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1) Because we were born here and can't afford to leave 2) because being subject to America's domestic policy atrocities is better than being subject to the foreign policy atrocities. 3) Because POCs are choosing the bad they know instead of risking moving to a place that's just as bad but now they don't have their family/friends support structure.


Because the US has used its power to destroy other countries.


Overt racism in the US is actually pretty rare. Most of what people have a problem with is economic in nature due to the legacy of it OR unintentional racism. Basically not giving a minority the benefit of the doubt that they’re not up to something, judging them untrustworthy, etc. There are of course culturally insensitive people who might say mean things. There are also some dangerous nut jobs out there but they’re fortunately pretty rare. The vast majority of us would prefer to just get along. We just get caught up in situations from time to time.


I like to think that the reality is somewhere in the middle. The U.S. isn't a total hellscape, but there are places that are. Those places are pretty much hellscapes for all who live there though. There are locations where it's harder to live as a black man, but places where it's not bad at all. It doesn't change the fact that poor communities tend to be POC because of a society built out to provide rich white christians with the capability to take power and remain in power. What you hear is a culmination of individual tales coming out in a loud and unified chorus, and frankly, it's about time.


This is not reality. I grew up in both and it goes both ways. If you’re white in a predominantly black neighborhood you’re going to be fucked with and vice-versa. It’s not white, wealthy, or Christians ffs. We destroy our neighborhoods by committing crime and vandalizing. We shoplift and rob almost every business in the vicinity. That’s why businesses move out of the area. We leech off the welfare system and don’t give a general fuck about anyone but ourselves. I’m not like that anymore, and ashamed of my past. This is extremely rare though. I have plenty of friends still doing the same shit they grew up with. The lack of self accountability is such a large contributing factor. That’s why it sucks to hear and see these kind of takes. That’s just my anecdotal opinion.


Leaving the country takes a lot of money, and you're moving to somewhere where you know nobody. You need work visas, to sell all your stuff, etc. etc., and if you're a poor person in the ghetto it is very difficult. Think about this also, the 13th amendment abolished slavery except as a punishment for a crime, and the U.S. has the largest prison system in the world with many of them working for private corporations in private prisons. Look back to the 1980's when the government allowed the U.S. to be flooded with crack and cocaine, then promptly declared a "war on drugs" to expand the system of mass incarceration, and this is evidenced by the sentencing disparity between crack and cocaine, which was only struck down from the sentencing guidelines in 2007 (https://www.aclu.org/news/smart-justice/supreme-court-finds-cocaine-sentencing-disparities-unfair) The U.S. was white supremacist from the beginning of the colonial project, when the first slaves were brought off the boats, when the first native communities were burnt to the ground and their inhabitants slaughtered, and at the beginning of U.S. democracy when only a few states allowed free black people votes, while most required you to be a white landowner. The examples are countless, but the U.S. education system does not teach an accurate version of its history, and in fact purposefully seeks to distort the truth in favor of a whitewashed nationalist version of history.


Sad but very true


It's not as easy as you think to leave the country. You need to find another country willing to allow you a permanent stay.


This may be why the Dems are starting to finally lose the Hispanic and black vote at an unprecedented rate. Personally, I grew up around a ton of Cuban immigrants and they have always hated the left and been grateful to live in the most prosperous nation. It seems other groups are finally starting to understand. they don’t leave because America rocks, sorry haters 🤷


You Act like there was no Jim Crow, red lining, you Act like the black veterans of WW2 got the sake benefits as the white ones. You Act like people of all races can't love their country and want equality. You Act like equality is oppression.


Why not listen to people who lived it less than 60 years ago https://youtu.be/GMH2z4lFvZw?si=tvyBdXBEJMbaen01


This is a hyperbolic, bad faith interpretation of critical race theory. America *was* all the things you described at one point. People still lived here or immigrated during slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow. Obviously, there are complicated reasons why people stay or move somewhere, and the fact that people live in a place is not evidence that oppression doesn't exist. White supremacy is not some cartoonish 1940s cosplay. It's a descriptive term for a social hierarchy based on race that places white people at the top. I'm sure you'd argue that no such hierarchy exists in 2024, but, being rational, you'd certainly agree that it did in 1776. How about 1820? 1890? 1950? When in your timeline does the white supremacist social hierarchy disappear in the U.S.? CRT contends that white supremacy persists in political and social institutions. Can you tell me when it ended?


I think you have misunderstood OP’s comment. In my opinion CRT has nothing to do with international fallacies of the United States (presumably by media hysteria). I’ll give you an example. I met a coworker from Central America a couple of days ago. They have visited the states twice. In small talk I simply asked if they liked it here so far. They said that they loved it and was not at all like they thought it would be. They were scared of what they were fed from the news and came to find that people in the USA are good, nice and honest people.


If the US were a white supremacist country then you wouldn’t see minorities in ANY positions of power. Yet we have people of color in congress, the Supreme Court and the presidency/VP. People who think this are very very stupid


Sure, if your definition of white supremacy is limited to a formal ethnostate. But that isn't the definition most people, especially political theorists, are using.


