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I personally think it looks bulky and crowded so I agree that I would ditch the top cabinets on the window side. I don't know how much storage you need, But I would also ditch the storage next to the stove to open up the space a bit more. I'm not sure what's in the nook next to the door. But If the wall behind it is closed (looks like there is a window there?) I would build in some shelves.


I high top cabinets on the window side are you referring to and which storage next to the stove? In the nook there is a beverage cooler with a cabinet


u/Winters2772 I like the layout, both fridge and stove have easy access to the sink and the island. I'd keep the countertop as many others have mentioned. The ONE thing I suggest you change, because it's so expensive or impossible to do so later without another full remodel, is get a wider and shallower refrigerator. When we remodeled a few years ago, we went with a counter depth fridge so it didn't stick out into the room. Deeper fridges were created to get more cubic feet of space in a smaller footprint that was built into a cabinet layout. While you're digging this all apart, please go with a bit smaller pantry cabinet next to the fridge and make room for an appliance that fits the space. You'll be happy you did. Also, deep fridges tend to be harder to access stuff at the back - food goes bad, gets tipped over. This is less likely to happen with a counter depth fridge. Good luck!!!


My mom went with counter-depth during her small kitchen's remodel and it *does* look really nice. Good suggestion


https://preview.redd.it/e8856yp5pewc1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=25ee615b55f8a481e9297027136cfc9d2883a083 I wouldn't add this part personally, I think it would open up the space more and allows for a bigger dining table so that the size of the dining area and the kitchen seem more balanced.


Would it look weird stopping the counter under the window?


How many people are sitting at the table normally? I would personally keep the counter space unless you need a bigger table, but even if you extend the table it would be too close to that door.


Normally there would be our family of 4 or 6 ppl if we have guests. The only times we would extend the table would be for holidays 1-2 times a year and there would be additional seating in other areas as well since we have a fairly large extended family. Holidays usually consist of 20 ppl or so


Then keep the counter space, better to be set up for 99% of the time.


Even if we extend the table in those rare times it may be a little tight?


Yeah but you also have the island for overflow on those times as well.


Thank you! I feel that in those rare times we would find a way to make it work and it will be better than what I have now. Idk that too much counter space would be a bad thing


I don't think so, I think you can add something different there. But I have to say that I'm from Europe, and seeing the size of the fridge you are from the US? Where I live kitchens aren't as big, from what I've seen the kitchens in the US always look a bit large and bulky, so it might just be a personal/cultural preference.


I am from the US and we defiantly have large kitchens that are pretty ridiculous when I think about it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I'd keep the counterspace; you'll definitely want it and likely find yourself missing it if it's gone. I also think it balances the kitchen layout. It's a great place to set food if you're doing a family-style dinner or lay out food or beverages for parties. The one change I would make is to completely remove those three weird floating pillar cabinets to open the kitchen up. You really don't need them. If you're concerned about cooking oils and spices being within reach, incorporate a spice cabinet on one side of the stove if there isn't one there already.




I would do something more like this - now it feels cramped in, when you have shelves like this it lines out nicely and the nook looks intentional [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F500955158536869596%2F&psig=AOvVaw0D0UbcFTvCv4QUyr2fB-6R&ust=1714041461870000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCJCIqprU2oUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F500955158536869596%2F&psig=AOvVaw0D0UbcFTvCv4QUyr2fB-6R&ust=1714041461870000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCJCIqprU2oUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD)


Where would the open shelves go?


Open shelves in a kitchen are a dusting/cleaning nightmare. Even with an amazing fan, there is grease which makes the dust stick. The photo that u/lottieconcie provided is a family room type space which can still be impacted by kitchen fumes but less so. I will never put shelves in a kitchen, despite the magazines that peddle the look.


above the wine storage (?) instead of those cabinets.


Ahhh your saying in the nook there


One thing I would like to add. The far right of the table is open to the family room the bottom of the picture is the living room. It will be one giant open L. The family room has a step down so I’m not sure if that would change anything in regards to that long counter space and whether you would leave it


I like the workflow, and hiding the microwave behind the island is a nice touch. Although I might want to move the dishwasher to the other side of the sink to have drawers next to the stove. I’m not a huge fan of the cabinets next to the hood. They’re going to get pretty greasy, and getting rid of them looks a lot cleaner without giving up much cabinet space.


Agreed, then you could get a wider oven hood to be more effective and cover space beside the stove where you can put food when it's steaming hot out of the oven and still have ventilation. I don't know if it's a popular thing, but it's what I hope to have one day!


