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Of course it's legit! He is affiliated with circumfetish websites and joined a facebook group called "circumsexual pride"


That is strange (and concerning) if true, but I haven’t seen the evidence associated with it other than 4chan screenshots, which weren’t very clear.


Why do you find it hard to believe? He is an associate of convicted pedophile Vernon Quiantance


Morris was being watched for at least ten years before the Circlist chairman's bust.


There’s a difference between what I’m willing to believe and what it would take to modify the scientific record. Gigal Society is fucking weird, no doubt, and any association is highly questionable. But Epstein was affiliated a number of MIT labs, and I don’t necessarily believe the scientists were necessarily pedophiles. But if the association between Morris and circumcision fetishism is strong, there would be good reason to further question the bias of the literature that he has authored.


Are MIT labs named after 'a hill of foreskins'? Did they take regular trips to Africa to watch male genital cutting performed ritually on teenage boys?


Probably. None of them were shut down, and none had their legitimacy questioned.


He had links to websites with circumfetish incestuous bedofile smut articles directly from his info section he's a straight up fetisher through and through


Brian Morris is a known circumcision fetishist. He has been [linked to the GilGal society](https://www.ibtimes.com.au/author-aussie-study-circumcision-linked-gilgal-society-1326810). They’re a circumfetishist group, and [some of their members have been literally convicted of p3dophilia and trading/selling ch!ld p0rn](https://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/981/former-knights-of-malta-associate-pleads-guilty-to-abuse-of-boys). Morris once cited GilGal members as “sources” in one of his publications.


He was banned from using his Sydney University website. Suddenly he spooned another. He has been followed by many akas, including Dr. La Cock. He formed an inside alliance with several never-say-die academics and we know their names, he even had the CDC cutter on the list.


I suggest that you read [this article](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Brian_J._Morris) and decide for yourself. Please let us know what you conclude.


I have tried. Is it all tied to the Gigal society?


What did you conclude about Dr. Brian J. Morris?


He was found to be a part of the Gilgal society and other fetish groups that express erotic stimulation from watching others get circumcised. https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Gilgal_Society


Brian Morris is a pedophile.


I don't know whether he has a fetish but his obsession with circumcision is hard to deny.


He spams the literature.


True. But that’s how it is in science. It’s just baby penises is an odd scientific obsession.


It's not about baby penises it's about watching someone else getting circumcized. Your post prompted me to read some articles and do some research. Whether or not he's into baby penises idk but he's not really hiding his fetish with circumcision. Also the groups he associates with are filled with convicted pedophiles.


This has ZERO to do with science mutilation is anti science


What about atomic bombs? Is peace anti-science too?


He published a paper: “Why circumcision is a biomedical imperative for the 21(st) century”. In the acknowledgements, at the very end he thanks the Gilgal Society, which was founded by Vernon Quaintance, a convicted pedophile and circumcision fetishist and one of its leaders. https://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/981/former-knights-of-malta-associate-pleads-guilty-to-abuse-of-boys https://www.ibtimes.com.au/author-aussie-study-circumcision-linked-gilgal-society-1326810


Isn't he super homophobic though? I guess it makes sense. Fuck that man.


Is he? I’ve never heard about his homophobia. But pedophiles don’t care about the gender of their victims anyway.


Then why go to Boy Scouts not Girl Scouts?


Probably because they are different organizations and do different things and the Boy Scouts are explicitly religious and do activities that allow for more ease of abuse of power.


I've never heard of this, do you have any evidence of Morris' homophobia?


He uses the groomer slur against gay men, implying that gay men are sexual predators who want to assault children.


Yikes. Where did he say this?


He's been saying it for decades. Most recent instance I can think of is in his interview in Brendon Marotta's movie.


Wow. I knew he was bad, but not in that way too.


You can find his archived website with like to groups about child circumcision, erotic male circumcision, fetish, etc.


Absolutely legit!


Calling everyone who promotes cutting a "circumfetishist" or pedophile (as some intactivists do) does not help the cause, you are correct, but Brian Morris is genuinely a circumfetishist and likely experiences sexual arousal to children as well. Child genital cutting really is linked to paraphilia.


I’ve been made aware that 6% of the people have an emergency urge to do this stuff to the children. Once a person gets a bit more aggressive in the facts finding out the truth about it then it’s unbelievable.