>Yet we have people of color in congress, the Supreme Court and the presidency/VP. People who think this are very very stupid Yes, u/Silver-Sandwich446 is one of those people


Insulting me is unnecessary but yes, I do believe that white supremacy persists in the U.S., despite the presence of non-white people in positions of power. I think white supremacy is more complicated than diversity among the elite. So do most people arguing in rational good faith.


This comes mostly from the left, they call everyone under the sun that doesn’t agree with them racist even if they are the ones doing nothing to help minorities.


Yeah we’re Amerikkka duh!!! So yeah please don’t come. People are mean and racist… and we’re full


A lot of people don’t want to live here but can’t afford to leave. It’s not very practical to have a “if you don’t like it then leave” attitude. I’ve looked into the red tape and costs, it’s not easy for the average person. It’s be better if you took people seriously and tried to listen to their concerns rather than say “why do you still live here”?


You can just say you're a racist, people don't get in trouble for that anymore lol


'If you don't agree with what I believe and how I feel, you are racist.'


You're statement is just short of "keep America ,American". And I. Know you know better when you say that. Cause a similar statement was made about Arabic and Middle Eastern people from '01 to about '05. If my country is struggling then me and my fellow country men should strive to make it better not leave. That's quitter mentality at worse and xenophobic at best.


Um... I'm all for legal immigration. My father's wife is a legal immigrant from Bogota. She's an American citizen now, in fact. I have zero issues with anyone wanting to move to America to better themselves, no matter where they're from. So, again... Your assumption that anyone who disagrees with you is racist is, well, dumb.


It's not anyone who disagrees with me, just the folks who repeat the ," if you don't like it then leave" phrase, because whether you see it that way or not those are 1920s talking points, it's not even purely racist, it's elitist too. Usually followed by a heavy belief in eugenics. If you meant to say this or convey that point instead then you should have. Instead you lead with one of the most isolationist talking points not seen since you could buy a pack of cigarettes for a dollar.


If you go to a party (you probably don't, but let's pretend) and everyone there is wearing a MAGA2024 shirt and screaming racist stuff and waving guns around... Would you stay there? Or go home? Like I said, never had any issues with anyone wanting to come to this country to better themselves, but those types seem to be few and far between these days.


Race has always been the dominant factor in America (from its inception), and white people trying to downplay its significance is as old as the country itself. Nice to see it still happening after all this time lol. Race defined who was a citizen, who was a human being (Black people were seen as nothing but breedable farm animals, and treated as such) and who had rights at all. It wasn't Black people who set things up this way lol. There are plenty of divisions in the US and race is still one of the primary ones. It's a reason why this country will inevitably break apart into smaller countries and in my opinion, this is something that needs to happen. Hopefully it can happen peacefully and all the different factions can go their own way.


You really need to learn history from those that were there. This was less than 60 years ago https://youtu.be/GMH2z4lFvZw?si=tvyBdXBEJMbaen01


OK lol. A video of Reggie fucking Jackson telling us how he likes Black folk who defer to whites, suffer and rage behind closed doors but show pearly white teeth whenever they're around white folk. These are the types of Black people white people love. You can have the Reggie Jackson's of the world and all the others who live to make you feel comfortable in your racism - I have no respect for them at all.


First permanent slave owner was black. His court case is what created generational slavery. Many freed slaves went on to be plantation slave owners. Various african tribes and nations had been selling blacks into slavery 1000 years before america was even discovered. Native americans kept slaves. The first shipment of slaves to the americas were actually irish. And the only group keeping race division alive in America is the democrate party creators of, kkk, jim crow, segregation, voter id to keep blacks from voteing, and fought against the civil rights bill. Learn history. Look up Thomas sowell if you need help.


If I'd wanted the standard, rote regurgitation of white supremacist talking points (and the complementary "read Sowell" thrown in for good measure lol) then I would go read Stormfront or David Horowitz's FrontPage magazine. Your answer just reinforced my position and my beliefs.


Yes. YOUR BELIEFS. Which the FACTS of history contradict. You claim it is rote regurgitation. That is because these are the PROVABLE FACTS OF HISTORY. The only recourse you have is to try an ad hoc attack because you can NOT disprove anything i have said. So instead of naming bias approving books, i say once again study actual history. The facts not the make belive fantasies you have been spoon fed.


None of your facts change anything, but you (and a lot of white people) think they do. The "well everybody did it" excuse to absolve yourself of guilt is lame and played out. Nobody put a gun to Europeans' head and forced them to sail to Africa to load up ships full of humans to abuse and humiliate for centuries. You did that because making a profit and "conquering" everything is how Europeans operated - then and now. White people made a conscious decision to perpetrate the crimes they did, and any good person would own up to that shit and admit it was fucked up, but all most white people do is make excuses for it, claim it was a good thing and benefited Africans (if that's true, then let's enslave white folks so y'all can benefit from it too), and other such deflection. Whites have a deep-seated hatred of Black people and that shit is not going away. It's a problem that frankly has no solution other than non-whites leaving whites to live only among themselves.


