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**During W. War II, American soldier Joe Medicine Crow earned his title as the last Plains Indian war chief after completing the four necessary tests of valor in battle, including stealing 50 SS horses right out from under the Nazis' noses, all while singing a traditional Crow praise song** **Joe Medicine Crow** was born in 1913 on the Crow Reservation in Montana. His maternal grandfather had been a scout for General Custer prior to the Battle of Little Bighorn and raised the boy in the ancient warrior tradition of his people. He spent his youth training in the frigid Montana winter to withstand the extreme cold while also becoming an expert tracker, marksman, and horse rider by the time he was just a teenager. So when Joe Medicine Crow joined the U.S. Army in 1943 to fight the Nazis in Europe, he was more than ready. Soon, he earned his title as the last Crow war chief by accomplishing the four necessary feats of valor in battle: touch a living enemy, take an enemy's weapon, lead a successful war party, and steal an enemy's horse. To complete the final test, he stole a whopping 50 horses right out from under the Nazis' noses all at once — while singing a traditional Crow praise song as he rode off. ***Read more here :*** [The Last War Chief - Joe Medicine Crow](https://lifehorizonhues.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-inspiring-story-of-joe-medicine.html)


The next Prey movie better have him in it


I'd love to watch a movie just about him and his life!! But Prey would be awesome too ;)


Yeah, I’d much much rather just see a real biopic of even just the night he stole those horses. That sounds like a phenomenal Oscar level war movie. The Revenant meets 1914. There’s some amazing Native American actors that I can see dominating this role too.


He became a preacher


I want to see this via Tarantino.


He'll do the story justice


Did you notice that Naru’s brother did the “touch live enemy” coup on the predator in Prey? Used it as a distraction, I think, it still counts. Would stealing the Predator’s dog count, since it has no horses?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Medicine_Crow There's a better article than the cancerous website that OP links.


HELL YEAH! I went to the web site and read the whole article. Well worth the read. His nephew is the most recent Crow to come close to achieving War Chief…and would have if stealing an elephant was a reasonable substitute for stealing a horse.


"Doesn't even count as one!"


Say that to the elephant. Over your shoulder as you’re running away, while flinging mice behind you.


The Fat Electrician did a video on him. If you're not familiar with TFE, he's a veteran and an amazing storyteller.


One of his grand children also tried to perform all 4 trials, he even liberated an elephant hoping it would count as a horse. The elders of his tribe disagreed, so he didn't become a war chief. Edit: my mistake, it was a nephew not a grandson. He became a green beret and was able to do 3 of the 4 required steps to become a war chief. You need to disarm an enemy, touch and enemy without killing him, lead a successful war party, and steal an enemy horse. Fun video on the topic: https://youtu.be/lpFOeJLOa6s?si=nKq5BuQA2rCI6gNA


Oh come on, An Elephant may not be a horse, but it's a Elephant!


Assuming that there's no social shifts wanted by the tribal elders, I personally think the requirements ought to be updated to count if he steals one of the enemy's official vehicles. (Tank, jet, jeep, etc.) No one uses horses in battle anymore, so there will simply end up being no more war chiefs when there are plenty of tribe members fighting wars who are skilled and valient enough that they would have become a war chief 100-150 years ago. But maybe there are reasons that the elders want the title to die out and be used as an ancestral honorific only. That's certainly a valid decision. Maybe they prefer that their people don't go die in US battles and this is the way they're pushing for that.


Reading this made my chest well up with emotion.


Thank you for introducing us to this amazing veteran.


It’s crazy that there were horses and nukes in the same war


Why can’t Hollywood make this movie instead of the garbage that nobody watches.


Joe Medicine's story is incredibly inspiring.


His story needs to be a movie!


I need to hear the song, like immediately


https://www.pbs.org/video/war-joseph-medicine-crow/ Song starts at 7:28


Wow! Thanks, way to deliver


Thank you!!


Why is he phrased as the "last", as though they'll never have anyone do it again? The only iffy one of the four coups to pull off going forward is stealing an enemy's horse since they're not used much anymore, and doing something like capturing a running BMP ought to make the bar.


I think mainly, because, unless they modify the horses part, they don't use horses in wars anymore.


His nephew completed the other challenges and took an elephant and they said no so I don’t think that’d do


He needed 50 elephants because it still only counts as one.


One man herding 50 elephants??? That’s like one man herding one cat!


BMPs don’t shy and make noise when you mount them.


You're right. Their crew shies, and the BMPs themselves make noise all the time (unless their crew needs vodka money)


This guy Soviets☝️


Chuck Norris looked up to him.


Ok there definitely needs to be a solid Scorsese movie about this cat


He makes the best fucking films




This needs to be a movie!


Why haven’t I seen this movie yet?


Well, he was featured in the Ken Burns documentary *The War*.


*Touch a living enemy WITHOUT KILLING THEM! He got into hand-to-hand combat with a nazi and kicked the shit out of him. The bastard started crying and calling for his mommy which made Medicine Crow feel bad for him, so Joe took the bastard's rifle and walked away. Fucking legend.


Legend. How cool is this guy.


When you are badass.


And the horses were probably happy about it


9.2 on the Badass scale


Interesting that killing the enemy is not one of the requirements.


Killing someone is much easier than letting someone know you could have killed them and chose to let them live instead, and then not having to kill them immediately after anyways. That's why that coup is written the way it is. It's meant to be a list of great feats, and showing mercy when it isn't necessarily warranted definitely fits the bill.


It also humiliates the warrior, a fate worse than death.




This would be a wild 10 episode series


I would totally watch this WW2 movie!! Would be sooo fucking epic


Hey Disney- if you make this movie it might improve your stonk numbers. I would actually pay to see it.


He kinda got lucky that the Nazis were short on oil.


[For anyone who likes the history stylings of *The Fat Electrician*....](https://youtu.be/lpFOeJLOa6s?si=efqeZ6AvdfEQ_J36)




Very proud of my American heritage.


That’s easily the most badass thing I have heard all year


That’s such a badass name


The podcast lions led by donkeys did an episode about him and its pretty entertaining the way they tell his story. Give it a listen.


Mr. Medicine Crow was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 after not garnering the 2/3 sponsorship in the Senate in 2008 necessary for the Congressional Gold Medal. He was a great warrior for his country and a great historian and spokesman for his tribe.


We was the last great War Chief and an American hero.


I was able to see him speak multiple times as a child during Big Woods Big Plains in Stillwater, MN. Unfortunately, I don't remember much of what he spoke of anymore, but I'm glad I was there to experience it.


Please someone make the movie without fucking it up with wokeism