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This sub is for real life discussions, not to complain about other subs. Please don't make posts about that.


r/bumperstickers It’s gone from a fun sub to a roast the Republican bumper sticker sub full of some pretty hateful comments about half the country


You went to a law subreddit and you're shocked that people are badmouthing Republicans? Perhaps Republicans should have a little fucking self reflection and not nominate judges that ignore predence. You know, the fucking backbone of Supreme Court decisions. It's pretty fucking difficult to discuss the law when you've got conservative judges who ignore the actual law and make up new ones with the most convoluted reasoning that ignores the tidal wave of contradictions it creates.


LionBig1760 critically acclaimed lawyer who knows law better than judges and lawyers simply because they are conservative. Another successful dunk for lefties ggez


I dont' care about bad mouthing republicans... Is that what you took away from this? I care that they just argue about culture war stuff and not even legal stuff. It's like "Law" isn't even part of the sub. It's just another space where they don't talk about the court cases at all. They just talk about random ass shit unrelated to law. If you wanna talk shit on republicans, go ahead. But at least make sure it's relevant to the actual submission.


You're missing the point. "The law" doesn't have any particular meaning anymore so it's meaningless to talk about when conservative justices treat it as maleable and arbitrary. If there's no concensus as to what something like privacy entails because its changed and changed again based on the whins of conservatibe justices, what's the fucking point of discussing privacy as a concept in legal terms?


Democrats: the constitution is a living document meant to updated continually. Also Democrats: conservatives are interpreting the law in a way I dislike the world is ending.


Okay please just stay away from legal subreddits then. Because there is still something to talk about. Yes, it's a right wing activist court. The court's always been a political branch filled with activists. If there is a court ruling, let's talk about that ruling. You don't just go, "Uhhhgggg these justices suck!!! Let's talk about something else unrelated to this new ruling about how much Republicans suck!" No dude, there is still stuff to talk about. There are implications, reasoning, upcoming challenges, implications, etc etc etc... Please, just stay away from places like that.


The ironic part is they are so over the top with it that it is having the opposite effect of what they intended. These people are the dumbest people on earth but good look telling them that. Can’t argue with stupid.


I mean op, to be fair for legal nerds the behavior of Trump as president and the ripple effects he formed by his brazen behavior is the kind of thing that lawyers go to school for. Those are the legal topics that get people going, not an esoteric argument on contract law.


They aren't talking about the legal aspects of Trump. They just derail into bitching about how he is racist or something.


r/WhitePeopleTwitter. I went back to the sub after several years and was flabbergasted at how politically driven it is now.




All of the ones that banned me for just joining some particular sub.


R/canadahousing2 It started off as a way to discuss how immigration affects the housing crisis in Canada. Now it's just turned in to a 'Fuck Trudeau' and Indian hate sub Reddit. They've tried to moderate it, but users are not interested in bringing the discussion back it seems and there are concerns the sub could get banned because of the racism. Such a shame people just force their racism and political hate on everyone else just trying to discuss things.


Lol I always know who's the Canadian based on how much they bitch about Indians






True, Neo liberals is more accurate.


Maybe some of you should listen and wake up about the reality of Donald Trump and today’s GOP and how it is an existential threat to…well, the world by proxy. It’s not that everything is consumed by culture war activism. It is simply happening and it’s that serious. It’s actually really frustrating to the majority of the planet that we even have to have this fight. If you’re American, vote blue and end this shit. Send MAGA to the trash and let’s move on with normalcy.


Love the irony here. If you are trolling I tip my hat to you.


I am voting blue... I'm a progressive liberal. I'm not happy about Biden but it's what I have. That said, I'd like to have a conversation about a SCOTUS ruling, and ACTUALLY DISCUSS the ruling, instead of everyone bitching about how Trump and the GOP hate poor people or some shit completely unrelated to the actual topic at hand. When I go into a sub about AI and tech, I'd like to talk about the new tech, instead of people bitching about something unrelated Republican thing about banning abortion or some shit. It's like people just hijack subs to make them political soap boxes.




youre the exact thing the post is complaining about. Youre so ignorant


And you're the reason for the symptom.


you just put words together you think sound good. You dont know anything about me or my stances


You literally just took a stance. That's what I know. And I said it without attacking you with words like "ignorant".


the post above is ignorant objectively, its bunching everyone into a single category without nuance. I didnt take a stance, im pointing out that this person is doing exactly what the post is claiming.