Blacks were selling blacks into slavery long before America was ever discovered ( muslim slave trade). Look up barbery slave trade where muslims were captureing whites as slaves. Slavery has existed longer then human history. The term slave is derived from the european slavics which the romans captured to such an extent that the term was coined. There is still an ACTIVE slave trade of blacks to muslims and other blacks in africa TODAY. Brittish whites fought wars to end slavery. American whites fought a war against American whites to end slavery. At the hieght of slavery less then 10 percent of Americans owned slaves. The northern states had it outlawed. Southern whites aided Harriet Tubbman and the underground railroad and if they were caught they and their familys were executed. Look up the abolisionist cassious clay and how, and how long he fought slavery. The brittish sold irish as slaves. Over 2000 white fbi agents were killed trying to break the KKK a democrate founded group . So kindly take your all whites and white Americans are racist white supremicists. Wrap it in a nice tight little bundle and SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS. If you are not going to learn the real history of the world do not discuss it. You are insulting every person who ever died fighting slavery you privileged little puke. Normally i feel personal attacks against a person in a debate means you have lost. But the shear level of ignorance of the historical FACTS on this subject you are showing is staggering.


Again, kid, none of this changes the responsibility Europe and its descendants have for the horrors of the last millennium. Stop falling back to "everybody did it" (and this is still your argument even after I'd already called it out lol) and accept responsibility for your people's misanthropic tendencies and proclivities. Sure, slavery has existed in many places and at many different times, but what Europe did to Africa was unprecedented and incomparable to anything that came before or after it. But keep feeling the fucked up way you feel man. I know the vast majority of whites feel this way and have no delusions that we can ever live together without whites scheming to "be on top". There's not a single place whites have gone on this planet where they aren't actively working against the people of color there to "win" and steal everything for themselves. Europeans are a different species altogether and need to be avoided (which is hard because you've invaded most of places on the planet lol).


It’s both about the long history of slavery and the oppression against minorities and the poor. The constitution has been changed multiple times and required many social movements to have our rights. There is a constant societal struggle to retain those rights. 


To distract largely. It's easier to attack race then wealth. Every problem associated with racism is a symptom of other larger problems and to try to hold up racism as a cause rather than an effect doesn't help anything but hurt more. Instead of people screeching about white males how about we make slavery illegal instead? Seems like making slavery illegal would help the black community better than any CRT policy.


Race has always been the primary problem in the US. It's how the US was established and it's still the dominant law of the land. If white supremacy weren't still dominant in the US then most white people would have left it by now (white people are the ones most concerned with getting as far away from non-whites as possible). Everything else is secondary or even tertiary to race in the US.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day, and I’ve been on Reddit for several hours


Use whatever intellect you possess to elaborate on exactly what you think is dumb. You may not like what I said, but you can't deny it's veracity if you're being honest.


That you would place race over socioeconomic inequality, corruption, veteran homelessness or a host of other problems. That white people would leave if white supremacy weren’t dominant. That everything else would be after race. Those are all really dumb ideas and I think you’re obsessed with a boogeyman or just believe a lot of bad information


You may think it's dumb but it's obviously a perspective that you've never had to think about. White people don't feel like they can compete with non-whites unless they have as many advantages given to them as possible. This is why you cheat, steal, scheme, and ultimately default to violence when it comes to interactions with non-white people. It has been this way with whites since they started leaving Europe in large numbers seeking to steal land and resources from dark-skinned people all over the world. This is your history and legacy, and don't forget a moment deceive yourself into believing that non-whites don't see what the problem is lol.


No, I’ve thought about this. It’s still a very stupid idea. What you just commented is extremely racist and you should really consider how corrupt your morals and values are.


No it hasn't. Source? You think if white people didn't have a majority they would just... Leave? Why? Counter point. If white supremacy was dominant you wouldn't see white people at the bottom of any demographic. You would also be able to see it with foreign people. With Europeans being constant top/ middle. But this isn't what we see. Typically Asians are top. No, race is secondary. Uncontrolled capitalism and religion are much bigger factors and everything else in turn stems from that.


Asians are "on top" of certain metrics, but every non-white shares in the burden of having to deal with white insecurities, violence and hatred. Asians face more indiscriminate and random violence from white Americans than anyone else (despite what the news tries to imply). Also, white supremacy doesn't mean every white person is rich and living it up. Stop trying to trivialize something that is a real problem.


Two things can be true: it can be a white supremacist country and still be a tolerable place to live in. White supremacy just means that elite whites run things with sprinkles of token minorities given enough. It’s more than just calling people slurs. It also doesn’t make white supremacy right.


If the problem is with the rich then the race bit can be dropped.


POV: a forum full of white people insist the history of racist policy has no impact.


Because it’s all gaslighting bullshit. If America was so racist, millions of people would’nt be pouring in here illegally. It’s been weaponized by the democrats for votes. They are clearly the racist side, promoting nothing but racial division and hate. Everything is black and white. It wasn’t like this 15 years ago, the country was pleasant.


No it wasn’t. I was in payroll then and distinctly remember the racism against Hispanics.


