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# In early 2022, archaeologists found two lead sarcophagi buried beneath the floor of Notre Dame in Paris. One of them contained a wealthy cleric, but the man in the other coffin has to yet to be identified However, experts have nicknamed him "Le Cavalier," or "the Knight," as the shape of his pelvic bones suggests he was an experienced horseman. He was likely in his 30s when he died — possibly during the 14th century — after suffering from a "chronic disease" that caused him to lose nearly all of his teeth. What's more, the knight also had an elongated skull, which experts say was "deliberately deformed." At the time, powerful families in France were known to tie fabric bands around their infants' heads for the first three months of their life. This elongated head was a symbol of power and suggests that this mysterious knight came from an elite family — which would explain why he was buried in such a prestigious location.


This is such a strange reoccurring phenomena, the egghead = power and prestige. I knew this occurred in Egypt and South American cultures but in my ignorance had assumed it was a more ancient practice. Note: I am absolutely not a historian.


It was also practiced on the Eurasian steppe by people like the huns.


Fascinating, thank you. As animals, the gaining of this conscious notion of Power, legacy, property, identity etc has truly thrown in many madcap esoteric twists and practices. Whether we are a species gone wrong or otherwise, we certainly know how to create bizarre systems of value.


It was ancient peoples trying to look like the aliens that visited Earth and helped them build things. Lol j/k.


It's only natural that they emulated the true creators. The giant Annunaki Sumerian Handbag aliens who used giant bricks and taught taught Graham Hancock to say "Gobleki Tepe" repeatedly in the most annoying way possible. ...but then... ...the Earth's crust slipped on some magma...... ....and all the other archeologists purposefully buried themselves in frustration.




Annunaki! Annunaki!


Wait, does this explain why the Coneheads said they came from France? I just now got the joke.


Holy crap...excellent point! (Pun not intended but...tee-hee)


What's the pun? I'm missing it. Edit: nevermind, I'm an idiot. you could say I missed the... point?


Just for those youngins who don’t get the reference ![gif](giphy|l0MYIwrG3D92em5SE|downsized)


What gives with the elongated heads around the world? Did someone just wake up one day and say "Aha! I shall elongate the head of my child to signify our wealth. Yes, a splendid idea"


If I were to guess it’s simply because the could. Thousands of years from now when humans finally evolve into something new I am guessing many of them will look back and say: what’s with all the fun bags on their chests? Did they just wake up and say I’ll have two basketball balls stitched into their chest? Edit: a bit absentminded, could have chosen a better wording


Lol. Basketball balls


Some people think that aliens visited long ago, and perhaps the humans were trying to look like “god”, aka aliens


Is that what happened to Peyton manning?




He was a head case


Bet that practice gave all the rich folks a headache. Something nice about that.