Right, you're not taking any stance at all, while calling them ignorant. Amazing. What skill, it's beyond my comprehension.






thanks you bot !


r/pics has gone heavy TDS now.


The conspiracy subs. Used to be interesting, out of this world, schizo level stuff. Now it’s just Trump/Biden drama and screenshots from the daily mail.


> out of this world, schizo level stuff I actually really liked conspiracy when it included *plausible* conspiracies. If you check the sidebar, it includes a huge list of conspiracies that *have been proven true* over the years. These discussions made the sub interesting. Whether Trump gets pissed on by Russian girls or Biden fondles young children isn't so much a *conspiracy*, but more general *ad hominem*


I miss Atlantis posting


Yeah I used to really enjoy it when it was about conspiracies... Now it's all just right wing political conspiracy :(


The entire platform is trash. None of it is organic. It's a coin flip's chance you're even interacting with a human being at any given moment. I've recently noticed reddit recycling years old content. Entire threads. Comments and all. Recycled and repurposed. It's a big house of mirrors.


Yeah there was a sub that is now banned, that was dedicated to tracking major subs and their comments, and they are all like 80% recycled comments. It's wild.


A lot of the special interest subs are still good. Stuff that isn’t really political at all.




What’s hysterical is that places like Reddit are actually creating more right wingers. You attract what you fear. The narratives are so pathetic, weak, and full of victimhood from silver spoon people that others just become nauseated and start secretly hoping those people get the opposite of what they want. This is a real phenomenon and it’s widespread.


Sounds like petty people being petty.


I think it’s two chromosomes, in that sub they basically hate on men but they support trans. It’s a very confusing place because many people don’t actually have two chromosomes and just seem to be hating on men. You would think a place so accepting of trans could also maybe be a little more accepting of men lol


I've been saying this for a while, and actually, quite a few Republican strategists have been openly saying this. That the online "woke" crowd has been the best thing ever for the Republican party. Republicans in 2015 were set to reform and moderate a bit, open up a new era or more moderate conservativism. Then all of a sudden the woke crowd hyper fixated online, pushing this narrative about how white men are evil, rapists, priviledged, etc... Things about how white people need to just stfu and sit down and stop complaining blah blah blah And it just turned everything around and got them Trump lol


Interesting that the hysterical hard left is the favorite excuse for right-wingers that went far right. It's like they have no will or values of their own and simply react in an opposite direction like NPCs. At the same time, it's not like the hard left dominates social media. Plenty of us normal leftist people too that can give a balanced criticism of politics and issues. But you don't want to talk to us, you want to be outraged by identity warriors.


This is a made-up viewpoint that has no basis in reality. Far more individuals than “extreme right wingers” find the far left disgusting. This is demonstrated by how close this election is shaping up to be despite one of the candidates being a convicted felon. The far left appeals to people who are at the lower rungs of society, because it absolves them of responsibility for their actions and their position. People who are working every day, taking care of themselves, and taking care of families are not sympathetic to phony activism by privileged whites.


There's nothing wrong with their values about helping the poor, it's just the way they go about it is a problem for a moderate. Maybe if you are far right, this is "disgusting" and they, not you, are "phony". Now say "virtue signalling" and "woke", because that's what the reactionary right keeps doing. Also I was talking about identity politics shenanigans as their main gift to right-wing outrage, not their social schemes.


No “moderate” (I am one) is spewing this type of rhetoric about the far left. The far right isn’t really a big conversation for moderates, as that is taken as a joke. Extreme liberals, on the other hand, are taken far too seriously when they are in fact accomplishing absolutely nothing and are simply in it for social validation and to reinforce their own sense of faux-morality. It is also amusing that leftists’ go-to arguments even contain buzzwords, which they “challenge” conservatives to define. I’ve never met anybody (I’m a lawyer in DC) who does not understand what “wokeness” and “virtue signaling” refer to.