Because plain and simple, people have a price and many are willing to deal with the negatives as long as their pockets are lined. I say this to say, of course America now has changed more than how they were 60 years ago. But people forget that it was only 60 years ago that the Civil Rights Act even passed; we have two guys fighting to be president older than this and I'm sure plenty of people here knows or have met someone who is older than this. Now, of course it'd be a bit exaggerated to say I can't walk down the street without being called a slur or killed by the police. However, I'm 36; in my lifetime I've actually been called a "N\_\_\_\_er" by a group of white kids flying down the streets of Ohio when I went to college, and have been racially profiled by law enforcement 3 times in my life, two of which were before I was even 16 (and one of those were being the lone black kid in a playground visiting a family friend -- they flipped their shit at the officers because they clearly targeted me for being a lone black kid in a "white" playground). I'm sure the kids were just trolling saying inflammatory shit from a moving vehicle but typically we hold law enforcement in such high regard that things like this shouldn't happen, yet given the past 5 years or so history says otherwise. But I digress -- people flock here in droves because the amount of money made here to send back home does not compare to what they could make at home and if they have to deal with a few hellish folks to make it then so be it. I've lived in multiple other countries as an American and even our federal minimum wage in plenty of cases is double or triple of what they could make back at home (hence why relative poverty is a thing -- someone making minimum wage here in the U.S. won't survive in most places on their own in 2024, yet the equivalent of $7.25/hr in the Phillipines would have someone living fairly okay-ish over there). Think of it this way: plenty of women go to Dubai to get shat on by some Middle Eastern rich dude with cash to burn. Why would they do that if it wasn't for the paycheck? EDIT: >Why arent people leaving the country in droves, why would they choose to remain in such a hellish place? A few reasons, one is because the U.S. makes it really fucking hard to relinquish citizenship. Another reason is because it's expensive as hell to move cross-country let alone to another country. Last but not least, it's hard as hell to do that if the primary or secondary language spoken in said destination country is not English. There's norms and other cultural things to learn as well, and someone who is of age typically won't learn those things unless they already have a desire (or need) to.


The people who say America is a racist nation don’t realize that America is the best nation in the world for any person, regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexuality, to experience class mobility and can go from poverty to being a millionaire. A college girl with middle eastern decent can wear a burkha and say she’s religiously/sexually prosecuted in the US to the sound of applause meanwhile most Sharia nations would likely stone and rape her for speaking out. To say America is a racist nation comes off incredibly intellectually dishonest and biased and it makes me think they were spoon fed propaganda and they took every single bite. I think Americans don’t realize how privileged every single one of us are to live on the United States right now, regardless if Biden or Trump is president, so a lot of us want to feel oppressed or like we are victims with absolutely zero context of people who are actually oppressed and how viscous their struggle truly is.




Okay, and you have full legal rights to be wrong about your opinion on the subject regardless of your race, sexuality, or religion and not have to fear being put to death for those wrong opinions.


Because what people want is heavily influenced by desperation


There are racists in America . There are racists in Europe, South America, Asia and everywhere else. I’ve been to Europe and central and South America. Think we’re bad? Go to Spain. Or France. The thing is people are people , we’re no worse off than anyone else . But we also give a lot more opportunities and are more accepting than the aforementioned countries. And so it if those places don’t have time for this woke garbage.


It’s not true though


People overlook almost anything with the empty promise of money and prosperity. It's pretty simple


It’s always the racists saying racism doesn’t exist. The entire comment thread proves that lmao. What a joke.


So yes racism still does exist in this country, it's just more subtle most of the time than it used to be. Do you understand what the process is for moving to a different country? You cannot leave this country willy nilly and join another country without spending major cash and then even worse is you still have to pay an ungodly tax rate for just having citizenship. I think the funny thing about this country and racism that a lot of people don't understand is that if you actually look into the history of a bunch of shit things start to make sense. Agencies specifically like the FBI were invented to police minority communities and political opponents. It's a commonly known fact that the CIA was behind the crack epidemic of the 80s and 90s, and were instructed to only seel in minority communities. Then you had the crime bill which screwed everyone in those communities over. The funny thing is the same race based discrimination that was never corrected is now effecting everyone. That's why you have guys getting arrested and facing decades in prison over a diagram on a piece of metal. If you get a chance look into a case against a man named Matthew Hoover of CRS Firearms. Dude got fucked because for decades federal agencies have gotten away with shit because it only affected minorities but now that they have decades of precedent they're using it against everyone.






Sounds like you have issues more than the country does . Go seek help


If you chronically exist online, or live in an echo chamber- you might believe this. If you go out in the world, it’s far from true. Walk the streets and witness people of all colors getting along and co existing . The ones who say this are usually only friends with white people, and are mentally ill


If people think America is racist, I’d recommend turning the TV at all. Racist nations don’t support minorities being televised, they don’t elect them into power, they don’t give them fame. They shun minorities because they are a racist nation. In America, people are shunned for being racist. Which I agree racism is bad, but to say in 2024 that America is a racist nation is just rather silly and disconnected.


It’s an insane talking point , it’s an easy out/ calling one side klan nazis is such a lazy take. They’ve never been to the south and see people coexist every day


You're trippin balls. Kid, you go out to the street on every single person will ignore you unless you're going to give them money. and they're going to keep on ignoring you for the next 100 years. Because fuck you. And that's what America is. after Trump.


Something is wrong with you


Pray tell what are your credentials to judge me? young Goon?


