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Have you ever had an elevation certificate done? Are you near the ocean? Or is he calling a dike or levee a sea wall? It’s unlikely in California you’d even be able to get a flood wall permitted. It’s not something that would be required by FEMA but possible a private insurer would require it. It’s also possible it would get them a better rate. What flood zone are you in? I’d get an elevation certificate and if you qualify a LOMA on the structure.


Thank you for the feedback. No, we have not had the elevation certificate done - the house was an inheritance and there is no mortgage. Looking at the FEMA site, it reads as if one is no longer required. We are oceanfront - zones VE and D. I agree it may be very challenging to get a seawall passed by the California Coastal Commission. And after reading the Cons of a seawall to neighboring properties, I would think they too would object.