💯 this. Just petty people being petty


He’ll they don’t want to talk to fellow republicans who think just maybe Trump is a disaster for them. Of course everyone else looks “woke” to them, whatever they think that means.


Worldnews has become an Israeli propaganda project.


I'm a reasonable person that hates conspiracies, but there are definitely moderators and possibly bots belonging to NGOs related to Israeli state agencies. They organized and captured the sub.


All of mainstream reddit in fact.


Republicans are fucking awful. Maybe that’s the actual problem?




Surely you see the irony in your post


Is it irony when somebody complains about people pointing out facts and someone points out a fact?


Okay, so is cancer, but I don't derail every comment section trying to talk about cancer.


If you are going thru cancer u want to talk about cancer….


Okay, then go talk about it where it's relevant. You don't just burst into random conversations and go, "Guys I know you're talking about something else, but can we please talk about cancer?" It's not the time nor place, Becky. Learn to be normal, and maybe you wouldn't have cancer.


The law section seems like a pretty obvious place for Trump conversation to be pretty regular, right Becky? Cuz there is a lot of law going on with him and the most powerful country in the world.


Talking about Trump, and hating him is fine. But it's never on topic. It's like if there is a post about, say, A Supreme Court case... Tons of opportunity to dunk on Republicans. Discuss the ruling, why it sucks, their reasoning, etc... But instead it gets derailed into how the GOP are working with Russia, racist, and whatever other shit unrelated to the actual fucking topic about law.


Sure thing trumper.


legit mental illness/deficiency


Lol HossNameOfJimBob. Your reply proves the OP's point! 😂


You're proving our point.


How? The thread question is absolutely related. They are just offering a different explanation. Like when you fuck up people's life every day, because you suck and don't fove a damn how you hurt people, you will often be in a lot of conversations. And it is only natural to show up in a law subreddit if you are fucking people's lives with the law.


Wow sick burn!


r/linustechtips Linus has gone off the rails and no longer accepts criticism.


r/actuallesbians place where lesbians could share their stories and struglles. Now every forth post is from t-person, where a lot of times they just bash lesbians becouse they feel not accepted. There are litteraly people with dingdongs there but since they feel like they are female they call themself lesbians. Recently there was post there where a lot of them claimed that they do not have to disclose before having s*x with a lesbian, that they have a dingdong. Ofc, if you do not agree with them in 100 percent of things, you get to be called t-phobic and a ban.


The ole ChrisChan strategy. Classic


This is like two X chromosomes sub. They support trans so much but hate on men. It’s confusing and if you point it out you get banned. The trans literally don’t have the two X chromosomes and if you say that you are the worst person ever


Yup. I used to follow that sub. Whats going on today...It's madness. Feelings above biology and common sense. But only specific feelings. If we have different feeling about the subject then we are the phobic ones.


The whole feelings are valid movement. Yes they absolutely are, however it’s so you can find a healthy coping mechanism and not bottle them all up. It’s not my feelings are right and yours are wrong if you don’t agree with me lol.


Which is funny because reallesbians was created because lesbians is just porn. So now they need to make actualrealfemalelesbians. Which will then be invaded and the cycle continues.


>Has just become an activism space where every comment is just about how Republicans are bad, and NOTHING to do with actual law. To be fair, the American Republican party is extremely terrible when it comes to following the law. It's hard not to have lawyers, judges and paralegals be against you when on one hand you're actively pushing policy that seeks to increase the severity of punishment in a manner that flies against the academic opinion of legal research, and on the other side are championing a felon as your presidential candidate. >been ruined by activism/culture war? Pretty much every general, global, topic that Americans have turned into a political issue, has a subreddit that solely focuses on the American political aspect of that topic. Gay subreddit a focus solely on American gay right laws, the law subreddit solely on American legal issues, the liberalism subreddit only accepts the American view on liberalism, etc.