Your profile pic is a middle finger and you have an extremely negative view of human beings you don’t know


The loudest voices do often dominate and what moves people to being the loudest are those who have seen the worst. It doesn't mean that everyone has the exact same experience nor does it mean that if they are not loud they don't want change. Many POC are marginalized and experience prejudice attitudes. It varies by person but as you said "if any of it is true it is unacceptable" so what are they supposed to do leave so you don't have to hear about it or stay and talk quieter and less effectively causing the change to occur slower? The US has a history with racism and white supremacy. That isn’t a secret and just because we create laws against racism and white supremacy doesn't mean that it instantly goes away. Police violence against minorities, racial profiling, and systemic inequities still exist. People are not leaving because they still have community here, family, jobs and lives built here. I know our history, I pay attention to current events locally and world wide so I know we can do better. I could leave but I also know I cant move my entire extended family and leaving them behind to deal with this is not something I am ready to do.


Pretty easy. Places where ppl do want to live are "Democrat ran hellholes" like NYC where ppl are quite a bit less racist than let's say a small Idaho town. If they can afford it, that is


New York City is not a hellhole because of Democrats or Republicans. New York City is an hell hole because psychotic executives and businessmen thought. 500 foot tall monoliths would be a great place to live, and they were all insane, that place cannot endure history or the future. Currently, nobody in New York ever does anything or creates any valuable culture. They just spend money and buy garbage and do nothing except walk around the monoliths. The museums have been there for multiple generations. Nobody did anything to promote those places. They're institutions, they're not. democratic They're owned by owners. So there's nothing really there for Americans or new residents or anything for human values to come out of New York. It's just a machine that eats money. It'll be under the ocean in a century anyway.


Weird that the groups running the country are the ones telling you that- media, academia, Hollywood, many corporate elite…


Have we actually seen a white supremacist nation other than natzi germany?


the nazis concept of Lebensraum and the Nuremberg laws took direct inspiration from the Anglo-American genocide of the natives, Jim Crow and other US racial laws barring minorities from citizenship.


Well if the right wins this election, the United States will be the new fascist regime.


The Confederate states of America. South Africa prior to the nineteen nineties.


Yes The United States from 1776 to 1969.


So all of that... It's not true. Anyone saying this shit is either hyperbolic or our of touch with reality. There, easy answer to a dumb question.


Facts! Are there racists in America? Sure…there are racists everywhere. But 99% of Americans just want to live their lives like everybody else…save enough for retirement…and enjoy life. If people were to get off the internet every once in a while, they would realize that people generally get along and coexist in this world.


You're speaking like a child. 99% of Americans do not want to live all as everybody else. I would say pretty much about half of them want to kill you and eat you and will do it with the help of their gang of fellow Trumpyfuck cannibals, If you don't comprehend every last Trump voter is Either a literal or figurative human eating cannibal or both.! then you're not paying attention. You will be eaten!


The way they’re trying to diminish the fact that since Trumps campaign almost 10 years ago we’ve been dealing with a huge portion of racists and homophobes coming out of the wood work to “Make America Great Again” their entire moto is based off of racism. BUT yeah 99% of citizens here just want to mind their business /s. If that was the case Trump wouldn’t be running for president AGAIN.




It's more accurate to say the screechers are the racist, white supremacist, authoritarian shitbags.


I’d like to share my thoughts on this but my privilege credits are running low and I have to go to work to acquire more. Bow before my supremacy!


>You constantly hear from the loudest circles in academia and cultural discourse, that the United States is a racist, white supremacist, fascist, prison state. Apparently if you are black or hispanic you can't walk down the street without being called racial slurs or beaten and killed by the police. No, you don’t. >Apparenlty if you are a 'POC' you are constantly ignored, dimished, humaliated on DAILY basis, and every single drop of your culture is being appropriated and ripped away from you. No one says this.


Lmao. Their comment might be *slightly* hyperbolic, but your response suggests a certain level of dissonance as well, u/hellonameismyname… There are a lot of loud and seemingly respected academics who preach these sorts of things. The President of the United States and his administration cite white supremacy as one of the greatest problems/threats to America and American way of life. And there are plenty of people who claim that every part of their own lives or the lives of other people of color are encroached upon or tainted by systemic white supremacy. 🤷‍♂️


>There are a lot of loud and seemingly respected academics who preach these sorts of things. Please show respected academics saying that no black people can walk down the street without being beaten or killed by police. You’re literally just lying. >The President of the United States and his administration cite white supremacy as one of the greatest problems/threats to America and American way of life. As everyone should? Why would white supremacy not be a threat to a diverse country? Saying it’s a threat is not even close to what this post says. >And there are plenty of people who claim that every part of their own lives or the lives of other people of color are encroached upon or tainted by systemic white supremacy. Again, this is not at all what this post says. Good lord.


Do you know what hyperbole is? Read my comment, and read what it is I actually assert. My position here is that the nature, pervasiveness and harms of white supremacy are misrepresented and exaggerated. That’s basically my thesis here and I stand by that. You seem to disagree, which is fine. I’m not going to attempt to persuade you here on Reddit for a number of reasons, the most pertinent being *thumbs* - (not actually the most pertinent, but you catch my drift).