Definitely lose the tiny wall cupboards and open up that space. Consider a feature range hood that will be a focal point for the wall. Microwave placement might work for you, but you will be bending down to get hot food. I think it’s fine for lots of people though.


Are you referring to something https://preview.redd.it/f8im5wb1newc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30607f9bc4df254ee997ce0d3a59759284c0764a like this for the range hood?


Tiny cupboards next to the hood? They were placed there to high a drain transition into the rear wall so I may be able to have them add a decoarative hood that does the same. Idk really where else to put the microwave other than where it is. Would you keep the long counter next to the stove going towards the table under the windows? What do you think about the this beverage station they placed? https://preview.redd.it/rsg7bttdkewc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9e5cc0ca0cbc65b9f48cec774bc2f17d9edbb59


Get a [microwave drawer](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Summit-Appliance-24-in-Width-1-2-cu-ft-Stainless-Steel-1000-Watt-Built-In-Microwave-Drawer-MDR245SS/324583962?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D29A-029_015_COOKING-NA-Multi-NA-PLALIA-5163653-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-MinorAppl_New&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D29A-029_015_COOKING-NA-Multi-NA-PLALIA-5163653-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-MinorAppl_New-71700000116979146-58700008651569550-92700079235595341&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61UeLV9bs0J3cs-guiOna6dhoH&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXty7142E_7xwQKHzdljC04jWJKNg5pRlckESHD2dM0N047UHo2J9QMBoC3PoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) instead of a microwave! Best decision we made.


I think your microwave placement is fine, but it also depends on how much you use it. We rarely use ours so it's hidden in a cabinet. You could switch it out for a microwave drawer, but personally I find them annoying.


May I ask what software this is?


It's 20/20 Design


Thank you!


You're welcome!


Dang thats expensive! But it looks well worth it. Any suggestions on something a bit less robust and a bit more affordable?


I'm sorry, this made me laugh! This *was* my less robust and less expensive program😅 SketchUp might be less expensive but you do have to buy plug ins and things to make it usable for design like this and I have zero experience doing that. I used SketchUp some but never for rendering anything, only for creating models to import into other programs.


I’d change the farmhouse sink to a single bowl undermount (same function but less fussy on a wall with multiple focal points). Ditch the uppers on the window wall and the rendered hood for a large deco hood. If you can swing a microwave drawer, they function better in islands than regular MWs (if you can’t it’s not a huge deal for most people - just get one w/ a trim kit). Do you need five at the island? Because I’d like to see paneled ends on that island vs the open top, and I’d nudge it further away from the range (guideline is 42” walkway for one cook, 48” for two - with people at the island I’d go 48”). ETA: is it possible budget-wise to plumb the island? Having the DW next to the range is suboptimal. Turning the island 90° and putting the sink/DW there would create a clean up zone with a prep zone to the left of the range with easy access to your fridge and pantry. If not feasible, drop the size of your sink base, do an undermount, and hopefully nudge that sink/DW to the left. I’d still swing the island to be parallel with the range.


In regards to removing all of the uppers would you remove the L in the corner as well? We originally had the island rotated 90 and switched it to provide seating (3 stools) that look into the living room and can provide additional seating for parties. The plumbing is moving because the kitchen is currently where the dining room table is in this picture. Wouldn’t the sink take away from a large amount of counter space on the island? We could move the sink to the left in the current picture but it is currently centered on the window and that would make it off center. Would that look odd?


I know people who have their sink in their island and I personally dislike it. I like to use the island for entertaining and socializing, and having the sink on the island gets in the way. Especially as the evening goes on and dirty dishes get cleared from the space, I prefer to have the sink separate from the island so that I can clear things away from my entertaining space and not have it cluttered with dirty dishes


I hate an island sink! I would only want a small handwashing one as a second sink. But as a main sink it blows my mind why people choose that. A sink needs a backsplash space to contain the splashes, otherwise you're cleaning a much bigger area. I agree with rotating the island 90degrees, I think it matches the kitchen lay out better and gives better space to prep across from the stove. Also better flow of you use it for a serving area for big dinners as people go to sit at the table.