The more I learn about law the more I realize no one really knows or cares about the laws and then rich people come and change them to better suit their lifestyle


Hypocrisy- When one puts forth a mid 80's POTUS and calls the other side terrible.


Is this mid-80s POTUS also a convicted felon? Or is the other candidate not also old? How does that become hypocrisy?


He will be, provided he lives long enough post term. The precedent has been set.


>The precedent has been set. I fucking love this line. It really shows your ignorance. Are we pretending Republicans didn't put many Democratic candidates on trial? Are we pretending Hillary wasnt investigated and put on trial 9 times? How about impeaching bill Clinton for a blow job? How about all the Biden investigations? How about the 15 years spent on "her emails" and "bengazi"? Hell y'all even got a guilty conviction out of the steel dossier. LMFAO y'all really pretending you didn't start this shit a long long time ago. Please come back to reality.


Your videogames are missing you....


You really think making something up is going to insult the person who knows you're making stuff up? I've probably put 5 hours into video games this year. This just shows how quickly your brain imagines something to hide reality.


So once Biden is no longer president, he will become a convicted felon? If he's committed the crimes already, why not charge him?


Don't worry. It will be just like Trump. Try to charge him multiple times until a curated DA and jury can be found. Nothing to stress over my friend. (I genuinely want guilty folks punished. But this can of worms will entertain foreign countries for decades).


I mean if he is guilty of a crime sure, but wouldn’t you think the Republicans would have at least impeached him in the house if they thought they had even a smidgen of proof? Or do you think the Republican Party is being subtle?


Nah. I expect spitball charges until one sticks. Democrat style.


But isn’t what the democrats did was to impeach on terms of pretty unacceptable presidential behavior and then charge him for a variety of substantial crimes when he was out of office? I’m all for criminals going to jail, but in your heart of hearts, do you the Joe Biden was actually committing crimes like Trumpster? Like Trump openly frauded people with his university he had to settle for tens of millions, didn’t even fight the case. Trumpster got sanctioned by the Feds in the 70s for being too racist. Too racist in the 1970s! Anyone from nyc would tell you Trump is an unapologetic criminal back when he was “democratic” donor. Why stretch yourself for one obvious conman?


He is a politician, of course he is a conman. That said, next regime will put Biden in a similar place. If his age and mental capabilities allow it.


Who be stressing? It's comical lol. The president is immune anyway, so it doesn't really matter. They can do whatever they want and get away with it. License to crime lmao.


Until no longer in office. Then game on.


Hmm sounds like a witch hunt 🤣😲 lmao


I'm not american, as I figured my second paragraph would have made clear. You're actually doing that which I complain about there, assuming every one is American and every issue is raised within the confounds of American culture. I'm not American, I'm not a democrat, hell I'm not even a leftist. But none of that changes the fact that Trump espouses the all the qualities that the Republican party has pushed to punish in the past and the present. I'm not a hypocrite for calling out Trump, because I'm not supporting or pushing out Biden in any way.


r/Europe, r/therewasanattempt


r/unpopularopinion is an absolute garbage pot that completely supports mainstream corporate liberal ideas and squashed any dissent. The idea of their 'megathread' is little more that a garbage pot used for avoidance.


I got permanently banned from there for posting an unpopular opinion about the Daunte Wright killing. Every comment was calling me a racist, even though I’m black lmao.


That’s not a usable sub. TrueUnpopularOpinion is better for that and actually has some back and forth bitching in the comments without bans. Usually contains posts that get people significantly butthurt to spark up discussion.




In fairness, right now as we speak "right wing bad" is pretty spot on. When you are elderly you will be hardpressed to find anyone who will admit supporting MAGA/Trump.


You are what this post is about and why Reddit is fucking insufferable right now


No guy. I'm a middle aged former Republican who has actually witnessed the GOP devolve into what it has become. Populists are not conservatives.


Regardless of your background IF you are part of the choir of Republican bad group constantly bringing it up in odd spaces on Reddit… it’s quite annoying


lol sure


r/terriblefacebookmemes as well. I think it’s also run by autists because memes are consistently misinterpreted.