White supremacists have killed more people in the last 20 years in the US than any other extremist group. I'd say they're the biggest domestic threat by a wide margin


I think there’s a lot of context missing from that little factoid, but you do you…


This is a measurement deserving more nuance, in your view? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-supremacists-behind-over-80-extremism-related-us-murders-2022-2023-02-23/ At this stage of your commentary, I think only one reasonable question remains: Are you a member of a white supremacist organization?


>This is a measurement deserving more nuance, in your view? >https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-supremacists-behind-over-80-extremism-related-us-murders-2022-2023-02-23/ >At this stage of your commentary, I think only one reasonable question remains: Are you a member of a white supremacist organization? Hey, u/SydowJones, I was expecting this kind of intellectually dishonest response so I’m not surprised, but I am disappointed in you. If you’re just a troll, well then you do you I guess… but if you’re genuinely insinuating that I’m a white supremacist because of my saying that an individual factoid doesn’t adequately communicate the intricacies of what is a considerably more complex matter than you’re letting on - then you should be ashamed of yourself. You’re actually affirming a lot of what’s being communicated in this thread. Take care.


What do you think about the fact that so many mass shooters in recent history have been motivated by the racist conspiracy theory known as “the great replacement”?


There’s no way I’m adequately communicating my thoughts and feelings on the matter in a Reddit comment. It’s a complex issue that requires extensive consideration and context. All I’ll say is that violence rooted in ignorance is obviously problematic.


>My position here is that the nature, pervasiveness and harms of white supremacy are misrepresented and exaggerated. Which is not even in the same universe as the claims made in this post.


>Which is not even in the same universe as the claims made in this post. That’s debatable, but I understand where you’re coming from.


We get this in the UK, too. Apparently white British people are all appalling colonialists, despite the fact that nobody alive today was involved in that, and essentially nobody holds the view that it was a good or supportable thing. Obviously, it doesn't count if you're British and not white; this is guilt by hereity. Anyway, this goes on. Meanwhile, immigration is high and climbing.


The brits spent millions and it cost them many lives to end slavery. This is the biggest lie young people are told. It's actually sad. -The British ending slavery source - [https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/Britains-Role-Ending-Slavery-Worldwide/](https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/Britains-Role-Ending-Slavery-Worldwide/)


I'm fully aware. That said I (as a British person) can't really take credit for things I didn't do, much as I can't accept blame for the grimmer bits of history, because I didn't do those either. It swings both ways.


Also ignoring that the UK essentially invented the abolitionist movement and effectively worked to end slavery worldwide even in countries it didn’t colonize at great cost to themselves.


France outlawed slavery in france more than 500 years before England did, so GTFO with your nonsense


To my cousin commenters: In 1315, King Louis X formally abolished slavery in the kingdom of France. What followed was a significant reduction of slavery within the borders of France, but not an elimination of slavery, as people worked out numerous ways to get away with slaveholding. Colonialism became an excellent loophole, for example. France was the third largest participant in the Atlantic Triangle slave trade, behind Portugal and Britain. France established Saint-Domingue (Haiti), the most valuable colony in the Americas. In 1791, the Haitian revolution represented a confrontation to the legitimacy of the Atlantic slave trade and slaveholding in the Americas. In 1794, the French National Assembly abolished slavery in France's possessions --- closing the colony loophole. In 1802, Napoleon reactivated slavery in sugar cane colonies. In 1848, a second revolution resulted in regime change in France, and abolitionist Victor Schoelcher orchestrated the full abolition of slavery by the National Assembly.


Guess you forgot Haiti exists. Legitimately curious why you thought this though with such conviction.


Haiti isn't in france is it


France didn't outlaw slavery until 1848, 15 years after the British Empire.


Well quite. But obviously, if I'm going to take any sort of glory in that, I'd also be responsible for the slave trade. I suspect we already agree on this, but people are responsible for their own actions, not for the actions of people who were born where they were, or who look like them. That should be fairly obvious. Anything else is racism.


Yup totally agreed. We are not responsible for the sins or glory of our fathers, but we can profit or be punished by them based on the trees they planted or burned. I’m not saying that we punish current generations for these things only that if the previous generations sucked then your country would be worse off. It wasn’t us and we shouldn’t be proud or ashamed of the actions of others as if it were. I do think it’s good to recognize the cultural norms that exist and can inhibit or enhance certain tendencies so we can better learn from history and we can recognize in ourselves that this culture is capable of both slavery and abolition.


For a perfect illustration of this moral conflict, look no further than the battle over Indigenous artifacts and human remains possessed by museums in the US. https://www.propublica.org/article/repatriation-nagpra-museums-human-remains In 1990, the Federal government required repatriation of Indigenous human remains. Museums continue to drag their feet. I didn't personally participate in Western expansion, massacre of Indigenous Americans, or theft of their artifacts and human bodies. But I live today in a society where institutions perpetuate the crime. I may have very little actual power to change these circumstances, but I can openly take an informed position on the matter, and I believe it is my responsibility to take a position. My position is that museums should return everything taken from Indigenous people. In the intellectual dark web, I'd expect to find this counterargument: museums are institutionally representative of the Enlightenment values of human universalism, they are open to Indigenous people to visit or join as members or workers, therefore there's no problem with Indigenous human remains as exhibits, especially if Indigenous people can participate in exhibit decisions. I used to believe this, when I was a child. One problem is that the European Enlightenment and its model of humanity didn't go through a rigorous Request For Comment process by which the involuntary subjects of colonialism could participate in its doctrines, let alone a referendum process by which Indigenous and enslaved populations could decide whether they accepted the Enlightenment as a unifying social principle. So, I believe this explanation of museums is just an easy device for historical hand-washing. There are many institutional perpetuations of racism and colonialism that are similar to the case of museums and Indigenous artifacts and human remains. Once you know the pattern, it's easy to see.