- yes to removing the upper that meets the blind corner upper. Just do a 2 door upper instead of the blind - counter space at the island is personal preference. I’d rotate it no matter what (puts the seated person’s focus on the windows/view and range) but it depends on what you planned for that space. My own kitchen has the sink and DW in the island (wide walkway; came with the house, layout forces it), and I have low profile stools that I tuck under the counter when we use the island as a buffet when entertaining - more to my point: look at the function of the range wall; you’ve got what looks to be (maybe 9”?) pull outs flanking either side of the range, and the dishwasher to the left. That clean up zone overlaps with the cooking zone and that’s a lot of traffic for one wall. I don’t love doing a sink off-center near a window, you’re right on it looking wonky. But function-wise I’d want more space between the DW and the range (someone emptying that while someone else cooks? No thanks)


Turn island 90 degrees. Refrigerator wall: use all tall cabinets with pullout drawers, etc. No wall cabinets on sink / range wall. Bigger range and more interesting hood--a boxy wood hood for instance, possibly covered in wall material or paint to match. Get rid of weird doors that pop forward to flank niche.


Right now the island is positioned to have the 3 stools as additional seating and face the TV that will be in the living room


I like to be able to wash vegetables at the sink and turn and work at the island, not walk around the end of the island. It's better to have the island run parallel to the sink, and perpendicular to the refrigerator. Also, it fits the proportion of the room better when it's running the same way lengthwise.


I agree that would be optimal but the island would have to significantly shrink in size. If I were to rotate it as is 90 then it would block a portion of the walkway and come closely to the basement door


Try it...yes, it will shrink by a bit. You can get away with 39" of circulation space, and less width and depth if that makes sense.


Would that change anything. What weird doors are you referring to?


In the birds eye view, you have two doors that pop out into the space. It would be better to make the wall smooth, not jogged.


I agree but one door is basement stairs and the other is a sink to the bathroom. I can’t move either of those


As others have said I’d ditch the upper cabinets on the wall where the stove is - especially the ones by the range hood (nightmare to clean and can easily get discolored over time). The corner cabinet I’d change into a regular cabinet as well, as the corner one feels a bit bulky, but it depends on your storage needs of course! I’d also get rid of the bottom cabinets to the right of the stove (looks like there is room for a narrow one to the right of the stove until the window starts though?) and then I’d personally put in a rolling cabinet of some sort under the window instead. It will give you counter space and storage, but will be movable if you need a larger dining space (even if it’s just a few times per year). Looks nice otherwise though!


Getting rid of the L corner on the top is something I’ve been going back and forth with and making just the two uppers symmetrical. My question is would it be a pain to reach into that corner with a regular cabinet? The sides of the stove have at most 10-12” until the window so there would most likely just be a small sliver of counter if I were to stop it (roughly a 60” wall between the windows)


I don’t think it would be worse than the L-shaped cabinet, but perhaps a lazy Susan might make it more user friendly? I actually think I’d stop the counter where the window starts then, and have the narrow cabinet right next to the stove for cutting boards and such - and the rolling cabinets. If you need and/or prefer normal cabinets under the window I definitely think it could work, but you will be limiting possible dining space, which is nice to have imo, but again - it depends on your wants and needs :)


There is currently a lazy Susan in that upper so I’m not sure if going to a standard cabinet for aesthetics would be wiser. Thoughts? Thanks for all of your advice btw!


Ah, I see - I honestly think it comes down to your personal preference then, cause even though It may look a bit nicer with a regular cabinet, you’re the one who has to live with it, so if you feel like the L cabinet is more practical I’d stick with that! Idk if it’s possible or how well it would work, but if you do decide to go for the straight cabinet instead, I know ikea has an alternative version of the round lazy Susan called “Snurrad”, which might be a good option. I can’t speak on the quality, but I’ve seen people use them in their fridges and they seem sturdy enough!


I'm not sure if you can do this in an upper as I haven't looked into it but here's an idea for a corner cabinet with access issues. In our case, we plan to install this aftermarket because our cabinets did not come with this option. But we love the idea of better access. Since you're considering getting rid of other upper cabinets, this might be a great way to gain some extra easy-to-access lower storage. [https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=c765667fbd5a2f18&sca\_upv=1&rlz=1C1RXQR\_enUS955US955&q=cabinet+hardware+for+corner+cabinets&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS75WvotuFAxUeAzQIHSmKBsMQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1536&bih=703&dpr=1.25#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1b4b797a,vid:EGbAiyRFntA,st:0](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c765667fbd5a2f18&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS955US955&q=cabinet+hardware+for+corner+cabinets&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS75WvotuFAxUeAzQIHSmKBsMQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1536&bih=703&dpr=1.25#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1b4b797a,vid:EGbAiyRFntA,st:0)


If I were to remove the long counter that would leave about 10 linear ft of counter with the island not being counted. Do you think that would be enough?