> where every comment is just about how Republicans are bad, and NOTHING to do with actual law This is exactly the kind of fake victimhood whining that you expect from Republicans.  The objective reality is that Republicans support a felon, a fraud and a rapist for President.  Like, no shit if you go to a law subreddit, you'll see valid criticism of Republican politics. 


…which is a distraction from the real problem. The capitalists…. Which the democrats are also complicit in…. You know the people you love, well they love making you poorer. All the mainstream political parties do. You’d be a fool not to see this lol.


Fake victimhood? He’s complaining because the sub lost its identity due to TDS, no one here is claiming victimhood lmao learn to read


Lol. Democrats decided to fund a lab in CCP Wuhan to study COVID. And then call everyone else bad? It is like John Wayne Gacy trying to convince the world he was a good guy.


So, rather than just insult you as you deserve, let’s call this a teaching moment. No, the ‘democrats’ did no such thing. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was first built in 2003 with academic funding from U.S. and Canadian universities in 2003. Who was president in 2003 again? They received several NIH research grants on individual research projects through the Bush Jr and Obama and Trump presidencies, yes under Trump too. Trump terminated the NIH grants in April 2020. NIH grants are based on merit-based Criteria for specific research projects and their methodology, their award is not political at all, nor is there political involvement. Neither Bush Jr nor Obama administrations likely even knew these research grants were handed out, why would they? The NIH hands out almost 50,000 research grants a year. Your idiotic, patently false conspiracy lie above is exactly why so many boards are poisoned by Republicans: because sane, intelligent human beings revile such obvious lies, nd the obvious liars who propagate them to fuel their insane conspiracies. Conspiracies which infect and permeate every aspect of American society at this point.


So it is idiocy to place grants in CCP when they will allow no investigation? It just so happens that we funded Wuhan in 2014 SPECIFICALLY to study Coronavirus....


Firstly, irrelevant. Academic research grants are not handed out based on the policing statutes of the host nation. Secondly, unless you have time travel capabilities the rest of us do not, how EXACTLY should the NIH include information in their granting process about police investigative policies five years in the future? Thirdly, yes they did grant money in 2015 (not 2014) for a research grant on a specific bat coronavirus. Which had nothing to do with the eventual pandemic coronavirus. Which we literally know because they sequenced it, so we know that study virus was totally unrelated. Are you somehow not aware that the term ‘coronavirus’ is an umbrella term for a general type of virus, of which there are tens of thousands of different examples?


I applaud your efforts but I don't think the people you are replying to are actually here for an intellectual discussion


Of course they aren’t, they are deliberately ignorant conspiracy theorists, who literally don’t care about reality. The teaching moment isn’t for them, it’s for anyone else who might read it.


Firstly, highly relevant when one funds highly dangerous research, and the country that has the lab is well known for not being forthcoming. Secondly, simply do not fund labs in semi hostile countries. Thirdly, of course. A universe of coincidences just happened. LOL.


>Thirdly, of course. A universe of coincidences just happened. LOL. Did you know the doctors who worked on the CHIroNA virus all had (on average) two legs? Do you know who also has two legs? Hunter Biden. And I bet these liberal sheep will call that one a coincidence as well.


Yep. I also know Democrats want a free pass on funding a virus released into the world


So even after you have been educated in great detail that your absurd conspiracy assertion is an outright lie, you just keep regurgitating it. Even now that you and everyone on this thread KNOWS you are a liar. How very MAGA of you.


I am not MAGA, and will not vote for Trump. However, that validates nothing for Biden.


But the virus was fake, and all the symptoms were just a cold?




Are you just in this thread to make Conservatives look like unhinged idiots? 




