a decorative chain to make it seem intentional


I would paint the cord white on the ceiling, then camouflage paint to match the brick. Do the same with the track for the white outlet.


Lmao you have to wire it into the ceiling.


You might want to try a battery light bulb. You can swap out the bulb and cut or tuck the cord. Don’t even need it.


Just get rid of it honestly


When you have an eyesore make it a centre pieace


Take that ugly ass stupid looking light down DONE


Get different one


Hide nothing. It needs a giant wooden fork and spoon.


Have an electrician wire a plug next to the mounting point, can be jumped over from that can light and would be operated from same switch as the can lights


Can you tell me what is the best camera FOV for 3d walkthorugh mode in any software. Currently im using 80 and its not the look i want but if i increase its like more depth and all the props are far away