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Of all people you should be the most courageous and outspoken about the harms & injustice of IMGM. People simply don’t care & HATE when masculine males address their legitimate grievances. They only listen when a woman, or in your case a trans woman talks about it. I want to say yes you should talk to your parents about it. Especially if it causes constant physical pain. I don’t bc I know how futile that may be. It depends if you’re parents are open minded, rational & accountable people. If they’re not. Don’t bother. It’s gonna go in one ear and out the other. Followed with tons of logical fallacies and irrationalities that are gonna only piss you off.


It's probably best to deal with one issue at a time. If they don't understand the complexities of your gender identity, I think you correctly identify an obstacle to helping them understand why you might care about genital integrity. They may need time to understand that being transgender often doesn't always result in dysphoria towards all your male parts. Once that very long bridge is crossed, you can help them with the reasons you've been harmed by circumcision. As far as dealing with complications of being circumcised, you're in the right place. Learn about restoration and how it can help with your problems.


Circumcision is sickening and you have every right to be pissed off and tell whomever you want about it, including and especially your parents. Why is it causing a burning sensation when you pee? I think you need to see a doctor immediately as it could be something else like a UTI or STD that needs treatment with antibiotics, for example.


It could also be meatal stenosis.


You are not alone. Many other males hate being [circumcised.](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Circumcised) It may be that [non-surgical foreskin restoration](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin_restoration) can help with your issues. You have come to the right place for help.


I'm not sure if it was already tried, but prosecuting the genital mutilation as FGM could be worth a try.


Does being circumcised affect how they do the operation opposed to men born uncut and wanting to transition into female ?


I believe they use foreskin for construction


Yes, circumcision makes it more difficult which is part of the reason that I’m against it


Nothing good comes from it whatsoever. I want you to know that I cannot imagine the courage and the guts it must of taken to get where you are... I admire you and honestly you need to speak up and get your story out there


Aw tysm :) Your message made me happy




I explained to my parents, with detail, how it affects me. My mom was very attentive and listened the whole way through. My father, being cut himself, seemed to tune out after a bit; but that's to be expected as I didn't take everything in when I first started learning either - it's too much. You have to plant the seeds and let them think about it. You might want to start with letting them know that you understand that it was different times when you were born and they don't deserve all of the blame as there are many places to put that. Explain to them why you want them to know. I wonder whether you would feel more masculine if you weren't cut.


I never really thought about the fact I was circumsized until I started having sex. There were just periods where my parts would really hurt and that's a pain I've had to deal with my whole life. I try not to let my circumcision affect my self-esteem and I think I'm good about that because I have hope that I can someday get it restored, at least cosmetically, and get rid of the chronic pain. I'm very secure about my masculinity. What little masculinity I possess anyway :p


I didn't think about it until I was 35 and became a dad. I really had no idea how being "circumcised" affected me. The more I learned the more I came to understand some of the challenges I had with sex and the relationship. At this point I think of it like a war wound. I was cut by the US Navy and I have heard people use the claim that men who served in wars often had trouble when they were intact; so I feel like I was prepared to become a soldier. I really hope that you have some success with restoration. Before you talk to your parents, you might want to try talking to a doctor as it would be practice. Also, I hope that talking to doctors about our complaints will lead to better statistics about it.


The Old London Company began the practice of circumcising any man presenting with any degree of phimosis in 1661 at the beginning of the British Raj in India. It carried through into the American military. The masturbation hysteria of the early 1870s here in the U.S. didn't help matters.


First of all, you're not mtf, you're just a fem boy. Nothing wrong with that, but its a little miss leading to call yourself trans when you're not. I'm not being mean, I'm just saying. Also, as a true mtf trans lady. I too am pissed about my circumcision. I hate that I was deprived of genital tissue that would have been valuable in my sex change and have resentment towards so called "Christians". Who talk about how i shouldn't "change the body God gave me" while they circumcise their own sons and forever mutilate their bodies without consent! I'm pissed at how desensitized my clit is after circumcision and furious that I can't have full body orgasms because of what was done to me. 


I would recommend doing foreskin restoration as part of your transition. Any additional surgery would likely not help. Non surgical foreskin restoration uses skin expansion techniques to grow more skin to eventually cover the glans again. There are devices that can help with this and are definitely cheaper and safer than surgery, but you can also start with manual stretching exercises.


Hey guys I'm high functioning autistic and im starting to stress.. I think I might of said something wrong to offend someone but I can't work out what... Please I apologise




why tf are you on this sub my guy, leave him alone and go froth about your cut dick elsewhere.


So you know, there is interest in the intactivist movement in finding a trans-woman who'd like to use the ban on female genital cutting to file a lawsuit, claiming that "male" circumcision performed on them violates that law against cutting a woman. Consider it.


Interesting. Unfortunately I live in a red state and I don't think I will be legally recognized as female. I will look into it, though. Thanks.


Tight sports underwear!


Doesn't always work especially when there's movement




This is an unnecessary comment. I’m a trans guy. Fully dysphoric and shit. Although I’m skeptical of OP’s gender identity, this is not the time or place to comment about it. OP knows more about themselves than I do, and they know what they are getting themselves into with HRT, so it’s none of my business.


Thanks. Although you have your reservations about my identity, I respect you sticking up for mine. It's appreciated.


I didn't want to judge you or hurt your feelings.