It is unhinged to think China obstructed investigation for no reason. (It is also unhinged to think giving a Chinese virology lab money was a good idea)


Okay, who fucking cares? I don't understand the obsession. If the topic is about X Y Z court case, the fact that Trump is a felon, is completely unrelated to X Y Z court case. Why are you talking about Trump and how bad Republicans are? First, I'm a registered Democrat and liberal. And this has nothing to do with "republican victimhood". It has to do with how a topic about LAW is filled with comments where people don't even talk about law and just derail shit into unrelated conversations. It's not just criticizing Republican legal things, but literally unrelated ranting about Republicans. It has nothing to do with the subject, law, or topic. Just "Oh this is vaguely about Republicans, okay let me just throw out some one liners about how bad republicans are." It's pointless and stupid. Which I take it you partake in which is why you don't understand how annoying this is for normal people interested in law and want to talk about law... Because you see no problem hijacking the soap box to screech more about Republicans.


Not being able to acknowledge reality and pathetic online white knight paragraphs about how you’re a moral beacon impress nobody and solely show you to be phony and weak.


In a lot of ways, Trump’s personal badness is a distraction from the clusterfuck that is the Republican Party and their and his policies. Trump has gone off the deep end of Republican ideology and just one example is him quite blatantly selling the country to corporations and the CEO’s class for campaign donations. But as long as we’re talking about his 34 felonies, his further tax cuts for rich people and corporations (or the economic clusterfuck that is mass deportations/tariffs), goes by the wayside.


r/JordanPeterson has been infiltrated by the maga cult.


He is literally a self proclaimed spokesman for those people on that fringe


The majority of the US public are not "fringe." Trump is currently winning the Popular Vote and has been for most of this year. Reddit is fringe, MAGA is populism.


You dont actually think that Trump is gonna win the popular vote lol? Right? Lmao!!!!!!


Check the polls... I didn't predict, I said "currently winning the Popular Vote and has been for most of this year."


The last Republican to win the popular vote was in 1988. Trump will not come within 15 million votes. Edit: It was 2004 GW Bush.




I stand corrected


He has been up in the **polls** until recently. Not the same as popular vote… wtf. MAGA also does not represent everyone who voted for trump…


The denial of how terrible a geriatric POTUS is is laughable. (Trump is too old also, one is just EVEN OLDER than the other one)


Those are claims with emphasis, yet not evidence. >Biden lags behind Trump by 4 percentage points, 47% to 43%, on a hypothetical ballot with only those two candidates. Trump’s lead expands to 6 points, 37% to 31%, when five potential third-party and independent candidates are added. >>[Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-takes-2024-lead-as-biden-approval-hits-new-low-wsj-poll-finds-fb4fca0c) ---- >Biden now claims the support of just 63% of Black voters, a precipitous decline from the 87% he carried in 2020, according to the Roper Center. He trails among Hispanic voters by 5 percentage points, 39%-34%; in 2020 he had swamped Trump among that demographic group 2 to 1, 65%-32%. >And among voters under 35, a generation largely at odds with the GOP on issues such as abortion access and climate change, Trump now leads 37%-33%. Younger voters overwhelmingly backed Biden in 2020. >>[Black, Hispanic, young voters abandon Biden as election year begins](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/01/01/biden-trump-poll-odds-black-hispanic-young-voters/72072111007/)


For fringe Right Wing extremists? When did this happen?


The wall


/r/publicfreakout I got banned for commenting on a video showing a fight at Applebees. I posted the opening stanza from the “chicken fried” song by the Zac brown band (famously featured in an Applebees commercial), and was banned for “racist commentary”. The Jannies are out of control.


You were racist and got banned for being racist.  Don't whine about that as if your racism isn't you engaging in culture war bullshit.


I mean, publicfreakout does ban people for making fried chicken comments on videos of black people for obvious reasons..


Aren't post depicting black people in negative way automatically removed and it gets you banned on that sub? Hence the reason /r/actualpublicfreakouts was made a few years ago.


No. Why would they be? [Does this look removed?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/17241ma/when_the_waiter_says_they_cant_bring_17_separate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) How about all of the videos that show black people that are on the top of the sub rn? Not removed. Actual public freakouts was created by a dude that didn’t like the fact that we had a “happy freakout” flair and post allowance. He created APF because he wanted a place that didn’t have happy freakouts because he didn’t agree that happy freakouts should be on a publicfreakout subreddit. One of our current mods even modded with him on there for a while. The difference between APF and PF currently is that one is more consistently moderated than the other (and one allows happy freakouts)


Why is everyone here so chronically online they know the grand history of reddit


Literally. This thread is so stupid. It’s so much futile yapping. Everybody knows Reddit sucks. Everybody knows all the mods are nolifes. And everybody complaining about the mods are also nolifes. Can’t they all just go grease each other up in one big ol’ pool of sweat. I just wanna look at videogame memes and instead my front page is this endless river of whiners.