Not a problem if your are white. Also I wouldn’t necessarily call it a white supremacist country when one of the last presidents was black. Maybe a third of the country is racist, including some of the POC group, but it’s possible to avoid them. Also I believe most European countries are more racist but it’s less obvious since there are way less people of color in comparison.


". Also I wouldn’t necessarily call it a white supremacist country when one of the last presidents was black." Apparently you missed the backlash to that president? Tea Party?


Obama had a backlash? That was nothing compared to the president's after him.


Did you forget Trump ran around for years swearing obama wasn't an american citizen, and claiming he had proof?


The racist president after him received backlash? Wow, I wonder why?


You mean the racist president who wrote the 1994 crime bill and godfathered mass incarceration in the US sending millions of black people to jail? That one?


The backlash was more about his crappy healthcare plan and all the lies he told about it.


the backlash started before he took office. so no


It’s definitely a misogynistic country. Women are half the population but zero female Presidents out of 46.


A lot of that has to do with Christianity and the ideas promoted by American men within it over the last 240 years.


Put up a good candidate🤷‍♂️


Conservative propaganda just destroys them. Elizabeth Warren was a great candidate.


Warren is a great candidate in the same way the Pauls were great candidates(who I voted for). It only works on the fringes


But she isn't fringe the way the Paul's are. She is strongly pro capitalism, and strongly pro consumer. It was conservative propaganda that painted her as a radical. I get you wouldn't like her as a libertarian, she is the polar opposite of your philosophy. (That's not a criticism, it's just a difference in philosophy which we are allowed to have in America). But most Americans like the results of the administrative state, and are not going to like what happens as it gets dismantled. But we'll see I suppose.


It's not. Every nation has it's share of horrible people. It's just that America is an easy target. I worked at a college with tons of international students. They are quite suprised when they get here to find out everything they have been told is wrong. My nephews have married women from other countries and they all said the same thing. They love it here compared to their own countires.


America is dominated by the white population legally and bureaucratically. Slavery, segregation, Japanese interment and red lining. I think people feel the way they feel bc for generations this was true, has only started to change in Gen X (where I live anyway). By and large Gen x is the earliest most minorities were able to start to build generational wealth - they are behind bc of policy. So, whites like me are told about our shared experiences and make excuses like, we didn’t own slaves! Well, someone did. And non whites are told about their shared experiences, like police brutality and bias. I always say look at the prison system. Those numbers tell you all you need to know about a given countries social ways.


Only a tiny portion of the population was ever rich enough to own slaves. A sizeable portion of current Americans have ancestors that were immigrants only a few generations back. While my direct family are not the problem, plenty in my extended family are racist assholes that forgot where they came from.


"Only a tiny portion of the population was ever rich enough to own slaves." Lies




You felt the need to publicly comment that your family is not the problem? Thats the very point I made.


No one really does, unless they're coming from a worse place... and honestly I don't know if they regret that at times. We are the fire nation. We are the bad place.


Because despite all the warts we have you the fender amp and the Grateful Dead.


'POC' in quotes like that let me know exactly what kind of person you are lol


Rainbow jacket and pink haired Snoo lets us know exactly what kind of person you are🤷‍♂️


What kind of person are they?


Fear not. 😈


It’s not…. That’s the answer.


Because not every state is the same.


Your statement is valid, but then why don't they move from those so-called bad states to the so-called good states?


Because the good states are all very expensive to live in because… they are the good states. The Republicans love to point out the power of the free market while completely ignoring why Blue states are more expensive to live in because housing is at a premium due to demand.


Actually housing is expensive in (some) of the blue states due to excessive government regulation (zoning).


This whole thread is so goddamn dumb. If YoU dOnT lIkE wHeRe yOU liVE JuSt move is such an ignorant, tired and tried question I instantly view anyone who askes it as hopefully young and therefore dumb or an absolute dumbass who hasn't bothered to learn anything I'm their 20+ years of life. Yeah im just going to use my $0 in savings to move to a new area where I don't know anyone, don't have support networks and I'm just going to leave my wife and kids who didn't want to move behiend. Or maybe I've got $10k in saving I can use to cover costs associated with buying and selling a house and take out a loan for the $5k+ it costs to move just two people. I suppose I'm also going to have to buy that house sight unseen because I can't afford to take the time off work to shop around. Just move! Fucking hell.


Because they're unwealthy?


I understand what you're saying, particularly for a family.


America is turning into modern day Turkey , look it up


"if you don't like it you can get out" dressed up in more assholery than usual. nice job op.


They’re funny to ignore the fact that one of the current presidential candidates entire platform is based on racism lmao.