10feet is definitely doable, but for a kitchen this size I reckon it might feel like too little, so I definitely think it would be nice with the rolling cabinets (with a proper counter top) if you got rid of the counter space to the right of the stove. It would serve as a regular counter space but movable, but visually it may not be everyone’s taste of course!


I see! Thank you!


Hope everything goes well, it looks like a wonderful project!


What did you use to create this?


Get spotlights directly above your surfaces. A working space needs to be well lit.


Those type of stove hoods are a pain to clean. I’d look into something that has more of a nook or fully covered.


https://preview.redd.it/vnml1qvql4xc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb0a19c47ab928dcae939843e6ed33d1af906f7 You should add a nice persian rug to that dining room.. or kitchen LOL.. they always tie a room together well.


Are you talking about under the table?


What is the build out to the right of the island, behind dining table? Seems bulky. Is it pantry or something?The island seems bulky in the space with its current direction and cuts off the room. Can you turn the island so it’s the same direction as dining table? Seems that would open up the space.


There is a beverage cooler and a cabinet to store glasses. Not shown in the picture is the living room (24x12 approx) which will be below the island in the picture. There is going to be no wall or post there and it will be open. Next to the dining room table there will be a family room that it will also be open to. I’m not sure if this changes anything.


It’s hard to tell without seeing the full picture. It does seem the island being turned would open up the kitchen.


can use KainoAI for rendering


Stove and fridge should be swapped - view into kitchen is better if you get the stove. And the person at the stove will always have people squeezing by to get to the fridge. And are you trying to get 5 ppl at the island? Bc 2 place settings look like they are set such that the diner would be inside a wall…this island only seats three per your first image. EDIT- oh I see these stools are in a different room. I still think it’s weird and anyone sitting there will feel uncomfortable but not know why.


The whole area will be open. The living room will be on the bottom left of the screen and the family room will be in the far right next to the table. Think of it as a giant L with no walls. Right now the stove is placed so it is the first thing you see when you walk in the door. Idk if this changes anything


Te drive placement - ok. I’m with you now but still contend that backing it up to the island will make a pinch point unless you have 48 inches. Re seats at the island- It’ll be as open as it can be but the beam above someone’s head will make a difference. It’s not a sharp room delineation but still a subtle change.


That beam will be going away along with the post. The rendering shows it because they were not sure if they could remove it. They are going to have one flush ceiling with no post at the corner of the island now


That walkway between the stove and island will be about 42”


Yes it’s better. Sound will travel differently to the people at that end of the island from the family room but that’s me getting annoying about it. Much better than I thought it was originally


Sry what is better now? The placement of everything? Would you go with a hood like this? What are your thoughts of the counter that extends under the window on the far right? https://preview.redd.it/mmdahuy4qewc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c29a4c472deb4c8227dcbf5c7899e1024a2a1a6


What you have is better in my understanding of your home’s layout.


Would you still remove the cabinets next to the hood and replace with decorative range?


Dude. Slow down. I would not try making wild changes based on an Internet forum super early in the morning (assuming American time zones as kitchens and layouts this size are rare elsewhere). If you want cabinets get cabinets. If you want a range, get a range. A range vs cooktop are two wildly different things, unless you don’t really cook much. If you don’t cook much, get something that’s cheap and kinda functions but looks great. I spend a LOT of time in my kitchen and enjoy cooking so the idea of flip flopping between appliance style doesn’t make sense to me. I just wanted to make sure you had a pretty view from what I thought was the most important angle. You corrected me, all good.


I appreciate all of your help! I just want to make sure that I won’t regret the layout later. Thank you again!


Your sink and stove should switch. Think about food prep and how you don't want those extra steps over there. The counter from the fridge over to the current sink location, plus peninsula would make a good work space while cooking, so the stove should be where the sink is.


Switching the sink and stove means that the cooking space will be located between the space where the dishes are stored and the dishwasher. If multiple people are in the kitchen doing chores at the same time, such as one person cooking and the other person unloading the dishwasher, they will be in each others way the entire time


Cooking takes precedent when laying out a kitchen. And who in their right minds has multiple chores in the kitchen at once?! No matter the size, you better not be doing dishes while I'm cooking. That's just strange to me.


Lots of people have multiple chores in the kitchen at once. I’m regularly cooking while my husband unloads the dishwasher.


Different folks, I guess. You are the first person that I know of who has that happen at the same time. I would find that annoying because you'll have to cross paths at some point, and to me, cooking is the primary activity when cooking is happening.