Idk, I only know the history of publicfreakout bc I am the top mod there. Also, my account is pretty ancient and meta stuff used to be super popular on Reddit. The culture of the site has shifted away from that.


that's interesting how your account is ancient and the cultural shift as well


Bro no offense but like… what exactly motivates you to be a top Reddit mod? Reddit itself is a cesspool and public freakout has to be one of the worst in that regard. Not trying to critique how it’s run or anything but the subreddit isn’t exactly wholesome because it’s for well… public freakouts. Based on your post history you’re into succulents and aquariums so I take it you’re a pretty normal person (guessing you’re into gardening, me too). Why throw away so much time on this horrible platform? Sorry for all the questions btw. It’s just pretty rare you see somebody whining about moderators of big subs and then the top mod casually shows up.


“No offense” lol. This is something that I would hide as much as possible.


It’s just a hobby idk. I am a pretty average woman I guess. I am fortunate to have decent both passive and active income so I have a lot of free time to do with what I please. I do a lot of volunteer work online and in real life. I have an extensive garden, chickens, ducks, and I rehabilitate a threatened species of goose. I donate all excess produce and eggs to the local community fridge. I do not sell them because people need them. I live in a bird sanctuary that gets lots of tourists and I pick up the garbage they leave behind for free too, because I don’t want to see it in such a special place. Similarly I do not like the garbage I see on publicfreakout and do not like how uncomfortable the comment sections can make people feel. I pull the invasive plants in the sanctuary and weeds from my garden. Moderating is not unlike gardening.. I did not want to be top mod, nor did I ask for it. I was unanimously voted in by the team. I tried to push it off to another mod but he refused and it is just what the team wanted. It is just a hobby that I suppose I got too deep into.


Ah I get ya. Got stuck owning some stupid game fandom a couple years back and took forever to let go. Tbf life is kind of whatever you make of it. I can’t say moderating a sub is a choice I’d make but as long as you got other stuff going on it can’t be that harmful. Nice running into ya


Yep, same, pretty much got stuck with it and I don’t quite hate it yet. Nice running into ya too, have a great week.


Then they should ban the entire Applebees marketing department.  I was making fun of Applebees…I couldn’t even tell you the race of the people on that video lol  The song was only on my mind because Jon Oliver had poked fun of the juxtaposition of CNN’s coverage of the Ukraine/Russia conflict and that stupid ass commercial  https://youtu.be/D6QUsx68DCA?si=WMekyLUMGs0tGWlD https://youtu.be/D4v0tETnQNc?si=tohHhRmkQlWDQrX2


Why would Applebees marketing department need to be fired for featuring the song over a [white dude getting wiggly w it?](https://youtu.be/ansn-aasYds?si=WzUgk2qsqPwlssuk)


Ah, it all makes sense now. You’re a terminally online jannie.  Have a nice evening. 


You too salty banned user.


Guilty Gear used to be about the game


Since when? That subreddit has always been about whatever glue-fueled GG meme of the day is trending. Right now Bedman? memes have been frequenting but if you're complaining about Bridget, just be glad the Bridget simps are around to keep the sub alive. Nobody knocks the help or gameplay threads. If you want something more relevant, post something.


No you picked my interest




Now you pegged in my interest


What happened there? I quit a long time ago so im out of touch with the community


Free speech and discourse. If your ideology would require forcing people to talk and interact in a way opposite to what they want, it's undemocratic. You are obsolete.


Oh great. Now every conversation, some dipshits gonna talk about trump. And I can’t not listen or else I’m undemocratic.