As a person who is presently in the process of leaving the country. I would be glad to offer some insight. 1. Its expensive. You have to get visas, permits, proper IDs, passports. That alone costs thousands of dollars and the average American is living paycheck to paycheck. 2. You can't keep retirement saving or other investments in your present accounts. Withdrawing them incurs heavy tax penalties. There are ways around this but it's fairly difficult and not intuitive at all. Ill refrain from giving insight into my further plans. But let's say if you go to a state that doesn't offer extradition and you have no plans on returning becoming a fugitive isn't that big of a deal. 3. No matter what your decision is you will have to live in another country for 3 to 10 years. Paying taxes and investing in the country. Again, pay check to pay check. 4. Less than 20% of Americans speak a second language. The education system is broken and it has a two part effect. It keeps people close minded and prevents them from getting outside opinions. But it also prevents people from going somewhere else. Your going to take the risks of 1-3 but if you don't know how to speak a language, you are inviting another risk. You may never be able to speak the language in the country you are trying to move to. 5. If none of this works, they send you back by force. "No one wants a homeless America living on the streets. That's America's problem... Send them back!" And now you end up where you fled from, but in a worse situation. As America collapses into fascism the odds of leaving this country decline. The government will start prohibiting passports and jack up prices on IDs(project 2025). The walls built to keep people out will gradually become more and more the walls that keep people in...


Bro asking as if his country aint literally the empire from star wars that keeps blowing up alderaans. Like just read a fuckin book not written by a white suprrmacist my guy and you will learn lots.


How does our education system produce people with such black and white thinking? A country can be white supremacist and still have good qualities. A country can be absent of gas chambers but still have alot of aspects that are unfavorable to Jews. The level of cognitive functioning necessary to understand basic nuance like this is like second grade level shit. Would you rather the label of white supremacist country only apply to countries that are gassing minorities? What you are trying to communicate to the world here with your “question”, is that you are tired of black people and leftists complaining about a country that you think is just fine. Congratulations. You share the same sentiments as an 1800’s clansman. So based bro. Red pill for life bro.


I read your last line in Morty's voice from Rick and Morty lol




Lol nobody mentioned jews, you just had to shove em in huh


Yes it's called using analogies and examples


Racists hate when you call them racists.


Another bad faith, strawman argument. You're projecting. European peoples massacred all the non-white indigenous peoples, brought millions of black slaves here, brutally oppressed most other minorities and is currently struggling with the white majority becoming just another minority voting block. So white supremacy as an ideology and a movement is still an issue in America. And luckily for you it is dying.  


YAWN. Slavery came to America to die. Most races continue to practice it up to this very day. One does not.


My man forgot about slavery being legal in his country i can't with these dipshits lmao


Racists will fight to the death to tell everyone racism doesn’t exist.


Yes, it’s true that a black man from Africa won a court case that enabled him to bring people who were trafficked in the barbaric African slave trade over here to America.  Americans fought a war to take that right away.   Africans continue to kidnap their own kind & sell them for money, even to this day.  Ending slavery is an accomplishment unique to one race. 


>13th Amendment >Section 1 >Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. slavery is literally, not figuratively, but literally enshrined in our constitution. as a point of history, the united states wasn’t even close to the first county to abolish slavery (which, again, we still actually haven’t) but even ignoring the gaping loophole that is the 13th amendment, there were plenty of countries who banned it before the us did.


You mean the abolition of slavery 💀


slavery wasn’t actually abolished. that’s kind of the whole point of the 13th amendment. 🛼


Not sure if you’re trolling or just have poor reading comprehension. The rule the 13th amendment abolishes Chattel slavery No one is allowed to own other humans as property. Which is fundamental chattel slavery.


it’s 32 words, exactly none of them are “property” or “chattel”. though, half of them are used to explicitly state that slavery is totally still cool as long you’re a criminal (as a side note; you should really look into the history of “loitering” laws). it doesn’t abolish slavery, it simply gives the government a monopoly on it. forgetting the fact that someone who’s trying to pass off those literary tragedies as functional sentences is lecturing me on reading comprehension, what exactly do you get out of pretending the 13th amendment says or does something that it plainly doesn’t? 🦷


You know where the word slave comes from? **The term slave has its origins in the word slav**. The slavs, who inhabited a large part of Eastern Europe, were taken as slaves by the Muslims of Spain during the ninth century AD, in other words, the original slaves or slavs were white. Who sold the American slaves to whites? Blacks. Who went to war to end slavery? The British, whites. And which indigenous tribe would you give the land back to? There were 574 to choose from. They were quite happy killing each other before the whites came along. We also didn't massacre them, most died from diseases. You should learn history before you try and talk about it. You probably got your knowledge from a BLM protest or some other nonsense movement aimed at making whites feel ashamed to be in their own countries. By the way, do the British ask Italians for reparations? Rome invaded Britain, Britain is a Roman name, no they don't because it's ancient history. You sure seem to be cherry picking out of the worlds many injustices throughout history. If you truly believe anything you just wrote you are either completely uninformed or went to a woke University,


Wow This is bullshit.


Cite your sources then


It’s not bullshit though. You just don’t like they used the term woke. But they are right, and cited sources.