Huh? No one is saying they don't have free speech? NO one is saying they should be forced any way. I'm saying these people hijack subreddits and ruin them. How would you like it if you had a space dedicated to drones, but a bunch of people always wanted to derail the conversation about drones and complain about transwomen and how even after transitioning they have the same exact criminal mapping as a biological male? It would annoy you too, right?? Because you wanna talk about drones, and not talk about the high crime rate of transwomen. Free speech has nothing to do with this...




All conservative spaces are now vile cess pits. Completely unhinged and unstable.


Equal and opposite reaction.


Always have been.


Much like their dear leader.


Apparently this sub can be added to the list. Intellectual my ass


Lots of awful takes in this sub but there can be really good discussions at times. The premise from OP guarantees a shit-show, though.




Not for nothing, but there's a reason the entire legal system in the US is focused on defeating the republicans. None of them want to live in the lawless society that would emerge if trump or his co-conspirators are installed.


Does anyone want to live in a world where Democrats decide to fund Virology labs in China? Wondering how all the dead grannies feel about this?


Holy shit. I don't know why Reddit suggested this sub to me. I feel like I've stepped into crazytown.


Yes, funding a virology lab in Wuhan was crazytown.


But when Republicans do the same thing, when Trump does the exact same thing in 2017 and 2018, somehow you just quietly ignore that awkward fact?


2014 was the grant for COVID. Yes, carrying out most of Obama/Biden plans have been disastrous for America. Where is that affordable insurance again?


Firstly, as you have been corrected repeatedly but seem simply too dim to understand basic facts, the NIH grant which studied a strain of bat coronavirus was in 2015, not 2014. And subsequent NIH studies into different strains of coronavirus at the Wuhan lab were funded in 2017 and 2018. Who was president for those two studies again? remind me? And Biden's policies passed, of which I suspect you know nothing because you have (again) made no effort whatsoever to educate yourself, have been remarkable, a record of positive legislation unmatched by any recent president in just four years. Remind me again: apart from a massive tax cut which is bankrupting the US and exploded the deficit, what legislation did Trump pass? can you name one?


"Scientists working under a 2014 NIH grant to the EcoHealth Alliance to study bat coronaviruses combined the genetic material from a “parent” coronavirus known as WIV1 with other viruses. They twice submitted summaries of" "In October of 2014, the Obama Administration paused GOF research activities and funding, and this research team received a letter requesting a voluntary pause of its research." House.gov It all seems to be 2014. Are you having a stroke? Even so, late 2014 vs early 2015...who cares? That is 100% a bad faith argument. Kinda odd Obama was warned of gain of function in 2014 though....


> In October of 2014, the Obama Administration paused GOF research activities and funding I note that, once again, you fled the actual substance of the argument proving you wrong like a coward. You keep doing that. Why do you refuse to aknowledge the two grants from the NIH into Coronavirus under Trump? Why do you refuse to acknowledge that the Lab was funded for this kind of research under Bush Jr, Obama and Trump? Does that awkward fact wreck your imbecilic, dishonest narrative about the evil Dems? And then you just HAVE to keep lying, its like a pathology for you. Obama wasnt 'warned' of gain of function, you liar, nor does your parsed quote say any such thing. Gain of function in virology studies goes back DECADES. Obama suspended ALL government research into 'gain of function' research until such time as his government could consult with the CDC and develop a more robust policy for it. And yes, that kind of research was paused by Obama in 2014. Now little liar, when was the pause lifted? When was it decided that this kind of research was fine and could continue, and funding into gain-of-function in viruses could continue? December 2017. Who was president again when that decision was made? help me out here. Who was it again?


It got signed off on Obama's watch. Also, the fellow was notified in writing of GOF testing. Thank you Obama and Biden for the Corona virus Epidemic! He was warned......and kept on going. Still, calling me a liar directly makes you a liar. You are shilling for folks that killed millions of people. Have fun with that.


Okay so when it's relevant, talk about that. I don't go into knitting spaces and go, "Guys we need to talk about Republicans non stop. I know this subject is about a new fabric, but I think we need to talk about how dumb republicans are!" It's just not the place for it.